“How to Be a Lady” — Get a Sneak Peek at Ladies of Twitter 17 Here!

Ladies of Twitter
9 min readDec 10, 2024


As the trailer begins, we hear fun, retro style music as title cards begin…

As the title card fades, we hear the music take an elegant turn as the camera pans to see shots of Daphne’s family estate in Nantucket, as the Ladies arrive for a weekend getaway…

Daphne: Welcome, welcome ladies! Daphne smiles. I know this is probably not what comes to mind when one says “manor.” Daphne pauses as the camera pans towards Billie hopping out of her SUV.


Daphne: What the heck? Daphne looks over. Seems like they have arrived…

Teairra: Teairra walks up behind Billie. NO, I’M DONE WITH YOU!

Erica: I need you two to get a grip and get one quick. We’re on vacation and you two are disrespecting Daphne’s home! Not a good look, not a good look!

Billie: Erica, please stop with this! After what you just did at Amal’s event? I don’t need a lesson of etiquette from you right now.

As the arguing continues, the fighting fades from the screen as we see shots of the Ladies’ villa in St. Martin as they all arrive and are seen dancing and enjoying the space as they enter…

Teairra: Drinks? Can we have drinks?

Polly: Oh, I’d love a drink!

Erica: Erica takes off her sunglasses. Now this is what I’m talking about!

Peter (House Manager): Welcome Ladies, your hostess has arranged for you all to do a scavenger hunt for rooms, as there are five beautiful bedrooms here, so there are no losers!

Amal: Sorry Mister Peter, did you say 5 rooms?

The camera pans around the group of seven women, as awkward music plays before the screen goes black and another title card appears.

As this title card fades, we hear a steady beat play as the camera focuses in on a cooking show set where we see Erica…

Erica: Hi Everybodyyy!! Erica blows kisses. If you didn’t know my name is Erica Ka’Oir.

Deion (Erica’s Cohost): And I’m Deion Butler!

Erica: And welcome to another episode of B*tch, She Can Cook!

As we watch the crowd cheer, the camera pans to a dinner where we see the Ladies around a table…

Daphne: And I’m just saying this now because we’re being open and honest. I think you criticizing the food over and over was… rude. I, for instance, had never heard of your cooking show, but in the name of being kind and polite I pretended like I did. It’s simple manners.

Erica: What’s rude is inviting guest to a clam bake and having uneatable food. Now that’s rude!

Daphne: And now you’re being childish. Doubling down because I said I did not know about your Vimeo cooking short videos. Erica, come on!

As we watch Amal’s mouth drop, the camera pans and we see Billie walking into a studio meeting as the steady beat continues…

Billie: I am excited for this to come to life. I’m dying to see this tv show on the air, from the round table discussions we’ve had with the other executives, this is going to be the new hot series to come on TV!

Ashley: It is all she keeps talking about Rhonda is when this airs how big it’s going to be! Do we have a time frame on when production begins to end?

Marc (NBC Universal Executive Producer): Oh… about that Billie we’ve actually decided to take this pilot a different route and put it on our streaming service Peacock. We think it will do better number wise on that platform.

We watch as Billie makes a surprised face, before the scene shifts once more and we Amal standing to address the Ladies…

Amal: So, I have shared with a few of you that this year I’m embarking on a journey of financial independence. Despite coming from wealth. Enough wealth to never be caught dead in what you’re wearing Billie but that’s besides the point. I invited you all here with your beautiful little pups to tell you that I’m in the very early stages of developing and launching my very own PET NAIL POLISH LINE!

Polly: Oh my fuck, I think I pissed myself. Polly laughs and claps. Please don’t put any on Santino, he’s a vegetarian.

As the Ladies are shown making many skeptical faces, the screen fades to black and another title card appears.

As the title card fades from the screen, we hear tense music as we see a shot of the Ladies standing around at an event…

Billie: I just can’t roll with a girl who sleeps with her best friends man and destroys a marriage.

Polly: Ladies I’m an open book, I’ve told you that. Ask me anything and I’ll tell you. But what I’m not going to do is be called names, made to feel less than because of my life choices. Nobody is perfect Billie, including you.

Erica: I mean, Polly, you can’t fault her…I would be hesitant around a home wrecker as well. Oh shit. Sorry. I mean around you as well.

Polly: You ladies realize I’ve been with my husband for over ten years?

As the argument continues, the scene shifts as we are transported to a dinner where we see Daphne and Amal as tense music continues…

Amal: Amal watches Billie walk away to the bar and turns back to Daphne. Did I leave you high and dry? Or was it the other way around? Because if my memory serves me right, I showed up to the photoshoot for my Amal Hadid Mani-Pawdi and was instructed to wear a thong by my friend when that’s not what we had discussed.

Daphne: High and dry? Daphne thinks. Well, no, but you did lie and try to defraud me.

Amal: Defraud you?

Daphne: Yes, defraud me. I’m sure you know the meaning, you did go to high school, right?

Amal: Explain how I defrauded you when I was a client? Amal raises her hands up to Daphne. Let’s not go there with my education. You doodle pictures of gardens for a living sweetheart. You’re nothing special!

Daphne: A client? Daphne looks confused. You do know I’m an architect, do you? We were partners, another word I hope you know the meaning of.

As the tense music continues to swell, the camera shifts again as we see Erica and Teairra standing at a party, looking heated…

Erica: Mad? Mad about what? I don’t understand your theatrics here Teairra. All I wanted was accountability you’re doing too much. Erica puts her hand up. Too much.

Teairra: Teairra moves Erica’s hand out the way. I think you’re doing too much, you came at me and now you’re saying I’m doing too much? Don’t tell me how to react.

Erica: Teairra… Erica stands up. Don’t do that! Erica puts her hand up again. Do not do that. I don’t wanna go there with you!

Teairra: Teairra moves Erica’s hand again. Do what? Stop putting your hand in my face, we’re talking right? You wanted to talk lets talk or is the conversation over?

Erica: Teairra! Erica puts her purse down. Stop touching me! Stop touching me! Erica starts poking Teairra’s head. I don’t wanna go there Little girl!

As the fight intensifies, the scene fades to black as we see yet another title card.

As the title card fades, we hear an upbeat track playing as we see Teairra and Erica filming a music video as several of the other Ladies watch…

Amal: How exciting is this? A real music video shoot!

Polly: Polly dances on the sidelines. This is a good beat.

We watch as the scene continues and the Ladies are chatting when Teairra’s producer comes up…

Lorenzo (Teairra’s Producer): Lorenzo grabs Teairra from behind on her hip. Come on T, we need you for one more scene

Erica: Erica looks down at his hand and looks away. Oh…

Daphne: Yes, girl. I think he wanted some alone with with T to discuss the video.

Daphne’s Confessional: Yes…he wanted to discusses the… Daphne does air quotes. “Video.”

As the Ladies’ exchange faces, the scene shifts as we see Polly and Amal chatting…

Polly: Polly looks to Amal. Wait, so who does your face honey?

Amal: This face has never been touched. Amal pauses and lets out a big laugh. Just kidding. I go to Maxine down in Twitter Circle. She’s been my aesthetician for years.

Polly: Polly gives Amal her card. Come by any time, I have some concerns.

The camera then shifts as we see several of the girls touring one of Polly’s salons, as the conversation continues…

Polly: Oh and Amal, let’s get you booked in for a consultation at my skin clinic?

Amal: Amal looks Polly up and down. Oh yes, that’s right. I forgot about your generous offer to have one of your girls work on my face. It’s not the same person who did your work, is it?

As we see Erica make a face, the camera pans once more and we see Billie greeting all the girls at her home for a dinner party…

Billie: So ladies I’m sure by the text you know that this is a THC infused dinner. If that is not your thing just let my chef know when he comes to ask your dosage! I have one other friend joining us Daph! You remember Brian you met yesterday they are going to be here just any minute!

Brian: Brian walks in the house. Anybody home?

The camera then pans around the room as we see Erica and Amal making shocked faces before the camera fades to black once more.



Ladies of Twitter
Ladies of Twitter

Written by Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 16 seasons, and catch season 17 every Friday! #LoT🏙️

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