S3 — E21: Reunion Part Two

Ladies of Twitter
12 min readNov 17, 2017
City of Twitter

As day transitions into night we get a glimpse of the city. The camera the switches back to the reunion picking up where we left off. As the ladies get their final touch-ups out of the way we see Kylee making her way to the stage and having a seat next to Billie. The producer then begins the countdown 3…2…1…

Billie, Casey, Joshuaa, (Andy), Nina, Tyler, Jac, & Stephanie

Andy: Welcome back to part two of the Ladies of Twitter reunion. We’re now joined by yet another new face on the scene chef and author Kylee Everett. I know you’ve been backstage watching this all go down what are your thoughts so far?

Kylee: Hi Tyler, Joshuaa, & Stephanie, hi extras! Oh well Jac’s still in Nina’s ass, Nina’s still a fake whore, Casey’s irrelevant & Billie’s desperate for fame now that she needs a check to finish her house.

Nina: Go cook something that doesn’t give people food poisoning you joke.

The ladies begin to laugh in unison. Casey asks why she’s here, with a confused face. As Jac begins to reach behind the couch to pull out a present she had hiding.

Jac: I’m going to let the other ladies address Kylee first, but I do have something to share with her when it’s my time to speak. *looks at Andy*

Andy: What is it Jac? Ladies please hold on...

Jac: You know I came into this reunion really looking to make peace with you Kylee and as a peace offering I brought you a present.*reaches behind couch* I brought you a name badge to wear so the viewers at home know who you are.


The cameras zoom in on Joshuaa who is mumbling gross under his breath.

Nina: Wait wait I have something to say!

Andy: What is it Nina hurry we must continue...

Nina: Joshuaa you’re over here making your little side comments saying gross and so nasty. But she’s the one who came out calling us fake, irrelevant, and desperate. I’m sure if you were on our end of things you would wouldn’t be a Kylee cheerleader now would you.

Billie: Now CHECK that Joshuaa.

Andy: Moving on… 20 million dollar townhouse or the Twitter battlefield? Jac’s home was not only host to the elite of twitter but some epic arguments/fights let’s take a look at the cocktail party turned chaotic when these mere words “where is your plus 1” cause an epic screaming match between Nina and Jac vs. Billie! Roll the clip!

The montage of footage plays across the screen of Jac’s cocktail party. As Andy starts to ask Jac a question he is cut off by Kylee acting childish and singing a song. It then causes an argument between both Nina and Kylee.

Kylee: *starts singing to self* Still up Nina’s ass la de da de.

Nina: Did your master Joshuaa give you a script to memorize today Kylee?

Kylee: Did your sugar daddy pay for that outfit Nina?

Casey: Can you all act your age?

Kylee: Casey sit back and stay quiet you’re better mute.

Nina: Can we remove her please I can’t deal with it.

Joshuaa: Leave then…

Nina: Then you won’t have a storyline anymore bitch.

Andy: Ladies please calm down we need to get this back on track. Billie what about Nina asking a simple question set you off?

Billie: Nina and I had already started off on a bad foot and it wasn’t a good question because all these ladies knew I was recently divorced and no matter how awful my husband treated me he was a BIG part of my life for five years, and it was just a button she pushed when she asked where my plus one was as if it was a problem that a single woman can’t come to a plus one event alone.

Jac: *raises hand* I didn’t know that.

Stephanie: You were married? You never said you were recently divorced.

Joshuaa & Tyler: I knew as well.

Joshuaa: Funny how Billie’s “friends” didn’t know about her divorce.

Jac: We weren’t friends then so you can continue your reach love.


Andy: Nina did you mean ill when asking about Billie’s +1?

Nina: Okay well like you said we didn’t start off on so I didn’t know you were divorced, and my apologizes if you felt like it was coming out of malice I was just asking a simple question.

Billie: Okay Nina I accept your apology I’m glad you apologized it was good hearing that from you.

Andy: Tyler attending an event with these ladies and knowing you were pregnant and unable to drink didn’t you think the ladies would catch on?

Tyler: Well darling, honestly I didn’t. *laughs* Maybe it was naive of me, but I just assumed that I would be able to have one sober night. Little did I know the group troubles I would have by saying it at the party.

Andy: Let’s switch gears now… So we saw Nina and Joshuaa getting some work done on the show and Nina admitting to having some work done. Anyone else want to own up to anything? Tyler I’ll start with you…

All the ladies laugh and begin to spill the tea on all the work they’ve had done. Tyler admits to botox and fillers. Jac doesn’t fest up to having anything done, Kylee says shes had her breast and botox, Billie admits to having fillers, Stephanie fests up about having her implants removed, nose job, and botox. Joshuaa says he’s had breast and botox, and finally Nina opens up about all the work she’s had done breast, butt, tummy, lips, nose, lipo on arms and thighs and neck, fat transfer to my ass and a little bit of Botox.

Andy: Right! So Things go from bad to worse when these OG’s gather for a cake tasting that turns nasty leaving this group divided and a lady in tears after being drenched in water. Take a look for yourself…

Footage is shown from the cake tasting scene.


Andy: Joshuaa after watching back the clips and seeing that Tyler never said himself he was pregnant to the group do you regret attacking Tyler at the cake tasting?

Joshuaa: I mean... yeah of course I’m embarrassed by it! My main concern and why I was so upset was because Tyler didn’t let me know after it all came out, Nina told me and I was just shocked I’m sorry Tyler.

Tyler: Thank you for that apology darling.

Andy: We have a viewer question: "Babies are overrated?" That’s a real bitchy thing to say to someone who should be showered with love and support after finding out they’re expecting. Was it said out of jealous?

Joshuaa: We all know I’ve had my struggles with having a baby. I just was upset he didn’t tell me, and then I just went down the wrong path and exploded.

Stephanie: *gets up to give Joshuaa a tissue*

Nina: He’s not even crying…

Andy: Moving on Casey and Nina… Casey what is Nina referring to about the mysterious death?

Casey: Ask her she’s honestly so sick and disgusting for bringing it up and going so low.

Nina: Speak the truth Casey cause I have plenty in the vault. YOU KNOW.

Casey: What’s in your vault? Bitch? Open it. Let them in!

Nina: Casey you know the medical records leaked in the tabloids and it was caused of death was an overdose.

Tyler: *whispers* Nina, you know how blondie is, she deflects and deflects.

Casey: Blondie has a name stop acting like a spoiled little bitch!

Joshuaa: I’m done talking about that…

Nina: Oh god Joshuaa shut up.

Casey to Nina

Nina: No I’m not going to shut up! You even showed them to me that first day of filming. Don’t play dumb now bitch that you’re being called out!

Andy calms the ladies down and the camera immediately zooms in on Casey who is shown holding onto Billie’s hand and tears are beginning to roll down her cheek and her leg is shaking underneath her gown out of anger. Everyone else is shown sitting silently as they’re still shocked at Nina’s allegations.

Andy: Casey when Nina followed you out of the bakery what was going through your head? After all you two do have a violent past ...

Casey: My mind was going insane to see this girl and I mean girl because she is no lady to act this way. It makes sense when you have had to work for your whole life and not have a safety net we have

Andy: Nina, Nina, Nina! WHY throw the water? WHY?

Nina: Well as you all know water does your body and face good. I was helping Casey who spends too much time in the sun out a bit with her dirt wrinkly raisin face. Obviously it didn’t help *squints eyes towards Casey* you can still see the crows feet and smile lines deepening.


Andy: So where do you ladies stand with each other now? Are you real friends or Twitter friends?

Nina: How about nonexistent friends?

Casey: The friendship was never fixed after she put her paws on me 2 years ago. She’s an animal and its disgusting her violent behavior.

Andy: Thank you Kylee for joining us today! Next Stephanie planned a beautiful trip to Ojai for the ladies, but things got started off on the wrong foot when the dinner party the previous night ended with hurt and tears coming from all the ladies let’s take a look…

Footage is shown of the dinner before Ojai and the trip.

Andy: Stephanie you stayed so calm during this dinner what was really going through your head when all the shouting and negative comments were being made?

Stephanie: Well Andy, I was ultimately embarrassed. I didn’t want to add fuel to any fire but it was embarrassing. The wonderful people that worked there and helped make our stay wonderful have a tainted view of us now.

Kylee: I felt so bad for Stephanie that dinner was crazy.

Andy: Kylee, How do you think this group of women treated you? Are they opening to newcomers?

Kylee: They were open at first definitely I just don’t think they can handle my mouth and temper. I call shit out I’m not about bullshit if I don’t like something I’m gonna say something.

Nina: You definitely are an attention seeker trying to be the loudest one in the room and I just don’t have friends like that.

Kylee: YOU KNOW IT NINA! I’M AN ATTENTION WHORE!! WOOOO! Like shut up go suck another dick honestly…


Andy: Billie why are you always on Nina and going so low in the insults?

Billie: I have a bad temper and I just pop off it’s something I really have to work on. Nina I am sincerely sorry that I was so nasty on my insults and comebacks.

Nina: Thank you Billie. *smiles*

Andy: Skipping ahead I think the biggest WTF moment was when Nina said the whole “Why are you still trying to have a baby” comment to Joshuaa. Nina why stoop so low? NOW that is a bitchy thing to say and just straight mean. Why?

Kylee: Because it’s Nina and she’s known for going low.

Nina: Well that’s a loaded question Mr. Cohen are you done? May I speak? So at the time Tyler and I were really becoming close and I saw how hurt he was by the vicious verbal lashings Joshuaa kept drunkenly giving him. I love my friends and I wanted to go JUST AS LOW if not LOWER because I’m a bitch like that and you know just hit Joshuaa where it hurts because Tyler is the nicest person in the world *starts tearing up grabs Tyler’s hand* TYLER DID NOT DESERVE TO BE TREATED SO CRUELLY BY THAT BEAST!

Joshuaa: YOU’RE A PIG! I’m so done with you!

Andy: Joshuaa were you intoxicated during that dinner? What was going through your head? You attacked Tyler yet again about the pregnancy, then Nina says that awful thing to you… Explain what was going on internally.

Joshuaa: Yes Andy I was drunk, I had three too many and I was yet again making mistakes to one of the most important person in my life. I mean they all seem to want blood from me Andy I’ve apologized to Tyler we have moved on. Nina just wants to bring me down and have me off the show or something.

Nina: I could careless bitch I’m something with or without this show. What do you have going on besides multiple failed relationships and cancelled shows from crackerjack studio.

Joshuaa: My business is BOOMING BITCH!

Andy: The first ladies trip was 1 for the books when Stephanie came into this group baring gifts and unity. Let’s find out what happens when she plans a relaxing getaway to Ojai for some fun in nature and letting this group back on track. Take a look…

More footage plays of the ladies in Ojai.

Andy: Joshuaa, why were you so persistent on talking to Nina on the bus when she was clearly ignoring you? Why poke the bear? Did you want a reaction out of her?

Joshuaa: No Andy! I truly thought we were moving forward and mending our relationship! I wanted to become close again all that. She was just being so rude and it dampened the whole ride there.

Andy: Nina you’re on a girls trip why go if you were going to be quiet and distant from the rest of the ladies?

Nina: Things in my personal life were going south. Jerry and I were dealing issues we can discuss later. But I was on a trip with ladies who didn’t like me I went out of respect for my friend Stephanie she planned a beautiful trip and I wanted to be there for her.

Joshuaa: *waves arms in the air* Poor Nina victim Nina.

Nina: I’m a victim? You throw a rock and someone throws a boulder at you and you cry victim. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit!


Andy: So we’re now at the lovely home Stephanie rented for the weekend, Joshuaa you receive a text from Danielle and go about sharing it with Casey instead of going straight to Nina. Why?

Joshuaa: I wanted to speak to my brother first and know more. Casey spread it amounts the group and then Steph revealed more details. I honestly didn’t want to hurt Nina with possible lies.

Billie: Joshuaa let’s be real you both told me. Don’t put this all on Casey now.

Stephanie: Yes I did reveal more details but it wasn’t in a malicious way.

Andy: We’ll get there in a minute Stephanie… Now at dinner the conversations immediately become heated between well everyone and Nina. After viewing the clips do you all feel like you ganged up on Nina? Tyler and Jac what did you see?

Tyler: I do feel Nina was ganged up on, however, I do understand that wasn’t the intent. Women in this group get heated over the term “gang up”, but when it is 3 or 4 women against another, that’s what it is.

Jac: I personally saw that thing *points to Joshuaa* lead a take down of Nina. It was disgusting, it was vile and it was yet another example of Joshuaa’s revolting heart.

Casey: I’m not doing this *gets up* I will not sit here while this little bitch plays victim and have us all painted out to be bullies. She brought this upon herself she bullies everyone Joshuaa, Kylee, Billie! Nina is the problem Its pathetic Andy you allow for this bully to have a platform and you are clearly supporting it. It’s disgusting and sad… But anything for a show right…

Andy: Casey that’s like the pot calling the kettle black… Let’s be real you bullied people just as much as the next person so don’t come for my show and saying I support bullying! You have it all wrong darling!

Casey begins to de-mic herself and she looks to the rest of the ladies. She tosses her Microphone as she begins to walk out of the studio. Billie follows to only hear production tell her she must take a seat and the reunion must go on…


To Be Continued…



Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 15 seasons, and catch season 16’s new episodes Sundays & Wednesdays HERE!