Season 12, Episode 15: ‘Who Do You Believe?’

Ladies of Twitter
6 min readMar 2, 2021
Ladies of Twitter Season 12 Cast

As the season plays back in flashbacks, we see Aspen and Luciana arrive to Joshuaa’s bar as the evening begins…

Luciana’s Confessional: Look, we need some answers. So we’re here to get some!

Aspen: I’m nervous!

Joshuaa is seen mingling with his guests and enjoying a cocktail

Joshuaa: Hi girls, what’s up? What can I get you?

Luciana: Long time no see!

Aspen: I think we need for talk in private.

Joshuaa: Oh wow what is it now? Sure go that way…

the ladies all move to a private room and sit

Aspen: So how was the Bahamas?

Joshuaa: *laughs* Yeah I went for a couple days, I needed a moment

Luciana: Why wouldn’t you tell me?

Joshuaa: It was a last minute decision, sorry

Aspen: I’m here to get the honest truth about this hotel ordeal. Thomas is involved. Roman is involved. Nate is sticking to her truth. I need to know yours…

Joshuaa: Listen, things happened, I had fun. Nate had a lot of fun too might i add. Just let it go. It’s funny that I am the accused but no one would let me speak at the dinner. Now you want answers. it’s funny. I met Nate for drinks, we had a good time strangely and we had a good time when the bar closed. That’s it. done.

Luciana: Have you spoke to Nate?

Joshuaa: We met yesterday and it did not go well.

A flashback shows Joshuaa and Nate getting heated and Nate waving his finger in Joshuaa’s face…

Joshuaa: Lie after lie! I will tell the truth! I will!

Nate: You don’t know the truth! It’s OVER!

Joshuaa: Get your finger out of my face…

Joshuaa’s Confessional: Do I owe them any explanation? NOPE! Do they deserve to hear the full truth? NOPE! I’m only concerned about my friendship with Luci at this point.

Aspen: Well, my birthday should be fun then…. *laughs*

Luciana: Cheers to that!

Aspen sips her drink and dabs her forehead in worry as Luciana orders another Sour Lime as the scene ends…

The evening continues as the camera pans through Twitter and we see Charlotte strut her stuff into a restaurant where Patrick is waiting…

Patrick’s Confessional: After a rough trip, I wanna get back on track with Charlotte. I thought what better than a boozy dinner. Let’s have some fun!

Patrick: I feel like we didn’t end the trip on a good note. And I don’t want that to be that you know. Like I honestly don’t know where it went wrong

Charlotte rolls her eyes as Patrick goes on

Charlotte: I mean, what do you want me to say? You and I just don’t seem to mesh. I’ve tried and you’re not helping me or being a friend, I call it like I see it. So? Do I need to give you more than I have?

Patrick: honestly, no. I felt like last year you had my back with the Joe situation but also weren’t afraid to ask me about it. I was only returning the favor. I wanted you to be transparent with me like I was to you.

Charlotte: Well let’s start fresh I guess. I just have a lot going on and you never ask me or want to know about it. So what now?

Patrick: I guess time will tell.

Charlotte: Are you going to the event tomorrow?

Patrick: I honestly don’t even wanna go but maybe it’s our last chance to get some answers. I spoke to Nate and he wants to take Joshuaa down too. All i know is, black seems to be my color lately so if we have to mourn a death. I’ll be ready…

Charlotte laughs and the two cheers as the scene ends…

Aspen’s Confessional: Tonight is my birthday celebration and I am in no mood to celebrate. Thomas and I got into a huge argument on the way to the venue *dabs eyes with Kleenex* he decided to not come tonight and threw his cell phone at me in the back of the car. It’s just horrible *Covers face then looks up* Yeah I can’t I need a moment *gets out of seat*

Patrick’s Confessional: Listen I don’t want to be here BUT I know Luci is and I want to talk to her. We’ve never gone without talking. This isn’t right.

Luciana’s Confessional: Well I asked Aspen if Kylee and Pat will be at her party and she didn’t know. At least I’m going with Joshuaa. *Walks in arm in arm with Joshuaa*

Joshuaa’s Confessional: Let’s have some fun, that’s what this is all about! *laughs*

Aspen: *walks into venue* HEY LADIES! WHOS READY TO PARTY!

Joshuaa: The birthday girl!


Aspen: So thank you ladies for being here tonight *passes out shots* we’ve had our ups and downs this year but it’s been a hell of a ride! To sisterhood and friendship!

Patrick: Sisterhood? Friendship? That’s a stretch. Joshuaa we were just talking about Thomas, Aspens boyfriend. Do you know where he is?

Joshuaa: No idea.

Aspen: He’s home, doesn’t feel well. SO LADIES… Joshuaa has something to show you all!

Joshuaa gets his phone and presents it to the women, which shows surveilence footage of the hotel that fateful night…

Luciana’s Confessional: *Producers ask what they saw on the phone* I mean… *laughs* Nate is sitting on someone’s lap and kissing someone as Joshuaa is at the bar talking to a bunch of guys… IT DOESN’T TELL US ANYTHING…

Aspen: Joshuaa May fuck anything that moves as he pleases… BUT it was no ones men from this group.

Joshuaa: It’s sad that Nate is trying to make something be something that it isnt.

Luciana cheers

Luciana: Videos don’t lie!


Joshuaa: Patrick just give it up, it’s not a big deal!


Joshuaa: I have them at home, custody done and dusted. Sorry I won that one too. I have my kids, a stunning home, business’… what do you have? A man who beats you and calls you a CUNT. Which I have to say I agree, you are one.



Luciana: Really Pat?

Patrick: And fuck you too Luci. Look at who you have become, disgusting.

Luciana: I like who I am! YOU DONT KNOW ME ANYMORE. WE’RE DONE.


Joshuaa: Get a life, you take this too seriously!

As dramatic music plays, Aspen goes outside with Thomas…

Aspen: What Thomas I’m trying to enjoy my party!

Thomas: We need to talk get in the car let’s go.

Aspen: No! Not after what you did. You threw your phone at me wtf is that.


Thomas grabs Aspen and pulls her into the car as the screen fades to black…




Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 15 seasons, and catch season 16’s new episodes Sundays & Wednesdays HERE!