Season 16, Episode 1: “The Saucy Start”

Ladies of Twitter
36 min readNov 30, 2023


Ladies of Twitter Season 16 Main Title Pose

As the intro fades from the screen, we hear upbeat music as the camera pans over Twitter’s city skyline along with shots of a crowded street. Next, we see the aerial camera pan over several of the women as we see them going about their days. We see a shot of Erica as she goes into her newborn son’s nursery, followed by a shot of Devyn speaking with a fellow Doctor in the hospital. The camera then pivots as we see it finally focus in on Harlow’s jewelry showroom, LAURIER, where we see Teairra walking in as the scene begins…

Harlow: My friend Teairra is coming, we have to make everything nice!

Teairra’s Confessional: It’s been a LOONG time, since I’ve spoken to my girl Harlow in person but we’ve always kept in contact so I did reach out to her to see some jewelry! She’s one of the best I know and I do have a clothing line coming out soon, I’m just weighing my options and why not reach out to Miss Laurier herself?

Teairra: Teairra walks in slowly. Harlowwww!! Oh my god!!

Harlow’s Confessional: I am super excited to see Teairra again. We haven’t seen each other in a long time and I can’t wait to just catch up with her again!

Harlow: TEAIRRA!! Oh my god you look fabulous!! Harlow walks over to Teairra and hugs her. I feel like you’ve changed so much since we last saw each other!

Teairra: Teairra hugs Harlow back. Yes! I have a different type of glow; everything is just falling into place in life. How have you been?

Harlow: I’ve been good! The jewelry business is definitely booming but yeah! The kids have been good, the divorce is finally calming down. I’m just so glad my life is becoming even more peaceful.

Teairra: Same for me, you already know the situation with my husband… Teairra breathes and laughs a little bit. And I’m glad to say it’s FINALLY all cleared up, everything was dropped and it feels like a breath of fresh air! Now I’m starting my clothing line finally!

Harlow: Oh my gosh, you have a clothing line? I need to shop there once it’s open!

Teairra: Yes, it’s almost finalized, I’m just so excited! That’s why I wanted to see your jewelry, I’m sure you have a good piece or two that can fit perfectly with what I have!

Harlow: There’s a wide range of jewelry around that could fit any style so you could definitely find something.

Teairra’s Confessional: Now that life is going so well for me, I would LOVE to see what these ladies can try to pick apart about little ole me, I mean they went around everywhere trying to start a smear campaign but guess what? God don’t play about me! Teairra snaps.

Teairra: Teairra walks around looking at the jewelry as they talk. But wait, have you been in contact with any of the other ladies?

Harlow: I’ve been in contact with Grace and Billie. The other girls I don’t know what happened with them.

Teairra: I’ve also spoken with those two, and then Devyn here and there! It’s just… I’m not sure about the others, I’m trying to start on a clean slate!

Harlow: Me too. I wanna talk to Erica. We went through a lot last year and I want to clear the air with her. She was always trying to come for me last year.

Harlow’s Confessional: The Erica stuff last year was a lot. I want to just start new with these ladies because they weren’t able to get to know the real Harlow last year.

Teairra: I don’t know where I stand with her either, she’s a little mixey but maybe now that she’s given birth, she’s a little more leveled out, because the pregnancy was a coverup for her behavior last year. Teairra sips her drink.

Harlow: I think those pregnancy hormones got to her last year. I hope they’re gone. I could not bear Erica last year.

Teairra: I tried really hard to consider that, but it’s like when I’m being attacked out of nowhere 24/7, what am I supposed to do? I don’t back down, I’m sorry. Teairra laughs. So, have you two spoken since the reunion?

Harlow: Not at all. We left on a bad note last time I saw her. I’m not looking forward to having to see her again soon, but I have to put my big girl panties on and be the bigger person.

Teairra: Teairra finds a cute necklace and picks it up. Oh my God, this is so gorgeous! I DEFINITELY have to get this one.

Harlow: I love that one! That’s one of my favorite pieces of my collection! Oh, wait, I just remembered! Did you get invited to Billie’s Summer Party?

Teairra: Yes, I’m excited for it actually are you attending?

Harlow: I actually am. I hope it’s laid-back. I don’t want any crazy stuff happening!

Teairra: Oh, you know it’s going to be crazy! Teairra laughs. At least we’ll all look cute!

Harlow: Absolutely! Do you think there are any new girls? I think Leila is done with us and Luci is gone so… Harlow laughs.

Teairra: Hmm, I’m anticipating a new face! Maybe 2 new faces. Teairra laughs. I didn’t even think about that, new personalities meshed into this group we’ll have to see how this goes. But I’m definitely going to text you about that piece! Can I take a picture?

Harlow: Of course you can! You don’t even have to ask.

Teairra: Teairra takes a picture. I’m so happy I got to catch up with you. Teairra hugs Harlow. I’ll see you at the summer party? Yay for some fun!

Harlow: Yep, we’ll see each other at the summer party! I can’t wait to see your beautiful look!

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m really hoping that this summer party is FUN, I mean, well it should be fun…I’m imagining a lot of drinks mixed with a little shade! It’s been a while since we’ve been around all the girls in one setting so I hope it’s different this time around.

As we watch Teairra exit Harlow’s store, we watch as a sassy beat plays and the scene transitions to a Manicure bar in downtown Twitter where we hear a bottle being popped, a champagne being poured, followed by a shot of Devyn as she sits at a station waiting for someone. We then see as Amal Hadid exits her car and begins walking up to the manicure bar as the scene begins…

Amal’s Confessional: Well, well, well…guess who’s back?!? I know you’ve all missed me but your resident pot stirrer is back in the Twitter and of course I have to see my favorite Doctor!!

Amal: Amal walks in to the manicure bar and sees Devyn. DEV!!!

Devyn: AMAL! Hey babe! Devyn gives Amal air kisses. Welcome home!

Amal: Amal runs over and gives Devyn a big hug. How are you going my gorgeous girl? I’ve missed you so much!

Devyn: Ugh! I’ve missed you too. YOUR TAN! Dubai treated you well.

Amal: You know it!!

Amal’s Confessional

Amal’s Confessional: I’ve spent the majority of the past year back in Dubai sorting things out with my case and well…getting some tune ups! Amal laughs. But now I’m back in Twitter and ready to get back to the grind of life!!

Amal: It’s so good to see you! So, tell me, what’s been going on?! What have I missed?! How are all the girls?

Devyn: Girl, I don’t talk to most of them. Billie and I are trying to sort out our relationship. Leila decided on other endeavors at this time, and Teairra seems to be my friend, but playing the middle. Grace is Grace and Erica still lied. I think I covered everyone. Devyn laughs and takes a long pause. OH Harlow. Forgot about her. I really don’t have an opinion of her one way or the other.

Amal: Amal laughs. Oh lord, so it seems like not much has changed since I was last around!

Amal’s Confessional: I haven’t really seen any of the girls since Grace’s slumber party last year…and I’m kind of happy about it. My life has been so hectic that I just needed a break from these women. They caused me so much stress last time I was around that I needed a full-time masseuse on retainer

Amal: So, how are you and Erica? I know that’s the big elephant in the room but I’m seriously curious! You guys used to be the best of friends!

Devyn: Last season was something. Erica and I aren’t friends. We aren’t enemies. We are nothing. There has been attempts to bury the hatchet since the reunion though, but I’m so busy.

The camera pans as we watch Amal nodding as she listens intently…

Devyn: My career is really on the upswing now that I’m back fully practicing medicine. I left private practice with Adam Scott when he moved to be closer to his daughters. I’m now full time at the hospital and I love it!

Amal: Well, that doesn’t shock me! She did do unspeakable things to you! Things that could’ve jeopardized you and your career. Things that could’ve destroyed your career! If you’re asking me, you should never forgive her! Stay out of that lady’s way for as long as possible. She’s dark, desperate and can’t be trusted!

Devyn: I don’t disagree at all. I wish her well though. When they go low, we go high.

Amal: I’m more of a when they go low, we get high kind of girl Doc. Amal laughs.

Devyn: So, I’m curious, how was Dubai? Everything good?

Amal: Amal takes a deep breath. I’m not going lie Dev, this last year has been torture. Having to move back home was really quite distressing… Amal tears up. Between the legal cases and tensions with my family it truly was what I needed to do but I’m back I’m determined to be happy this year. Regardless of any BS these girls bring my way, I just need to be happy. Amal dabs tears in the corner of her eyes.

Devyn: Devyn touches Amal’s hand. You will be happy this year. Don’t let anyone take that from you. You look great and have grown. Only steps forward from here on out.

Devyn’s Confessional: I’m so excited Amal is back in town. She’s a real friend, and someone I can trust. I want to have more fun and less drama. Is that possible with this group? Who knows, but I’d like too.

As Devyn says that, her cell phone lights up and we see “Billie Read” pop up on the screen…

Devyn: Speaking of stepping forward…that’s Billie. Devyn answers the phone. Hello Billie! Were your ears burning? Devyn laughs. I was just talking about you.

Billie (on the phone): Oh really? Billie chuckles. Only good things, I’m sure. Listening, I’m glad you picked up, I was calling to invite you to my Billie’s Living the Dolce Vita Saucin’ Summer Soirée. I know we’ve had our differences of late, but I would love for you to come and see if we can move forward.

Devyn: Billie, that sounds wonderful!

Amal: Amal speaks up. That does sounds fun. Hi Billie, it’s Amal.

Billie: Oh…hi Amal. You are certainly welcome to come with Devyn if you’d want.

Amal: Oh really? That’s so sweet of you.

Devyn: That is really kind of you, B. You know I’ll be there, and Amal will be there with me. Devyn laughs.

Billie: Well good…I’ll put you both on the guest list. I’ll let you go so you all can catch up. I’ll text Devyn the details.

The girls then say their goodbyes and Devyn clicks off the phone…

Amal: Oh lord, not Billie Reed! Ugh well, I was bound to see these women inevitably, right? Amal laughs. Sure, I’ll tag along.

Devyn: Devyn laughs. She will be alright. I hope. Let’s go.

Amal: Amal guzzles glass of champagne at the nail bar. Okay, let’s go! You know my mantra, leave the bar emptier than when you found it. Amal laughs.

Devyn: FACTS!

Amal: Text me the details of this party so I know what to wear. I can’t wait to see how these girls react to all of this.

Amal rubs her body and laughs as they both walk out of the nail bar and the scene quickly transitions and we hear a jazzy beat while seeing a rooftop bar in Uptown Twitter where a fire is lit and we see Billie Reed seating making her order with a smile on her face. We then watch as Grace Whitworth is shown making her way to the hostess stand and the scene gets underway…

Grace: Hi! I’m here to meet my friends? Oh, I see her! Hi Billie honey! Grace kisses Billie on the cheek.

As the two begin to catch up, we watch as the camera pants to a pink Lamborghini with its doors rising and Erica Ka’Oir exiting and making her way into the bar…

Erica’s Confessional: Erica looks towards the camera. Are we doing this again? Erica laughs. Last year was probably one of the worst and best years for me, I had the best gift a mom could ever receive but… I was also on a warpath. Yeah… a warpath. I have a whole new lease on life this year and I just wanna have fun… maybe.

Billie: Billie stands and greets Erica. Look at both of you! Sexy mamas

Grace: Hi Erica! Wow you look gorgeous!! Grace stands and does a spin. Not bad for an old broad

Billie: Erica, my god your bounce back game is STRONG! And that makes two of us Grace!

Grace: Grace waves to a waitress. Hi darling, could I get an Aperol spritz please?

Erica’s Confessional: Who would have thought Billie, Grace and I could have been in the same room especially after that fiasco of a reunion. But we’ve all agreed to start over and just get back to having fun and being actual friends. And no, Grace has not agreed to being accountable! Erica laughs.

Erica: Bounce back game too strong! That trainer you directed me to is no joke.

Grace: So girls, how’s your summer treating you so far? I just got back from Greece it was amazing.

Grace’s Confessional: I’m making a lot more efforts within my friendships after the reunion. I’ve got a lot to make up for.

Erica: It’s been so hot here. Baby Chance and I did take a trip to Hawaii though. Erica shows pictures of him to the ladies. He loved the water!

Grace: You make some delicious babies Erica wow

Billie: My summer has been AMAZING. I went to Italy for the last month, just kind of been livin the dolce vita. I was glad Érica came out and joined me for a week! We just yachted around Italy and just lived the simple life.

Grace: Gorgeous. Grace’s drink arrives. Okay girls, can I make a toast?

Erica: What are we toasting to lovely?

Billie: Yes, let’s toast to something. Not roast anyone. Billie laughs.

Grace: Here’s to finding friends who see you through the tough times and keeping you honest, real but above all, here’s to genuine connections

Billie: Billie looks at Erica before toasting. I love that! I will echo that!

Grace’s Confessional: Ever since Luci did what she did, I’ve been picking up the pieces. It’s Billie that was on the other side of the phone. Go figure!

Erica: Oh yes, hunny. Erica holds her glass up.

Grace: And Erica, now we’re finally face to face again I want to make sure I say I’m very happy to be on a fresh start with you.

Billie’s Confessional: Look I’d be lying if I still am guarded when it comes to Grace, but these last few months, she’s really been trying to be better with me.

Grace: And thank you both for being there this past month, it’s been rough with all this Luci stuff.

Billie: Oh my god, I’m happy to be there for you. I mean you were blindsided by a dear friend.

Erica: I’m happy as well that we can start again. The lines blurred with our friendship last year and I’m just glad we could really just forgive and forget.

Billie: Unlike with you Grace, you’ve really been there for me lately with everything.

Grace: Luciana broke my heart. Being one person and then showing another on the show. I’m looking at millions of dollars of debt thanks to her.

Billie: I felt like her whole life was a lie.

Erica’s Confessional: Is Grace really this surprised? Luci literally turned on her every other day. Did we not see the legends reun- oh that’s right… Erica laughs.

Grace’s Confessional: A producer asks about Luciana and Grace tears up. I can’t talk about it right now. I’m so upset. Luci fucked me over.

Erica: So, they are coming after you as well?

Grace: They are. I trusted her too much, now I pay the price. I bumped into Devyn though, it was awkward as hell.

Billie: Well, I’m glad Devyn talked to someone. She never responded to my text.

Erica: How was that interaction? I haven’t heard a peep out of her after our tiff at the reunion.

Grace: It was just a hello, how are you, and goodbye. I was late for my bikini wax!

Erica: I don’t think I would even get that. I haven’t talked to any of the ladies in our circle besides the two of you. Erica sips her drink and shrugs.

Grace: No Teairra? I’ve seen her quite a bit. And Harlow is doing great

Erica: Teairra has me blocked. And Harlow, I think she probably hates me! Erica laughs.

Billie: I’ve seen both Harlow and Teairra too. We actually all three got together last week! Erica, I’m going to help you mend these fences. They both seemed willing to move forward with you when I talked to them.

Grace: It’s important you do that I think Erica! Harlow is very forgiving.

Billie: It is important she does it, Grace, but it don’t hurt to have a friend defend you in a room you are not in!

Erica: I willing to move on with them; however, between Devyn, Harlow and Teairra. I need an apology. That rumor they put out last year about the paternity of my child and Robert sleeping around, has put a strain on my marriage.

Grace: It has?

Billie: It has Grace…

Grace: Erica, do you have a parrot? Grace nudges Billie. Let her speak!

Erica: Robert and I have been living in separate homes for the time being. We’re doing the therapy thing, but how do you come back from your husband actually believing his son might not be his?

Grace: That sounds really rough. How’s therapy? I tried it with my ex but it never really worked

Erica’s Confessional: Last Year, Robert and I had a huge fight around the rumors of Chance and a paternity test was even brought up. It’s been a lot of back and forth but it’s just best that we both stay in two separate places for the time being and hopefully fix this tear in our marriage. Erica wipes a tear. I miss my best friend.

Erica: I feel like it’s a waste of money because we haven’t been progressing at all. It feels like we’re just stuck and what’s next? A divorce? I don’t want that.

Grace: Keep the communication lines open at all times. You’ve got to make it a priority!

Erica: Erica fans her eyes. That’s what I’m solely focused on right now. I can’t lose my best-friend.

Billie: You’ve got to give it some time Erica. Just keep being amicable and the bigger person. Give it your all, and if it still fails at least, you can’t say you didn’t try. Billie hugs Erica. Look we are here to support you!

Grace: Anyway, come on let’s be positive, let’s focus on happy things, we’re at the start of summer! Grace pops a champagne bottle.

Erica: Erica hugs Billie back. Yes please, let’s get drunk! Erica laughs. I can’t be messing up my make up!

Billie: Yes, speaking of a happy occasion I wanted to tell you ladies about my party I’m hosting to really kick off the summer. In spirit of my Italian summer, I’m bringing it here. I decided to have a “Billie’s Living the Dolce Vita Saucin’ Summer Soirée”

Grace: You’re so extra, I love it.

Erica: Italy Part 2? I love it.

Billie: So, it’ll be this weekend at my house. Come in your best beach wear! Yes Erica, we are showing the ladies how we did Italy!

Grace: I can’t wait. Have you invited everyone?

Billie: It’s going to be a fun time! I have invited everyone. I told Teairra and Harlow last week when I saw them. And I called Devyn and she was at lunch with Amal so I invited them both. Billie awkwardly smiles.

Grace: Oh god, okay.

Billie: It’ll be an open party and I’ll have a DJ there. So hopefully nothing can go too wrong.

Erica: Oh… The animal is going to be there.

Billie: Well, it was awkward to call and invite Devyn and not ask Amal. I’m trying to turn a new leaf but them two are making it hard… we’ll see if they even show!

Grace: Well, let’s cheers again to new beginnings hopefully!

Billie: Yes, and cheers to you bad ass boss bitches!! Billie clinks glasses with Erica and Grace.

As the three Ladies are seen clinking their glasses, the camera pans as we watch as a new day starts in Twitter. The camera quickly pans through the Ladies as they go through their days, before focusing in on Teairra as we watch in practicing notes in a studio…

Teairra’s Confessional: Last year in Twitter was a complete ROLLER COASTER for me, but as you can see since then I’ve been dibbling & dabbling in EVERYTHING & actually living my life on the happier end of the spectrum now that everything about my husband is cleared up, I’m a brand new woman!

Kendrick (Teairra’s Producer): Okay Teairra! That was LIT, come on out!

Teairra: Teairra laughs and exits the booth. Was it really? I’m really nervous this is like the first time I’m actually taking my singing career seriously. Teairra screams. I can’t believe it, let me take a breath.

Teairra’s Confessional: Since I was young, I always used to sing around the house, at family events, even in school I was in the choir so I KNEW I had it in me, but it was always a voice in the back of my head telling me that there’s more I can do, but why not do it ALL? I never want to put myself in one little box that’s CRAZY to me, I’m multitalented and the world will know it. Teairra flips her hair.

Kendrick: No, you did good! I definitely hear some shakiness in your voice though so I know for a fact you’re nervous. We’ll eventually break you out that habit, you just need to be more confident

Teairra: Teairra laughs nervously. I know, I know, I never thought in a million years I would be writing actual songs and going to a studio and recording, like that’s mind-blowing to me.

Kendrick: I already know but you got this T, not to sound corny but practice makes perfect. Kendrick laughs. You still got that fashion line coming, right?

Teairra: Of course! oh my god do i just run my mouth about everything to you?

Teairra’s Confessional: Kendrick is not only one of my best friends, he’s also a producer so of course I took the opportunity to reach out to him and finally put some work into the singing field, but I am still focused on this fashion line so I’m a little conflicted but I do need them BOTH to happen, no matter what it takes.

Kendrick: You know we go way back but to be real, I’m surprised you’re even here right now, when I got the text I was like Teairra? Blanco? This has to be some joke.

Teairra: Now why would it be a joke? I told you I’m taking it serious this year, I want to be at rolling loud, I wanna be a tour opener, maybe even headline my OWN tour. Teairra moves her hands around. But we’ll get into all that on a later notice! I’m just brainstorming.

Kendrick: Thinking big is always the best option, when you lower the standard for yourself is when you start to doubt yourself. See, that’s knowledge!

Teairra: Ohhhh! You know what? You’re 100% right, Inever thought of it that way.

Teairra’s Confessional: Considering I have big plans for myself in the near future when it comes to my singing career, I have to be ON IT and if I have to juggle everything at once that’s just what I’ll do I don’t care Miss Blanco is where the money resides! Teairra snaps.

Teairra looks down as her phone dings…

Teairra: Oh! There goes Donte, that’s my queue, didn’t even know he was coming but I’m seeing something about him having a surprise for me.

Kendrick: Word? That’s lit! I’ll see you soon T, tell Donte I said wassup and have fun!

Teairra: Of COURSE, even though I’m not sure what he has up his sleeve. Teairra laughs. I’ll be in contact that song is NOT done

Teairra speed walks out of the studio as Kendrick laughs and the scene transitions to Billie’s home where we see her running frantically about…

Billie’s Home

Billie’s Confessional: Oh what can I say! I’m BACK and better than ever! Producer says, “You said that last season Billie!” Oh, to hell with it, the B is back and I’m feeling recharged and ready to take on the world! I’m pretty much in a good place with all the ladies, with the exception of a few… and the ones that I have been good with all have rallied around me to support me during my time of need these last few months! I got enough personal shit going on, I don’t need these girls, bad energy dragging me down.

Billie: Billie yells. ASHLEY, have you seen my blow-up sex doll I have! I want to bring it out for my Summer Soirée!

Ashley (Billie’s Assistant): Girl, you need to let that thing go like the 90’s hairstyle you keep rocking!

Billie: Oh, shut it Ashley! This hairstyle keeps you employed! But seriously I want you to find that blow up doll before you go home today. Billie laughs.

Ashley: So, Billie we have your Living the Dolce Vita Saucin’ Summer Soirée party coming up. Do we have an exact number of people coming? Kylee is wanting to know so she can prepare the meals.

Billie: I think last I counted I was going to have about 50 people invited. Some of which are the ladies in my group. They can be a disaster, at least the last time we all were together it was.

Billie’s Confessional: Listen, I think I’m the only one in the group that can actually handle having all these girls over after some time of no contact. It’s like I’m the glue that keeps holding this group together.

Ashley: Oh, those ladies you had told me about? The older blonde-headed one, I think her name is Grace. She’s a comedian, I swear she makes me laugh because of how funny she is! When she was telling you about that guy who was trying to hook up with her, I almost peed my pants.

Billie: Oh, Grace and her crazy ass will be here for the party! I actually just had drinks with her and Erica just a few days ago. I’m nervous to see all the girls again. Plus, I’m inviting my new friend Kaylani, she’s newer to Twitter but she’s fun and spunky. I just hope she meshes well with the group.

Ashley: Oh, Kaylani the one whose husband owns a chain of hotels? She’s definitely a feisty thing, when I met her, she was just a lot…

Billie: That’s what I’m nervous about but I think it will be a good time. If I just feed these girls drinks and play good music maybe nothing will go wrong!

Ashley: Speaking of music, I need to call the DJ and confirm the details with them again. And, I also need to call Kylee and tell her how many people so she can tell her team how much food to make.

Billie: Ashley, what would I do without you, thanks for staying on things.

As Ashley walks off, Billie’s cellphone starts ringing…

Billie: Oh, it’s Steve calling me to talk about the court case! Hopefully he has a good update.

Producer: Can we stay in here and listen?

Billie: Sure… Billie puts on speakerphone. Steve, can you hear me?

Steve (Billie’s Lawyer): Hi Billie, it’s Steve. I Can hear you. I have some good and bad news regarding the case, good news the defendant has offered to not take this to court and just pay you a lump sum. Bad news you can take it to court and their words were “you’ll regret ever doing that”.

Billie: Steve, what do you think they mean when they say, I’ll regret it? Are they threatening me? Is that even allowable?

Steve: I think they are saying you’ll regret this because they are going to try and discredit you and your name. So, I know this isn’t an easy decision but it’s your decision to make so take some time and know that I will back you in whatever decision you make.

Billie: Steve, I’m speechless how is this even possible. Billie starts crying. I don’t even know what to do. Like how do I respond to someone saying they’ll destroy my livelihood?

Steve: We have a few days to write our response. We can schedule a time for you to come into my office and talk more about it. Just breathe Billie we will figure this out, ok?

Billie: Okay Steve, I’ve gotta go. Billie hangs up and looks at producers. Well, not the news I was expecting to get today. Now what am I going to do? Billie wipes her tears.

Producer: Billie we are going to support you through this, do not worry. We have your back!

Billie: I’m so thankful for y’all. Billie looks at the producer and camera crew. I just need a minute to myself. If you don’t mind…

As the cameras and crew leave Billie for a moment, solemn music plays when the camera pans out. We then transition to several days later on the weekend, as we see a shot of Billie’s house and party as final preparations are being made on Billie’s Living the Dolce Vita Saucin’ Summer Soirée. We see Billie as she puts on her outfit and works it in the mirror, followed by a clip as her guests begin pouring into Billie’s home and backyard and the scene begins…

Billie’s Confessional: Tonight is my Living the Dolce Vita Saucin’ Summer Soirée. I’m nervous having all the ladies at my house, but I’m going to go into this with an open mind and an open heart. It will either go one or two ways tonight — really well or a complete disaster.

We watch as Grace walks in and is greeted by Billie…

Billie: Grace, you’re living the Dolce vita in that Dolce dress!! You’re glowing. Did you get some new penis? Billie laughs.

Grace: Hi Billie! Thank you, didn’t you wear that already? Grace kisses Billie on the cheek. You look gorgeous, thank you for having me.

Billie: Oh Grace, you can’t help but be shady! I think I have company. Billie looks as Devyn and Amal walk in.

Devyn’s Confessional: I love some good fun in the sun. A hat and sunscreen are a requirement though. Even for us deeply melanated girls. I’m ready to have fun. That’s it. That’s all. Drama always finds me though. I swear I don’t look for it.

Billie: Hi Devyn… thanks for coming! I was glad you answered my call the other day when you and Amal were having lunch.

Amal: Amal waves at Billie and gives her a hug. Thank you so much for having me. It’s nice to finally meet you! I have a little something for you! Amal hands Billie a gift. It’s nothing big! Just a robe with your initials engraved on it.

Devyn: You’re welcome Billie. Thank you for the invite. Everything looks well.

Billie: Billie takes gift from Amal. I appreciate you coming tonight. I want to have a chat with you sometime, but it’s a pleasure to meet your new face! Billie laughs.

We then watch as Erica, Harlow, and Teairra arrive and we see clips of the Ladies all greeting one another as the camera then pans and shows Amal and Devyn standing alone by the bar. We then watch as dramatic music plays and we see Amal making her way to Erica…

Amal: Well, hello! Don’t you look lovely! How are you? Amal goes in to hug Erica.

Erica: Erica steps back a little. Do I know you?

Amal: It’s Amal! Your friend! Amal goes back in for another hug.

Grace’s Confessional: The Frankenstein face is definitely Amal, confirmed!

Harlow: Who is that? Is she new? Harlow points to Amal.

Teairra: I’m not sure who that is. New girl?

Grace: I think it’s Amal. She’s trouble!

Erica: Erica looks up and down backing away. Oh hello. Erica takes her drink and walks off. Not doing this today.

Harlow: That can’t be…she looked completely different when she rolled into reunion on that television screen.

Teairra: Teairra widens her eyes. Amal? She definitely has a new look.

Amal: Amal turns to Billie in disbelief. Oh well, I guess she and I aren’t talking today. Amal laughs. Can you give her this gift from me? It’s a onesie for her child. It’s Dolce & Gabanna. You know? Like the party.

Erica’s Confessional: I’d rather nor have Shamu the reconstructed whale in my space at this moment. She spread lies on top of lies on me for what? A bird? Keep that unidentified specimen far away from me.

We watch as the camera pans and we see a gorgeous woman walking in dancing with a group of shirtless men surrounding her…

Kaylani’s Confessional: Heyy, my name is Kaylani and one thing you’ll learn about me is I love to have fun and hunni I make an entrance.

Billie: I’ll take the gift Amal, maybe another day! Let’s just have fun. Billie walks away from Amal and the group. Is that you Kaylani? Come here girl!!

Kaylani: Kaylani hugs Billie, giving her a brief French kiss. Hey girly, you know i had to make an entrance and bring some hot shirtless men to spice it up for you girl!

Grace: Looks like Billie has a new friend, girls. Look!

Harlow: Oh, she looks cute!

Erica: Erica walks back over and jumps back. Did she just French kiss her?

Grace: Is she European? Don’t they do that over there?

Erica’s Confessional: Well Devyn, there you go… Kaylani is about that life hunny!

Billie: Billie laughs as she leads Kaylani to the group. She’s a little playful, girls! This is my girlfriend…I mean friend Kaylani! Her husband is widely known in the hotel business

Erica: Well, any friend of Billie is a friend of mine. Erica hugs Kaylani. I’m Erica nice to meet you, hun.

Kaylani: Nooo, I’m not a lesbian, I just love to have fun. Something everybody should love to do.

Grace: Oh hi, nice to meet you Kaylani. Grace Whitworth, real estate mogul.

Teairra: Hey boo! I’m Teairra, nice to meet you.

Harlow: Hello Kaylani! I love this outfit of yours. I’m Harlow Laurier!

Billie’s Confessional: Kaylani is a new friend of mine. She and I met one night in Vegas and the rest has been history, literally. She’s just fun and spunky. She’s really helped me not get in a dark place with my legal trouble

Grace: What do you do Kaylani?

Billie: Yes Erica, you will love Kaylani. She’s our kind of girl!

Kaylani: Well, hey girls, I’m a Kaylani Marriott if you don’t know me or at least no by the last name, I own around 3,200 hotels around the world internationally. I was supposed to bring my husband, but he’s still away on business and I’m so happy to meet you all.

Erica: Erica sips her drink. The Marriott? That’s your family?

Grace: A woman in business, we love that!

Harlow: I love staying at the Marriott! It’s such a fabulous hotel!

Billie: Like JW Marriott, yes Erica. She’s our kind of girl. Billie whispers. Free rooms.

Kaylani: Yes, I have a husband and one son and two daughters.

Devyn’s Confessional: The Hiltons would have been more believable.

Erica’s Confessional: Personally, I’m more of a Hilton Girl or Dalio Luxurious Suites but we won’t go there. Erica laughs and looks away.

Teairra: Teairra looks at Kaylani. So, what hotels do you own? Is it one in specific or multiple?

Kaylani: Well, my husband owns them but of course we’re married so everything that his is mine of course.

Erica: Right…

Devyn: Do y’all own the International side or the Resort side? The company split like 30 years ago.

Erica’s Confessional: I don’t know where Billie finds these strays at but I’ve never heard of Kaylani and her husband and The Dalio’s has been in the hotel business for more than 60 years. Maybe she’s like a long-lost cousin or something? I don’t know.

Kaylani: Uhmm, Erica, is there a problem? Kaylani turns to Devyn. More of the international side as of now we working on resorts soon.

Erica: Why would there be a problem, hun?

Devyn: Teairra, we’re all independent women here. At least that is what we have in common.

Teairra’s Confessional: What I’m getting is she’s freeloading off her husband? you know what I can’t knock her hustle! If that’s the case, I’m part surgeon just like my husband. Get that money baby, I’m not mad at all!

Kaylani: Well, it seems as though you’re being lowkey shady or… a hater at most so I’m just wondering, that’s all.

Billie: Ladies, could I get everyone to get a drink from the bar and circle around me? I’d like to give a toast!

Erica: Erica looks around confused. A hater? Hun, I’ve barely spoke to you. So, I don’t know where this energy is coming from but let’s please dial it down a little because I’m having a good day. Erica puts her hand up and walks towards the bar.

Kaylani’s Confessional: Oh girl, come on Miss Erica, I never heard of you but let’s not try it with me she might not have heard about me but she will surely learn about me sit down little girl

Kaylani: Erica girl, I just asked a question cause it seems as though you have a problem. You just met me and you better ask Billie about me, cause I will show you better than I can tell you.

Erica’s Confessional: Here comes Orphan Annie I mean little miss Marriott, coming for me out of nowhere. I know that Dalio Executive Suites is ranked higher than the Marriott nowadays, well the Marriott is on par with that of a Red Roof Inn now so, being ranked above it isn’t really a big accomplishment but she can take that energy and shove it up her fake Marriott cooch.

We then watch as the ladies all make their way towards the bar set up in the backyard and Billie begins tapping the microphone to make her speech to the group…

Billie: Look ladies, tonight is a very special night to me. I really need all the love and support I can get right now. So, thank you all for coming to Billie’s Living the Vita Saucin’ Summer Soirée. Tonight is all about having a great time and letting loose and having some fun for the rest of the summer.

The camera pans around the group of Ladies as they nod and smile along in support…

Billie: After some recent events in my life, I have realized that life is too short to hold onto anything that causes me to have hate in my heart. Learn from me ladies, this petty shit isn’t worth us never being a sisterhood again. So, I want to cheer to new beginnings, a reunited sisterhood, and new friends! Billie raises her glass.

We watch as the Ladies cheers and raise their glasses, except for Devyn who downs her shot and Erica who tilts her head and nods. We then watch as several of the Ladies begin taking tequila shots from a platter in Grace’s hand…

Harlow: Can I get one more tequila shot? This was too light! Harlow grabs another shot and downs it.

Kaylani: Kaylani drinks her glass cheering with Billie. I’m so happy you invited me Billie, but why you didn’t warn me about these haters.

Amal: Amal walks up and sits down next to Billie too. I just want to start by thanking you for having me. It’s so nice to be here.

Billie: Of course Amal, I was glad to invite you when I called Devyn to tell her to bring you.

Amal: It really is so nice of you. I know we don’t really know each other and we somehow got entangled in this issue but I want you to know that I didn’t really mean what I said about you. From what I’ve heard, you’re a nice girl and I just felt like I was under attack a lot last year and lashed out at you for no reason.

Billie: Amal, I don’t know what happened last year with us but in all honestly it was some petty nonsense. I don’t even really know you, just only what i had heard about you. So, I hope you coming tonight is a way for us to maybe explore a friendship.

Grace: Who’s a hater Kaylani?

Teairra: Teairra looks over. Right…plural?

Harlow’s Confessional: This friend Billie brought on definitely rubbed some of these girls the wrong way…and she’s giving it back! Harlow laughs.

Kaylani: Well Grace, as you can see Miss Ursula been making snotty comments all day and when I looked around when I said something about my hotels, I mean I’m looked at funny.

Grace: Who’s Ursula? Isn’t that the little mermaid’s mom?

Harlow: No, that’s the sea witch!

Erica: Erica walks over towards Grace and the other ladies. Hi Harlow, Hello Teairra. Harlow, you look amazing.

Kaylani: I know everybody want this body hunni and this Louis Vuitton bag but Jesus.

Erica: Erica jumps back. Wait, hold on! Who’s a low budget bitch? I know you want to get into it with me love, but this isn’t what you want. So, you can take you and that snout of yours and take a one class ticket back to Whoville.

Kaylani: Well, the person who’s asking who’s a low budget bitch might be the contender, don’t you think?

Erica: I don’t even know you little bitch, so you might wanna back up and go on your way.

Kaylani: I mean look at that outfit you have on baby, let me put you on to some fashions that you haven’t heard of

Grace: Billie, can you talk to your friend, she’s being weird.

Grace’s Confessional: Who comes in all hot like that? We don’t know you! Be nice maybe

Teairra: Oh why is she so on edge…

Kaylani: Girl, you the one I never heard of baby, I don’t know you and you come over here hating on me as soon as a bitch walk in the door. Like girl, don’t be the struggle and look like the struggle at the same time.

Erica: Fashions? You look amess. The old lady that lives in a shoe. Emphasis on in a shoe because we know you don’t stay in no Marriotts chile. I’ve spoke two words to you? You delusional cockeyed bitch. You know what. Erica takes a breath and starts saying her safe word as she walks away.

Devyn’s Confessional: Well shit. Kaylani chose to fight Goliath with a sling shot and a stone. Harlow is drinking like she’s at a frat party. Shame she has to return all those chips to AA. Billie is pretending to make peace with everyone which never goes well. And I have 2 women in labor at the hospital. Glad I only had 2 drinks.

Kaylani: You started with me honey and when I bounced back at your cock-eyed ass you looking all stupid girl you don’t know me. Yeah, walk away!

Billie: Ladies, ladies. What in the hell is going on here? All I hear is screaming!

Kaylani: Billie, it’s fine now that nobody has walked away. I need a breather from that two-dollar hoe.

Billie: Oh my god Kaylani, don’t call my friend that! My god… you can’t say that.

Kaylani: I just met this lady and she’s making slight comments at me? I’ll go Compton on that ass in a minute, don’t let the designer fool you.

Amal: Amal laughs. Well, I hope this designer fools you. I just got my nails done so no fighting please.

Billie’s Confessional: I leave to talk to Amal for maybe 10 minutes and come back to DEFCON 4!

Billie: Dear Jesus, I don’t want you going Compton on anyone. I’m not taking up for anyone. This is your first time around this group of ladies and you’re coming in on 10. They don’t even know your kids’ names or your favorite season of the year.

Devyn: Devyn walks up to Erica. You good Eri? Need a Xanax?

Erica: I need a shot Dev!

Devyn: Let’s go get a shot Erica and talk.

Erica: Erica fans herself. I don’t even know that lady. What’s her problem?

Devyn: Devyn gets drinks from the bar. Here’s the thing Erica. You can let people trying to steal camera time and a create a storyline use you. You’re above that.

Erica: You’re right. I was ignoring her because I truly don’t understand the issue? All I said was right? I even complimented her. But whatever. I appreciate you for actually checking up on me.

Devyn: You’re welcome. She came in hot and over the top. I remember when you once did that. It made you a Legend.

Erica: Erica laughs. Now, I have to say I wasn’t expecting to actually speak with you today. Last year was quite a… roller coaster may I say.

Devyn: Right, I don’t want to argue with you this season. Can we let bygones be bygones? And move on? I’ve missed our friendship if I’m honest. Is it possible to fix something so broken? I wasn’t going to leave this party without trying.

Erica: I definitely don’t want to have any hostile energy with you at all. Despite what you just saw, I’m actually trying to stay on a positive path. I think we definitely have some work to be done but I do want to apologize for my part in our problems. I miss our friendship as well.

Devyn: Thank you. I see your growth. I’m sorry as well for my part in things. Devyn reaches her arms out. A hug would confuse them all. Bring it in. Let’s start slow and work on trust.

Erica’s Confessional: Although Devyn and I had a rocky relationship last year, She was once a near and dear friend of mine and I know she always had my back when needed. I’m just hoping we can put aside all the hurt and disgusting words we said to each other and move on.

Devyn’s Confessional: I’m really ready to move on with Erica. She was truly one of my best friends. Life is too short to let little things becoming concrete barriers. I’m glad she was open and receptive.

Erica: Erica laughs and hugs Devyn. Yes bitch, I missed you!

The camera then pans over to the rest of the group as they watch Devyn and Erica…

Teairra: Oh! Teairra looks over at Harlow and taps her shoulder so she can see. Maybe Erica has turned a new leaf?

Amal: Well, isn’t that beautiful!

Harlow: Maybe she has… Harlow downs another tequila shot. Glad to see that. I think one of us should be next. Harlow laughs and looks at Teairra.

Billie: Well, I’m glad Erica had one peaceful encounter tonight. Billie grabs the microphone once more. Can I get everyone on a table and let’s dance to this SUMMEE SOIRÉE?

We then watch as the Ladies begin dancing as the music turns up and we see shots of each of the Ladies, before panning out to a shot of the Twitter skyline as the scene and episode come to an end.



Ladies of Twitter
Ladies of Twitter

Written by Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 16 seasons, and catch season 17 every Friday! #LoT🏙️

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