Season 17, Episode 1: “Exclusive Means Exclusive: Part One”

Ladies of Twitter
43 min readDec 19, 2024


As the season and the premiere episode begins, we see gorgeous shots of the city of Twitter, the glorious summer sun beams down across beautifully kept homes in a gated community, as we zoom in and out of the returning Ladies’ homes. First, we focus in on Billie is seen with her assistant, Ashley, in her garden, by the pool catching up on her booming schedule…

Billie: Did we get the email back from the network yet on the show?

Ashley (Billie’s Assistant): Yes, I sent it this morning, things are moving forwards!

Billie: I am so nervous about this opportunity, Ashley. This is my make it or break it moment. From actress to producer! Who would have thought!

Ashley: Girl, you and your wig calm down. It’s going to be so good. You’re so talented at whatever you do. This show will be a hit!

Billie: Wait, I’m going to stop you there, you think this is my wig? Billie looks and laughs* This is my real hair and it’s an iconic style, Ashley.

Billie fluffs her hair and laughs as into the camera as the scene quickly moves to Teairra’s home where we see her with Donte as she hangs her album in their bedroom…

Teairra: Beautiful!

Donte (Teairra’s husband): Donte shows Teairra his phone. Have you seen these reviews?

Teairra: I KNOW, they’re actually good things about me. They’re loving the music. I’m head over heels. I love it but I’m also like… do I do an EP? An album?

Donte: I’m thinking, this single’s been such a hit, why not do a full album. Give the people what they want!

Teairra: You know what, you’re so right… Teairra grimaces at a review. What on earth!? Autotune? That is so not true!

Donte: Listen, you’re more famous than ever, the haters will hate and will be talking about you. Don’t read that shit, it will drive you up the wall.

As Teairra laughs and they both fall onto the bed and kiss as the scene quickly shifts to Amal’s coastal home in Twitter…

Amal: JAMIE! Did you pick out your outfit for today? Mommy has to take you to nursery school first.

Jamie (Amal’s Son): Jamie runs into the room. Yessss Mommy. Jamie spins around. Isn’t this a cute outfit?

Amal: Amal laughs. Oh Jamie…yes, you’re outfit is just darling.

Jamie: This is one of the shirts you bought me from Louis Mommy!

Amal: Amal shakes her head. I see my boy is a fashionista, just like his mommy. Amal giggles.

As Amal picks up Jamie and spins him around, the scene quickly shifts once more, as we see Erica in her home with some of her team…

Erica: Now, Chance wakes up soon. So let’s go through everything, who is shopping for the ingredients I need this week?

Deion (Erica’s Cohost): E, you really tripping over ingredients? Have they ever not come?

Erica: Deion, enough of you. The first time I don’t check, they won’t be here, will they? So who is doing it?

Annie (Erica’s Production Assistant): We have an order scheduled for pick-up this afternoon, and then I am taking them down to the studio.

Erica: Perfect. Now which of you is picking up my actual groceries? Erica laughs.

As the camera quickly pans out, the episode continues, and we see shots of the coastline and the city skyline, with triumphant music playing as we focus in on a loud, upbeat bar in downtown Twitter where we see Billie walking in with a friend as the scene begins…

Billie’s Confessional: It’s finally summer in the Twitter and I’m ready to have some summer fun! Today, I’ve invited Amal and Daphne, my friend who’s a world renowned architect, to have some lunch at the newest lunch spot! I can’t wait to catch Amal up on everything regarding the group and bring Daphne up to speed on what she’s getting herself into. Billie laughs.

Daphne: You look lovely B, what a nice restaurant. I love it here! Daphne smiles and sits down at the table in front of Billie.

Billie: I guess we both got the blue denim memo! Billie laughs. You look fabulous babe! This restaurant just opened, and it already has reservations booked out for six months!

Daphne: I didn’t even notice we’re matching! Well, what do they say, great minds think alike, right?

Billie: That’s right! I also invited my friend Amal Hadid to join us! She’s a business tycoon here in Twitter.

Daphne: Oh, that shall be interesting! I hope she gets here soon!

Daphne’s Confessional: I’ve known Billie for a few years now and she’s a really good friend of mine now. I’ve helped her with some renovations at her house here in Twitter and we’ve been inseparable since! Daphne smiles.

Billie: I hope so, she’s always late to everything! But I really hope you don’t regret wanting to meet my group of friends. They are not for the weak!

Billie’s Confessional: Look, I got to know Daphne when she helped me with some renovations at my old home. We’ve been on trips together and been friends ever since. She’s fun, fierce, and cutthroat. I can’t wait to see how she meshes with these ladies.

Daphne: Oh that won’t be an issue honey, I’m sure I can handle them just fine. Daphne smirks.

Billie: Oh, I know you can, but can they handle you is the better question! Billie laughs and looks down at her phone. Oh, Amal said she won’t be able to make it. So, it’s just you and I. She said she would explain why later. You two don’t know each other, right?

Daphne: No, I don’t know her, I was looking forward to meeting her! She’s not related to Zaha Hadid, is she?

Billie: Well, she sounded excited yesterday when I talked to her about going to lunch. I hope she’s okay. I don’t know if she’s related to Zaha or not. Who is that? Billie looks.

Daphne: Zaha Hadid honey, the world-renowned iconic architect! She is my idol! Daphne laughs a bit. Anyway, tell me more about these friends of yours!

Daphne’s Confessional: Billie, I need to teach you a thing or two about the history of architecture, come on, Zaha Hadid? A legend!

Billie: Oh, she might be!! Who knows! Billie laughs. Well, first before I dive into my friends I wanted to tell you about the real reason I had invited you and Amal here today was to tell you about the exciting news I just got!

Daphne: Oh? Daphne looks surprised. What is it?

Billie: I have been approached by NBC Universal to be the producer of a new pilot show. The name of it is still in the works but I thought I’d share the good news with you!

Daphne: Oh my god, that is MAJOR! Daphne claps excitedly. I am so happy for you!! What kind of show is it?

Billie: It’s going to be a comedy series following the life of a single woman trying to find her love in the big city. Think like Sex and the City meets Desperate Housewives!

Daphne: No way, those are my two favorite shows! This sounds absolutely incredible! We have to celebrate with some champagne!

Billie: It’s going to be television gold if we can cast the right people for it. I can’t wait to see this vision come to life. It’s such a new thing for me to be on the other side of television in the producer’s chair and not acting.

Billie’s Confessional: Ever since my legal situation I decided to step away from acting so I could have some time to recover and then this opportunity came up and my doorstep.

Daphne: I can only imagine how exciting this must be for you! Wow I cannot wait to see this come to life. Will you be traveling to work on this project or is it filming here in Twitter?

Billie: Some of it will take place in Twitter but later on in the project, we will shoot internationally. But that’s my little update on me. Now onto these group of girlfriends I have.

Daphne: Daphne laughs. Do tell, please! I wanna know who I’ll be dealing with.

Billie: I’ve already kinda briefed you about Amal, she’s tons of fun. Then we got my sister from another mister Erica, she’s currently going through a separation from her husband and trying to navigate this next chapter of her life and then there’s Teairra. She’s kinda the dark horse of the group. She’s always keeping things from us and when things come out about her, she just kinda plays coy to it all.

Daphne: Oh, god knows playing coy doesn’t work around you Billie Lou! Daphne laughs. Now I’m seriously curious to meet them! And you’re cordial with everyone I assume? Or is there some bad blood, I know you can ruffle some feathers friend. Daphne smirks.

Billie: I mean I think I’m good with everyone. I really just have to talk to Teairra, but once we have a conversation and clear things up, I think I will be the neutral person in this group for once. We’ve cut the toxic out now it’s just repairing broken bridges.

Daphne: Daphne nods. That’s good, that’s good. You know I don’t like tension, I don’t really have time for drama! I just wanna get to know inspiring, charming women. I hope this will be the case. Daphne giggles. I know Amal is a business woman you said, what about the other two? What are they all about? Do they work?

Daphne’s Confessional: My job is a huge, very fulfilling part of my life, it’s only natural for me to ask others about their occupation.

Billie: Teairra is a singer, and Erica, she is housewife, but I believe she’s working on a business venture right now! We are all well-established women, it’s just sometimes we don’t act like it. Billie laughs.

Daphne: Daphne laughs along with Billie. I see, I see! Well, I can’t wait to meet these friends of yours then! I hope they won’t ditch us again.

Billie: I’m sure they won’t. I think we are all supposed to be getting together sometime soon. I’ll make sure to invite you so you can tag along and meet the ladies. I’ll make sure that none of them ditch you like Amal did us today. Billie laughs. Let’s cheers to being powerful women and Twitter and may none of these ladies be intimidated by our successes! Billie raises her glass.

Daphne: I’d love to come then! Yes, let’s cheer! Daphne raises her glass to meet Billie’s glass. To US, and your fabulous upcoming show!

As the Ladies raise their glasses and toast, the camera quickly pans out, and we shift to the following day as we see a shot of the sun rising, following by a motivating beat before cameras shift to show Erica’s new home in Twitter Hills as sits down with her team discussing new ideas for her next video when the scene begins…

Erica: So how did the mac & cheese video do? I know it’s been everywhere on TikTok but as for the other platforms?

Megan (Erica’s Social Media Manager): We’re looking at almost 2 million views already from last week’s episode via YouTube, the reels on Instagram are gaining traction and the TikTok is everywhere. I think this might have been the most successful episode yet.

Erica’s Confessional: I am fully invested in my new journey with cooking. Moving back to Twitter Hills with my own home I fully wanted to invest my time into something that makes me happy and that’s exactly what cooking has done for me.

Matt (One of Erica’s Producers): So, Erica, we have to nail down the list for this week’s episode. I know we have some menu items that you were thinking about but also, what’s the topic for this week’s episode?

Erica: I think what I was thinking was having a special pride episode. It’s pride month and I want to celebrate that. So, since Deion is busy shooting somewhere, I’m thinking this week’s guest could be some great LGBTQ+ representatives. Where we maybe remake some of their cuisines in their honor?

Matt: I love that! I might need to be in front of the camera for this one. Matt laughs.

Erica: Oh Matt, you can come in front of the camera whenever we love you! Erica laughs.

Erica’s Confessional: Celebrating pride month is something near and dear to my heart. Being able to be so open about my bisexuality and celebrating that is just something I love that sticks with me. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal who sleeps with who, but it is and here on my channel, my platform I let it be known that you’re accepted here for being yourself and yourself only.

Erica: Matt & Justin, can you guys start reaching out to people to cook with us next week? I’m thinking about 4 episodes next week for pride. We’ll start filming Monday and start the episode release on Tuesday.

Matt: Sounds like a plan, I think Deion will be back on Wednesday, so I’ll call him to get his input as well and see if he has any guests he would like to have on the show.

Erica’s Confessional: Stepping away from Glamour was probably one of the hardest things I had to do in my life, it truly took a toll on my mental health, but being there I felt trapped. I felt like something that I loved to do turned into this reminder that Robert helped me or helped get me where I was, and I didn’t need that. Especially from him. It took a while to fully get out of the darkness but cooking made me so happy because I fully felt in control. This was my venture, with no help and solely me. E&J Cosmetics had my partner, Glamour was backed by Robert’s money but this? This is all Erica.

Erica phone rings and it shows Chance with his grandmother, Diane.

Erica: Hi Mommy’s baby! I’m just finishing up work, are you on your way home?

Chance: Yes Mama!

Erica: Erica smiles. I can’t wait to see you! Say hi to everybody! Erica shows her phone towards her team as they say hi.

Diane: Erica, we’re on the way. Did you make us any food? A woman can eat right about now.

Erica: Erica laughs. I might have cooked up a little something.

Erica’s Confessional: With my divorce looming, Diane has been a saving grace in this all. We’ve really bonded this last year and without her I don’t know where I would be. She’s taken me in as family, and it means a lot to me just having her here in Twitter. Cooking different meals for Chance every day, truly inspired me to get in the real kitchen and show everyone that they have the skills and power to cook a great meal. My son is my motivation, and I’ll always stand behind that.

Diane: Erica honey, there’s no easy way to say that but I did talk to Robert.

Erica: Well Diane, he’s your son. Erica laughs. I’m not shocked nor do I feel a way.

Diane: Oh Child, don’t be modest, it’s not that. We were discussing the divorce, and he was vocal about contesting the divorce over one term that he didn’t think seemed right.

Erica: Erica raises her eyebrow. He didn’t think seem right? I think everything our lawyers wrote up between up was fair and even. We’re literally a week away from signing the papers, what could he possibly be contesting.

Diane: He wants joint custody of Chance.

Erica: Erica walks out of the room with her team. Like hell he DOES!

Diane: Erica, I’m sorry, I was just giving you a heads up.

Erica: No, Diane, you need to talk him out of this, he’s out of his damn MIND! He’s had how long to see his son?

Erica’s Confessional: Is this man insane? I’m really starting to think he’s lost his mind. There has been ample opportunity for Robert to see his child, he hasn’t done it. Robert could have saw Chance by contacting me or his mother, he hasn’t done it. Chance’s birthday, was Robert there? Absolutely not. Are you catching what I’m putting down. That man has no right to my child and hell will freeze over before he gets that right. And that’s Erica shit. Erica gets up and walks away from the confessional chair.

Erica: Erica sighs. I don’t need this stress right now. We’ll talk when you get here.

Diane: We’ll talk then, Bye.

Erica: Erica takes a breath and puts a smile on her face. Okay!

Erica is shown walking back into the room with her team as she can be heard saying “where were we” as the camera pans out. We then transition to several days later, as we pan to Twitter Forest on the outskirts of town, where we watch as Erica is getting out of her car at a ropes course as the scene begins…

Erica’s Confessional: It’s been a little while since I’ve seen the ladies in full and our group is looking a bit different, so in honor of a new year and new Erica, I’ve decided to invite all the girls to an exercise to hopefully mend fences build a stronger connection within our inner circle. Lord knows, this group needs it.

Erica: Erica looks up at the ropes in the trees. These girls are in for such a treat! Erica laughs.

Amal: Amal hops out of the back of the SUV and waves at Erica. HEY HOE!

Erica: Erica puts her hand over her eyes squinting. Is THAT MS HADID?

Amal: The one and only! Amal laughs and gives Erica a big hug. How are you lovey?

Just then, the camera pivots as we see Teairra walking in and waving at both Ladies…

Teairra: Hey, hey!

Erica: Erica looks over at Teairra. Hey T, I’m so glad you could it.

Teairra: Hey girl! Teairra smiles and looks around. This place is new!

Amal is seen making a face as we shift to her confessional…

Amal’s Confessional: The last time I saw Teairra in New York, we didn’t exactly leave things off on the best terms…so I’m not sure how things will be today.

Erica: Erica looks between Amal and Teairra. Are you two going to speak? Be nice!

Amal: You look lovely Teairra. The hat coverage is cute.

Teairra: Thanks girl, I wish I had nice things to say about you, I don’t think I have many nice things to say so I’d rather just be quiet for now. Teairra fixes her hat and does a fake smile.

Teairra’s Confessional: Last time I saw Amal in person was the reunion and we got into a little bit of a scuffle, and then she decided to go on Twitter and make a tweet about me! Which I didn’t reply to because…sweetie we’re going to see each other again.

As awkward music begins to swell, we then watch as Billie arrives to the ropes course…

Billie: Is it a bird, is it a plane? Or is that MY GIRLS?? The HBIC is here Ladies!! Billie hugs everyone except Teairra. It’s so nice to be here with you all again!

Teairra: Teairra looks around awkwardly and rolls her eyes. So, when is this thing starting?

Billie: Erica, where the hell do you have us? I told you I could’ve done a smoke sesh at my house if we wanted to make peace that way!

Amal: Puff, puff, peace, and pass. That sounds more like us. Amal laughs.

Erica: Well, before we get our harnesses on, I want to say I invited you all here because I feel like we haven’t been together as a group in a while. We lost a few people, and this is the new, new. I’m really hoping as we do this exercise we can get past our differences and come together. I think this is very needed because you girls are just so feisty. So, every time we cross through one of the exercises we have to say one nice thing about someone of… MY choice. Erica smiles. So, let’s get our harnesses on.

Billie: Oh, this is going to be something! Amal don’t let me fall damnit! My bones are fragile!

Amal: Sorry bitch, did you say harness?

Billie’s Confessional: Are we signing waivers for this or are we just trusting this is a safe course. Either way I don’t hope I fall and break a hip.

Amal’s Confessional: I haven’t worn a harness in years but the last time I wore one I wasn’t in a park… Amal pauses. If you know what I mean.

Erica: Yes, yes, I have some handsome men putting us in harnesses so don’t be shy, I know I’m not. Erica walks along with the cute instructor.

Billie: Oh, let me follow you Erica in that case.

Teairra: Oh Lord. Teairra grabs a harness and puts it on as she walks with the instructor and Erica.

Teairra’s Confessional: Really Erica? Now you know damn well I have nothing nice to say to these two bitches at the moment, we left off rocky…and I KNOW Erica is doing this to be messy…I see where this is going.

Amal: The instructor helps Amal put on the harness. I’m so sorry! I hope my boobs aren’t getting in the way. Amal grabs her boobs in the instructor’s face. They have a mind of their own sometimes.

Erica: Erica puts on her harness with the help of an instructor. Okay, is everyone ready?

We then watch as the girls get hooked into the ropes course and begin working their way through it…

Erica: Erica smirks and starts jumping through the course looking back at the ladies. Keep up girlies! We got a course to finish.

Teairra: Teairra jumps behind Erica while screaming. Hold on bitch! You are too fast, I’m gonna fall!

Erica’s Confessional: I’ve done this course a bunch of times now, So of course I brought the ladies to a place that I could dominate them! Like duh!

Erica: Keep up hoes! Erica starts jumping from log to log. As we’re doing this, I would like for everyone to give us one thing they like about Billie Reed!

Amal: The camera pans over to Amal who is struggling to put one foot in front of the other. Oh lord Jesus, Mary & Joseph. What in the… A log starts to sway from side to side. Oh no ma’am. Oh no ma’am! Amal screams out at Erica. BITCH, ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!

Billie: Billie follows behind Amal and grabs her. SOMEONE HELP ME, THIS BITCH CAN’T KEEP HER BALANCE!

Erica: Erica screams back. OH MY GOD, DONT LOOK DOWN!

Amal: Girl, what is you saying? I’m a delicate little flower angel. You can carry me on those linebacker shoulders.

Teairra: Teairra keeps jumping and trying to keep herself steady on the course while keeping her eyes straight ahead. Oh my god, how much longer do we have to jump I’m getting a cramp!

Erica: Erica gets across the course waiting for the ladies. We don’t have all day! Erica yells in a blowhorn. MOVE IT, MOVE IT!

Billie: Not the linebacker shoulders! Come on Amal, you are holding us up!

Amal: What do I like about Billie Reed?! Amal takes one step in front of the other whilst swaying on the ropes course. Ummm…ummmm…she showed me how to give a good blowjob!

Teairra: Teairra makes it across and breathes heavy. Okay! That was cute!

Erica: Erica laughs. Those lips were made for sucking too???

Billie: Billlie starts laughing. Girls, you all need to read my book on how to give a good blowjob!

Amal: Her technique can make a man blow in seconds…

Erica: Erica looks over at Teairra. Any nice words?

Billie: Teairra, you see me out here struggling. You don’t have anything nice to say?

Teairra: Teairra looks around. Any nice words about what?

Erica: Oh ladies… Erica stops on the platform. I can’t with the awkwardness between us. I won’t be letting anyone pass and we will stay on this platform until you ladies discuss the issues between you 3 from New York.

Billie: So, Teairra…let’s talk it out. We are grown women here and on a small platform that looks like it’s going to fall any second. What’s the issue with Amal and I?

Amal: I don’t really have an issue with you Teairra. I just felt like you were inserting yourself into my beef with Grace. I’m not sure if you were looking for some relevancy or some excitement in your life but it came out of nowhere. Especially after I was so nice to you last year.

Teairra: Okay….wait, cause sweetie I don’t need any excitement from someone like you so if you want to have a conversation let’s stop with the shade because the issue was the fact that you were dragging this so called “beef” with Grace out, it was just tired in my opinion. You didn’t like my opinion, so you were mad, it’s just that simple.

Erica: Oh God… Erica looks the other way.

Amal’s Confessional: The thing with Teairra is that we had gotten along so well last year then at the reunion, it seemed as though she had been coached or prompted to defend Grace. I told her then that Grace wouldn’t always be around to protect her and now she’s stuck 50 feet in the sky with me on this little podium where one shove from me, could end it all

Billie: My only issue with you Teairra is that you insert yourself and your feelings into matters that don’t pertain to you. As someone who has championed for you numerous times in this group and then you come to New York with a chip on your shoulder and came for me out of left field was so wrong of you. You didn’t have skin in the game when it came to my issues with Grace just like I didn’t have skin in the game when it came to you and Devyn’s problems. In fact, I tried to defend you against her.

Amal: But that’s your opinion on my relationship with an entirely separate person. It’s a relationship that goes back long before you even met Grace, so your opinion was really out of order and unwarranted

Erica: Okay, let’s not all jump on T here. I feel like her coming to this, not being in a very good place with any of us is a very good starting place. I will say, I think everyone here was a bit tired of the arguing myself included because it was a lot last year.

Teairra: Okay so you two both feel like I jumped into the beef you two had with Grace… and I feel otherwise, I didn’t go in on you two and try to fully put myself against y’all, I just felt like at some points it was too much and it started becoming really tired so I inserted myself. Teairra turns to Erica. Exactly, that’s my point.

Billie: I think we all came here today looking for resolution otherwise I wouldn’t be 50 feet in the sky on a small ass platform with you guys.

Erica: I want you ladies to all know, this is stemming from someone none of us talks to at the moment and who is no longer around this group anymore. Nothing is too deep that can’t be fixed here.

Billie: How do we move on from here, because clearly the issues stemmed from people who are no longer here? We all have the chance here to start over.

Amal: I get it. You were being a good friend to Grace and even though I don’t like her, I can respect the fact that you were 10 toes down for that old haggard hoe.

Erica: I think that’s what we do, we start over. I mean look at Amal and I. We literally started anew and we’re in this amazing space. So, can we forgive and start this summer off right? I need everyone to not tussle when we get to put our bikinis on.

Amal: I’m willing to put that to bed. I just ask that if you ever feel like I’m stepping over the line, you address it with me directly and not come at me in front of the person I’m beefing with.

Teairra: Teairra nods. I feel like we can move on, we all said some nasty things to each other here and there but at the end of the day we’re all grown women, and we can move on.

Billie: Billie laughs. I can second what Amal said. I think it might be hard for me to trust you immediately again, but I definitely want us to get back on the path of friendship that we were once building, Teairra. You are a good time, and someone I considered a good friend!

Erica’s Confessional: Listen, last year was a tough year between this group but nothing between us 4 was so deep that it should continue to affect us. We were all friends and we all used to have a blast with one another so starting fresh today, is the biggest way to show this is a new Twitter, hunny!

Billie: Now can we please move off this platform. I can smell the chips that Amal ate on the way over here!

Erica: Thank you God! I really don’t know how sturdy this is and I’m actually fearing for my life.

Teairra: We can hug it out! Teairra rolls eyes and laughs as she hugs Amal.

Billie: Let’s hug it out, group hug ladies! Let’s say core FOUR FOREVER!!!

We then watch as all four Ladies do a group hug as the platform rocks back and forth slightly…

Billie: Whore four, core four. Let’s do the damn thing girls! New Twitter is here!

Erica: Okay, but no seriously…I think this thing will break

Amal: Break?! Bitch, I have a built-in air mattress to land on. I don’t know what you skinny bitches are going to do.

Billie’s Confessional: Round of applause to Erica. That bitch can move mountains, or we were just petrified for our lives and did whatever it took to get us off there. Either way she got us back on the same page and I think this is a great core four that we have here. Let’s just hope this time it sticks.

As we see the Ladies getting down from the course, the scene shifts to several hours later as we see Billie and Erica making their way into a bar as the scene transitions, with Daphne walking up to join them as we continue…

Daphne: Hey, girl! Looking sexy, I love the hair!

Billie: Oh my god we are matching again in our all black!! Do we have the same stylist? Billie laughs. Come have a seat! My friend Erica should be here any minute!

Erica’s Confessional: After playing peacemaker, Billie knew I needed either a blunt or drink to take my mind off our all those emotions. I know she’s inviting a friend and I’m just hoping, we keep this one on a very tight leash.

Erica: Oh, I didn’t get the all black memo, it’s okay though because I shine bright in the night. I hope the shots are coming. This must be your friend.

Billie: I’m going to do a bottle of champagne for the table with some tequila shots. Is that good with you two?

Daphne: Hi, nice to meet you, I’m Daphne. Daphne smiles as she kisses Erica on the cheek.

Billie: Yes, this is my friend and architect Daphne Beaumont! She’s a lot more credible and intelligent than the last friend I brought around!

Erica: Fabulous! Oh, she’s touchy! Erica looks at Daphne as she kisses Erica’s cheek.

Billie: She won’t take you the bedroom! Billie laughs. This is as far as she goes, right Daphne?

Erica: We don’t need any more scandals like that!

Billie’s Confessional: Lord, if Daphne is a secret lesbian lover like Kaylani is, I’ve done been down this road. I don’t want to go back down it again!

Daphne: Oh, absolutely! I respect a taken woman. Billie told me you’re married and a businesswoman too, I love that!

Billie: Daphne, I told you she was separated… Billie shakes her head. Please forgive my friend, Erica.

Daphne’s Confessional: Look, I’ve had my fair share of encounters with the same sex but I’m more fond of men. And I’m big on being faithful!

Erica: It’s fine hun, yes newly separated and diving into divorce. Erica flips her hair. Nothing too crazy.

Daphne: Oh god forgive me, I guess I should stop pregaming alone before going out. Daphne laughs. Next round is on me, okay?

Erica: Are you in a relationship? Architecture must keep you busy so I can’t imagine that married life. Erica crosses her legs.

Billie: Where is your head at with all of that Erica! How are you feeling about divorcing and being on this new journey? If I may say this is the happiest I’ve ever seen you!

Daphne: Nope, I am single and free! And I love it!

Erica: I think I’m finally happy! That marriage was holding me back in more ways than I could’ve thought. Between dating, taking care of chance and just having the freedom to just have fun. Everything feels so clear!

Billie: I think Teairra is the only married one and then Amal has a new man every week!

Erica’s Confessional: My happiness is honestly the major priority for me this year and I’m taking it by its tight ass glued down wig and making it my bitch.

Erica: Erica looks over at Billie and laughs. What man is she on now?

Billie: Who knows, I think she told me last week she had some hot sex with some chef here at one of the restaurants! I just let her do her thing. Billie laughs.

Daphne: All I know about this Amal is she was supposed to meet me and Billie but she ditched us last minute. Daphne rolls her eyes.

Erica: Girl, you know I love for a good sexual freedom. Erica turns to Daphne. Wait, Amal was supposed to come here? Sorry Daphne, she may be with one of her “friends” tonight.

Daphne: Oh no, not tonight. The other day, but then she texted Billie last minute and cancelled.

Billie: Oh yeah Amal didn’t leave a good taste in Daphne’s mouth. Daphne is all about punctuality and being on time or standing with your commitments so when Amal canceled at the last minute, I don’t think she was too happy. This was last week I had scheduled a lunch with them two. To tell them about my new TV series I’m producing. The one I told you about Erica?

Daphne: Daphne nods along as Billie speaks. Time is money and I don’t like to waste either.

Erica: Yes! How is that going? I know we talked about you wanting to get from in front of the screen to behind it so how has that journey been?

Billie: Oh, it’s been great, I’m so excited and anxious for it. It is going to keep me busy. NBC Universal was the ones who approached me about producing a pilot series. The name is still in the works, but the concept is going to be something like Sex and the City meets Desperate Housewives!

Erica: I feel like something fun is desperately needed for these times, I feel like you’ll definitely get that series and of course a season 2. How is the transition though? You’re the big dog now, in charge of everything.

Billie: I won’t lie it’s been kinda sad for me going from acting to producing. I’m more in charge of the decision-making process and creative decisions. I love acting, it’s what I’ve done the last 25 years but after everything I’ve gone through it was time for a change.

Daphne: It makes sense, after your awful experience. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t eventually do some acting too, still! What about you, Erica? Billie told me you have your own business as well, what’s it about?

Billie: That’s true Daphne. I mean I am just grateful to have a job!

Erica: And you could always write yourself a part Billie, tuh I would. Erica laughs.

Billie: You know me so well Erica. Hell, I might just need to cast all the single girls to be a part of it!!

Erica: Daphne, I have my own beauty line called Glamour by E’Kaoir I’ve recently taken a step back from it now and I’ve been cooking. I have this cookbook coming out and I don’t know if you ladies are on the TikTok and YouTube, but I have a cooking show with my partner Deion, where I teach him how to cook. We have a live audience and it’s been such a healing/fun experience for me. How about you? Have you done any architectural work here in Twitter?

Daphne: Oh, wow, you sure keep yourself busy huh? I am a terrible cook, I’ll definitely need to buy a copy of your book. Daphne laughs.

Billie: Erica, you know I’m tuned in weekly for your cooking show! It’s so great and the dishes you make are divine!! I’m glad you are enjoying that. And Daphne actually did most of the architectural work on my new home I moved into last year!

Daphne: And yes, I have. Actually, my main offices are situated in Downtown Twitter, I have my own firm Beaumont Architects, and I work all over the United States. I renovated her house… Daphne points to Billie. A few years back and that’s how we became friends.

Erica: Oh my god, Daphne that was you? I love Billie’s new home. I might need to make my way downtown; the girls know I’m in desperate need of a new home after this separation. So, do you have any kids? Or you’re living the single lifestyle?

Daphne: No, never married and no kids! I’m free like a bird like that Nelly Furtado songs. Daphne laughs. I just always wanted to put myself and my passions before anything else and in order to do that I chose not to start a family.

Billie: That’s what we have in common Erica. The bitch is just like me. Kidless and menless!! Doesn’t mean we don’t like to have fun from time to time and let our panties drop low.

Erica: I completely understand that. Building an empire isn’t easy and marriage isn’t either. Erica laughs. I like this one, Billie!

Billie: She’s fun Erica. You are going to love her!! Why don’t we discuss the obstacle course day. She’s been dying to know more about our other friends.

Erica’s Confessional: I’m so glad Billie has made her way from the pound to a beautiful doggie adoption center, I’m just hoping in the long run this one doesn’t bite me in the ass.

Billie: Erica, how did you think it went overall at the obstacle course?

Erica: I think I got you girls in good shape, I felt bad for T a bit because she was put in a very bad place full of isolation and I just wanted you all to get right. I think that fact that we all agreed to just move on from the toxicity of last year was a good starting point. How do you feel? I know you and Teairra kind of took it to hell in New York about the drinking, So I was hesitant to see anything between you two.

Billie: I think for me we need to have another conversation because for her to label me as a drunk while in a federal lawsuit was very reckless of her, but I think we needed to move on and let the past be the past. She rode for the wrong team, and clearly, they are not here to back her up anymore, so I felt some pity on her.

Daphne: A drunk? Daphne looks taken aback. I don’t know this girl, but I know you’re not a drunk, honey

Billie: I just like to let loose and have fun!

Daphne’s Confessional: Now look, I’ve known Billie for a while now and I’ve often gone out with her. She enjoys a good drink like we all do, but she’s not a drunk. That’s just stupid!

Billie: I mean how do you feel with Teairra? You guys have more to repair than I think me and Amal do with her.

Erica: I think we all drink but no one here is an alcoholic. I felt pity for her too and you know I’m not the biggest Teairra fan especially since her and her friends did that w/ the mistress. I want to start a new leaf with her, but I think that’s a conversation her and I have to have. Erica looks at Daphne. Oh. if you didn’t know Teairra and her friends questioned my husband’s mistress about me, it’s a whole thing.

Daphne: Daphne looks shocked. Well, that’s… quite shitty of her. I’m sorry honey.

Billie: I feel like with this new group we have here there’s lots of room to start fresh and actually start out on clean slates. So, I hope you and Teairra can find that place again. When me, Teairra, AND ERICA link up! Oh, we turn the whole place up.

Erica’s Confessional: Although, I managed to get these ladies on the right track for now, there are still a bunch of conversations that need to be held between some of us. Teairra crossed the line last year but it wasn’t her plan and i’m willing to forgive that.

Erica: I’m glad you think that because that was the whole point of the exercises. To just get us to a point where we could talk through our problems without it being an issue. Baby! We have a TIMEEE I’m talking on the table timeee!

Billie: I think having Daphne around with her sophistication and class, she will help hold some people accountable and maybe help them speak eloquently

Daphne: I promise I will try my best!

Erica: I can’t wait, we need some… class in this particular group.

Billie: Amen to that, let’s cheers to a great girls night out! I got us a VIP section at the club next door! So, let’s pregame until the doors open!

As the Ladies clink their glasses together, the scene shifts to several days later as we see Teairra walking into a jewelry store, looking at various pieces and trying them on as the scene begins…

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m a shopaholic and I always need a girl that brings glitz and glam especially in Twitter, because it’s not many girls like that! So, I decided to bring out my good girl Polly out for some shopping and just have some fun, I have a lot to catch her up on in this group of Ladies so she’s not sidetracked like I was entering around these ladies because honey… Teairra laughs.

Just then, the camera pans as we see a beautiful blonde strolling into the store and walking up to Teairra…

Teairra: My loveeeee, oh my goodness, it’s so good to see you! How are you my honey? I feel like it’s been so long even though I saw you last week. Polly laughs.

Polly: I’m good, I’m good. Oh wow, this place has some cute stuff. I’ve never been here before. I’ve just got back from vacation, a quick stop to see some family, but back and now a busy bee you know how it is.

Teairra: Well, it is a private jewelry store! We have a lot of catching up to do! But that is so good, where did you go?

Teairra’s Confessional: Polly is a really sweet girl! But she definitely has a mouth on her so don’t ever let the pretty face fool you she knows how to defend herself, but she’s also such a good vibe I just hope Twitter is good to her.

Polly: Me and Andrew just took the jet to Amalfi for a few days. Nothing major, I had to get back to work yesterday so we couldn’t do a full week.

Polly’s Confessional: Polly laughs. I know it’s crazy, but I mean, c’mon I have the means and access to a jet whenever I need. You’ve got one life, live it, travelling the world with your love!

Polly: And then I’ve got to get Oscar back to pre-school tomorrow, so it’s full steam ahead. Oh, this would look great on you… Polly points at a ring. Can we get this one out please sir? I want her to try it on.

Teairra: Oh okay! That’s so cute, preschool??? I feel so old! Teairra laughs and looks at the ring. Wait, this is gorgeous! I’ll definitely have to tell Donte to come back here because I need a upgrade!

Polly: I’m going to get this one I think sir, and I’ll get my friend that ring. It’s on me honey, we don’t need to wait on a man! Can we get some champagne? Polly looks around.

Teairra: Okay period! This is why we click so well! But speaking of cliques though, have you met any of the other ladies yet???

Polly: Well, I know Erica as you know, who are the other ladies?

Teairra: Teairra takes champagne and takes a seat crossing her legs. Oh, you’ve met Erica! That’s good, there’s another girl that has been around for a while named Billie, are you familiar with her? She’s like an actress and whatnot. Both figuratively and literally! You may have seen her.

Polly’s Confessional: Erica and I are friendly, we’ve been out for some drinks and dinners here and there. She’s a good time!

Polly: I haven’t met Billie, no. Is she nice? A lot of actresses I know are kinda tricky to deal with.

Teairra: She’s…mixy? Teairra makes a confused face. I don’t know how to put my finger on her, it’s like if you’ve been around her for a while you get used to her, but at first, it’s hard to tell you’ll just have to meet her and get your own judgement she’s that type of chick, you know?

Polly: Oh, right okay, I don’t know if I have time for that…

Teairra’s Confessional: Billie and new girls usually…I don’t know, she has a habit of trying to break people into the group and hopefully she doesn’t rub Polly the wrong way but knowing her, she definitely will.

Teairra: Well, we’ll see about her! What about Amal? Does that name ring a bell? That’s like the only other girl you may have a few run ins with, in this group at least.

Polly: We don’t have a personal connection, no. All good things between you and those three girls? What’s the vibe there?

Teairra: We’re good for now, it’s been very mixy between us, well between me Billie & Amal but I guess things are patched now, they hate the fact that I have a voice and they won’t be able to shut me up.

Polly: Girl, you know we’re not here to deal with anyone’s problems or shit, okay? Life’s too short!

Teairra: Oh, definitely not! we’re here to have fun but if the problems come to us, you know we’re quick to shut it down! so are you excited for your new Twitter journey? Like where’s your head at?

Polly’s Confessional: I really don’t take any nonsense. Like I’m far too busy and too tired most of the time to listen to bullshit. I’ll be the one to end the conversation if it’s going south. Teairra is the same, so I’m really interested to see her around these so-called friends

Polly: Yes!! I’m so happy to be back, my family obviously are well known in Twitter and have a lot to do here, so I’m always happy to be back. The house remodel is pretty much done. We got this architect in to remodel it and fix it up, so I’m just excited to settle down and hopefully get pregnant and get a little sibling cooking for my baby. Like I said there’s a lot going on! Polly laughs. But tell me, how’s the music coming along?

Teairra: Yes! A real boss lady and a mother! I love that for you, the girls aren’t ready for you. And whew, my music has been doing so good like literally skyrocketing in popularity, I’m just in a space where I just want to focus strictly on that and maybe drop an EP or album I’m not sure yet but it’s definitely being worked on!

Polly: Get that album out girl. I’ll be the first in line for a signature! Do you need a mommy back up dancer? Polly laughs.

Teairra: You know what….yes actually! I’ll make sure to give you a copy of the album as soon as it’s finished & we’ll talk about performances! But wait, I’m not sure if I asked and we’re friends so this is crazy, but you are a doctor, right?

Polly: I’m a doctor yes, focusing on aesthetics. All that magic! But anyway, let me pay for this for us. And then let’s get together for dinner! I’ve got some time off still so I’m much more free than usual.

Teairra: Okay! I figured chile, so you can check all these bitches’ temperatures and see what they’re really about! I love that. But thank you doll for coming out with me today. It was a cute little time to catch up, but we can definitely do our dinner soon and you’re so sweet for paying for us!

As the Ladies check out and wrap up their purchases, the scene shifts yet again as we see a shot of a modern skyscraper. The camera then pans inside of Daphne’s modern high-rise apartment, different rooms are shown on screen. The scene then starts as we see Daphne sitting on the couch in her living room, attending a Zoom meeting on her PC as the scene begins…

Daphne: Alright Jacob, you need to talk to them and make sure that we will get all the permits by next week. We’ve been waiting for them for almost a month now. This client needs us to get this renovation done as soon as possible.

Jacob (Daphne’s Personal Assistant): Sure, will do. I’ll email them right away.

Daphne: Good, let me know what they say. Oh, and we also need to go pick out the new decor for the offices. Add that to my schedule please.

Jacob: Done! Anything else we need to go over?

Daphne: No, that should be all. I’ll talk to you later. Keep me posted, bye!

Jacob: Will do! Talk to you later.

Daphne shuts her pc closed and lets out a sigh…

Daphne’s Confessional: My name is Daphne Beaumont, I am an architect and founder of Beaumont Architects, an architecture and design firm, with its main offices situated here in Twitter. I love my job and everything that comes along with having my own business, although at times it can be a very challenging and even a bit alienating. Daphne smiles. But it’s the life I chose, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world

Daphne’s dog Louise walks over and starts whining and barking…

Daphne: Oh, someone must be hungry! Okay baby girl, time for your lunch!

Daphne walks over to the kitchen, where she fills Louise’s bowl with dry food and sits beside her as she eats, petting her…

Daphne’s Confessional: I have never been married nor do I have kids, and it was a conscious choice. I always knew I wanted to put myself and my ambitions first and I didn’t feel like that could’ve been possible had I been married or a mother. And quite frankly I don’t regret it one bit! And I have my Louise, she’s my furry little baby! Producers ask about the dog’s name. I named her after Louise Blanchard Bethune, the first American woman known to have worked as a professional architect!

Just as Daphne is watching Louise eat, her phone rings, she picks it up and answers…

Daphne: Hello, hi Katherine! Any news?

Katherine (Daphne’s Lawyer): I was just going over what we need to do in order to kick start the process for this non-profit organization

Daphne: Yes, yes! That is amazing, I am so excited. Tell me everything!

Daphne’s Confessional: Given how much I love not only my sweet Louise but animals in general, I have often taken in strays or rescues and helped find them a new home. So, I thought why not take the next step and start my own charity? So, I am in the process of doing just that!

Katherine: The specific steps and paperwork that needs to be filed varies by state. It’s a lot of bureaucracy and fees.

Daphne: Okay, that won’t be an issue. I’m not doing this to make money, I’m doing this to help the poor rescues all over the country

Katherine: Of course, of course. So, I think we would need to discuss this in person because I need your signature on some documents and we need to come up with a more structured plan, is that okay with you?

Daphne: Absolutely, I can come by tomorrow morning and we can go over it together, is that okay?

Katherine: Perfect, see you tomorrow then!

Daphne: Okay, bye Katheryn, see you!

Daphne hangs up the phone and the scene fades to black, and we transition yet again to a beautiful runway, where we see an upscale fashion show preparing for their launch. We watch as the camera shifts towards the red carpet, where many of Twitter’s rich and famous are seen posing on the step and repeat. Finally, as the camera continues its loop, we see the Ladies beginning to arrive to the show as the scene begins…

Erica’s Confessional: Summer doesn’t officially start without an exclusive invitation to a Twitter fashion show. When I say exclusive, I mean exclusive. The who’s who, city council, you name it and of course us ladies. We’re finally stepping back in the limelight and reclaiming the social status that is ours, let’s just hope these ladies can stay on their best behavior.

Erica is shown stepping out of her car, and walking up to Amal who just arrived, as the pair begin to chat while the other Ladies arrive…

Billie: Billie hops out of her blacked SUV with Daphne. Buckle up girl, I don’t know what is going to happen today!

Billie’s Confessional: Let’s hope this event we actually act like women with class since this is a show that the city is putting on I think we should represent the city well. After all, getting an event to Twitter’s Swim Week is an EXCLUSIVE thing to be invited to…

Amal: Amal sees Billie and her bob approach. Oh lord, wow.

Daphne: Girl, wow, I love the wig! Hey Erica! These must be the friends I’ve heard so much about.

Billie: It feels very summer, doesn’t it! I introduce you girls to Stormy!

Amal: Amal nods at Billie. Yes, it sure is stormy mama.

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m actually excited to see what today has in store and to introduce my girl Polly into the group, in an environment she’s comfortable in…glitz and glam of COURSE, and see how well she meshes with the rest of the girls, let’s hope it’s going to be a good day.

Teairra: Teairra walks slowly into the event looking around and smiling. Oh, this is gorgeous!

Polly: Polly walks in with Teairra. Oh wow, look at this place!

Teairra: Are you excited, Polly? It’s already really cute in here!

Polly: I’m excited of course! Everyone looks great.

Polly’s Confessional: I’m nervous as hell! But it’s okay, the Botox hides it and the tequila settles the nerves *smiles* let’s have some fun!

As Polly and Teairra chat, the camera pans back to Billie as she leads Daphne and the other girls towards the bar…

Billie: Billie grabs Daphne and goes to the bar. Listen, one thing you will learn is to get drinks before any kind of event starts! We will do two tequila shots and a vodka soda! Amal you want anything?

Erica: Erica walks over to the ladies. I could see that wig from a mile away, Miss Reed! Erica hugs Billie.

Amal: Are you paying for drinks, B? If that’s the case, make my vodka soda a double! Amal laughs.

Billie: Erica!! You look stunning, we were just fixing to do a tequila shot to kick off this swim week!! I’m experimenting with the wigs.

Erica: Well, tell the bartender to pour us another. Erica laughs.

Daphne: Daphne is served her drink and turns to Amal. So, you’re the infamous Amal! I’m finally meeting you in the flesh. Daphne smiles. I’m Daphne Beaumont, nice to meet you!

Teairra: Teairra looks over at the group and looks back at Polly. Should we get some drinks? Or are you already good? I haven’t got my drink yet.

Polly: Let’s go to the bar.

As Polly and Teairra make their way towards the group, Billie spots Teairra as the scene continues…

Billie: I think there’s Teairra and some chick with her! Billie yells out for Teairra. Teairra, get over here!

Teairra: Teairra walks over to the bar joining the rest of the ladies with Polly. Hello, hello ladies!

Billie: Oh, hey Teairra, I hope I’m not drinking too much for your liking tonight! Billie smirks.

The camera pans back and forth between Teairra and Billie, before showing the surprised and nervous reactions of the other Ladies…

Polly: Oh! Well! Nice to meet you too!

Dramatic music plays as we see each Lady look uncomfortable and Teairra raises her eyebrows and looks set to respond, as the screen fades to black…




Ladies of Twitter
Ladies of Twitter

Written by Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 16 seasons, and catch season 17 every Friday! #LoT🏙️

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