Season 17, Episode 11: “Lights, Camera, DRAMA”

As the episode begins, we hear upbeat music as we see various shots of Twitter from the city skyline to its gorgeous coastline. As we focus in, we see a Universal lot, where Billie is hard at work on the set of her new project as the scene begins…

Billie’s Confessional: Today I’m inviting the ladies on set to show them some behind the scenes of what I do as a producer! I also have an exciting proposal for the ladies!

Billie: So, I have some girlfriends coming by to see what I have been up to with the tv series! I’ve told them all to remain professional.

Ashley (NBC Executive Producer): Oh, how lovely, we have set up a lunch in the conference room for you all!
Billie: I just hope they remember where we are and don’t act a fool! Billie laughs.
As Billie continues to do work on the set, the camera pans as the Ladies begin to arrive, and we see Erica rolling up to Billie on set on the back of a golf cart…
Erica: Now, this is a set!

Erica’s Confessional: I am so happy for Billie, she’s been working very hard on this new project and it’s finally going somewhere. So, of course when asked I was going to make an appearance and support my girl and hopefully pop up for a cameo!
Billie: Billie sees Erica. Well there is my sister! Of course you’re the first to arrive!
Erica: Erica hugs Billie. Of course! This set is gorgeous my god!
Amal: Amal walks up from the gates with Teairra towards the Ladies. Wow, now this is fabulous!

Amal’s Confessional: Despite all of the drama surrounding Billie these last few months, I’m so proud of her and all that she is accomplishing with this new show! Sorry Miss E, but Universal Studios? Amal shakes her head. Now THIS is where you invite Amal Hadid when there is a taping.
Billie: Thank you, welcome to my second home! It’s been my life and soul these past few months!
Polly: Polly walks in. Hello girls!

Daphne: Daphne walks in, looking around at the set. Hello, hello everybody! Daphne waves at the ladies.
Teairra: This is fab!

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m so excited to see Billie working in action! I think it’s only right that all the girls somehow form a stronger bond by watching one another do their thing! Just like how they did at my music video shoot, it’s cute.
Billie: Wow you all showed up and showed out for an onset day!
Amal: Well, if it isn’t the EP, honey!! The EP!!! Amal snaps and gives Billie a hug.
Polly: What’s an EP?
Billie: It is me, the EP!! It’s been a day already. We have one last scene to run through and then I have lunch catered for you all!
Erica: Yesss! We get to see the EP in action.
Teairra: Billie, this is FAB! I love all this! Teairra motions around the set.
Amal: I hope it’s not craft services my darling. I’m expecting lobster with all this success you’re experiencing! Amal laughs.
Brian: Brian walks up and joins the Ladies. Hi ladies!

Billie: Amal, we are having pasta, seafood and steak for lunch!
Polly: How is everyone? We’re all looking gorg! Billie, I brought you this. Polly hands Billie a bottle of champagne. I thought it would be cute to toast you!
Brian: Billie’s big day!! How exciting!

Daphne’s Confessional: Brian is here? And she’s all giggly? I hope her and Billie made up, no drama today please!
Amal: Oh, how sweet Polly!
Billie: Yes, everyone showed up and showed out for the universal studios! I’ve got one last scene to wrap up. And then we can break for lunch.
Amal: Ohh fabulous! Let’s watch Billie in action girls!

Brian’s Confessional: The studio looks just like I remember it! It has aged though, at least put a fresh coat of paint on these walls!
Billie: Billie looks at Brian. Brian, watch and learn mamas!
Erica: Hey Brian, you look… well.

Erica’s Confessional: I don’t know if it’s the summer heat or those fillers are dissolving quickly but Brian’s face looks like plastic in a microwave and I’m kind of scared. Polly, this is who you should be recommending special services too.
Billie: Billie is seen setting the stage. Okay, let’s run through the lines one more time! I have a feeling this is going to be the one!
Amal: Amal whispers to Erica. Look at our girl in action. Do you think she’s this domineering in the bedroom?
Erica: Erica whispers to Amal. I think since she’s so dominant she likes a man more dominant than her. Erica giggles.
Polly: Wait, so we’re not having lunch yet? The invite said 2pm lunch I skipped breakfast.
Amal: Amal looks at Polly then over to Billie on set, before opening her purse and pulling out a jumbo Kit Kat and whispers to the girls. Ssssshhhhh. Amal throws the Kit Kat to Polly. Eat this!
Polly: Polly watches the Kit Kat fall to the floor and looks up. No thank you.
As the Ladies quieten down, the camera focuses in on the scene begins shot, as we see Sarah Jessica Parker walking out and running her lines, followed by Halle Berry, as the camera then pans back and catches the Ladies’ shocked reactions to the A-list castings…
Brian: I named my dog after her! Jessica Barker!

Daphne’s Confessional: Thee SJP is working with Billie on her pilot?? I can’t believe she didn’t tell us, okay now, this is going to be major! I wonder if it’s an And Just Like That crossover!

Polly’s Confessional: I’m confused what’s happening, but look, SJP is a huge signing. Good for Billie!
Daphne: Daphne gasps and whispers to Amal. What kinda budget does Billie have? Damn!

Teairra’s Confessional: I was expecting top notch but Billie is EATING. I didn’t know icons were going to be in my presence, I would’ve definitely changed my outfit up a little bit! I need to make a better impression maybe I could’ve been in the next film!

Amal’s Confessional: Halle Berry? As in THE HALLE BERRY?! Amal looks around. What in the? Where in the? How in the? SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON
Polly: Wow, this is so cool.
We then watch as the two actresses finish their scene as the Ladies watch in awe…
Billie: AND SCENE. Now that’s HOW you do a scene ladies! Ladies come over here and meet my talent!
Amal: Amal looks over at the girls before bolting onto the set. Sarah Jessica! Sarah Jessica! Halle! Halle!
Erica: Erica claps as the scene finishes. Billie, that was amazing!
Sarah Jessica Parker (Actress): Ladies it’s so lovely to meet you. You all must be the group of ladies that Billie built this show based on!
Daphne: That was incredible! Bravo everyone! Wait, what? Daphne looks at Billie. This is based on us?
Halle Berry (Actress): These ladies definitely look like the inspiration Billie showed us.
Amal: Based on us? Are you ladies playing patients at a psychiatric hospital?
Erica: Erica poses. Now which celebrity is loosely portraying me?
Billie: To an extent, this group has some resemblance of the group we have on the piloted series. Six affluent in the city learning to navigate starting businesses, men, sex and partying.
Amal: I heard Dame Maggie Smith is playing your character Erica.
Teairra: Teairra looks around confused. I think I’m definitely Halle Berry.

Daphne’s Confessional: Am I SJP? God, I hope so! I definitely think Kim K could play Amal…
Billie: Listen ladies, let’s go to the conference room. Our lunch is waiting for us in there!
We then watch as the Ladies make their way through the set, passing the green room and other sets as they continue, with Billie pointing things out as they walk…

Amal’s Confessional: At this point, I’m expecting Robert DeNiro and Brad Pitt to walk through those set doors any second now.
Amal: Oh, how fabulous Billie!!
As the Ladies arrive to the conference room, they see Ryan Gosling, another actor on the project…
Ryan Gosling (Actor): Well hello ladies and Billie there you are! I had to let the caterers in to set up the food! Is this your group of friends?
Brian: So many celebrities! They are on your payroll Billie??
Billie: Yes, it is Ryan! This is my crazy group of girlfriends! Unfortunately, Ryan won’t be hanging with us today ladies. He’s just here to say hello!
Daphne: Daphne whispers to Amal. His fillers settled nicely, he looked kinda chimpunky after the Barbie movie!
Amal: Ryan Gosling, has anyone ever told you I look exactly like your wife Eva Mendez? Amal extends her hand. Charmed.
Erica: Jesus, this budget is insane. Erica looks over at Polly who has picked up a breadstick and begun eating. Whew, are you starving, hun?
Ryan: Well lovely to meet you ladies, I don’t think I’ve meet you before. Ryan extends his hand out to Amal. Lovely to meet you beautiful lady.

Billie: Okay ladies let’s eat. Thanks to the chartering team here at NBC our plates are already sat. Just sit yourselves wherever. Except Polly, you can sit there since you stole a breadstick.
Polly: I’m standing? I’ll sit wherever babe just tell me.
Billie: No, you have a seat right beside me babe.
We then watch as Billie and all the Ladies sit down at the table with their plates already at the table…
Billie: Thank you all for coming and seeing a sneak peek of what’s been going on with my life lately! It’s a fun cast that we have shaping up to be.
Amal: Billie, that was incredible! I’m so proud of you!
Polly: Really amazing. So fun!
Teairra: I’m glad we were able to witness it in the flesh, was I expecting all these celebs? Absolutely not, I wish I knew!
Erica: I’m so proud of you sister! it’s been a long time coming but it’s coming along wonderfully. You did that!
Billie: This was a huge deal for me to get you all clearance to come on set today so I appreciate you all remembering why you were invited and didn’t act an ass! As you can see, we are on set with some high profile people.
Polly: When is the pilot being shown to the execs Billie? Are we hopping for a full series or?
Billie: Ryan was our last one to sign on. So yes, the three you saw today are all going to be featured in the series. We are looking at a 10-episode series with the potential to have more episodes next season. They really think this pilot will get the green light for at least three seasons.
Daphne: Well, congratulations! Three seasons is a huge deal, especially in this day and age where shows last just a couple of years!
Billie: Thank you ladies. I’m really proud of all of you ladies. I mean we are the epitome of hard working women. We have Daphne with her architecture firm, Erica with a booming cooking show, Teairra singing career, Amal’s new mani-pawdi dog line and Polly’s skincare company.
Amal: Cheers to that!
Polly: We could take over the world! What about Brian, Billie? You missed Brian. Don’t you have a movie coming out, Brian?
Billie: I don’t really know what Brian is doing these days!
Brian: But you invited me to meet all these girls? How well do you really know me, Billie?
Billie: Well, I know you don’t have any projects going on, now do you!?

Brian: I am producing a movie, I still own an orchard which is booming. I do a lot Billie, thanks for asking.
Teairra: Everybody has something going on and I love that but speaking of Mani-Pawdi how’s that going girls? Teairra looks over at Amal and Daphne. You two haven’t spoken much about it recently!
Amal: Well T, we’re actually getting ready for the shoot in a few days! I’ve been waiting on a storyboard and some concepts from my girl Daph for a few weeks now and I finally got it! So exciting!
Erica: Oh, you finally got it? I was a bit scared for you. Erica laughs. I thought it was a bit of a bluff.
Teairra: I was getting scared myself, I’m glad you two have it in motion.
Daphne: Oh? A bluff? We are very serious about our partnership and collaboration, I just happen to be very busy.
Amal: I know Erica! I was a little worried as well after our chat, but Daphne has come through for her favorite client. Amal rubs Daphne on the arm.

Daphne’s Confessional: Daphne makes a face. Wait a minute now… yes, I was a few days late with delivering the concept boards to Amal, however I have an excuse as I work, Amal on the other hand….
Erica: Only because Brian and I made her conference with her team and you didn’t make it. Then Amal was a bit worried because it is crunch time with the business, and you were kind of MIA with the designs and concepts. That’s all. I’m just glad she got them in time, you know? Erica takes another bite of her food.
Polly: Daphne’s delayed Amal because she’s giving me her full attention on my bushes.
Teairra: I’m excited for the line I think it’ll be a big hit!

Teairra’s Confessional: I was hoping Amal shelved this line, because Lord Jesus, I don’t know how the public is going to view it…but I mean hey can’t knock a girl for trying! I hope the dog moms and dads love it.
Daphne: Excuse me, what? You guys went to a meeting with Amal? She never told me about it. Daphne side eyes Amal.
Brian: It was a good meeting!
Amal: Amal swallows her food. Well, I know how busy you’ve been and you were already a couple of weeks late in delivering the pack for the shoot so I assumed you’d be too busy for the meeting.
Billie: Damn, I introduced you ladies to Daph, and you girls put here ass right to work. Billie laughs. Good for you Daphne!

Amal: And that’s why I didn’t invite you, Daphne but it’s all good! I got the pack just in time and hopefully you’ve got everything in order for Wednesday’s shoot.
Erica: Erica whispers to Amal. Did you know that she was working with Polly more than you?
Daphne: Daphne awkwardly smiles. Oh, that’s great. Yes, everything is ready for Wednesday Amal, don’t worry.

Amal’s Confessional: Maybe that’s why my project fell to the back burner for her. I don’t know. Don’t offer your services to someone if you can’t deliver. That’s my thing. In this instance, she did deliver. Late but still, she delivered.

Daphne’s Confessional: So, Amal didn’t tell me about a meeting regarding our partnership, but she invited some of the girls to go with her? Daphne makes a face. Alrighty…
Billie: Now I hate to change the subject ladies, but I think Brian just dropped yet again another bombshell on this group. She’s going to be an extra in some movie. Brian, care to elaborate, I don’t want you to feel excluded from the success of others in this group!
Polly: Why are you so mad at Brian, Billie? I’m missing something??
Brian: Oh wow, thank you Billie! Yes, I’m actually STARRING in a new thriller coming out! My first actual role in a while…
Erica: What is it going to be on? Hopefully not the Tubi.
Billie: Polly, I’m just giving my friend the opportunity to share with the group her success. I think you should stay out of things that don’t pertain to you Polly. We are doing good.
Amal: Oh, so you’re starring? I thought it was a cameo?
Billie: Oh Brian, that’s amazing. I think I heard someone from the Warner Bros studio talking about this thriller that was coming to blockbuster later this year. It must be yours!
Brian: Aww thank you sweetie! We will be doing a premier party! I want you all there!
Daphne: Oh, that’s lovely, thank you for the invite.

Teairra’s Confessional: I didn’t even know Brian was in the same field as Billie but it makes perfect sense, they’re both very theatrical so it checks out.
Polly: Two new things to watch. Is that why you’ve fallen out then? Over this movie?
Brian: Apparently! Always something with this one!
Billie: Polly, quit being messy! Are you Brian’s solider? Brian and I are fine.
Erica: I thought you two were good. Why are we making this a thing?
Brian: No, no! Polly is just a good friend!!
Billie: Billie snaps. Brian…tell these girls we are FINE. And didn’t you two just meet? How good of friends are you?
Amal: Amal jumps back. Real fine by the sounds of it…

Brian’s Confessional: I’m not sure why Billie is so angry! I know he’s upset because he tried to get this movie role, but now he has this new project! It’s all good Billie!

Billie’s Confessional: Spare me the good friend bullshit. They both don’t really care for me and have bonded over that. Everything in the dark will come to light. You heard it here first.
Brian: Billie! Breathe! Remember what we talked about. Breathe and clam down!
Billie: I’m calm.
Erica: Billie is so calm right now, right Billie? Erica looks over as Billie eats. She’s calm!
Billie: I mean you are not going to get a rise out of me at my place of employment. Moving on.
Amal: If Billie wasn’t calm, we’d know it. There’d be pasta flying across this beautifully decorated Universal Studios conference room.
Billie: Teairra, when are we getting that music video?
Erica: Oh my god, Billie, you missed it! Teairra was killing it with the visuals.

Teairra: Uhm! Yes, the video it should be out within the next 2 weeks is what I was told, its a lot of editing. But Lorenzo says that things are going to be AMAZING!
Billie: That’s what I’ve heard Erica! Teairra I’m so proud of you. I know how musically inclined you are. I can’t wait to see this come to life
Amal: And I’m assuming you’re quite involved in the editing process? You and Lorenzo of course? Amal looks at Erica. Have you seen Lorenzo whilst editing the video?
The camera then pans to Daphne and Erica, who sit silently at the mention of Lorenzo…

Erica’s Confessional: I see where Amal is going and I won’t be commenting on anything Teairra & Lorenzo related. Uh, uh.
Billie: Isn’t Lorenzo supposed to be involved in the process? I’m confused why it’s a big deal.
Amal: Oh, I’m just asking, Billie. I’m just learning about the process for when I decide to do my own album.
Teairra: Teairra nods and eats. Well yes, Lorenzo is involved in the process considering he even pitched the idea for the song in general, I’m just happy to have Erica on the song, she killed it!

Amal’s Confessional: He pitched a song about a man being insecure about the whereabouts of his lady? Thats what Lorenzo pitched? Sure…
Daphne: So, has he finally met your man T? You were telling us there was some jealousy going on…
Amal: Amal raises her eyebrow. Jealousy?
Teairra: No, he hasn’t, I’m just waiting on a good opportunity for that to happen, because yea … Teairra continues to eat her food. Donte doesn’t know how to feel about our friendship but that’s for a different day.
Amal: Does it make him… Amal pauses. Uncomfortable?

Erica’s Confessional: Of course, I have a lot of questions when it pertains to Teairra’s relationship with Lorenzo, who wouldn’t? I’m not blind. However, these girls are playing a very dangerous game insinuating these thoughts in front of Teairra because she might not catch the shade now but as soon as they think its sweet, she’ll be turning up on that ass. Mark my words.
Teairra: Teairra shrugs. I guess you can put it the way, I think it was just the way it was presented to him if told him a little late instead of telling him instantly, he knew I was in conversations with music executives already but not Lorenzo specifically.
Polly: Like I said T, honesty and openness is key. You don’t want people to think you’re having an affair!
Amal: Amal swings her head towards Polly. Who said anything about an affair? They’re coworkers. Right Teairra?
Teairra: Teairra laughs. Is that what people think that is? Wow, what a joke! We’re friends that’s it! We’re friends Amal, business partners.
Polly: I think they’re thinking that, Amal is for sure…
Billie: I wasn’t thinking that.
Amal: Excuse you, Polly? What does Amal think?

Polly: Just your face when Teairra was talking… it looked like you didn’t believe her.
Teairra: I would hope that’s not what you’re insinuating by questioning me like this!
Amal: Don’t speak on my behalf, Polly. We aren’t friends like that. You don’t know my thoughts on anything that I haven’t explicitly stated. Teairra is my friend.

Amal’s Confessional: Do I think she’s having an affair? Yes, but I’ve never said that out loud. So shut the fuck up Polly. You’re just creating problems.
Erica: Even if it was, Teairra cleared it up. They’re friends and we can drop it.
Daphne: I agree, let’s talk about something else!
Amal: I have never thought that, Teairra. Polly is just trying to insert herself in this conversation because she’s run out of breadsticks.
Billie: So, ladies, I do wanna make announcement!! It’s the real reason I brought you all here…
Brian: Pregnant? At your age?
Billie: So, ladies… Billie pauses and looks at Brian. Let’s be realistic here. I know you have some crazy thoughts up there… I figured we could use a little break from our busy working schedules. After today’s scenes I am off for the next two weeks. So, I figured we could use a getaway!! I am thinking of some sun, fun, and yachts and champs! So, ladies pack your bags. I’m taking you all to St. MARTIN!!
We watch as the group claps and squeals in excitement…
Brian: I love that idea! I planted a palm tree there once!
Billie: So, I want you all to let loose and get ready to have the best week of your lives!

Erica’s Confessional: Listen, your girl could use a vacation away from Twitter. I think a lot of us have our heads on our shoulders and it should be fun. Plus, that means I have an excuse for some long-awaited retail therapy.
Amal: Well ladies… Amal stands. Let’s raise a glass to Billie and to St Martin!!!
Daphne: Yes, to St Martin!
We then watch as the Ladies all raise their glasses and toast as the camera pans out on the lunch…

Billie’s Confessional: I haven’t been on a trip with Brian Social since 10 seasons ago, I am healed and I’m going to act accordingly. Billie laughs. This is going to be a great girlfriend’s trip. I am hopeful anyways…
Billie: Love you ladies! Here’s to a fun trip ahead of us!
As the camera fully pans out, we see the scene shift to several days later, as the women are going about their routines ahead of the trip. We see a shot of Erica with her son, followed by Teairra and Donte heading into a restaurant, before the camera focuses in and we see glamorous shots of a stunning beauty salon. Polly enters alongside her husband, Andrew. As the hold hands and sit down, a team member passes each of them a glass of champagne.

Polly: Thank you honey, just what I needed!
Andrew: A drink this early in the day?
Polly: It’s five o’clock somewhere babe. Polly takes a sip.

Polly’s Confessional: It’s been a wild few weeks, and given where I am with some of these ladies, and what’s been going on, some R&R is much needed, with my hubby.
Andrew: So how were the ladies after what happened? Are they still giving you mess?
Polly: I think it’s settled for now, I’m just a bit confused really where to go from here with some of the ladies. Billie and Erica I’m just finding it hard to move forward with, I’m doing what I can to move on and move forwards, like you tell me. That’s all I can do right?
Andrew: Well, listen like I told you, you’re never going to be everyone’s friend babe. These girls seem to have an issue with our relationship, which is solid and pure. We know the truth, everything else is just bullshit at this point.
Polly: Billie and I had some fun, we’re good now. I’m hoping we can stick to that and we can have some fun moving ahead. I don’t want to continue anything there. Erica, just isn’t responding to me. It’s weird.

Polly’s Confessional: I had a great time with Billie, I just want it to continue. I don’t want to continue this bullshit. I just have a feeling that certain behaviours will continue and I will feel olbliged to speak up. I don’t deal well with bullies.
Andrew: It’s a shame to see Erica sort of change up, I know you weren’t close but you were at least friends.
Polly: I know, sometimes misery loves company and I am not going to go down that road. Not again. I know a couple people who have had the same experience, so, you know.
Andrew: With Harlow?
Polly looks surprised at Andrew’s revelation. A flashback cutaway shows Harlow and Polly laughing together in Polly’s kitchen, talking about sticking up for yourself in this group…

Polly’s Confessional: Polly laughs. So I know Harlow from living in the same community here in Twitter, and we’re both quite close. I know what happened around the group with her, and how she chose to walk away. I just don’t want to be defeated in trying to ensure these Ladies know who I really am and what I am about. I am more than just my past. I want them to love me.
Andrew: I’ve got you babe, you know that. Our kids love you, I love you, we all know you’re good people. Don’t sweat the small stuff. If you have to, then tell the girls what happened with Billie the other night. Andrew laughs.
Polly: Eeeeeenough sir! ANYWAY. The launch, the products, I think I decided we should launch what we have, test the waters and see what happens. We use the products anyway, we have the time and space and funding… do you think we launch a few serums and see where we end up?
Andrew: I know I just said I got you, but we gotta get this business sorted babe, we can’t just be throwing money out there willy nilly.
Polly: Polly’s eyes widen. Did you say willy? Polly laughs. Okay, okay, I’ll have a think some more. I just want it to be perfect. Can we get another champagne?
Andrew: It’s gonna be great babe, just hold on a bit longer. You’ve got the trip coming, just go and enjoy and see what happens.
Polly: My love, I love you so much. Wanna go get some lunch? Polly kisses Andrew.
As the two kiss and embrace, the camera quickly pans out once more, as we are transported and we see the set of a photoshoot, before the camera pans towards a black SUV that we see Amal stepping out of as the scene begins…

Amal’s Confessional: So today is the big day! I’m finally shooting the campaign for the launch of Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line! Ahhhh, I can’t believe I’m actually saying that!! It’s been such an emotional journey and regardless of all the delays, I just can’t wait to see Daphne’s vision come to light! Today is a big step towards truly realizing my goals and starting the journey to financial independence.
Aerial shots are shown as the camera sets on a blacked out SUV that pulls up out the front of a studio. Amal hops out with her assistant Elise…

Amal: Are you ready for this my darling? This is a big day for us. Elise, Amal’s assistant, nods. Okay, let’s see how Daphne has done. Amal walks into the studio and waves at the crew. How’s it all going guys? Is Daphne here? Amal looks around.

The camera then shifts again, as we see Daphne in the back of an SUV on her way to the shoot…
Daphne: Okay, they texted me and said Amal is there already, let’s try to speed it up please, I wanna be there when they shoot!

Daphne’s Confessional: Today it’s the day of the photoshoot for my collaboration with Amal’s Mani-Pawdi collection. Working with Amal has been a bit… Daphne hesitates. It’s challenging, however I’m sure this photoshoot will be a breeze! After all, Amal’s main occupation is taking pictures for her social media, she’s a pro at this!
We then return to the set as we see Amal speaking with the staff…
Jason (Cameraman): I haven’t seen her yet Miss Hadid.
Amal: Oh please, it’s Amal. Oh, she’s not here? Amal looks at her watch. It’s almost 10:30. Where is she?
Jason: No clue, Amal.
Amal: Amal looks around. So, explain to me how this white backdrop is the vision of a picturesque pristinely cut lawn with that homey feel we discussed? Because this white backdrop is not what we agreed to…
Jason: Honestly Amal, I’m just given the instructions and ensure we capture the best shot.
Amal: Oh great. Amal looks flustered. So the only person who can shed a little light on this situation is late. Brilliant.
Elise: Amal, it’s fine. She’ll be here soon. She knows what she’s doing
Amal: No, you’re right. You’re right. She’s a professional. She knows what she’s doing
The camera then pans to Daphne who’s walking onto set, sipping on her Starbucks passionfruit iced tea…
Daphne: Oh, hey diva! How’s it going? Daphne looks around. You guys haven’t started shooting yet?
Amal: Oh, hey diva? Daphne, what’s going on? What do you mean, how’s it going? It’s a white backdrop babe. This isn’t what we talked about and mapped out on the vision board.

Daphne: Daphne looks taken aback. Honey, this is exactly it. We had agreed on a simple, plain background with pink touches, which resembles the colors of the Pets R Pals logo. Didn’t you see the email that was sent out? Daphne pulls out her phone and starts going thru the emails, then turning the phone around and showing it to Amal. See? That’s exactly it!
Amal: Why would I agree to a concept with a white backdrop and pink accents when I’m launching a dog nail polish? This doesn’t go with my line.
Daphne: Honey, you didn’t reply to the email I guessed you agreed on it? Your assistant only sent us a picture of you in a bikini with the words “sexy vibe.”

Daphne’s Confessional: I am quite confused by Amal’s outburst…who behaves like this professionally?

Amal’s Confessional: Everybody knows I made the shift from light blue to baby blue as the theme for my campaign. Everyone knows this. It’s baby blue! BABY BLUE! Why the hell am I standing in front of a backdrop that looks like it’s used for high school yearbook pictures?
Amal: Amal turns to Elise. Sexy vibe? You thought our pet nail polish campaign wanted a sexy vibe? Amal whips her head back to Daphne. It doesn’t really matter what she sends you Daphne. You and I had a conversation. I’m the client here.
Daphne: Well, yes honey of course you’re my client but you specifically told us to email Elise, so I assumed she knew what she was talking about… So, where do we go from here? Is the sexy vibe cancelled? They brought a bunch of mini thongs and such for you to try on…

Daphne’s Confessional: Look, we communicated with Elise, as Amal told us to do. It’s not my fault if they didn’t agree on a concept or if Elise hit her head and got temporary amnesia. Daphne shrugs. I did my job.
Amal: Amal screams. Mini thongs?! Are you out of your fu- Amal stops herself and takes a deep breath. Look, I need to go get my hair and make-up started. All I know is I’m not wearing a thong to launch my new pet goods line. Amal walks up to Daphne. I don’t know what rabbit needs to be pulled out of a hat, but this needs to be fixed.
Daphne: Well, don’t get so animated with me Amal, we did what Elise told us your team wanted. But okay, we’ll see what can be done… Daphne exchanges a confused look with the photographer, who’s staring in disbelief.
The scene transitions to a little while later, as Daphne walks up to Amal as she gets her hair done…
Daphne: Okay, listen, Elise obviously gave us very confusing instruction, unfortunately the wardrobe is what it is, but we could fix this by doing an upper body photoshoot? Like from the waist up, because so far, all the bottoms we have are g strings and thongs…
Amal: Amal cocks her head back to Daphne. And what do you propose I wear on top Daphne? A bikini top? Pasties? Or should I just have both of my fucking tits on display?

Daphne: Well, we think you could do something a bit cheeky and maybe carry my Louise and she would be covering your breasts? Wouldn’t that be adorable? We think it would be very on brand and very tongue in cheek! And we could have Louise wear the nail polish, isn’t that fun?
Amal: Amal starts to laugh. So adorable. Beyond adorable actually. Amal turns to her glam team. What’s more adorable than adorable? Amal stands up. You know what I think we need to not do this today.
Daphne: Oh? Well alright then… I hope you realize this is not mine or my team’s fault honey, we tried to do the best with what information Elise provided us….
Amal: I can’t believe you are standing behind this Daphne. This is fucking ridiculous. Regardless of whatever email correspondence you had with my assistant, you’re my friend. I’ve had countless conversations with you about this and did I ever imply I wanted my tits out? I just can’t fucking believe you right now. I’m actually beyond disappointed as a friend.

Amal’s Confessional: You know I’m very hurt right now. I really trusted Daphne. I trusted in my friend. I guess I should’ve listened to Erica and Brian when I had the chance.
Daphne: Excuse me? I am not standing behind anything, I provided you the best with what Elise, who’s supposed to be your assistant and to know what you need, told us. Don’t take it out on me now, honey. I am sorry this isn’t what you wanted but maybe find a new assistant…

Daphne’s Confessional: I love Amal and I’m sorry she’s so upset, but don’t take it out on me. I’m sorry her panties… ehm… G strings are in a bunch but it’s not my fault.
Amal: You know what? It’s best I leave… I don’t want to say something I’m going to regret because right now I’m regretting a lot. Amal starts to walk out.
Daphne: Daphne follows behind Amal. So, this is the thanks I get? It’s your assistant’s fault honey, I hope you can calm down and realize I did nothing wrong and eventually apologize. I love you honey.
Amal: Amal shouts from the other side of the studio as she goes to leave. And I love you too and that’s why I need to leave or else this studio will be turned upside down with Jason on his ass as well.
Daphne: Daphne looks at Jason. She doesn’t mean that… She just has a lot going on with her…. Her Instagram and her social media and whatnot….

Daphne’s Confessional: This collaboration has definitely showed me a different, brattier, more spoiled side of Amal… I mean I knew she’d never worked a day in her life, but come on!
Amal: Amal walks out. And FUCK YOUR WHITE BACKDROP AS WELL! Amal slams the door behind her.
The camera then watches as Daphne stands in disbelief, before focusing in on Amal’s dog, who was left at the studio and is seen peeing on the floor, as Daphne appears mortified, before the camera pans out and the scene comes to an end. We then transition several more days, where we first see all of the Ladies arriving to the Twitter International Airport, before we see a plane take off into the sky, as we begin to hear tropical music and see shots of the natural beauty of St. Martin, before seeing a glimpse of the stunning villa where the Ladies are staying. Finally, as the camera continues to move about, showing us St. Martin, we focus in on Brian, Teairra, Polly, and Daphne, as the women are seen sitting around in Brian and Billie’s room as the scene begins…

Teairra’s Confessional: We finally arrived to St. Martin and excited is an understatement, I’m so ready to just have fun and see what this place has to offer! I’ve been here before years and years ago but never with a group of ladies, I’m hoping it’ll be fun just like before.

Daphne: Daphne walks into the room. Oh, hey girls! We all look very vacation ready now that we’ve unpacked!
Brian: We look amazing!
Polly: Are we ready for whatever Billie has planned? A beach thing or something? Polly looks around the room. Is Billie not here?
Brian: Billie went on down to the beach…maybe I’ll end up sleeping down on the beach.
Daphne: But, Brian, what’s your main issue? You guys seemed to be super close and you’ve known each other for a decade almost…

Brian: Well, we made up recently and we said no more talking behind each other’s back…then I learn she is still talking about me. It’s like get the hell off me Billie.
Daphne: Talking behind your back? And what was said? Who told you?
Teairra: So, how are you two going to sleep in the same room together? One of you may have to sleep with one eye open chile.
Brian: I can’t say who told me. Ugh, this all stems from this Lifetime movie that I am starring in.
Daphne: Is it the thriller you told us about? What’s that got to do with Billie?

Daphne’s Confessional: This is just… confusing!
Teairra: Was it Ryan Gosling who told you? Teairra shakes her head. I hope he isn’t that messy!
Brian: Billie was going for the same role as me…
Polly: I’m confused though because aren’t you like old friends. She talks to you like shit on her shoe.
Brian: We were old friends. But we haven’t hung around recently.
Daphne: She was? Daphne looks visibly surprised. And what happened, she didn’t get it? Are you sure?
Brian: I’ve become very close with her agent. She doesn’t know that…
Polly: Oh, so she’s pissed you got the role and she didn’t.
Teairra: Oh wow, so she talks about you even off camera?
Polly: But her show is so big, why would she still be mad about that. Surely there’s something else? She brought you around this group for something.
Brian: It’s Billie. What else could it be?
Daphne: And her agent told you that’s why she was upset?

Daphne’s Confessional: This story gets more confusing by the minute, I’m going to need another Xanax.
Brian: I feel closer to some of you than her! Her agent told me about her not getting this role. I’m just assuming she’s upset about that.
Polly: Billie has had an issue with everyone in this group since I’ve known her. That says a lot.
Teairra: Well, you both are saying the same thing about each other, both are insinuating one is jealous or talking about each other behind each other’s back, I just don’t know what to believe.

Brian: Oh? What did she say about me Tea?
Polly: Why are you here Brian? With all due respect. Like do you want to fix it?
Teairra: She did insinuate that you came around this group to try and ruin her image pretty much.
Brian: Being friends with Billie is like being on a merry go round. I’m always willing to fix it, as long as she’s actually done having issues with me.
Daphne: Of course she is, why would she want issues with you honey?

Brian’s Confessional: Billie doesn’t need me to ruin her image, she does that on her own!
Teairra: I don’t know you that well, so I don’t know the history you two have but you two obviously have something deeper than we know.
Daphne: Daphne nods along. I agree…
Polly: I’m just wanting everyone to get along and be treated fairly.
Brian: Listen, I’m sorry if I upset any of you, I am going to put my best foot forward on this trip.
Polly: You need to figure it out with Billie.
Daphne: Yes, you need to talk to her. We have no issue with you, we just don’t want the tension in the group honey. I am sure you guys can come back from this. You’ve been friends for so long…
Brian: Time will tell… I’ll be sleeping with her tonight! May as well.
Teairra: At least act like its nothing deep while you two are sharing a room! I don’t want anyone being attacked in their sleep! Teairra laughs.
Daphne: Daphne laughs. I think we can all behave like the adult mature women we are.
Teairra: Polly, I know its random but I would like to thank you, for being such a good friend to me and defending me the other day at Billie’s event. You obviously caught the shade before I could!
Daphne: Wait, what shade?

Polly: Girl, you know I’ve got your back. I’m just getting a bit turned off to Billie girls. She’s quite nasty. I thought she could be different but I don’t see that in her currently. And the direction of Teairra and your man, people seem to think one thing but say another.
Daphne: Well, she’s always been a good friend to me. Daphne shrugs. I’m sorry if some of you have had their differences with her
Teairra: Amal insinuating that I was sleeping with Lorenzo. I wasn’t taking it as shade because Amal is supposed to be my friend but … that’s strike one for her. And I thought you and Billie were good now, Polly?
Daphne: Oh, that…
Polly: Amal, Erica, and Billie all looked at each other when you were talking Teairra. I had to say something in your defense.
Teairra: Wait what? Erica and Billie too? I didn’t even notice…

Daphne’s Confessional: Really, Polly? Wanna stir the pot some more? Please, like it’s more than enough.
Polly: Billie ignores me girls. I got that champagne for her. She just doesn’t give me the time of day unless it’s in her benefit. I texted her a few times and nothing.
Daphne: I thought you guys were in a better place honey.
Brian: We need wine for this!

Teairra’s Confessional: I would hope Amal, Billie, and Erica aren’t talking about me on the backend acting like they genuinely fuck with me, I can’t believe anything until I see it in 4k, but honey…I will be catching all the shade this time around trust me.
Teairra: I guess Billie is just still trying to get comfortable with you, but ignoring you is definitely not the way to go.
Polly: I don’t know and then I see how she treats some of us. I don’t work like that…
Daphne: I think also everything going on between her and Brian has kind of destabilized her…
Polly: You can’t have an issue with everyone and then preach girl power.
Daphne: Daphne makes a face. Well, some girls in this group have… very odd behaviors that’s for sure. Daphne awkwardly laughs.
Polly: What do you mean Daph?
Daphne: Well, I guess we all have our own situations on this trip huh?
Teairra: I see honey. You’re definitely right about that. Teairra laughs. I wonder what the other girls are talking about down there on the beach…
As the Ladies continue to chat in the bedroom, we hear a tropical sound as the scene quickly pivots and we are shown Amal, Billie, and Erica who are outside the villa on the beach as the scene begins…

Billie’s Confessional: Hopefully some vitamin D will cure these ladies souls. I’ve got a fun trip planned for the ladies so I hope everyone can put their bullshit on hold and we just really try and have a great trip for once!
Erica: Erica walks over to Billie. OH MISS REED! We have got some things to discuss!

Erica’s Confessional: I’m not trying to be a bitch but I’ve grown to love my own space, and Daphne and I have just gotten to a good place. I don’t wanna have to cuss her out because she’s shedding all over my room.
We then watch as we see unseen footage, which reveals Erica and Daphne as well as Brian and Billie will be sharing rooms, before the camera returns to the beach…

Amal: How’s your roomie Erica?
Billie: Erica, before you cuss me out. I sent this House Manager Peter my recommendations on the room assignments last week and these were not the picks I sent. Initially Daphne and I were going to split the master, and Polly and Brian were going to have your room, Erica.
Erica: She’s quiet, as she should be in the room. I hope it stays that way. How is Brian enjoying the couch?
Amal: I’m surprised she’s so quiet after everything that happened between she and I the other day…
Billie: I think it’ll be comfortable for her! She’s got an old back like mine so that firm couch should be good for her.
Erica: I mean Amal, I warned you to have back up plans. She clearly would rather be all in for Polly than you. So I hope, you’ve been working overtime to have something other than what she has given you.

Amal’s Confessional: After the disastrous photoshoot the other day, Daphne and I have pretty much kept out of each other’s way. We didn’t really speak on the plane, and we haven’t spoken much since landing here. It’s slightly uncomfortable but we can deal with our stuff at a later date. Not now. Not during Billie’s St. Martin holiday.
Amal: Look, you aren’t wrong Erica. It’s clear she’s more comfortable in positioning pot plants than orchestrating major product campaign launches
Billie: Which that relationship doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t know why she’s putting all her marbles in Polly’s pocket. I would say that Polly might be the one to look after. You don’t think she’s in Daph’s ear, do you?

Billie’s Confessional: Look I’m not going to point fingers but just months ago when Amal first announced her new business venture, Daphne was all for it and how could she help her out and now that Daphne’s been working with Polly her tune has changed. Just makes you wonder, don’t it?
Erica: I would hope not but it seems as if everyone is up Polly’s puss. It’s probably that sex room she’s been talking about. I don’t want any parts.

Erica’s Confessional: First Brian, Now Daphne? I’m confused on how you could meet a woman and just be ride or die for her so instantly… did I miss something? Did she take you to her nasty room filled with sexual fantasies?
Amal: Not the sex room with big sweaty Andrew. I’ll pass on that as well…
Billie: I guess they are drinking the Polly punch. Billie laughs. So, Amal, when do you plan on talking to Daphne about this whole ordeal? I mean the charity event isn’t too far away is it?
Amal: Both of them are your friends Billie. What kind of women are you bringing into this circle?
Billie: Daphne is a reputable woman. I just think she can be a little weak sauce sometimes. As for Brian, I think she came back with her own hidden agenda that I don’t know what it is exactly but she’s got something up her sleeve.
Amal: Oh no, of course I’ll chat with Daphne. I do really like her. We just sort of don’t understand each other but I have a little surprise for all of you girls tonight and I think it’ll bring Daph and I back together.

Amal’s Confessional: I don’t dislike Daphne. I like her a lot. It’s her work ethic I have a problem with. I’m a very career-oriented person. Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line has truly changed me for the better but maybe Daphne can’t be changed.
Billie: Oh, now Amal you and these surprises. Please do not kick this trip off to a bad start! I’ve already got enough pressure on me with Daphne and Erica sharing a room.

Erica’s Confessional: As Billie is speaking of agendas, a question has dawned on me and I don’t know If I should ask this question just yet because we literally got here but there are multiple people that have hidden agendas clearly and I’m seeing right through it.
Amal: A bad start? Girl, having us run around this villa like it was Pamplona running of the bulls is what got this trip off to a bad start.
Erica: Well Amal, if you still need any help when it comes to the launch. I’m always willing to fill in for the girls who aren’t doing their part.
Billie: Daphne is my friend, she knows I come from a good place. She just hates confrontation with most people. Amal, if you need a charitable donation, I’m happy to help since you are just getting up and going.
Amal: Oh, thank you girlies, but I’m good. I think I’ve learnt my lesson. I’m never mixing business and friendship ever again. Amal laughs.
Billie: So how are we feeling about the rest of the trip?! We have high hopes right… I mean what could go wrong.
Erica: As much as I want to have high hopes, we’re in this villa with each other for a week. I’m so scared that this might turn into baddies. So, ladies please, no house meetings. Erica is seen texting away on her phone and rolls her eyes. I swear, Robert has the worst timing.
Amal: Robert? What does that big headed idiot want?
Erica: He’s actually asking if we can finally meet and discuss Chance and the divorce. Of course, he added a bit of shade to it by saying “if you’re not busy with that new man on your show Deion” like damn? Even if I was with Deion, is that any of your business.

Billie: He’s just a bitter man I tell you. Exes are the worse. They are even worst when they are the ones that hurt you and you’re the ones to leave them! That’s why I’ve been single for the last 5 years.
Amal: The man had a full blown affair and he’s questioning your pussy?
Billie: Erica would never do that. But, speaking of sleeping with someone you work with. Do you guys REALLY think Teairra is sleeping with Lorenzo? Like ya know…. Billie looks at the cameras and makes a finger and hole motion.
Erica: Well, I definitely get hints that Deion would definitely want to pursue something like that but him and I are in such a good place as friends, I would never want to jeopardize that. Especially, after this whole affair with Robert. Like, Deion has stepped up for Chance and I, but I really don’t think we should take that next step.

Erica’s Confessional: Listen, I adore Deion and I love how he loves my son but I’d rather our relationship stay completely platonic so that we don’t end up hating each other. Chance has become so attached to Deion and I would never want to ruin that for him.
Erica: Erica laughs at Billie’s hand motions. I honestly don’t think she would do that to Donte, I do believe she loves the attention from Lorenzo though.
Billie: I just feel like Amal knows something that we are not privy to… I mean I haven’t seen any alarming behavior other than what Amal has alluded to.
Amal: Look, I don’t know if she’s sleeping with him but there’s definitely something inappropriate happening. You saw it, Erica. Remember at the music video when Lorenzo had his hands wrapped around her waist.
Erica: Some things with her story don’t add up, he magically appeared in Nantucket when she disappeared. Then the mannerisms he displayed towards her at the music video and whenever we’re working together. I can clearly see, he, if anything, likes her but she’s definitely entertaining it.

Billie: Now this just sounds messy. Poor T, she can’t decide if she wants a man who kills people or produces music…. How tragic…once again, it’s why I’m glad I’m just single.
Amal: I just found it weird that she openly acknowledged that this man makes her husband feel uncomfortable, yet she allows him to wrap his hands around her waist. I don’t know…if my husband were behaving in that manner with his business partner, I’d have a few things to say.

Erica’s Confessional: I have to be honest, as much as I’ve tried to ignore the clearest of signs that Teairra might be engaged in an affair, everything just always happens in front of me! Like damn, can Erica catch a break? Erica laughs.
Erica: Um, Billie. I know you and Polly are on speaking terms right now and I don’t want to derail that but there is something that made me uncomfortable when I found out about it.
Billie: Oh? What’s going on?
Erica: So, I was told via Daphne that Polly’s husband stormed into the pride party ready to confront you and was basically acting an ass shading you and just not being a man. I don’t know if any of the girls told you who attended the pride party, but I don’t like when men actively look to come for women. It’s disgusting behavior.
Amal: I was at the pride party, but I was over served so I don’t remember anything like that.
Billie: Billie looks confused. She and I met a few days after her pride event and she spoke nothing of that sort to me. Amal, Brian or Daphne didn’t call me and let me know this. This is the first time I’m hearing of this.
Amal: Wait, what did Daphne say about Amal?
Billie: Weren’t you at the pride event?
Amal: I was…
Erica: Are you drunk right now, Amal?
Amal: I may be! Amal laughs.
Erica: I don’t know why nobody has come to you about it Billie, but it just doesn’t sit right with me. Especially because Polly was egging on his behavior.
Billie: So, did you just sit there while he bad mouthed me Amal? I’m so damn tired of having you girls sit around and hear shit about me and never have my back. What great friends I have in this group.

Amal: Billie, I’m telling you I was drunk. I was so drunk I didn’t even know I started a fight between Polly and Daphne that night. How could I remember this shit?

Erica’s Confessional: These girls are supposed to be Billie’s “friends” but none of them even spoke a word about how Andrew behaved at the pride party. What if Billie and Andrew saw each other and she was completely blindsided. It’s just not okay.
Billie: Maybe you should slow down on the liquor so you can remember things. It’s not a good look for you, Amal, especially when you claim to be a truth teller.
Amal: Really, Billie? I don’t think we should open that can of worms…
Erica: Erica looks over at Amal. No, don’t. That’s your friend.
Amal: I know she is, Erica. So why is she making these comments to me?
Billie: I don’t think you want to! Billie winks. But anyways ladies. I was going to ask if you all thought that Brian had a vendetta against me, but it appears that he’s not the only one with a secret agenda with me. I may be around more snakes than I knew.
Amal: Billie, stop it! No one has a vendetta against you. I certainly don’t. Are you really going to blow this up into a big thing between you and I, right now?

Billie’s Confessional: Honestly Amal says she has my back and she’s this great friend to me but every time I ask her how she had my back she has every excuse in the book.
Erica: I just think she might be hurt Amal, none of you ladies told her how a man was seeking to confront her. Daphne told me and didn’t even tell Billie herself. That’s not weird?

Amal’s Confessional: I don’t know what Billie wants to hear from me. I was drunk. Roll the tapes back. Watch the footage. You can see my drunk ass hobbling about on top of a bar.
Amal: Girls, I think I’m going to go back to my room now… Amal walks away from Erica and Billie without saying goodbye and whispers to herself. She’s actually going to question my drinking. Fucking alcoholic.
Erica: Erica looks at her walk away. Now she’s upset? wow.
Billie: Amal’s behavior was just weird right now. All I said was that she needed to lay off the liquor if she’s going to claim everything that comes out of her mouth is the truth, but she can’t even recall that night now?
Erica: Listen, I never wanted to cause any mayhem, but I just got reminded how uncomfortable that situation was when Daphne told me. I think Amal is using drinking as an excuse to hide from the problems that she has created. She’s being exposed for the shit she’s been saying behind your back because this isn’t the first instance.
Billie: I just don’t know why these girls want to set me up to get attacked or ambushed. It’s just so weird to me and of all people to tell me what happened at the event it was you and you weren’t even there. Billie looks at Erica. She’s been saying stuff behind my back? She better count her fucking days because I got a lot of things in Pandora’s box about her that I can talk about if she wants me to.

Erica: Billie… she’s been insinuating that you’ve brought Brian back to come at me. Questioning the authenticity between our friendship, Brian will even tell you that.
Billie: Well, I bet she doesn’t want to talk about the fact that she has been going around showing the ladies pictures of Teairra and Lorenzo hugged up at her music video or the fact she was only wanting Daphne’s name on the event so that Daphne could fund the entire event and then she pull out on her at the last minute. You watch and see. I’ve got Amal’s phone number and she’s playing a dirty game trying to come between me and you. I hope you know I would never bring Brian around to come after the closest person to me.
Erica: Erica gasps as Billie spills the tea. Wow. I would never think that you would maliciously bring someone to cause drama with me. Which is why I never brought it up, but these girls… they’re just not your friends.
Billie: It’s becoming more and more evident to me that these girls are playing in my face. I’ll handle them all accordingly. Let’s go freshen up for lunch. Billie raises her glass. Here’s to a sisterhood that will never be broken!
Erica: Erica raises her glass with Billie. Never broken!
As the camera pans out, we see a shot of the group’s villa and the coastline of St. Martin, before the screen fades to black as the scene and episode come to an end.