Season 17, Episode 2: “Exclusive Means Exclusive: Part Two”
As the episode begins, we hear tense music as we return to the swimsuit fashion show. The camera quickly pans in on the Ladies, who are all now standing by the bar having a conversation as tense music begins to play, and we return to the scene…
Billie: Hey Teairra, I hope I’m not drinking too much for your liking tonight! Billie smirks and continues speaking. Ladies, I wanted to introduce you all to my dearest friend Daphne Beaumont. She’s a world-renowned architect especially here in Twitter.
Teairra: Teairra ignores Billie and looks at Daphne, smiling. Hey Daphne! It’s nice to meet you!
Daphne: Hi, you’re Teairra right? Aren’t you sparkly tonight? I love it! I’ve heard you’re a singer, I’d love to see you perform one of these days!
Amal’s Confessional: I like Daphne. She seems sweet and accomplished. Unlike the last lady Billie introduced us to, I highly doubt Daphne will concoct a story about having a threesome with me and my ex at a Las Vegas Marriott, but then again, the night is young. Amal laughs.
Polly: Polly smiles and waves. Hello, hello everyone, it’s lovely to meet you all. I’m Polly!
Teairra: I was just about to say to you guys, this is my girl, Polly! She’s a beauty girl. She runs a lot of beauty salons and spas here in twitter!
Erica: Oh my god Polly! Erica does air kisses. What are you doing here?
Polly: Yes! Hello, I definitely recognize you all! Polly sees Erica. Hello sweetie!! So good seeing you again, how have you been?
Daphne: Oh, Polly oh my god hi! It’s been a while since we last saw each other! Daphne air kisses Polly.
Polly: Oh no way! Daphne! Hello sweetie! The architect of my dreams!
Amal: Amal turns around and sees Polly. Well aren’t you just darling! So nice to meet you! Amal smirks and doesn’t give Polly a hug.
Polly: T, Daphne remodeled my home with Andrew!
Daphne: You’re too sweet, I hope you’re enjoying your remodeled house!
Teairra: Woah? She did? What a small world.
Polly’s Confessional: I was nervous coming in, but I’ve already seen so many people I know or know of, so maybe this new life for me isn’t so bad! I can enjoy myself now.
Erica’s Confessional: Polly and I have ran into each other a couple of times. Whenever I get any work done, Polly and her clinics are my go to. It’s interesting to see her here, especially with Teairra.
Daphne’s Confessional: I’ve actually worked with Polly on her house a while ago, she’s a sweet, sweet girl! She may not be… Daphne hesitates. Incredibly skilled, but she’s lovely! And then again, who could forget someone named Polly?
Polly: Yes! Like what, a year ago now? It was a journey I’m sure I was your worst client. Polly laughs.
Billie: Speaking of your singing career Teairra, how is that going? I was just listening to your latest single.
Erica: Is that the song she sung last year? I loved that track, drive forward, right?
Amal: Oh yes, Teairra. I think I heard your new song at the grocery store. A real bop as the kids would say.
Polly: I’ve heard some unreleased stuff the other day, it’s so great you girls will love it!
Teairra: It’s actually going really good! I feel like I’m at my peak my song is doing really well on the charts I’m just trying to figure out where I go from here in my career! It’s a little stressful but I’m excited for this journey.
Erica: So, is there an album incoming? What’s next? You did the single, a video and all.
Billie: I didn’t know there was a new song out! I was just fixing to ask if there was a studio nearby where we could drop some BEATS honey.
Teairra: That’s actually what I’m trying to figure out! I don’t know if I should go the EP route or jump straight into an album!
Amal’s Confessional: Peak? Mama, the peak is the Grammys and platinum albums not mid chart songs.
Daphne: An album? This is major, how many songs have you recorded so far?
Polly: Polly sips her drink. I like that one where you sing about your man’s member, what’s it called again, T? Sausage factory or something?
Teairra: I’ve recorded about 5–10 right now, still trying to see what other genres I can touch on and not be just stuck in a specific sound you know?
Billie’s Confessional: Look, Teairra is musically inclined, but by no means has she reached peak status. She’s only dropped an album for crying out loud. Maybe after a Grammy girl you can retire. Until then you better sing your heart out!
Amal: Not sausage factory… I’ll take a trip to the sausage factory with you gals if you know what I mean. Amal laughs.
Daphne: Wow, that’s so fascinating, I would love to see the behind the scenes of what goes into making a record
Billie: Well, I look forward to hearing some tunes from you again soon!
Teairra: Teairra laughs. Oh, they might be able to hear that one soon!
Daphne’s Confessional: As a creative, anything that involves some sort of imagination or creativity really intrigues me. I mean I may not record songs about penises, but you know. Daphne laughs. Architecture still involves creativity!
Erica’s Confessional: Do I think Teairra is getting a bit ahead of herself? Absolutely. You don’t try to go into other genres of music unless you master the one you’re in now and elevator music does not count as reaching your peak, hun.
Billie: Speaking of sausages, Amal, what’s the latest on your love life? I was telling Erica that it depended on the day of the week that’s who your man was! Are you joining the single crew or are you locked down?
Erica: I hope Amal is getting some sausage, that should be the only reason she ditched Daphne like that. Erica laughs and sips her cocktail.
Amal: Oh girl, don’t get me started on that boy Jordan and emphasis on the word BOY!! Right now, we aren’t together, so save some sausage for me too.
Teairra: Oh wow, not depending on the day of the week. That’s a nice way of calling her a street runner.
Polly: Amal, you’re gorgeous you could get any man on any street I say. Good for you!
Daphne: Oh, so everyone here except for Polly and Teairra is single?
Billie: You are basically a free agent. They have to ring it to ding it over here in this bush!!
Amal’s Confessional: Jordan and I are taking some time apart from each other right now. His immaturity when it comes to the responsibilities of being a parent far outweigh the size of his dick and the acrobatics of his tongue. When he gets it together, maybe we can rekindle our flame.
Erica: Amal, have you been dating? Or is it still a touchy situation?
Polly: T, we’re the boring ones by the sounds of it.
Amal: No, not touchy at all. I’m certainly dating. I’m more so entertaining men of an evening, if you know what I mean. Big men. Amal laughs.
Billie: Single girls have way more fun anyways!
Erica: Erica laughs. That’s my girl! Dating right now is just so much fun. Erica looks at Teairra and Polly. You girls are missing out!
Polly: Nooo, you can have all the fun in a marriage too Billie! Andrew and I are proof of that!
Teairra’s Confessional: Asking Amal about her sex life is like asking a sex worker how many men they have slept with, its endless with her but I mean … it’s her box! I can’t judge a grown woman but honey…that can’t be your end goal.
Amal: Polly, do you and your husband experiment in the bedroom?
Billie: You are in an open marriage Polly?
Polly: We have a lot of fun that’s all I’ll say. Polly laughs. I need to know you all better to give you the dirty details.
Billie’s Confessional: Girl, what’s fun about being tied down? That’s when the fun dies and you get stuck in your same routine.
Erica: Oh, she’s on that 50 shades stuff, you can have that Polly!
Daphne: I know that’s right Polly! Daphne winks at Polly and sips her drink.
Polly: No, not an open marriage Billie! But hey why not I could be down!
Amal: Billie’s just trying to get invited to your next orgy.
Billie: I usually play with people who are more experienced Amal. Billie laughs. This is a spring chicken I’m talking to here.
Teairra: Teairra widens her eyes. Oh, this is taking a turn, isn’t it?
Polly: Let’s just say when you meet unconventionally. You have a different kind of marriage.
Daphne: Meet unconventionally? Daphne raises her eyebrows. How did you guys meet? You’re making us all curious honey.
Polly’s Confessional: Andrew and I met in unusual circumstances, so we look at our relationship differently and we want to do it our way. Nothing wrong with that.
Amal’s Confessional: Unconventional meeting? Did she meet him on the Grindr? Was he one of those… Amal does air quotes. Down low but really straight fellas?
Polly: Well, he was married to my best friend and we had an affair…
Amal: Oh wow. Well, isn’t that something.
Daphne: Well, that’s pretty unconventional. I take it you’re not best friends anymore, huh?
Polly: I got pregnant and then we had our daughter and then we got married. But there’s a lot more to it, I’m giving you the fast version. Polly laughs.
Erica: Erica whispers to Teairra. Can we talk?
Teairra: Sure, are we talking here or somewhere else?
Erica: We can walk over here away from the Ladies…
The camera watches as Erica and Teairra walk away from the group and make their way to a high-top table across the room…
Teairra: Wassup?
Erica: Erica leans on the table. I have to say it’s good to see you at social events and I’m so glad you decided to come to my exercise the other day but as much as I tried to stir you girls in the right direction, I don’t you and I were able to settle things. You did some fucked up stuff last year and for us to move forward I need some type of accountability.
Erica’s Confessional: Last year, when I rode for Teairra, she betrayed me for a scammer. Then, decided to question my husband’s mistress about me. Who does that? She was riding with the wrong team, and ultimately, she has no good relationships in this circle. So yes, I’m expecting her to get on her hands and knees for forgiveness at this point. Erica laughs.
Teairra: Teairra takes a deep breath and takes a sip of her drink. Okay, what do you think I should take accountability for? Let’s start at the root.
Teairra’s Confessional: And here goes Erica…the moment I think we’re going good she’s trying to dwell on the past like girl give me a BREAK and let it go, you don’t feel you’re wrong for what you’ve done to me and I don’t either I think … well I THOUGHT we had that quite established, but I guess not.
Erica: Uh…. Maybe everything you did to me? We moved on last year, correct? I rode for you last year, correct? But instead of being a friend to me, you decided to be in cahoots with someone last year and betray my trust by meeting up with someone who destroyed my marriage! Let’s start there!
Teairra: Woah, woah, woah! I didn’t meet up with anyone, they were brought there, and I wasn’t aware of her coming, don’t try and spin the narrative like I knew the girl, I only found out upon arrival. And who was I in cahoots with? I’m lost.
Erica: Okay… Erica puts her hand up. Let’s not get defensive because I’m not taking it there with you. You sat there in that lady’s face and asked her multiple questions about my marriage. Did you not? Don’t even answer that, you did!
Teairra: Well obviously! Teairra puts her hand back up in Erica’s face. If she’s giving us all this information why not ask her for more for some clarification!? I needed to know everything before it being brought to you.
Erica: I wanna move on with you Teairra but that’s not okay. Erica wags her finger around. You wanted to ask more before you brought it to the group?
Erica’s Confessional: Is Teairra a little… airheaded? Like duh dingbat you sat there with the Wentworth and questioned my husband’s mistress? Why wouldn’t I be mad?
Erica: Girl, I see where we’re at. I see you for who you are hun. Erica looks to the bartender. Give me a shot to go. Because this… Erica moves her hand around. This conversation is done.
Billie: Billie walks up to Erica. What the hell just happened? Teairra fix this! Your friend is clearly hurt over here.
Teairra: Oh, the conversation has been done sweetie, I reached out to you on several occasions to speak to you and now you feel like this is the time to speak? Teairra waves her hand. Girl bye.
Erica: She just can’t take accountability! Like are you holding onto stuff from 2 years ago? Get over it!
Billie: Erica, please don’t leave. We need to fix this.
Teairra: Get over it? and you’re still bringing this up? Teairra laughs. That’s hypocritical.
Polly: Polly walks over. Teairra? Erica? What’s happening girls, come on let’s sort this out
Erica: She’s not ever gonna own up to what she did. And that’s fine! If you don’t wanna be friends say that.
Billie: Teairra, look we’ve all hurt people in this group. But you associating with Robert’s mistress was a line that was crossed and it’s clearly upsetting. Can you own that you at least acknowledged the woman and didn’t shut her down.
Polly: Girls, this isn’t the best way to sort your differences.
Teairra: I can own up to what I did, she just doesn’t seem to know how to LISTEN without putting her hands in people face so now I don’t give a damn. When she wants to be a grown woman, we can talk.
Polly: The show is about the start and we have to stare at women in bikinis with bodies better than our own, that’s punishment enough! Get a drink and let’s smooth this over.
Erica: Erica jumps back. Oh, she don’t give a damn? She’s disrespectful, I don’t wanna talk to her no more. Erica starts walking away fast. Y’all better get me away from her.
Erica’s Confessional: Teairra has no self-awareness and it clearly shows in this instance. I just wanted to have a calming conversation with my “friend”, but she can never put that attitude to the side. I know now when to subtract myself from the equation and the best thing for me to do here is go to the other side of the venue to enjoy the show.
Billie: We all talk with our hands, Teairra. You do it, I do it. We all do it. I think you two need to have a sit down with my shaman and really work through this. You both have such a deep history that we are not beyond repair. I just think tensions are too high tonight to solve anything.
Teairra’s Confessional: Was I wrong for conversing and asking questions to Robert’s mistress? Absolutely but was I the one who brought her around? Absolutely not! I don’t know what Erica isn’t understanding here, you can’t blame strictly me when the bitch was brought into MY face! I believe in getting my lick back and the opportunity was brought to me.
Teairra: She walked away Billie! She doesn’t want to talk, and neither do I, she’s trying to ruin my night.
Polly: C’mon girls, let’s leave it for now.
Billie: Polly, didn’t you just meet these girls? I don’t think you have any skin in this game.
Teairra: Polly is familiar with both me and Erica, she knows our situation!
Polly: Billie, I know a lot, no need to worry about me, thank you.
As Teairra and Erica separate, the camera pans towards Daphne and Amal, who have stood alone watching the chaos unfold…
Amal: So tell me, Daph how are you finding my little group of friends? Amal laughs.
Daphne: Well honey they certainly are… feisty! And… quite loud. Daphne laughs a bit. They seem lovely though.
Amal: Oh, this is nothing my sweets. They have no home training. They’ll fight at charity events, fashion shows, hospitals and wakes.
Daphne: Well, we better always have an open bar at any party or event then! It helps!
The camera then returns to the other Ladies as they continue to argue…
Billie: Teairra what it sounds like is you brought Polly here tonight as backup for you… this girl just got here. She can sit this one out.
Polly: I just want them to calm, and do this elsewhere I think that’s best for both parties.
Billie walks away to go sit with Erica…
Erica: Erica fans Billie and laughs. This is gonna be one interesting summer.
Daphne’s Confessional: Everyone is arguing and on top of each other and then there’s me and Amal having a nice drink and watching it all unfold from a distance. Billie wasn’t lying when she said this was a wild group!
Teairra: Backup? this is my friend! I don’t need backup Billie, don’t do that, that’s your thing.
Polly: Polly turns around and looks at Amal standing nearby. Wait, so who does your face honey?
Amal: This face has never been touched… Amal pauses and lets out a big laugh. Just kidding. I go to Maxine down in Twitter Circle. She’s been my aesthetician for years
Polly: Polly gives Amal her card. Come by any time, I have some concerns.
Amal raises her eyebrows and takes the card from Polly…
Amal’s Confessional: Concerns? Bitch you’re going to be concerned when my foot ends up in your face.
As Polly walks away from Amal to find her seat, the lights begin to dim as the show prepares to begin. We see models beginning to strut down the runway, before the scene shifts and we see aerial shots of the city of Twitter are shown as the camera pans from the crystal blue waters to the heart of the Twitter Business District. The camera then settles onto a side walk where Amal Hadid can be seen walking into a beautiful café…
Amal’s Confessional: So, it’s been a minute, hasn’t it? Amal laughs. I’m not going to bore you with a reintroduction as you should all know who I am…Calista Big Banks of course. Amal pauses and laughs. Anyway, since you last saw me my life has been crazy! Tommy and I have obviously filed for divorce and with a very detailed pre-nup, we should really be settling any day now. Jordan and I are also on a bit of a break at the moment, but thank god, I’ve still got my gorgeous little man, Jamie!!
Amal walks up to the hostess and asks for a table for two guests. The hostess nods and walks Amal to the back of the cafe where Amal takes a seat, pulls out her phone and starts scrolling….
Amal’s Confessional: So, I know what you’re all thinking, “Amal, you’ve got no man in your life. Amal, how are you coping? Amal, what are you doing to keep yourself busy? Amal, Amal, Amal, Amal!!!” Well ladies and gentlemen, this year in all about Amal. I’m putting men to the side and I’m focusing on me!
Amal looks up from her phone and sees a gorgeous older women walking to the table. Amal stands up smiling with her arms open…
Amal: Sylvia!!
Sylvia (Amal’s Friend and Mentor): Oh darling! Oh doll, how are you lovey?! Gimme a kiss. Come, Come, Come!!
Amal: Amal gives Sylvia a big hug and sits down. I’m good Syl!! Better now that you’re with me! How are you? You look stunning! Not sure this fur was the right choice. Are there any animal activists lurking about? Amal laughs.
Sylvia: Oh darling, at my age I pray for someone to throw a can of paint at me. I’m hoping it’ll trigger a heart attack. Sylvia laughs.
Amal: Amal busts out laughing. SYLIVA!!
Amal’s Confessional: Sylvia Rosenblatt is an absolute pioneer in the beauty and fashion world. She launched the uber successful brand on HSN almost 40 years ago and she’s still selling out nationwide. She’s got her products in target, CVS, local drug stores, WalMart. Everywhere! The woman is a genius!!
Sylvia: So tell me lovey, you’ve invited me here but your message over the phone sounded very strange. Something about you wanting to start a business? Sylvia shakes her head and pours tea into teacup. What the heavens for? You need not worry about work lovey. You should be worried about your next filler appointment.
Amal: Amal playfully smacks Sylvia on the hand. Don’t you start. Your face is tighter than I was on my prom night.
Sylvia: Prom night? Who are you kidding Amal? Sylvia laughs.
Amal: But seriously, Syl. I need your advice. I need your guidance.
Sylvia: Hit me lovey.
Amal: I want to start my own thing Syl. I know I don’t have to. I know I have the luxury and the comfort of my family’s wealth but that can be turned off at any second and then what do I have for myself. What do I have for my child Syl?
Sylvia: Sylvia nods. No, I get it lovey. Listen, almost 35 years ago I was in the same place you are lovey. I was single. Edgar and I’s marriage had fallen apart. I had a young daughter. Not much younger than your Jamie and I knew I needed to fend for myself. I knew for the first time that I couldn’t depend on anyone. No man. No mother. No father. I needed to rely on who? Sylvia points to herself. I needed to rely on me.
Amal: And that’s what I need to do, Syl! That’s what I need to create for myself and my son.
Sylvia: Well lovey…what are you thinking?
Amal: I’m cooking something up. Something I know will revolutionize the space I want to enter. It’s a pet nail polish! Amal squeals.
Sylvia: Sylvia points at Amal. That’s what you need to do, lovey. You need to shake up the market place. Disturb. Disrupt. Discomfort.
Amal: Discomfort?
Sylvia: Sylvia looks around. Yes. This chair is not comfortable
Amal & Sylvia both laugh as the scene comes to an end, before we are quickly transitions to the following day, before zooming in on one of Polly’s spas in the heart of Twitter. We see Polly inside working with her staff as the scene begins…
Polly’s Confessional: So, it was a bit crazy the other night, right?! I’m getting to know these girls and they’re gonna be loud and proud and let you know how they feel. It’s a little different for me, but hey I’m learning. Some of the girls are coming by the salon today!
Polly: Polly is seen behind the desk taking payment from a customer. Oh Lily, how does this machine work again? I have no idea. Can we get this sorted for Ms. Mayfair? Okay great thanks!
Just then, the camera pivots as we see Erica and Amal entering the building together…
Erica: Erica opens the doors of the salon. Hello, Hello!
Polly: Hello girlies! Hello! Polly kisses Erica and Amal.
Amal: Well, isn’t this cute?
Amal’s Confessional: I really enjoyed getting to know Daphne at the Twitter Swim Fashion Event the other day. Polly? Not so much. BUT the Amal of this year is willing to give her another chance, so when she invited me to pop by her little clinic, I thought why not. She better keep her needles close, though. I’d hate for one to inadvertently end up in her eye
Polly: I’m glad we’re in comfy clothes today because I inhaled a whole ass pepperoni pizza in the back about 20 minutes ago. Polly laughs.
Erica: Erica hugs Polly. Hey boo, thanks for invite.
Polly: How are we doing girls? Lily, can we get the champagne opened please?
Erica: Oh no pizza for me today, I’ll be going straight to glam for a date tonight.
Polly: There’s no pizza babe, I ate it all! Polly laughs. I thought we could have a lil’ drinkie and then the team here can give you a refresh? Hair, makeup, nails, whatever you girls need.
Amal: Oh yes. Stay away from the pizza, Erica. You don’t want to be gassy from all that cheese.
The camera then pans quickly back to the door, as we see Daphne rushing into the salon…
Daphne: Hello ladies! So sorry, my meeting ran late! Daphne smiles. Hope I’m not too late.
Polly: Polly passes Daphne a glass. Here babe!
Amal: Daphne!! Hello sweets! Amal gives Daphne a big hug and kiss. Don’t you look sultry.
Erica: I can never turn down a mani-pedi. Erica looks over at Daphne. You made it! I just thought you weren’t showing up I know how are about being punctual. Erica laughs.
Daphne: Daphne takes the glass. Thank you, Polly, I needed this. Ahhhhh, so what are we in for? Mani-pedi?
Polly: So let me give you the quick tour, this one we opened about three months ago, it’s actually our seventh branch in the city.
Amal: I thought you were an aesthetician? I had no idea you ran a nail shop. How fun!
Polly: We’ve got the hair, the spa, the face stuff. It’s all there and whatever you went just let the team know!
Amal: Amal nods. Lovely. Maybe just a foot rub, if possible?
Amal’s Confessional: I don’t like strangers touching me. Unless I’m face down ass up but that’s typically not happening at a nail shop.
Polly: Babe, I’m it all! Whatever you want we can do. Sure, let’s take a seat over here and the girls will do whatever.
Erica: That’s a lot of licenses, whew. How long have you been running your own shops? I know I met you at a prior location, but I never knew you had so many.
Daphne: Oh, that’s amazing, I think I’ll get a facial. I’ve been so stressed lately with my job and starting this foundation. Daphne takes a big breath. I need some pampering!
Polly: Yeah well I had one about ten years ago, when I met Andrew. His money helped us to get us here basically. Polly laughs. And his erm business skills too I guess.
Erica’s Confessional: I’ve known Polly from a couple run ins at her last salon. I didn’t think she was the type to fit in with a group of ladies nor have multiple different locations so I’m excited to see how she fits in. Because I thought this was the soft launch of location #2.
Daphne: Polly, wow, this seems quite impressive. Daphne sits down as the employee applies her face mask. You started all this? That’s amazing.
Polly’s Confessional: When I married Andrew, I was in so much debt. So much red, like close to losing it all. My ex didn’t care and was so checked out, I met Andrew and instantly wanted to have his babies. It’s just the whole scandal that followed that really made me focus on the business and having something that my kids can have one day.
Polly: Yeah, I had one previously and over the last ten years we’ve opened one a year basically.
Amal: And Andrew is your husband, right? The man you had the affair with?
Polly: Yes babe, we had an affair. I’m an open book ask me what you like, I can tell you’re not used to someone like me.
Erica: Erica takes a sip of her champs. Whew, not the affair. I love a good open book… Erica sits up. Is there any contact with the ex-best friend? That was your ex-best friend’s husband, right?
Amal: No, no. No judgement from me whatsoever. I’m just trying to piece it all together. When you get to my age, the memory isn’t what it used to be.
Polly: Yeah, so my college best friend, we basically swapped partners. It’s weird. Like Shania Twain did.
Amal: Not wife swap, honey!
Erica: Erica whispers to Amal and laughs. Maybe we finally found the real swingers.
Daphne: You swapped? So now she’s married to your ex? You guys are still close?
Polly: Yeah, she married my ex. She actually owns the place three doors down, but she doesn’t live in Twitter so I hardly see her.
Daphne’s Confessional: I will give Polly this, she totally seems like a trophy wife in the way she carries herself, however she’s built a pretty impressive business for herself, I’m quite impressed!
Daphne: Oh, you guys even have businesses near each other… Small world, I guess.
Erica: 3 doors down… please don’t tell me she has a salon too. Erica laughs.
Amal’s Confessional: I thought my first husband being a closeted business man in the UAE was something but this wife swap swinging nonsense takes the cake!
Polly: Anyway, we didn’t just come to listen to my scandalous past did we, I know it’s a salon, but I want to know more of what you all have got going on…
Amal: Amal as she is getting her feet rubbed. So girls, what did you think of the other night? The swim event.
Daphne: Well, that was…. Something. Daphne laughs a bit. Quite loud.
Polly: I felt bad for Teairra and you Erica.
Erica: Erica gets her nails painted. I loved the women walking, I think once again it was just such a beautiful show. Erica rolls her eyes. That girl, just can never hold a conversation.
Polly: Billie didn’t say hello to me which I thought was odd, she kinda just stared me down and then was pointing at me and giving me judgey vibes.
Daphne: Oh, she was? Billie is a sweet girl, that’s weird.
Amal: I wouldn’t take it personally, Polly. Billie has a lot of her plate right now.
Polly: I get that Amal, I’ll try again when I see her again. It kinda just felt a bit standoff-ish and rude to be honest. Polly turns to Erica. What happened with you and T? I’m cloudy on the issue.
Amal: Yeah E. So, what actually happened. I was too busy getting to know our new friend Miss Daphne.
Daphne: I just think there were so many people, Billie is nice she wouldn’t do that Polly, trust me.
Erica: Cloudy? I think my mind is as clear as this beautiful day we’re having today. All I want is her to acknowledge what she did was messed up and that it hurt me. I’m willing to move on with Teairra because I’m not saint either but what she and those others girl did while I was in a place a hurt was not okay to me.
Polly: Yeah, I hear you. We can sort this I feel like girls, between us four I feel like this group will be good!
Erica: Teairra and I have a long history and I’m quite frankly over any drama we have but if there’s any chance of moving on, I just want everything to be cleared up. That’s it and that’s all. Daphne, how was it being around everyone?
Erica’s Confessional: I’m honestly so tired of this back and forth with Teairra. Like girl, we fight, we make up, we fight again, I’m not your husband and I’m not gonna keep doing this. Erica laughs. Seriously, I’m bored.
Amal: There has been a lot of nastiness between you two. From her involvement with Robert’s mistress to her attacks on you whilst pregnant. It’s been a lot, girls.
Daphne: Oh, it’s been interesting. I’ve loved getting to know you girls. With how busy I am working I don’t socialize much outside of the charities I support. And you guys all have such vibrant personalities, I love it!
Polly: It’s great to see you like not in work mode Daphne, I’m enjoying you. But with that, remember I need to book in with your assistant to talk gardens. Polly winks at Daphne.
Daphne: Thank you, Polly. I hope I wasn’t too rigid when in work mode. Daphne laughs. I am just very specific and precise when it comes to my business. Architecture and design are all about details!
Polly: No, I love it!
Amal: Erica, truly is one of the most forgiving people I know. We had a big fallout and now we get changed in the same room together. I’ve seen her tits and all her naughty bits.
Daphne: Actually, we have just finished decorating our new office, which I also designed. I would love to have all you guys around sometime soon it’s… definitely not your typical office.
Polly: Tell us about this foundation you’re working on, Daphne?
Daphne: Well, being such a huge animal lover I decided to start a non-profit to help refugee animals! I’ve always been heavily involved in such charities, but I thought the best thing would be to start my own. It’s so much work, there’s so much paperwork and permits to get in order to get it started though, it’s been quite an ordeal!
Polly: I love that! My Lola is a rescue.
Daphne: Oh really? My Louise is too!
Amal: Who is Lola? Is she your cat?
Polly: She’s my French bulldog. My pussy is called Sheila. Polly pats her puss.
Amal: Sheila is such an old name for such a young woman’s puss.
Polly: She’s so young I wanted to name her an old name.
Daphne: It’s not an old name, it’s a classy one! I’m sure it’s a very expensive cat. Daphne playfully nudges Polly.
Amal: Anyway girls, whilst we’re on the topic of our pets I was hoping to invite you girls over for a little pooch party! I have a big announcement I want to share with you all and think it would be lovely if we all had our pets with us.
Daphne: A pooch party? I love that, so we’re all bringing our little babies, right?
Polly: Oh! That sounds fun Amal!
Erica: I’ll bring a stuffed one but I’ll be there.
Amal: Yes! Bring your pooches and your pussies.
Daphne’s Confessional: Me and Louise love pooch parties, she only attends the most exclusive ones though! She’s very spoiled. Daphne laughs.
Amal: You just bring your pussy, Erica.
Polly: Oh, and Amal, let’s get you booked in for a consultation at my skin clinic? I can fit around your schedule for it.
The camera pans slowly between Amal and Polly as Amal sits silently for a moment and awkward music begins to play…
Amal: Amal looks Polly up and down. Oh yes, that’s right. I forgot about your generous offer to have one of your girls work on my face. It’s not the same person who did your work, is it?
Polly’s Confessional: I hope Amal isn’t too offended by me offering to give her a consultation, I’ve got some concerns and don’t want to embarrass or upset her in front of everyone.
Polly: My work? I do myself, and then I just get Dr. Cameron to do my lips. He’s the best in town, we can give you a full MOT.
Daphne: You do your work yourself? Wow that’s hardcore, go girl.
Polly: Polly smiles and nods. Yeah, like the Botox and the peels and stuff. It just saves so much time.
Amal: Doctor Cameron, you say? Amal nods. Well, tell your front desk girl to book me in for a day he’s not working. Amal grimaces at Polly. And on that note ladies, I’m going to run. I have to pick up my little man from preschool.
Polly: Polly looks blankly at Amal. Okay, well, thanks for coming girls I hope you’ve had a great afternoon, it’s been so much fun.
Daphne: Well, I need to freshen up my forehead so I might come in soon!
Polly: Lily, let’s get Amal booked in for Saturday maybe? Is that okay for you hun? Polly watches as Amal walks away. Yes Daphne, you come too! We can do that and maybe those bags too girl, Ouchy!
Erica’s Confessional: All this face talk and I just look in my beautiful mirror and it’s like the sun is beaming because this God’s work, no doctor could come near this perfection.
Amal: Amal walks out of Polly’s clinic and whispers to herself. Doctor Cameron she says? Amal shakes her head. Bitch.
Polly’s Confessional: I’m so honest, to a fault okay. It’s my job to make you go from looking like Judi Dench to Jennifer Lawrence, Amal, okay? Like take a chill pill and let me work my magic.
As we see all of the Ladies exiting Polly’s salon, we watch as the scene shifts and we see a bustling city street, with cars honking and people quickly filtering through the streets. Then, the camera focuses in on Teairra, as we see her walking into a smoothie shop and ordering before the scene begins…
Teairra’s Confessional: So, today I decided to invite Billie out to smoothies or whatever and just talk to her one on one, because it seems to me that Billie always wants to make amends and then be back on weird shit when it comes to other girls… Teairra coughs Erica. In the group! Like Billie, its time me and you have a actual conversation away from the other girls to see where your head REALLY is, because this is getting out of hand, seriously.
Billie: Billie walks in the smoothie shop and spots Teairra. Hey Teairra. Billie hugs Teairra. Thanks for meeting with me. Did you already order?
Teairra: Hey! You made it! I did, I would’ve ordered for you, but I wasn’t familiar with what you liked!
Billie’s Confessional: Teairra has invited me out to smoothies. I was actually surprised by the invitation! I am hopeful we can have a productive conversation and get to the root of it. Because when we are good, we are great, and I want to be great with everyone!
Billie: It’s okay, I’ll go order! Billie orders, then comes back and sits down. So, thank you for inviting me today! I was actually surprised when I got the text!
Teairra: Well, I was actually skeptical on even inviting you because I don’t think you like me like you say you do, but I’m big on getting to the root of an issue this time around so I decided to just go ahead with it. Teairra shrugs. I’m surprised you came to be honest.
Billie: T, when we are great we are amazing. I mean I’ve confided in you and I’ve had your back when it’s come to your relationship with Donte. I have love for you so that’s why I’m here today. How did we get here where you felt the need to comment on my alcoholism at one of my lowest points?
Teairra: Wait, I did that? When did I do that and what did I say, because I really don’t remember I actually had your back during that whole DUI situation we all were in your corner!
Billie: You either implied it or said I basically was a heavy drinker.
Teairra: I actually may recall some of that because your rebuttal was implying I was an alcoholic, and that was very crazy for you to say to me as well, even if you were hurt because that’s not my story.
Teairra’s Confessional: Okay, yeah, I might have called Billie an alcoholic, I don’t quite remember our argument, and it may not have been needed for me to say but sometimes things just come out when I feel like they need to and maybe I just felt the need to say that in the moment, say it now and reflect later is just what I live by.
Billie: I was at a low moment Teairra honestly, and I just felt backed into a corner and felt the need to retaliate, and for that I’m sorry. I don’t really think you’re an alcoholic!
Teairra: I’m sorry as well for the comment I made about your alcoholism because I know you were at a vulnerable place, but I do actually have another bone to pick with you, before we hatch this…. Teairra sips her smoothie.
Billie: Well, pick the bone shall we. Let me hear it…
Teairra: The swimsuit event the other day…you and Amal both told me y’all had an issue with me jumping into other situations, correct? So, why is it okay when you do it for Erica literally all the time when she attacks me first?
Teairra’s Confessional: I have to clock the hypocrisy because… If I recall correctly everyone hates when I defend my friends, but it’s so okay when they hop up in defense of Erica like she’s some type of puppy that needs protecting! The true definition of its okay when they do it, and it’s a problem when I do it … Teairra rolls her eyes.
Billie: I think the difference between me and you is, I don’t invalidate the feelings of either party. When you stick up for someone you don’t really see the other side of things. At least when I speak on you and Erica I try and help you both reach a resolution.
Billie’s Confessional: Teairra is filled with hot air when she’s speaking on things. I speak with intelligence. That’s the difference.
Teairra: That’s not all the time though, you speak for a resolution but obviously show the bias in the way you speak but that’s neither here nor there I just think its hypocritical but if that’s how you feel, then we can leave it at that.
Billie: Well, no I don’t want to just leave it at that. I obviously don’t want us to leave anything on the table. Erica is my friend, and I don’t want to my friendship to hinder my building friendship with you.
Teairra: You and Erica are closer than you and I so I get it, it shouldn’t be a picking a side type of thing we’re all grown I just don’t like feeling like you’re seeing both sides in public but that’s not how you really feel in private, if that makes sense.
Billie: I get where you are saying. I really just want you and Erica to make up! I really just love us as three as friends! How can I help?
Teairra: Right now, I don’t even know it’s obvious Erica is like over me right now. I’m willing to talk to her if we can just talk without getting feisty and catty with each other because I don’t want us to continue fighting like we usually do.
Teairra’s Confessional: Erica is obviously still mad and holding onto old news! Like girl for crying out loud all the shit you’ve done to me and you’re STILL trying to make yourself the victim and me the villain and pulling the “you were my friend” card but sweetie…we were also supposed to be friends when you did the things you did. I just don’t like the double standard she holds me to.
Billie: What if I hosted you both at my house and I left the room so you both could hash it out? This way it’s in a safe environment and you both can talk it out without all the other girls around and no one to chime in! Plus, this would give me the opportunity to prove to you that I really am capable of not intervening in you and Erica’s relationship.
Teairra: That may be able to work, hopefully… Teairra laughs and sips her smoothie. I just don’t know, I feel like she has been really hostile and so have I and I don’t want us to end up fighting but what if that ends up being one of the endings? I know how aggressive she can really get. But just us two in a room usually works, it just depends on the topics we cover that can lead to us getting heated.
Billie: If I may, I think Erica may just want you to say at the very least that you hear her and that you can understand where she’s coming from. You have to learn to pick your battles. And is this really a battle you want to continue?
Teairra: I can hear her out and understand her, but what do you mean pick my battles? Because I’m not scared of Erica, it’s really up to her if she wants to continue her battle with me. It can go one or two ways… literally. Teairra sips her smoothie. We can see how that goes with her.
Billie: What I mean when I say pick your battles T, is that you don’t always have to be the last one to get a word in. Billie laughs. Trust me, me and Erica had our little spat last year. Trust me, I could’ve kept going back and forth with her but honestly it wasn’t worth it, and the friendship meant more to me than fighting
Teairra: Okay wait, I get it now. I really do care for Erica, I hope we can come to some type of good solution but speaking of friendships, you did meet my girl Polly, how did you feel about her? Because I noticed y’all had a slight disagreement at the event as well.
Billie: Well, Polly is definitely interesting. My guard is kinda up with her. I mean if she will destroy a marriage, how loyal can she really be?
Teairra: Wow, what do you mean if she can destroy a marriage? Did I miss something? I never heard that!
Billie: Didn’t she meet her now husband through her best friend who he was previously married to?
Teairra: Look, I don’t know anything about how she met her man! But I just know Polly has been my girl for a while I think you should give her a chance! She’s really sweet and a good time.
Billie: I’ll see how she does when I see her again. You know my guard doesn’t go down that easy with these new girls. How are you feeling about Daphne? I think she’s fit in quite well!
Billie’s Confessional: Look, my intuition is usually not wrong when it comes to the ladies in this group. I hope Polly proves me wrong but right now I got my eye on her.
Teairra: The Daphne girl…I don’t have any feelings for her at all. I felt like she was a little bland, I didn’t have a conversation with her, but she wasn’t really saying much of anything so she’s just there. Teairra shrugs. No shade!
Billie: Now don’t be shading my good girl friend! She’s definitely different than the last friend I introduced. I think she’s just trying to find her place in this group! Give her some time she’ll warm up.
Teairra: Okay, so I’ll give her some time to warm up. I just like that we have new faces in the group! I was getting tired of seeing the same ones! I just hope their experience is as good as mine… Teairra laughs.
Teairra’s Confessional: Daphne…I just don’t know! She didn’t showcase her personality and I’m not going to pull it out of her. I hope she can warm up and we can all actually have some laughs and fun that was my first run in with her and lord Jesus I hope she’s not that bland! I wouldn’t call her boring but…bland is kinda a nicer way of saying it!
Billie: I think their experience is as good as we the core four make it! I’m excited about the new era of Ladies! It will bring life back to this group. Lord knows we were getting stale. So, are we good?
Teairra: We’re good! We can hug again, right?
Billie: Yes, absolutely let’s hug it out. Billie hugs Teairra. Ah, I love to see it!!
Billie’s Confessional: Now sisterhood is definitely present here today. Me and Teairra can be examples that we can have a spat and still make up and have for love another. I think this is going to be my favorite Ladies of Twitter era. Billie laughs and claps.
Teairra: Finally a good ending! Teairra laughs.
Billie: And it didn’t even have to be sexual! Billie laughs. I’ll set something up for you and Erica. I’ll text you the details.
As the Ladies finish up their smoothies and depart the smoothie shop, the scene quickly shifts as we see the summer rays shines down on a gorgeous, contemporary salon where we see Polly greeting her clients, restocking products, blow drying someone’s hair and serving other clients some champagne as the scene begins…
Polly: Alright ladies it’s time for some bubbles! Polly pops a bottle of champagne.
Polly’s Confessional: Polly waves. My name is Polly Anderson-Parker, I’m a wife, I’m a mom of two gorgeous humans, I’m a businesswoman… Twitter’s most in demand aesthetics practitioner, okay!? And I’m all about having a good time! Life’s too short babe, like c’mon let’s have a good time whilst we can! Polly sips a champagne. Was that okay? Too much? I love bubbles oh my gosh. Polly pauses and giggles. Oh, and I’m an all-round bodacious babe! Duh!
Polly is telling her employees the rotation for the day and later seen serving various clients some champagne as they receive their treatments…
Polly’s Confessional: I am very much a woman who is trying to… have it all, work on it all, eat it all. Polly laughs. I currently own and run seven aesthetics salons across Twitter, we just opened our seventh a few weeks ago. I work there two days a week, the rest I am working on launching my own beauty line. The details? That’s really up to me to be honest, we have make-up, candles, vitamins, at home treatments all in the pipeline.. I just need to decide and get my shit together.
Polly: Yes, so we have the testers for all the new range arriving soon, I just need to test them all out and see how we go from there. I want to make sure it’s right before we even think about selling anything in these.
Sally (Polly’s Employee): Have a good night, it’s your anniversary tonight, right?
Polly: Yes! Oh my god, thank you so much. I need to get home, they’re calling me.
Polly’s Confessional: I am a homebody, I love my family. They mean everything and more to me. Listen, if I didn’t have to work… well, I don’t need to, but if I didn’t really want to work and do something with my day, I would be with them constantly. But I work and develop brands to keep myself busy and stop myself being a helicopter mother. Polly laughs and sips a drink.
As the scene quickly shifts, we see an aerial shot of a contemporary home, we then zoom to a close up shot of Polly walking into her home. We see Polly take her high heels off and put on her slippers…
Polly: It’s too quiet in here I’m home! Hello?
Polly looks around the first few rooms in her home before she is met with a huge uproar of noise from her family, her Husband Andrew, her daughter Sophia and her son Oscar …
Polly jumps lets out a scream that soon turns into laugher as she sees her kitchen decorated to celebrate as her family rushes to welcome her home.
Polly: Oh my god you guys! I nearly pooped my pants!! Aw my gosh this is so, so nice when did you all do this?!
Andrew (Polly’s Husband): We started as soon as you left this morning. Andrew kisses Polly’s cheek. Happy Anniversary my darling.
Polly gives Andrew a long and loving look as they kiss multiple times…
Polly: I love you so much, babe. Wow! OH MY GOD. THE RING?! Are you kidding me?
Andrew: 10 years married. 15 years in my life, you deserve the world baby. I’m making us dinner tonight, put your feet up.
Polly’s Confessional: I met Andrew over fifteen years ago. I was 21 and working for him at the time. Yes, I know, it’s unconventional and people will think oh it’s typical boy meets girl, boy pursues girl even though boy is married and girl goes along with it until girl gets pregnant a few years in and then boy leaves wife for girl and they live happily ever after? Yep, that’s the story!
Polly: How did I get so lucky with you guys? I love you all so much. Polly hugs her daughter, Sophia.
Sophia (Polly’s Daughter): We love you mommy!
We watch as the family does a group hug, before the scene quickly changes once more, and we are transported to a bar on the Upper East Side of Twitter, where we see Erica sitting at a table perusing the drink menu as the scene begins…
Erica’s Confessional: Whenever Billie & I are having a long day, we send one emoji “👯♀️” and we’re racing each other to our favorite hotspot. Today is one of those days where the lord knew that I needed to let my hair down and have some fun with my girl.
Erica: Erica turns to the waiter. A round of Tequila shots for the both of us. We need a re-up.
Billie: Billie walks over and hugs Erica. There’s my sister from a different mister! How are you gorgeous?
Erica: Erica hugs Billie. Hi hunny! I’m doing amazing but a drink was needed! sit, sit. How was today for you?
Billie: My god, I’m exhausted. I’ve been in production meetings all day and it’s just made me realize how much I’m missing acting, but I’m trying to power through it and realize that producing might be my new calling!
Erica: Erica laughs. Girl, those meetings are just so blah. But I promise once you get past that pre-production stage and start actually filming and editing, it’ll bring that joy back to your eyes. It’s like how I am with the cooking show. Seeing the work and actually filming makes the highlight of my day.
Billie: See, this is why I needed this girl time with you! I just don’t want to lose the spark I have for the entertainment industry! It’s hard just going through this transition. How are you liking doing the cooking show?
Erica: I think it’s a fresh start for me. Cooking has been my therapy in a way and the fact that so many people have fun watching me do it genuinely makes me happy. You know all the drama with Robert and the divorce, I really wanted to step away from the beauty line and have something that was truly mine.
Billie: I think this is great and not to mention your food is phenomenal!! I won’t lie I’ve been watching this last week’s episode on repeat trying to master that lemon pepper chicken recipe you did! You are going to come out on the other side of this Erica and honestly Robert will just become a little thought in your mind as time goes on… Billie grabs Erica’s hands. We are powerful and we will get through this.
Erica’s Confessional: Although my beauty line is doing fairly well for itself and it’s in my name, the thought that Robert even helped me put money into this always sits in the back of my mind. So, starting the new cooking show was a breath of fresh air and it was solely mine! Well, with the help of Deion of course.
Billie’s Confessional: Look Érica is like the little sister I never had. So, I of course feel protective of her and want her to thrive. She is going to do amazing things with this cooking line, the sky is the limit Erica you got this sister!
Erica: Oh my god! I have to have a cooking class with everyone! And tape the show, it’d be amazing to have you all on. Thank you sister, you know everything that man put me through and I’m just happy to always have you on my side
Billie: I’m here until the wheels fall off. But you know I gotta get your opinion on these new girls. What do you think of my good girlfriend Daphne, is she a yay or nah? We will get to Polly Pocket in a minute.
Erica: I actually enjoy Daphne, I do think she’s a bit standoffish in her own way, but I think it’s because she’s stepping into this new group. You know I met up with her, Amal, and Polly and I was shocked that Ms. Punctuality was late!
Billie: Oh, she came late? Billie looks shocked. Like how late did she leave you guys hanging?
Billie’s Confessional: Now damnit Daphne, you can’t be serious about being punctual and then you are late for the event. These girls will eat you alive if you start looking like a hypocrite.
Erica: Erica checks her watch. About 15–20 mins late. I was like, “Ooohh girl not Ms. Punctuality having us waiting after making a big fuss about Amal.”
Billie: I’ll have to correct her on that. Billie laughs. She’s better than Kaylani so I’m being more picky when it comes to my friends! How are you feeling about Polly Pocket?
Erica: I actually know Polly from some of her salons, just a couple run-ins but I was not expecting her around us… she’s not really that type of person. I think you picked up on that at the fashion show. I could see you were not feeling that girl.
Billie: I’m still not feeling her to be honest with you Erica. I have been to some of that chakra healing classes you took me too and you can pick up on energy and her energy and aura is all the way off. I don’t think she has good intentions with this group, but I guess only time will tell.
Erica: I know she has a questionable marriage, but she’s been forthcoming about it. Anytime I’ve been around her, she’s been bubbly, but I think her being Teairra’s friend she feels the need to interject in places she’s not supposed to. I do think you two might just need some time to get accustomed to each other.
Erica’s Confessional: Billie is old Twitter and Polly is the definition of new Twitter. She stole her best friend’s man and I think where the issues are stemming from. Polly does things a certain way and they’re definitely frowned upon.
Billie: Who knows, only time will tell with her. Speaking of Teairra though… Billie takes a sip of tequila shot. I met up with her at a smoothie place this past week. She called me and asked to sit down with me. We hashed it out, but I told her she really needed to make an effort to try and find a way forward with you, because when you get us three in a bar together it’s a great time.
The camera pans to Erica who is scrunching up her face…
Billie: You know you’ve had some wonderful times with T, and she has had some wonderful times with you. You both love each other and that’s why this is affecting you both so much. If you both didn’t truly care for one another than this little fight wouldn’t be happening right now.
Erica: I’m glad you two were able to work things out, I know the drinking comments hurt you, but there is a lot of love for Teairra. I know I’m no saint when it comes to the situation or downfall of our friendship, but we moved past all of that and she still did what she did. I love that girl, and we could be friends, but some accountability needs to be taken. She talked to my husband’s mistress, brought it to the group, and then told me she didn’t give a fuck anymore. To me, there’s only so many chances I can give this girl.
Billie: And I told her that she needed to just flat out say she fucked up with you and you would be willing to see a way forward with her. I think you both will be seeing each other at Amal’s event so maybe you can both try again to talk there.
Erica’s Confessional: Teairra and I have a long past and relationship, when we’re good, we’re good. I know I’m gonna see Teairra at Amal’s party and I’m hoping we can find some reconciliation; however, if she’s on that shit she was on at that fashion show. It can go one or two ways, you decide.
As the Ladies continue to sit at the bar, the camera quickly pans out as we hear an ominous storm sounds as the screen repeats Erica saying ‘it can go one or two ways’ several times, before flashing back to Teairra one day earlier, with Billie, saying the same exact thing…
Teairra: I’m not scared of Erica, it’s really up to her if she wants to continue her battle with me. It can go one or two ways… literally. Teairra sips her smoothie. We can see how that goes with her.
The screen then fades to black as we read…
The camera quickly pans into Amal’s Pooch Party, where we see Erica and Teairra in the midst of a heated conversation…
Erica: Teairra… Erica stands up. Don’t do that. Erica puts her hand up. Do not do that. I don’t wanna go there with you!
Teairra: Teairra moves Erica’s hand again. Do what? Stop putting your hand in my face, we’re talking right? You wanted to talk, let’s talk or is the conversation over?
Erica: Teairra! Erica puts her purse down. Stop touching me! Stop touching me. Erica starts poking Teairra’s head. I don’t wanna go there little girl.
Teairra: Erica…stop touching me because the hand is about to be smacked down in a minute, I was being nice you can stop touching me though. Teairra pushes Erica’s hand out the way.
The camera then watches as Erica grabs Teairra’s hair, followed by the camera feed fades to black as we hear the other Ladies screaming for the fight to end as the scene and episode come to an end.