Season 17, Episode 3: “Paws and Effect”

Ladies of Twitter
34 min readJan 4, 2025


As the episode begins and the title card fades from the scene, we watch as the camera focuses in on Amal, who is at her house putting the finishing touches on her Pooch Party as upbeat music is playing and we shift to her confessional interview…

Amal’s Confessional: So today, I’ve invited all the girls to a private pooch party. With these bitches, the only thing I can guarantee is that they’ll behave around their bitches. Well, one can hope… Amal laughs.

The camera pans to Daphne as she walks in, carrying Louise, her dog…

Daphne: Hello, we’re here! Daphne looks around. Well, wow this looks fabulous Amal! Thank you so much for inviting us. Daphne blows Amal a kiss. Forgive me, I’m full of Louise’s hair, she didn’t feel like walking today so I had to carry her in and out of the car. Daphne laughs as she puts Louise down.

Daphne’s Confessional: Louise is a very strong-minded and opinionated lady, just like myself! When she decides that she does not wanna do something there is no way you’ll change her mind.

Amal: Oh Daphne!! Don’t you look adorable! Thank you so much for coming and how gorgeous is Louise!

Polly: Polly walks in. Oh, hello girls!

Daphne: Thank you honey! You look amazing yourself, me and Louise are very excited to socialize! Daphne turns to Polly. Oh hi, Polly! And hey, what’s this little girl’s name? Daphne pets Polly’s dog. She’s stunning!

Polly: Hello girls! This is Sabrina! Polly lets her off the leash. Go have fun baby.

Amal: Hello Polly. Thank you for coming. Sabrina’s a little cutie.

Daphne: Awe Louise, go play with Sabrina! Daphne gently pushes Louise towards Sabrina. So, Polly, how have you been?

Polly: I’m good Daffodil! How’re you? Polly giggles.

Daphne: Daffodil? Is that my nickname now or what? Daphne awkwardly laughs.

Just then, the camera pans as we see Billie walking up to the event…

Billie: *walks over to Amal* I’m tired of holding onto my dog. Is there a play area for this party? Mama came here to party!

Billie’s Confessional: These girls will have a party for the opening of a letter. Why am I coming to a dog party? My dogs are about the only dogs I like, and I definitely don’t like bitches. Billie laughs.

Amal: Amal turns around and sees Billie. Oh lord. Hi sweets! Loving these sweats. The dogs can go with the trainers and the treats and dishes I’ve prepared for them over there. Amal points to an upscale kennel by the pool.

We then watch as Teairra shows up next, the first Lady to arrive without a dog…

Teairra’s Confessional: I heard Amal is having a pooch party, I heard dogs are involved and I don’t have one of those but at least I’m attending! I think I have enough fur in this coat to associate it with a dog right?

Teairra: Teairra starts entering as she looks around. Oh, this is pretty!

Billie: Billie laughs. Being a full time producer is wearing me out! You are so shady tangerine!

Polly: Hi Billie! How are you? Polly tries to give Billie a kiss on the cheek.

Daphne: Oh Teairra, you’re giving me Cruella right now with this coat, I love it! Daphne laughs.

Billie: Billie backs up and holds hand out. It’s good to see you again Polly. We aren’t there yet.

Billie’s Confessional: Why is this woman running up kissing me on the cheek. I just met you last week. No wonder she found her husband the way she did. She’s FAST!

Polly’s Confessional: Why is Billie being so standoffish? I get we don’t know each other well but like don’t be rude. Oh my god and the outfit? Like I’m not gonna come basic to an event, I’m gonna bring it, I thought she was a model? No?

Polly: Polly rolls her eyes. Oh, come on, it’s just a smooch.

Amal: Amal turns around and sees Teairra and raises eyebrows. Oh hi! Don’t you look very 101 Dalmatians.

Just then, the camera pans as we see Erica, the last of the Ladies, running in holding a stuffed poodle…

Erica: Hi everyone! Sorry I’m late but I’m here!

Daphne: Oh, hi Erica! Is that stuffed dog? Don’t leave it around or it might get humped by one of our fur babies!

Billie: Daphne, there you are girl! How are you? Billie hugs Daphne. So great seeing you here! I heard there were some punctuality problems the other day?

Erica: Erica clutches her poodle. Oh heavens. I wouldn’t want that my baby is freshly new and a virgin!

Amal: Erica!! Thank you so much for coming and who is this little… Amal goes to pat Erica’s stuffed toy. Oh…it’s umm…is it a toy or some kind of taxidermy thing?

Daphne: Hi Billie! Yes, I was a little late, I had a meeting before our little get together so I arrived when I could. Why do you ask?

Erica: Erica laughs and air kisses Daphne. You look amazing. Erica looks over at Amal. It’s stuffed darling. You don’t live for it?

Billie: I just heard about it through the grapevine… Billie laughs. I just knew you were big on punctuality!

Daphne: Oh? Did anybody complain about it? I thought it was no big deal, I mean we were getting a mani-pedi and facials, it’s not like we were doing anything that serious. Daphne laughs a bit.

Daphne’s Confessional: Say what now? Did somebody complain about my “lateness”? Come on, we were at a beauty salon!

Billie: No complaints that I took from the conversation! How did it go with the other girls though? Did you enjoy their company, was everyone nice to you?

Teairra: Teairra starts fanning herself. Is the A/C not on in here? It feels like 100 degrees.

Amal: We’re outside Teairra. There is no A/C in the outdoors.

Daphne: It went well, I’m really enjoying getting to know everyone. Your friends are a hoot, some do like to throw some shade as you always say but they’re fine! I hope they’re enjoying me as well. Daphne winks.

Amal’s Confessional: This is why you probably shouldn’t have worn a floor length fur trench coat to an outdoor outing but umm sure, you do you girl.

Billie: I think they are, you are the missing piece to the puzzle here! Hopefully that other new girl can find her way in this group. Just let her stay away from me.

Teairra: Well, you can bring fans outside!

Amal: Would you like me to have someone take your coat? They’ll bring it back before you leave. I promise!

Billie: Billie walks over with Daphne. Amal, it is getting hot out here! What are we doing?

Teairra: No, it’s so fine! Teairra takes her coat off and sits it down in my chair and looks over at Polly.

Amal: Amal looks over at Billie. You are hot as well? You are sweating like a whore in church. You sure it isn’t the big M, Billie?

Amal’s Confessional: Amal whispers. Menopause.

Erica: Erica takes her fan out of her purse, turning it on and fanning herself. Oh my god.

Amal: Yes girls! There is a reason I have gathered all you grateful ladies today

Billie: Honey, I hit menopause when I was about your age! Your time is coming. It’s hot and it’s humid, that’s what it is.

Daphne: Oh, an announcement…

Billie’s Confessional: Leave it to cheap ass Amal to have no damn fans or AC units outside at this event. It’s summer in Twitter and the girls are hot.

Teairra’s Confessional: She already has us burning up outside what more can she possibly have to say, I hope the announcement is she brought us all some handheld fans or SOMETHING, I didn’t know we would be outside this long because honey…this coat would’ve stayed home.

Amal: So, I have shared with a few of you that this year I’m embarking on a journey of financial independence. Despite coming from wealth. Enough wealth to never be caught dead in what you’re wearing Billie but that’s beside the point. I invited you all here with your beautiful little pups to tell you that I’m in the very early stages of developing and launching my very own PET NAIL POLISH LINE!

Just as Amal says pet nail polish line, cannons explode with confetti all over the outdoor space and we see Daphne jumps in her seat, startled by the cannons…

Polly’s Confessional: I’m sorry what? Nail polish? For dogs? Polly laughs. Is she crazy?

Polly: Oh my fuck, I think I just pissed myself. Polly laughs as she claps.

Daphne: Oh my god Amal, that is incredible! We need to pop open some champagne and celebrate this new business of yours!

Erica: Erica jumps back at the cannon’s sound. Oh my god! Congrats!

Erica’s Confessional: I see where all of the money went, no A/C units but hidden confetti cannons? Chileee.

Teairra: Teairra nods and claps awkwardly. Yess, dog nail polish!

Polly: Please don’t put any on Santino, he’s a vegetarian.

Daphne’s Confessional: Listen… do I think nail polish for animals is lucrative or a smart idea? No! However I am supportive of anyone launching their own business, so I’ll happily cheer to Amal’s new venture and support her.

Billie: Congratulations for the doggy nail polish!

Amal: Thank you, ladies! It’s all very early stages and as you know, I’m not really well-versed in this whole “business” thing but I wanted to share with you girls as I know I can lean on you all for guidance and advice.

Erica’s Confessional: So does nail polish for animals count as animal testing? Hunny, I don’t want no smoke with Peta.

Daphne: Daphne goes up to Amal and hugs her. Congratulations! You can ask me for advice anytime, I love to support fellow businesswomen!

Teairra: So, what made you choose…this? As a business? Are you opening a dog nail polish store?!

Polly: Wait Amal, has it been approved and stuff?

Amal: You know, the pet goods and services industry is massive. It generates like almost a 150 billion dollars in revenue each year, so I thought why not carve out a little piece for Miss Hadid. I’m actually working to develop the polish right now, Polly. It’ll be nontoxic and good for nail growth and strength.

Erica: Are you not scared of the potential backlash? Make up on animals is not the best… you know.

Amal: Amal raises her eyebrows. Well umm…it’ll definitely be tested to ensure that it does no harm to any of the beautiful pups and pussies that adorn it.

Billie: The makeup industry is a hard one to get into, but I guess bitches are the perfect market, Amal. I wish you well and can’t wait to see your five-year forecast.

Amal: Not a five-year forecast. Are you planning on investing?

Billie: If I see some revenue coming in! Billie laughs.

Polly: Polly whispers to Daphne. Can I ask you something? You know Billie right, I’m just wondering how I go about things with her? She’s like super rude to me so I’m not sure what I’m kind of doing wrong there.

Daphne: Daphne whispers back to Polly. Oh, yeah, I know. Look, Billie has a lot on her plate right now I just think she isn’t that interested in making fast new friends. I think with her the best approach is step by step, take it slowly. Kinda like… Daphne thinks for a couple seconds. Anal sex! Slowly, slowly, you’ll get there!

Polly: Polly’s eyes widen. Oh wow! Okay, noted. Seems strange though.

Daphne: I know, I know. But trust me, with time you’ll see Billie is a sweet, sweet girl!

Polly’s Confessional: There’s having a lot going on and then there’s just being a bitch. Sorry Daphne, I think it’s the latter.

Amal’s Confessional: I’m kind of disappointed in pretty much all of the girls. This is a really big deal for me. I’ve never launched a business before, and I feel like I’m getting a lot of dirty looks and side eyes. You know, it’s upsetting. I really want these guys on this journey with me…

Daphne: Well, anyway, shall we cheer to this unique new business of yours? Daphne raises her glass towards Amal.

Amal: Amal raises a glass. Thank you Daph! You’re too kind!

Billie: Yes, let’s cheers to Amal! You are one crazy girl with a crazy idea, but I want to see you succeed!

Erica: Erica crosses her legs fanning herself and raising her glass. Cheers to you love!

Polly: Yes Amal, we wish you all the best. I’m happy to help you too if you need.

Amal: Thank you ladies! To Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line!

Daphne: And what about you girl, how’s your pilot going? Any news?

Teairra: Oh, a pilot? What pilot? Did I miss something?

Daphne: Oh, wait you didn’t tell everybody? I didn’t ruin the announcement, did I?

Polly: I love that we’ve all got these big business announcements and works happening!

Billie: I am producing a new show! After everything with my lawsuit, I got approached by NBC Universal to produce a new TV series. It’s like Sex and the City meets Desperate Housewives.

Amal: Amal looks visibly angry. Oh wow. How amazing. Amal grimaces.

Polly: What was the lawsuit?

Erica: Oh, everyone didn’t know? Or you ladies didn’t ask? Erica laughs. No, but I think this is an amazing thing for Billie. She’s worked so hard for this moment.

Daphne: I thought everyone knew honey I’m so sorry. And yes, Erica is right, you deserve it! You’re going to be amazing!

Amal’s Confessional: Really? She chooses now to announce her pilot? At the announcement of Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line? Hmmm…

Teairra: Why didn’t you tell everyone something so amazing is happening, that’s good to hear!

Billie: Amal, if you didn’t have a million unread text messages you would’ve seen that along with the invite I sent you that you didn’t show up to. Billie laughs.

Amal: Amal raises her eyebrows. Are you giving me attitude right now?

Daphne’s Confessional: Daphne pretends to pray. I hope I didn’t ruin it for Billie, I thought all the girls knew! They’re always talking about each other, you’d think they knew about this right?

Billie: I told the people closest to me, I know this group has a tendency to hate.

Polly: Polly raises her hand. Sorry, hello, I’ve asked two questions? What was the lawsuit and did I just eat dog food?

Daphne: Oh, well I wouldn’t say hate maybe they…. Have strong constructive criticism honey.

Amal: Yes, Polly you ate a dog treat. The cookie is shaped as a dog bone. But seriously Billie, are you mad at me or something?

Billie: I’ll answer one of them Polly. It’s none of your business.

Teairra: Teairra blinks and looks around. Oh….okay!

Erica: Oh, well that’s not going to get anywhere.

Polly: Okay, I’ll just Google it later. Polly waves off Billie.

Daphne: Ladies, ladies… Daphne stands up and raises her voice. Please, let’s remain calm and collected, can we?

Billie: Amal, I just feel like you are giving me some hater energy. This was supposed to be an exciting thing and you girls just proved that is why I keep my business to myself.

Amal: What energy? I didn’t show up to your party dressed in an old tee shirt and flip flops.

Teairra’s Confessional: Oh! Maybe Billie was talking about Amal when she said certain people have a tendency to hate…but she sent her a text about it so now I’m confused, I mean you did announce your whole NBC deal at her event, I would feel a way too, even if it’s just about some dog paw nails!

Billie: You didn’t include a dress code on the invitation. I’m working, Amal. WORKING and busting my ass! You are just sitting around here coming up with a doggy makeup business.

Amal: Amal’s mouth drops. Oh wow. So that’s what you think of me?

Billie: I just think you and I are two different kind of working women.

Amal: Amal nods. No, it’s okay. I’m glad you’re making your feelings about me clear at a day I’ve been so excited for… Amal starts to walk away, tearing up.

Polly: Aren’t they friends?

Billie: Billie gets up and follows Amal. Amal, get back here!

Teairra: I thought they were! Teairra sips her drink. I guess one is jealous of the other…

Erica: Erica looks over at Teairra. Hmph, sounds familiar. Erica keeps fanning herself.

Teairra: Real familiar, right?

Erica: You would know right…I’m not going to play games with you Teairra, we can try and have another conversation, or you can sit there looking the way you do.

We begin to hear tense music as the camera begins to quickly pan back and forth between Erica and Teairra…

Teairra: Looking amazing? Teairra takes a spin. Erica stop, you always want to pick with me if you want to talk to me just say that! We can try and talk, it’s evident you miss me!

Polly: Wait, what’s happening here girls?

Polly’s Confessional: I look to my left and the bitches are fighting, I look to my right and the bitches are fighting. I look in front of me and see a lovely looking biscuit and it’s a dog treat. Bust.

Erica: You can do all of that… Erica does a hand motion. We both know you’re acting theatrical right now, so you don’t have to take any accountability. I’m bored. Erica pretends to fall asleep. I’m bored.

Teairra: I’m going to continue to do it, because it gets under your skin. Teairra laughs. You just insinuated I’m jealous and I’m bored of that whole agenda you’re trying to push, like girl jealous of what? I can take accountability, I was wrong Erica, are you happy now?

Erica: Finally! Finally, thank you Jesus, now what?

Teairra: You tell me what’s next. Teairra tilts her head. You’re the one mad!

Erica: It took you what? To dance around like a buffoon to come to your senses?

Daphne’s Confessional: We are at a pooch party and the most well-behaved are the doggies. Daphne laughs a bit. You can’t make that up.

Erica: Mad? Mad about what? I don’t understand your theatrics here Teairra. All I wanted was accountability you’re doing too much… Erica puts her hand up. TOO much!

Teairra: Teairra moves Erica’s hand out the way. I think you’re doing too much, you came at me and now you’re saying I’m doing too much? Don’t tell me how to react.

Erica: Teairra… Erica stands up. Don’t do that. Erica puts her hand back up. Do not do that. I don’t wanna go there with you!

Teairra: Teairra moves Erica’s hand again. Do what? Stop putting your hand in my face, we’re talking right? You wanted to talk, let’s talk or is the conversation over?

Polly: Girls! Stop!

Erica: Teairra! Erica puts her purse down. Stop touching me! Stop touching me! Erica starts poking Teairra’s head. I don’t wanna go there little girl.

Teairra: Erica…stop touching me because the hand is about to be smacked down in a minute, I was being nice you can stop touching me though. Teairra pushes her hand out of the way once more.

Erica: Erica snatches Teairra’s hair yanking it. What did I SAY? DONT FUCK WITH ME!

Amal: Amal runs back over and starts to clap. Hey! HEY! HEY!! That’s e-fucking-nough!! That’s enough! You guys can fight out in the street but you’re not doing that here

Teairra: Teairra pulls on Erica, yanking her as she grabs me. GET THIS BITCH OFF ME


Billie: Billie grabs Erica. ERICA, LET OFF OF HER!

Polly: STOP! Polly grabs Erica. Get off her! Stop!

Daphne: Oh my! Girls GIRLS!

Erica: Erica gets pulled off by producers, talking to Billie. I didn’t wanna go there with her! She’s DISRESPECTFUL AS FUCK!

Billie: Billie holds Erica. Erica, just breathe.

Polly: Teairra, are you okay?

Teairra: Teairra starts swinging her arms and gets pulled away from Erica. And this is what y’all allow? That bitch is crazy!

Amal: Amal looks off camera at the producers. Are you kidding me with this?

Teairra: Teairra fixes her hair and looks in the mirror. Like really??? This girl has officially lost her mind.

Erica: B, get me outta here before I strangle that bitch. Seriously.

Amal: Polly, can you take Teairra away from this? Please!

Daphne: That’s too far guys, I really do not like this.

Amal: Amal walks over to Erica. What the hell is going on?

Billie: Billie talks to producers. We need a car now. I can’t with all of this. This has turned into a complete disaster. We are leaving Amal. No need to reignite the fire.

Amal: I’m not reigniting anything, Billie. I’m checking in on my friend!

Erica: Erica points at Amal. She’s disrespectful! She’s fucking disrespectful! Putting her hands on me? I’m good off that!

Teairra’s Confessional: Did Erica just put her hands on me?? I know this girl had some screws missing but she must’ve really had too many drinks in her for her to start with ME and then put her hands on me? She better be lucky I was caught off guard…but I told Billie this would probably happen.

Amal’s Confessional: It’s crazy to think that 2 weeks ago the four of us were laughing and working on our bond. Amal shakes her head. Don’t think any of us knew how bad things would soon become.

We then watch as Erica, then Teairra are quickly ushered out of the party, before the ominous music plays and the cameras focus in on the destroyed party venue before the screen fades to black. As the screen fades back in, we see the sun rising in Twitter once more, as a soft bird is heard chirping, before we focus in on Amal as she walks into a Perfumery…

Amal’s Confessional: After the disastrous conclusion of my Pooch Party, Daphne was the only one of the girls to reach out and check in on me. So today, she and I are going to this cute little boutique perfumery in Downtown Twitter to make some scents and hopefully, make some sense of what the fuck happened.

Just then, the camera pans as we see Daphne waving as she walks into the store and makes her way towards Amal…

Daphne: Hey, honey! You look fabulous!

Amal: Amal sees Daphne and opens her arms. Hello beautiful girl!! Amal gives Daphne a kiss on both cheeks. I look fabulous? Look at you with this slit!

Daphne: Daphne laughs. Well, it’s summer, it’s getting hot! I need some ventilation! So, how are you doing after everything that transpired the other night?

Amal: Do you get coochie sweat as well? Amal fans Daphne’s coochie as they laugh. Honestly Daph, I’m exhausted. I’ve barely slept since it all happened. Amal takes her sunglasses off. Look at these bags under my eyes!

Daphne: I can imagine honey… I felt so bad for you, it was your big night, and it ended in complete chaos.

Daphne’s Confessional: The pooch party started out great and ended… not so great…

Amal: Amal shakes her head. I just don’t know what happened. I don’t know how it escalated so quickly. One second, we were all laughing and the next, you’ve got Billie making these horrific comments about me and my business acumen and then Erica and Teairra fighting! As in physically putting their hands on each other.

Amal’s Confessional: I’m honestly at a loss for words after the fight the other day. The way things got so heated. It was…it was truly devastating

Daphne: I know it was just so crazy. I felt like they could’ve been much more supportive of your new… Daphne hesitates a few second. Unique business!

Amal: You really were the only one who kind of acknowledged that this is a big deal for me. I felt like the other girls were just making jokes and jabs. This isn’t a joke to me. I’m genuinely passionate about pets, the health of their nails and ways to make them aesthetically appealing.

Daphne: Of course, I love to support women in business. Daphne smiles. Actually, I would love to offer you any advice of help if you need it, it would be my pleasure.

Daphne’s Confessional: Amal seems like a genuinely sweet girl and she’s said it multiple times that she has no experience in business so I think she might benefit from some advice or help from someone who’s been running their own business for over 10 years.

Amal: Oh Daphne! That is so generous of you! That would be amazing! I’d love to pick your brain. You are one of Twitters premier architects with a massive company. So, what actually happened with the girls? I was off trying to compose myself after what Billie said about me.

Daphne: Erica and Teairra saw you and Billie bickering and started talking about their own issues, I guess there was a little alcohol involved as well, so it quickly escalated to pointing and putting their hands in each other’s faces and then… and then we all saw how it ended.

Amal: Amal shakes her head. I’m just so confused. The four of us got together a couple of weeks ago and I thought we had put everything to bed. We all hugged it out and went along our merry way. That’s one thing you need to know about these girls. They can’t handle their liquor. 3 drinks and their acting like classless clowns.

Daphne: I figured honey. It saddens me because I actually love it when it’s all of us just having a good time, just like at Polly’s little spa date. Actually, talking about that, can I ask you something?

Amal: Let’s not talk about Polly’s spa day. That lady needs to stop trying to push her surgeon on me. She’s like one of those… Amal snaps her fingers. Uhm, drug pushers. You know. The ones who push Adderall on kids. Of course lovey. You can ask me anything.

Daphne: So, when we were at your event Billie told me someone complained about me being late to Polly’s spa day, do you have any idea who it was? I personally thought it was ridiculous because I had a work meeting, but apparently someone took it seriously. Daphne rolls her eyes.

Daphne’s Confessional: This might sound stupid to some, however I am very big on punctuality and being respectful of others. On the day of Polly’s spa day I had a very important work meeting which lasted longer than anticipated, therefore I was a little late to get my facial, big freaking deal!

Amal: Amal looks confused. Really? I don’t really know and listen, you don’t have to explain yourself. You and I are career women. You have your big architecture firm, and I have my Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line. It should be expected that we may be 15 minutes late for a spa party at 2pm on a Wednesday. But then again, I’d take what Billie says with a grain of salt. I mean look at how she spoke to me at my pooch party

Daphne: I guess I’ll have to ask Polly herself. Daphne shrugs. Billie isn’t too fond of Polly, but she’s always been honest with me so….

Amal: Hmmm… Amal picks up a few of the scents and walks them to the mixing station. How well do you guys know each other?

Amal’s Confessional: I love Billie. She and I built a beautiful friendship last year. She was there for me during the breakdown of my marriage, and I was there for her the first time she got arrested, but this Billie? The Billie that screams at me at my party? That’s not a Billie I know.

Daphne: Me and Billie? Well, we’ve known each other for a few years now, I worked on her house and we hang out pretty often. I’d say we’re good friends!

Amal: No, I’m just curious. Do you think something is up with her? Like, I don’t know her to be so… unnecessarily aggressive with her friends. I mean she really hurt me, Daph. She hurt me to the deepest part of my soul. Amal starts to tear up.

Daphne: Aww honey, don’t cry. Daphne grabs a napkin and hands it to Amal. Here, use this. And to be fair I think Billie has a lot on her plate right now with the pilot and everything else going on. The lawsuit also really put her through it last year, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s still recovering from the stress of it all.

Amal: Is this a napkin or a piece of fabric they test the perfume on? Amal laughs whilst dabbing a single tear in the corner of my eye.

Daphne: Oh, I have no idea but it’s clean I promise. Daphne laughs. Just don’t hold it against Billie, she’s still in a tough spot right now. Give her time and she’ll eventually come around, I’m sure.

Amal: No, I know and then you add the DUI and the arrest. I know she’s been going through a lot but I just thought she’d be more supportive of Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line, you know? I’ll have to talk to her about it. But enough about those other girls. I want to hear about you and what’s going on in your life. Tell me all things Daphne Beaumont.

Daphne: Yeah, perhaps just the two of you. I think it’s best to discuss this type of thing one on one. Being in group settings can make things escalate to a level they don’t need to.

Amal: Don’t I know it. These girls will try to inject me with their Botox and then beat the shit out of me.

Daphne: Oh, about me? Well, what can I say, I’m as busy as ever with my design firm and now I’m also working on getting my non-profit organization up and running as I mentioned to you girls, it’s a lot of work! But we’re getting there… I actually just trademarked the name! It will be called Pets R Pals, isn’t that fun?

Amal: Oh my god, I love that! Pets R Pals! When I get Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line up and running, I’ll be sure to be a corporate sponsor!

Daphne: That would be amazing actually! A partnership would be great promo for the both of us and we could host some fabulous fundraisers!

Daphne’s Confessional: My love for animals goes well beyond my lovely Louise, I love all animals of all species! And Pets R Pals is my first step to make a change!

Amal: Oh, I love this!! I knew I’d like you, Daphne Beaumont! Now, I just need to get it up and running.

Amal’s Confessional: As pissed as I am at Billie Reed right now, I’m so glad she brought Daphne into my life. She really is such a breath of fresh air and so damn sweet. I mean that lady is 2 seconds away from transforming into Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music.

Daphne: Of course! And by the way, I would love to help you with anything you might need for your Mani-Pawdi line, any advice or anything just call me, I’ll gladly give you a hand!

Amal: Oh my god, you are so amazing! I’d love that! Amal rubs Daphne’s shoulder as they head to the checkout. You’re such a mastermind at this whole business world, I could learn so much from you.

Daphne: You’re too kind honey, I’m just a girl doing my best!

Amal: But let me get these perfumes. You really were the only one who acknowledged that this is a big deal for me. I felt like the other girls were just making jokes and jabs. This isn’t a joke to me. I’m genuinely passionate about pets, the health of their nails and ways to make them aesthetically appealing, so let me get these as a little thank you.

The camera then begins to pan out as we see Amal and Daphne walk out of the perfumery giggling and laughing as the scene begins to transition and we see Billie walking into a building on the NBC Universal studio lot as the scene continues…

Billie’s Confessional: Today, we are doing the casting for the pilot I’m working on. I’m excited to be on the other side of things to help build a dynamic cast. I think this is going to be great for me! Let’s hope we can find some good talent! I also brought Ashley as she’s a great eye for talent. I mean after all she’s got the best entertainer of all time as her boss! Billie laughs.

Ashley (Billie’s Assistant): How many people do we have coming in today!

Rhonda (NBC Universal Casting Director): I believe there is 30 people coming in today. Only eight will be casted.

Billie: I am excited for this to come to life. I’m dying to see this TV show on the air, from the round table discussions we’ve had with the other executives this is going to be the new hot series to come on TV!

Ashley: It is all she keeps talking about Rhonda is when this airs how big it’s going to be! Do we have a time frame for when production begins to end?

Marc (NBC Universal Executive Producer): Oh… about that Billie we’ve actually decided to take this pilot a different route and put it on our streaming service Peacock. We think it will do better number wise on that platform where it can be easily streamed at the viewers’ will.

Billie: Billie looks shocked. Wait, what? We are doing this on Peacock now instead of airing this on live television? When was this going to be communicated to me?

Marc: Well, we thought we sent Ashley a message last week about it.

Ashley: I did receive the email, but I was afraid to break the news to you, Billie. I didn’t want you to be discouraged by the news that you would pull out.

Billie: Ashley, you should’ve told me as soon as you got the email. I’ve put my heart and soul into this pilot and I would really appreciate it if moving forward you communicate these kind of things with me, Ashley. Billie glares at Ashley.

Marc: We are really sorry you had to find out like this Billie, but we still believe it’s going to be a great series! I really think the show will do better on this streaming service than it would on live television!

Ashley: See Billie, it’s a blessing in disguise!

Billie’s Confessional: Look I’m super grateful to have this opportunity to produce a pilot series. I really am. But when you have 25 + years in the industry and to get hit with it’s going to on a streaming service and not live television feels like a slap in the face and people who work in the industry will understand where I’m coming from. It almost feels like this is their way of punishing me for my lawsuit.

Billie: Marc, you know how challenging this was for me to accept coming back to this. After everything I was put through, I didn’t expect to have this kind of treatment from you guys.

Rhonda: Billie, we hear your frustration, but we can assure you this is going to be NBC’s next big TV series. You have to trust us, Billie.

Marc: Rhonda is right, Billie you have to trust we have your back, and we are not setting you up for failure. I’ve poured over two million dollars into this so you can have a successful show.

Billie: I just feel like it’s one roadblock after another with you guys. Will we ever get this show off the ground?

Marc: Yes Billie, we are working on trying to get the right formula with everything. Now that we’ve decided to take the streaming service route it should be smooth sailing from here. We are looking at a 10-episode first season with filming taking place at various locations across the world. The budget for this show is there!

Ashley: Babe, you got to trust them on this. We are going to kill this project! Trust the process.

Billie: Billie wipes her tears. I’m okay guys. I’m just having a hard time adjusting to all of this. It’s a foreign concept for me to go from being an actress for the last 25 years to now being a producer on a pilot that I feel like I have no control over. It’s just been a really hard past year for me. I’m trying to adjust to this new normal.

Billie’s Confessional: Did I just make the worst decision of my life by becoming a producer or is this going to be a blessing in disguise?? I guess only time will truly tell.

Rhonda: You guys, here is the first actress we brought in! She comes from Quakertown, Pennsylvania, it’s Sabrina Carpenter!

Sabrina Carpenter (Actress And Musician): Hello everyone, I am Sabrina Carpenter and I’m here today to audition for the daughter role on the series. I have a background in the TV industry as I was on the movie The Hate U Give, in the TV series Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and Girl Meets world.

Billie: What makes you stand out from the other talent?

Sabrina: Well, that’s a good question. I really think it’s my personality. I’m bubbly, and spunky with some sass too! I’m also able to adapt to any role that I need to be.

Rhonda: That’s all we needed to hear from you Sabrina. I will be in contact with you soon!

The camera watches as Sabrina walks out…

Ashley: You guys didn’t warn me that actual celebrities would be here today. Ashley laughs.

Billie: Oh Ashley, we’ve got to work on you a bit… Billie shakes her head and laughs.

Rhonda: One down, and 29 more to go. We are in for a long day ahead of us!

We then watch as the scene quickly transitions once more, and we see a shot of Teairra’s house as zen music begins to play. We then focus in as we see Polly walking up the steps of Teairra’s home as we see her knock and the scene begin…

Teairra’s Confessional: I invited Polly to my house to catch up with her because honestly, she’s cool with both me and Erica and obviously doesn’t have a bias with either party like Billie. She’s more levelheaded and she would be able to hear me out, but either way…we’re getting to the knitty, gritty because what actually was that? Like seriously, I’m still shocked that even happened.

Teairra: Ooo, there she is! Teairra walks to the door with her drink in hand and smiles. Hey, hey, hey!

Polly: Hey babe! Polly hugs Teairra. I brought my own green juice so that’s okay. How are you doing?

Teairra: Oh? I actually made you a drink but if you want to drink your juice then more for me. Teairra laughs. But no seriously I’m kind of good now…I’m still in a what the fuck was that type of mindset right now, how are you???

Polly: Oh, is there vodka in that? Polly takes it and adds it to the green juice. Delicious! Yeah I’m good babe, tired! Works busy. Why do we have to work so much if we want to make money? Why is it so hard?

Teairra: Teairra lets out a sigh. Tell me about it! It’s like I want the money but still the effort put into it is so much.

Polly: The kids are driving me nuts too. Like give me a break, mama has a hangover. Polly sits down. So c’mon, talk me through what really happened because you both made me fall off my seat, literally.

Teairra: Lord! Honestly, it all started with me answering to you about Amal and Billie’s situation and she implied I was jealous of her? Like Erica? Jealous??? I mean, of course, she was mad at me because of last year, but to lie is just crazy. It just escalated from there, went from hands in faces and touching and all I remember was my hair being pulled and screaming.

Polly: I’m still so confused why that led to violence.

Teairra: I think she might have had too many drinks or something or the heat had her very irritable, because we have never got that serious with each other. Like yes, I might have moved her hand multiple times but if I’m asking you to talk as a woman without all that, why aren’t you respecting that?

Polly: She’s mad because you didn’t defend her last year? Yeah, I hear you, she was tipsy for sure and seemed to be a bit upset at you.

Teairra: I think her main problem with me was the fact that I even engaged in talking to her husband’s mistress, which yes I was wrong but I thought we got over that I don’t know why she’s still so upset about that.

Polly: We have to get you two back on track, I think. You know you’re my girl, but I’m friends with Erica too and I just think we need to draw a line and get to having fun honey. This isn’t what grown women should be doing is it.

Teairra: I owned that I was wrong before she pulled my hair so I think she may be really jealous of ME, I mean she’s always the first to hate on my music career and throw jabs at me in the low I think she’s really intimidated.

Polly: Yeah, I did see that.

Teairra: It’s just a lot, we can probably try this again! But right now? I don’t know.

Polly’s Confessional: Erica seems to be a bit jealous? Yeah, I see it, but I also see Teairra not just being clear and being strong in her stance enough.

Teairra: But in other news! how do you feel about the group’s dynamic? I noticed Billie giving you a little bit of shade, I’m not sure what that’s about.

Polly: I was thinking of hosting a pride event next week, maybe a place where is full of love and happiness can get you guys to just being able to be cordial? I think everyone could be invited, but yeah, Billie seems to just not like me… Polly laughs. And yeah, I don’t know why. She’s a bit of a hater I think.

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m sensing a lot of jealousy this year! Coming from Erica … to Billie .. to Amal…. like what’s in the air? Is it really that bad that you guys have to be haters like…I get it but then I don’t. What happened to being girl’s girls? Oh yeah, that whole act is fraudulent.

Teairra: Oh, a pride event sounds amazing! I’ll be down to go and yeah I don’t know what it is with you that she doesn’t click with…you’re very sweet to her and she always has this stank attitude. But I told you about Billie, she’s unpredictable.

Polly: What’s Billie’s deal? I know she’s old but like why is she like that with me. Oh god, I don’t have time for someone who thinks she’s queen bee.

Teairra: Honestly…I don’t know! Didn’t you like kiss her on the cheek and she jumped back and did all these theatrics towards you? I don’t know what it was, but I was looking around confused on why that was such a problem for her.

Polly: Yeah, she made a big deal about that. Billie doesn’t scare me T, you know that.

Teairra: Oh, I know that, I think she might be trying to intimidate you and she’s mad that it’s not working.

Polly: It’s not working. She just looks like a sulky child.

Teairra: She’s too old to be acting like that to somebody 20 years younger but she did it to me too at one point so… Teairra shrugs. I guess it’s just in her.

Polly: I’m going to invite her and ask her what her problem is. You know she comes into my aesthetics boutique from time to time!

Teairra makes a shocked face as the Ladies sit quietly for a moment…

Polly: Anyway. You’re okay? And you’re okay with me inviting Erica to the pride party?

Teairra: Yes, I’m good & I’ll be on my best behavior as long as Erica isn’t on weird energy I’ll be perfectly fine, I think in order for the group to progress though everybody needs to lay out their issues with one another and we’ll figure out whether we squashing it or still keeping it the way it is. Teairra shrugs.

Polly: I think Daphne and I are good, it’s you other girls we need to worry about!

Teairra: Teairra laughs. Well yes! I want to see more of Daphne she seems to be a little distant with some of us, I want to actually get to know her.

Polly: Just take some time apart and then talk to her. But I think you’re right. Things need to change and we can move forwards. Polly hugs Teairra. I have to run back to the office, wanna get dinner later?

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m excited for the pride event! Because gay people and I are like bread and butter, I have so many gay friends and they’re always a good time & the aura of pride is just vibrant, hopefully an event like that can somehow make this group dynamic a little better in a more fun setting and not heating up outside with dogs and nail polish everywhere.

Teairra: Teairra hugs Polly back. Oh, of course! Send me the details and we can make it happen!

As Teairra walks Polly to her door, the camera pans out as we see the city skyline of Twitter once more before the title card appears on the screen as the scene and episode come to an end.



Ladies of Twitter
Ladies of Twitter

Written by Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 16 seasons, and catch season 17 every Friday! #LoT🏙️

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