Season 17, Episode 4: “Forgive, then Forget”

Ladies of Twitter
36 min readJan 11, 2025


As the episode begins and the title card fades from the screen, we see shots of the Twitter skyline before we briefly see footage of the Ladies going about their days. We see shots of Billie as she gives orders on the set of her production, while we see footage of Daphne looking over designs for a new property. The scene then shifts, as we hear ominous music and focus in on a quiet bistro where we see Erica sitting down for dinner, with a glass of lemonade in her hand, as the scene begins…

Erica’s Confessional: The last time I saw Teairra, things escalated rather quickly. Erica pauses. After days of dwelling on the situation, I decided to reach out to Teairra so that we can finally hash out any grievances or differences. We’ve gotten to a place that I never wanted us to get and it’s time we get to the bottom of it.

We see Erica checking her watch, before the scene quickly flips and we see Teairra walking into the bistro to join Erica…

Teairra’s Confessional: Erica invited me out to a dinner and I honestly don’t know how this can go, me and Erica have always had our issues in the past but it has never turned physical, close to it…yes, but actually happening is crazy. Teairra laughs. I don’t know how this can go but my head is on a swivel, I’m ready for anything she’s ready to dish out.

Teairra: Teairra walks towards the table. Hello…

Erica: Erica puts her glass down. Hello, I’m glad you could make it. Have a seat.

Teairra: Teairra sits down and crosses her legs. I’m surprised I was invited here, so wassup?

Erica: I’m surprised you came, seeing as though you’re an hour late, but that’s neither here nor there.

Erica’s Confessional: I picked a place that’s exactly… 5 minutes away from Teairra’s home so for her to be over an hour late was really just her playing childish games, like okay girl. Erica fans the camera away. Whatever.

Teairra: I mean I made it, so that’s all that matters me being late is the least of our worries right now…but that’s also neither here nor there.

Erica: You can lose the attitude hun, I reached out to you in good faith to try and talk about what transpired between us at Amal’s party. I guess I’ll be the adult one here and say, I never wanted things to escalate as much as they did.

Teairra: Teairra nods. I’m glad you’re owning up to what you did, because after all the years we’ve had as… “friends,” you have never put your hands on me so I still am a little caught off guard.

Erica: Well, let’s reflect on that night shall we. You put your hands on me first Teairra, and I asked you about 3–4 times to not move my hands in the manner that you moved them.

Teairra: But as a woman, you wouldn’t want any hands in YOUR face so I’m just lost on why you thought that was okay…I was just returning energy you gave to me.

Erica: Sweetie, I talk with my hands and you know this. If you’re not going to be accountable for your actions, there’s really no need to continue this conversation. I’ve reached out, I’m trying to take accountability for this whole situation but it takes two to tango and I was not dancing alone.

Erica’s Confessional: Teairra has a hard time accepting her wrong doings and as much as I was wrong for this altercation so was she. I could have smacked her after the first-hand swat but I gave her multiple warnings before shifting her wig a bit. Erica laughs. No, that was mean.

Teairra: Okay, I can take accountability for moving your hand out my face, that was wrong of me. Teairra lets out a fake smile. But I still don’t think it deserved all that…and yes you apologized but that really hurt me to my core.

Erica: And you don’t think this situation has hurt me as well? Yes, I apologize for furthering the situation and putting my hands on you but Teairra there is a lot of hurt HERE! You’re hurt and so am I. We’ve been doing this get back at each other dance for years now and for what? We were sisters!

Teairra: We were sisters! That’s why it really hurt me, but we can both take accountability for what we do and just try to move forward if you’re willing to, it shows how much love and respect I still have for you for me to still pull up and be here after what transpired.

Teairra’s Confessional: Me and Erica were like two peas in a pod! but once we got to Twitter together in the same space I don’t know if it’s the cameras or something but her energy completely shifted and it just got worse and worse overtime and its actually hurtful to think about, because I never expected us to fall apart.

Erica: I never wanted our relationship to ever get here and I mean that… Erica wipes a tear. You were like a sister to me this ongoing cycle of us hurting each other I really want it to stop. If we have to sit here for 12 hours and get past all the hurt, we’ve caused each other these last 2 years, I’ll do that.

Teairra: Don’t cry, please don’t cry because I’ll start crying too! Teairra starts to wipe her eye, feeling a tear coming. We definitely need to stop this cycle, I don’t know how many times we can keep forgiving each other and going back to the dark place, but I want us to do better and be better and back to what we used to be!

Erica: Erica fans her eyes and then Teairra’s, laughing. I think the problem is we say we’ve forgiven each other but the problems were still lingering. I apologize for what I said about the hospital accident and I truly do mean that. I wanna let this hurt go and truly move on in our friendship.

Teairra: And I apologize for all the hurt I put you through, especially the whole mistress thing I don’t want you to ever feel like a begging whore is more important than our friendship, I tried to apologize to you about that but not I’m coming to you face to face to admit my wrongdoings, because we’re moving forward this year! It has gone too far for both of us.

Erica: I think after today, we leave this here and we never discuss it again. We get out of this revolving door and we keep it moving. I want my sister back. Erica laughs.

Erica’s Confessional: Teairra and I have had so much history that it really hurts that it actually got to the point where we got physical. I’m glad we were able to talk like the grown woman we are and actually move forward within this friendship. Who knew a little wig tug could solve our issues?

Teairra: Teairra laughs. Oh 100%! the girls are going to be so shocked at us being on good terms, I think it’s only right we show everybody how to be real sisters.

Erica: I didn’t get any liquor for us but we can do a cheers with our lemonades. Cheers to moving on and starting over with our friendship. Erica puts her glass up, smiling.

Teairra: Teairra raises her glass up and does a cheers. Cheers to new beginnings! Again.

As Teairra and Erica laugh, the scene pans out as we transition to several days later as upbeat music plays and we focus in on Daphne’s architecture office where we see Daphne running around as the scene continues…

Daphne’s Confessional: So, today I invited some of the ladies to my office, my career is a huge part of who I am, so it just makes sense for me to open the doors of the Beaumont Architecture headquarters to my new friends.

We then watch as the camera flips around and we see Polly walking into the office…

Polly: Polly walks in. Oh my, oh my!! Polly hugs Daphne. This is as stunning as always. How are you hun??

Daphne: I am good, I am good. Actually, before everyone else get here, can I ask you something?

Polly: Sure, babe, what’s up?

Daphne: So, the other day at Amal’s pooch party Billie told me somebody complained about the fact I was late to your spa day. By any chance, was it you? I know it sounds silly, but I like to address things right away.

Polly: Polly looks confused. Daphne, no, not at all. I didn’t mind you were late babe, I know we’re all busy. Shit happens you know!

Daphne: Oh well, that’s good to know. Daphne smiles. I’d hate for us to have some sort of petty drama!

Just then, the camera pans as we see Teairra making her way into the office…

Teairra’s Confessional: I don’t know much about Daphne but what I do know is, she’s some type of business woman based on what was said to me…but I’m really glad that she invited me to her little office so I can feel her out and see her real personality!

Daphne: Oh, hi Teairra! Daphne waves to Teairra as she walks in. You look great honey! I was just chit chatting with Polly.

Teairra: You look great as well! Thus is a really nice office. I see you two catching up! Hey Polly girl! Teairra hugs Polly.

Billie: Billie walks into the office and is seen cutting up with the receptionist. Are those bitches back there? Billie laughs.

Billie’s Confessional: It’s been a wild ride since we’ve all been together. After Teairra fallout and my fallout with Amal I feel like getting a break from that and seeing what Daphne’s daily schedule is like will be good for some of us ladies.

Daphne: You like it honey? I projected and designed it all myself, this isn’t just my office, it’s my sanctuary.

Polly’s Confessional: I’m really not bothered if you’re late to an event I have, just show up and have a good time. I’m late, people are late, it’s normal. I really don’t give a shit about that, just when you arrive get ready to have a good time no matter what we are doing!

Teairra: All by yourself? Oh, this is bomb! The vision must’ve taken a while, right?

Billie: Billie walks into the office. Well, hello ladies! Don’t most of you look cute! What were we talking about in here?

Polly: It’s stunning in here. Are we getting a tour?

Daphne: Daphne turns to Billie. Oh nothing, me and Polly just cleared up the whole situation about me being late that you told me about. We’re all good honey. Daphne smiles. So, anyone want a quick tour?

Teairra: Oh, definitely we need a tour! its huge in here honey.

Billie: Yes, let the girls see your hard work and success!!

Daphne: Alright, here we go… Daphne starts walking as the ladies follow her. So, over here we have our conference room, I wanted it to be open space and very airy, like I was working outdoor almost. Daphne keeps walking. Here, we have the offices where all the hard work is done and over there is my office, actually let’s go in, I have an announcement. Daphne smiles as she leads the ladies into her office. So… everyone ready? Daphne grabs a champagne bottle from the mini fridge in her office.

Polly: Oh wow! We love a champers! What’s the news?

Daphne: So, I’ve been telling you guys about my effort to start my own nonprofit organization to help rescue pets right? Well, I just trademarked the name which will be Pets R Pals! It’s all starting to come together slowly but surely!

Daphne’s Confessional: This is so exciting for me! I can’t believe we have officially trademarked the name and signed all the paperwork. I haven’t been this proud of myself ever since I first saw my office!

Billie: Oh, that’s exciting Daph!! I know how passionate you’re about nonprofit organizations! Shall we cheers to that? Billie raises her glass.

Polly: That’s amazing! Congratulations honey!

Polly’s Confessional: That’s a huge accomplishment and a great moment for Daphne, let’s hope she can still do the work I’m commissioning her for though. Polly winks.

Teairra: Oh wow! So, that makes two ladies working for the animals, congratulations! Teairra nods her head and raises her glass.

Daphne: Thank you guys, now let’s drink and have fun! Cheers! Daphne turns to Teairra. Exactly Teairra, actually Amal and me were thinking we might partner and hosts some galas together, how exciting right? Daphne smiles as she sips her champagne. Amal’s Mani Pawdi will be a sponsor of Pets R Pals!

Billie: Billie looks confused. Wait, you and Amal are going to team up? What does a doggie manicure business have to do with Galas?

Teairra: Oh, that’s going to be an interesting collab! I’m looking forward to it.

Daphne: Well, she has a business that involves pets and my charity will be helping and rehoming rescues. We thought it would make sense and be good publicity for both! And Amal’s got money to burn so she definitely won’t mind donating.

Daphne’s Confessional: I think this partnership would be brilliant, yes Amal knows nothing about business…. Well about working in general, however I think her money and my skills will make for an amazing partnership!

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m so lost on how those two correlate with each other but I mean hey, I guess they’re just being girls’ girls and trying to find a way to be nice to each other one way or another, it’s not my businesses so I guess that’s not my problem chile.

Polly: I feel like I need to see how that works, but needless to say I’m excited and nervous at the same time.

Teairra: Whew, I’m sorry to like jump straight into it but… Teairra looks at Billie and then at Polly. I noticed you two have been a little distant with each other, are you two okay? It’s like you two are obviously ignoring each other.

Billie: She’s really not my kind of girl. Billie sips her champagne.

Polly: Polly’s eyes widen. Well, it’s just kind of awkward for me to be honest. You kind of just ignore me and don’t want to talk to me and then say things like that. So, I don’t know. Polly shrugs. You don’t know me; how would you know what kind of girl I am?

Teairra: Oh…why not? Polly is really, really sweet to you Billie, what’s the issue?

Polly: It’s just rude. I don’t associate with rudeness.

Daphne: I think Billie has put a wall up due to how hard the past year has been for her, she’s usually lovely to everyone.

Polly: Well, she’s only doing that to me so that’s not an excuse.

Teairra: But her wall hasn’t been up for you Daphne…so I’m a little confused on why it’s up for Polly! She’s been so sweet to her!

Polly’s Confessional: Billie looks the other way, turns her back to me, rolls her eyes when I speak. It’s like weird, you don’t know me, but guess what? You don’t get that privilege now because I’m not interested.

Billie: Well, I just don’t think I can get down with someone who fucks her best friend’s husband and then marries him… do you all not think it’s weird or am I in some type of twilight zone. If this was one of you that it happened to you all would be throwing a fit. I’m just cautious. What’s wrong with that? And Teairra I’ve known Daphne for a while. Here you go assuming again.

Polly: You really are so low-class Billie.

Billie: Takes one to know one. Billie winks.

Teairra: I think it’s a deeper problem you have with Polly that can’t possibly be the reason, you don’t even know her.

Polly: I’m an open book feel free to ask me any questions about it, Billie.

Daphne’s Confessional: Look Billie might not have been extremely nice to Polly, however can you blame her for being a bit off? First the lawsuit, then the DUI, now she’s taken on this new huge project with producing a show. Give her a break!

Polly: Why is it weird? I made a big mistake that was something I had to do for love. Have you ever been in love Billie? Or married?

Billie: I don’t really care to know about a mistress, Polly. Honey, my advice to you is how you find them is how you’ll lose them. I give your marriage another five years max! I had a traditional relationship and marriage, yes Polly. I don’t have to ruin homes to have love.

Polly: Love finds a way Billie. Soulmates are for a reason. It just so happened mine was married to my friend.

Billie: And that’s why I will never be able to trust you. Billie shrugs. And this is who you roll with Teairra? Haven’t you struggled with infidelity in your relationship before?

Polly: And that was years ago, so, yeah. Polly looks around. Daphne, I think I’m gonna go, I don’t like the vibe Billie is bringing. I’m very open and very honest.

Daphne: Leave? Don’t leave, I think you guys can talk it out and leave this behind you. You can be cordial without being BFFs, let’s behave like adults!

Polly’s Confessional: For Billie to weaponize something she knows absolutely nothing about is just so incredibly ignorant and wrong that I’m just not even going to try. What a bitch.

Teairra: Polly don’t go, you don’t have to!

Billie: There’s the door Polly! Don’t let it hit you on your way out. Billie smirks.

Billie’s Confessional: Why would I want to befriend someone who literally first day I met her tried to kiss me and then tell me about her breaking up a marriage with a smile on her face. There’s something much more sinister about that. I warned you ladies first, she cannot be trusted.

Billie: You just assumed not even five minutes ago about me and Daphne. Don’t even go there with me Teairra. We are trying to make progress here not go backwards.

Polly: I’ll happily stay but can we just agree this isn’t the time or place. Teairra, what happened with Erica, I know you mentioned you went to see her.

Teairra: Polly, that’s a good question. We actually deaded our issues, it’s shocking to say the least but we’re finally moving forward in our friendship and im really excited about it.

Billie: I’m glad you two could dead your issues. When we go violent on each other that’s never a good thing.

Polly: Well, when someone touches you like that you best believe that it’s gonna get prickly.

Billie: I don’t think violence is ever the answer to solving issues. It was unfortunate you both go to that place with one another.

Teairra: We spoke on that and cleared that up and I’m glad we got over it, I’m just glad to start on a fresh slate we even had a couple of tears flow it was a wholesome conversation. Teairra nods.

Billie: That’s progress and growth. I love you two together than apart honestly. It made me sad to see you both inflict that much pain on each other Teairra.

Polly: You didn’t seem interested in them making up five minutes ago Billie so that’s confusing. You talk a lot of shit, huh?

Polly’s Confessional: I’ve realized much of what Billie says most of the time… has no real substance or any value or intellect whatsoever. It’s all like blah blah this and saying things for the sake of it.

Billie: Is someone talking to me right now? Billie laughs. This girl just said she was going to leave. Why is she still here?

Polly: Girl, your high school shit does nothing on me. Let me know when you’re old enough to have a real conversation.

Teairra: Teairra motions her hands confused. What is this? Like seriously? You two shouldn’t be at it like this.

Polly: You’re gonna need a lot more than calling me a mistress to upset me. I’ve heard it all before babe. Next!

Billie: And your middle school behavior does nothing for me. Don’t you cheat with your best friend’s boyfriend around that age? You’re pathetic. I’ll have a conversation with you when your maturity level is above a hormonal middle schooler.

Polly: You talk so much crap. Seriously it’s like worrying to me.

Billie: I don’t talk shit babe. I speak facts. I’m guessing you’ve never met a woman like me.

Polly: A troll you mean? Yeah, I think the bridge over there is missing you from under it.

Daphne: Girls, girls, please. Daphne clinks her glass to get everyone’s attention. I think the best thing for now would be to just acknowledge you two aren’t friends and might never be friends perhaps. However, you’re both mature women who can coexist, right?

Polly: Grow up seriously. Daphne, stop. Why would I want to engage with that? She doesn’t know me.

Billie: I’ve grown up and matured. I have the wrinkles to prove it. You are barely are legal to drink. I think we know who lacks morals and maturity and it’s not me.

Daphne: Because we are all in the same friend group, so like it or not you two are bound to be around each other. So, I think it’s best to put an end to the arguing, Polly

Polly: Polly looks to Teairra. Can we go like seriously this isn’t worth my time. I’m like so not interested

Billie: Go ahead and walk out the door. Teairra can stay here. I don’t know why you think you have to leave in pairs. This isn’t middle school babe. Everyone has minds of their own.

Daphne: Well, you can leave if you want, but this is not going to change anything Polly. You guys can’t keep on arguing like this every time we all get together.

Polly: Because she isn’t having fun either, clearly. Daphne, I love your office and thank you for the tour, but please invite some other ladies next time if you include me.

Daphne: Daphne sighs. Alright, no problem, thank you for coming then.

We then watch as Polly storms out of the office before the camera pans back to the group…

Billie: Well, that was eventful. Billie laughs. Teairra, have you talked to Amal?

Teairra: I actually haven’t spoken to her… have you? After your whole blow up with her, I’m assuming not but I just want to see where your heads at with her.

Billie: I mean, I really don’t know how I upset her because Daphne just asked me how my pilot was going and I thought since we were celebrating successes that I could just mention mine. Was I wrong for that?

Daphne: When I spoke to her the other day, she told me she didn’t feel supported by you guys when she announced her new business idea. She felt that all the questions and the little jokes were hurtful, I think being her first time ever doing something on her own she’s very sensitive.

Billie: I told her that I would be an investor after she got it off the ground! How is that not supportive?!

Teairra: I think she felt like you announcing your whole situation at her event made her feel like you were dimming her light…which is can see both sides. Teairra shrugs.

Daphne: Well, to be fair Billie didn’t announce it, I asked her about it cause I assumed everyone already knew so…

Billie: I really didn’t mean to poke fun of her to hurt her feelings. I just thought we were all as friends joking and having a playful banter! And thank you Daph, that’s my whole point. It wasn’t like I came to her event with a marching band and announced my pilot! I was asked about it and answered. I mean clearly some of you didn’t even know about it.

Daphne: Yeah, I just think she’s very sensitive about this. I mean the woman has never worked a day in her life and now she’s launching a business? Talk about a big step!

Teairra: Yeah, I definitely didn’t know about it. But I feel like maybe she may already have felt a way because everybody was giving her looks after announcing her dog nail line so she was already on edge.

Billie: I think I’m just going to call her and have her come over to my house and chat. I think this is all a big misunderstanding. My intention was to not hurt her. The only girl I don’t like is Penelope!

Daphne: Daphne laughs. It’s Polly, girl!

Teairra: And even you and Polly can make amends! I’m sure of it, you two are just off on the wrong foot chile. But hopefully you and Amal can make up because this is petty.

Billie: It’s all petty! I just wanted to have a fun summer and I feel like this is now how it was supposed to be.

Teairra’s Confessional: Seeing Amal and Billie fall out in real time is actually bitter sweet, because those two were like two peas in a pod and its reminding me of Erica and I and how we were! so they definitely need to patch it up before it gets darker and darker, speaking from experience.

Daphne: Yeah, it’s not worth fighting over. Daphne takes a deep breath. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the little tour and I thank you guys for coming, but now I’ve got a meeting in the next room so I’ll see you soon. Oh, and Teairra I would love for us to go out for drinks, since I don’t talk in group settings apparently. Daphne smirks.

As Billie and Teairra are walking out of Daphne’s office, we watch as the camera shifts and we are taken to a bar in downtown Twitter, as the sun sets and we see Amal stepping out of the back of her car as the scene begins…

Amal’s Confessional: I haven’t really heard from Erica since my pooch party and even though she’s still on my naughty list for being involved in the commotion with Teairra, I care about her and her wellbeing. So tonight, I’ve invited her and a surprise guest out for a few cocktails. Let’s hope no hands are thrown in the making of this scene. Amal laughs.

We then watch as Erica walks in, dancing her way towards Amal…

Erica’s Confessional: I’ve been full on in work mode since the incident with Teairra and I haven’t really spoken to the girls so when Amal texted my phone insisting on a girls night out, who was I to reject it? I mean, there’s drinks involved.

Amal: Well, look at you Miss Gorgeous!!! You better be careful before that left boob pops out! Amal laughs.

Erica: Hi Honey! Erica laughs and hugs Amal. A little tit never hurt anyone! You look bomb bitch! Yes!

Amal: Who me? Not little old me! Amal laughs and high fives Erica. Come! Come! Let’s go over to the booth I’ve reserved for us! I have a surprise guest popping by, so let’s go get comfortable

Just then, a pink Rolls is shown parking as you see pink sequins shoes and pants step out before the camera pans up to a beautiful blonde before revealing Elle Stonewood…

Elle (Former Lady of Twitter): Amal! Erica! Hi girls! It’s been too long! Elle hugs them both. How are you beauties?!


Amal: Amal turns and sees Elle. AHHHHHH! Finally!

Elle: In the FLESH HUNNI! Elle snaps her fingers and sits down. It’s so good to see you girls!

Erica: Now it’s a girls night!

Amal: Elle!! How are you!? I’m so happy to see you!

Erica’s Confessional: Elle Stonewood is a good friend of mines and this group and I’m just so happy she’s back around… Erica laughs. We miss the blonde in pink.

Elle: I’m so good girls! As you both know I’m on summer mom mode so it’s kids full time around the clock unless I can sneak away like this! Elle laughs. I’m so happy to see you both it’s been too, too long. You must fill me in on everything!

Amal’s Confessional: The last time you guys saw Elle and I, we weren’t exactly in the best place…But we’ve moved well beyond that point and with everything Erica has had going on, I thought a little drop of Elle would be exactly what she needed.

Erica: Erica rolls her eyes. Oh Elle, where do we start. Maybe with the situation that happened at your event?

Amal: Oh, do you mean when my dear friend here… Amal playfully taps Erica on the thigh. Turned into Rocky Balboa at my pooch party?

Elle: Oh goodness, drama already? Didn’t you girls just come back together? Elle turns and laughs. Erica, not you scrapping at a pussy party? Wait Amal, a pussy party?

Erica: It was more of a bitch party!

Amal: Pooch baby. Pooch. The pussy was devoured after the party!

Elle: No, so what happened? Oh my God.

Amal: Well, I actually wasn’t physically present when it went down, so I’ll let Erica fill you in.

Erica: Everything was just in the heat of the moment, one minute I’m sitting down, the next thing I know Teairra is swatting my hand out her face and I have the nastiest grip on her wig.

Elle: Erica! Not fighting what?

Erica: Erica hides her face. I know, I know. It was just not my finest hour at all and Amal I apologize for doing it at your event. You girls know I have a mouth but I never like getting physical, ever.

Amal: Amal shakes her head. It was traumatizing Elle. I’ve never seen anything like it. The way it escalated… it was devastating.

Elle: I thought you didn’t see it Amal? Wait what. Elle’s head pivots back to Erica. Erica, what triggered this? Was it Teairra swatting at you? There has to be a root to this…dissension.

Amal: Amal rubs Erica’s arm. No, I appreciate that Erica. I was sad when I hadn’t heard from any of you after the event. It was such a big day for me and my Amal Hadid Mani-Pawdi line and I felt like you ladies really didn’t care about me and what I’m trying to accomplish

Erica: I think it was really just all the lingering drama between Teairra and I and the frustration from that. She and I did actually have a conversation, full on heart to heart and we agreed to start anew. So, don’t worry ladies I won’t be snatching her again. Erica laughs.

Amal’s Confessional: Start anew? Amal looks around. Bitch, isn’t that what we did like 3 weeks ago when you had me hanging off some rope at an obstacle course?

Amal: I didn’t see it, Elle. Billie and I were off in the corner scuffling about some horrific things she was shouting at me at my party.

Elle: Well blessed be to y’all not fighting again… now Billie and you have issues? Jesus, we need some of your juice to fix this.

Erica: Oh, don’t say that! I did care for you new business venture, I just didn’t want PETA putting the paws on you like you put the make up on these dogs honey. I just had questions… that’s all.

Erica’s Confessional: Amal’s new business venture is absolutely a disaster in the making. Does she know we’re in 2024? They’ll cancel you just for looking at a dog funny.

Amal: Honestly Elle, the whole situation with Billie is heartbreaking for me. I’ve been so supportive of Billie. I was supportive of her all-last year the first time she was arrested for a DUI. I was supportive of her with Grace and all her shenanigans. I was supportive of her during her lawsuit. Everything. So, for her to scream that I’m not a business woman and that I’m practically beneath her at a party dedicated to the announcement of my first ever business venture…it was a lot

Elle: I think that there’s more too it then her just calling you a bad businesswoman Amal. Like I was saying earlier with Erica and Teairra, there has to be a root. So, we need to figure out a way to get to the bottom of it and cut it that way you guys can begin a positive growth as opposed to a negative one.

Erica: I think I understand both sides of it, you know Billie and how straightforward she can be when it comes to things and I think in that moment she was being a bit blunt about your business when all you wanted was just some support. I think she’s happy for you but she could’ve been more supportive, we all could have. You two have gotten very fond of each other, so I definitely believe a conversation between you two should be had.

Amal: No, I love Billie. We have built such a beautiful friendship and the last thing I want is for it to be derailed by her callous remarks. I was just hoping she would’ve reached out by now but… Amal shrugs. Oh well.

Elle: Maybe she needs some time like she’s not ready and she doesn’t know how to apologize. Maybe she forgot honestly, how much were you guys drinking?

Amal: Amal looks perplexed. She doesn’t know how to apologize?

Amal’s Confessional: It’s two words. I’m. Sorry. Simple as a pimple.

Elle: I just mean, like maybe she doesn’t know how to come to you about about it, like she’s worried there might be a fight.

Amal: I understand that. But enough about those girls, what’s happening with you? I’ve obviously invited you out tonight but I want to know…do you think we’ll be seeing more of you with these girls?

Elle: I would love to come around more but you girls know my schedule is unforgiving and unkind to me, specifically! The kids start summer camp soon though so maybe in between work days you guys can invite me into your lil group again! Elle laughs.

Erica: Erica laughs. I would love to have my Elle back around! It’s been so long since you’ve been around our group and plus we miss a Stonewood vacation!

Amal: As long as you don’t rock up with Kathy on a leash ready to jump me… Amal laughs.

Elle: You girls know I only fly private! Elle laughs. Oh I don’t think Kathy has any intentions on bothering you again Amal!

Amal: Phewww! I never know with you blonde bitches. Amal sees a guy from across the bar who she used to sleep with. Ladies, forgive me. There’s a young gentleman over there who I’m well-acquainted with and must greet. Amal stands up and tugs her shirt down to maximize cleavage before walking over.

Elle: And she’s off to the hunting grounds! Elle watches Amal walk off before hugging Erica. Ugh this was so nice actually! We should do this again soon!

Erica: Erica leans over to Elle laughing hugging. Yes! I need you out more with us. So, don’t ignore my text when I send the deets for our next event. Erica stands up. Honey, I hope you didn’t think we were sitting in this corner all night. Let’s go, it’s a nice night and we have some butts to shake!

As Erica and Elle stand up and head towards the dance floor, the camera pans out once again, as we see the sun rising on a new day in Twitter, we hear birds chirping, before the camera focuses in on Teairra as she walks into a restaurant…

Teairra’s Confessional: So, today is a really big day for me! I’m meeting up with some really big music executives to try and get myself out there and I’m really, really nervous but I have high hopes for myself so I always have to walk into a room with my head held high, they love confidence, right? Teairra winks.

Teairra: Teairra walks towards the table as she take a seat, seeing the seats filled with a lot of people. Hey, hey everybody!

Lorenzo (Head Music Executive): Hello, hello, take a seat, I’ve heard a lot about you.

Teairra: Really? Teairra laughs nervously. Hopefully good things, right?

Lorenzo: Of course! Lorenzo laughs and smiles. But you can still introduce yourself to my whole team, they’re also executives in the music industry.

Teairra: Well, hey everybody! I’m Teairra K-Blanco, or TKB for short, I’m a semi new artist, I want to say I’m more of an R&B artist but I’m just starting out I don’t want to put myself in one box but I’m an independent artist! Working my way up to stardom and hoping you guys can hear me out and see something good for me by the end of all this.

Teairra’s Confessional: Sitting in front of all these people is putting a lot of pressure on me and I’m a strong woman, I don’t get easily intimidated but whew chile the look on their faces… Honey…its a scary sight, you don’t know what they’re feeling.

Sally (Another Executive): So, what do you think your strengths are when it comes to music?

Teairra: I think, I’m very… experimental and I have a lot of ambition when it comes to music, I have a different type of confidence when I go into the studio and I think my drive and hunger for success would take me far.

Sally: I love that! Can we hear some of your music? well we already heard drive back & it was amazing but do you have any other content to show with us?

Teairra: Of course! Teairra looks at her manager. Play the one that im planning on releasing soon.

Teairra’s manager starts playing her song Insecure as all the executives nod their head at it looking around at each other as everyone vibes to the song…

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m looking around the room as everybody is listening to insecure and it looks like they really like it but I’m not sure some of them look so nonchalant as they’re listening and I’m just like wow, I really hope they live for this song like I do.

As the song ends, the camera pans around the table before anyone speaks…

Lorenzo: Wow…I’m in awe that was actually amazing.

Teairra: Really??? Teairra starts tearing up. Oh my God, I’m going to cry, don’t play with me.

Lorenzo: Don’t cry, you’re beautiful and that song was just as beautiful as you.

Teairra: Teairra starts to blush and lets out a little giggle. Oh Lorenzo, stop it…making me blush!

Lorenzo: No, I really mean it…. Lorenzo smirks at Teairra. We should definitely talk more about this in depth on a dinner, with us two.

Teairra: That sounds perfect, I’m excited for that.

Teairra’s Confessional: A producer asks if she thinks Lorenzo is flirting. No comment! Teairra laughs as they ask if she thinks he is cute. No comment, I’m married…just please right now.

Lorenzo: Thank you for coming with us tonight, we’ll be doing some reviewing and we can have that dinner as soon as possible.

Teairra: Teairra starts to get up with her manager grabbing her hand. Thank you everybody, I really appreciate you all for taking time with me today!

As Teairra continues talking to the executives, the camera shifts once more and we see shots of Erica’s home as she and Teairra are seen getting stuff together for a party as the scene begins…

Erica’s Confessional: In honor of truly starting anew, Teairra and I have banded together to unite the group and have a fun girls day and what screams girls day than making liquor and drinking what we make. I decided to host the girls at my new home so it’s sorta like a house warming and I’m hoping these girls can truly stay on their best behavior.

Erica: Monyetta, can you make sure we have all the ingredients for today’s activities. And make sure the ladies have clear vision of the food, I don’t want any of these hoes wandering around my home.

Teairra’s Confessional: Now that me and Erica made amends, I think us two coming together and hosting a cocktail making class would be good for the group, I think it’ll somehow make everybody come to some type of resolution because if me and her can make up anybody can…literally! Teairra laughs.

Teairra: Teairra walks around the house with Erica. When do you think the girls will arrive? This should be fun!

Erica: Well, let’s hope they’re not late. You know the girls have a lot to say about being punctual. Erica laughs.

Just then, the camera pans as we see Billie walking up the steps to Erica’s home…

Billie: Billie knocks on the door. Yoohoo, it’s everyone’s favorite actress!

Billie’s Confessional: Look when E and T are on the same page and getting along the group is just complete! I’m glad they’ve decided to host us for a cocktail making class. I mean I think my mixology skills are pretty amazing but maybe I’ll learn a few new tricks today!

Teairra: Teairra looks at Erica and looks at the door. Oop! Sounds like someone is here! Teairra walks to the door and opens it. Hey Billie! You look so pretty!

Daphne: Daphne walks into the house. Oh, hello, there you are girls!

Erica: Hi Everyone, come in, come in! Thank you girls for coming! I hope you all didn’t drive because you will be drunk by the end of the night.

Daphne: Thank you for inviting us! Daphne laughs. No, don’t worry, I have my driver!

Billie: I definitely ubered here! I’ve learned my lesson about this. I’m glad to see you two in a great place! I felt like I was walking into the Twilight Zone. Billie laughs.

Teairra: Yes, everybody needs a driver! Including me. Just waiting on a couple other ladies… Teairra looks down at her watch.

Billie: Who else are we missing? I thought this was for just the fun girls?

Just then, dramatic music can be heard as Amal pulls up out the front of Erica’s home. We then watch as Amal slowly saunters into Erica’s house…

Amal’s Confessional: I haven’t seen all the girls together since my pooch party, so I’m hopeful that today will be all about peace and getting pissed. Pissed on the cocktails.

Erica: Well yes! Erica twirls. I think Teairra and I are moving forward. Wait, that’s the door.

Amal: Amal walks in. Hi ladies!

Erica: Amal honey! Erica looks at Billie as she hugs Amal. I’m happy you made it!

Billie: Billie rolls her eyes. Where is the drinks? I need a drink.

Amal: Of course! You know I’d never miss something as important as your cocktail making party.

Erica: Well, I think Polly will be arriving shortly so we can start without her. Shall we ladies? Follow the queen to the back! Erica starts walking outside to the backyard as the Ladies follow.

Daphne: Well Erica, let me just say this house is lovely!

Billie: Billie stops by the bar. I’ll be fixing me a stiff one of these before I deal with this.

Teairra: Teairra walks with Erica as she flips her hair. This should be fun.

Just then, the camera pans to Polly, the last to arrive, as she walks through the house into the backyard to join the group…

Polly: Hellooooo! Hi girls! Hi! Sorry I’m late!

Teairra: Teairra turns around seeing Polly behind her. Oh, there she is! Hey Polly! Teairra gives her a hug.

Polly: Hey T! I have to say this is not something I thought I’d be seeing so soon, my two girls hosting a cocktail party.

Amal: Yes! How did this happen? Amal points at Erica and Teairra.

Polly’s Confessional: Does it make sense to me? Hell no, but I’m wanting Erica and Teairra to own up for their parts in their issue and start fresh and see where it goes.

Teairra: Right? We’ve been talking nonstop, it’s feeing like how it used to be.

Erica: Teairra and I just agreed to move on. We’ve been fighting on and off for how long now? It was over petty nonsense and our history with each other is more than that.

Amal: How it used to be sans the fist throwing?

Polly: Well alright then, I’ll drink to that! Are we making them or having them made?

Billie: Well, that’s how grown women handle things. I’m proud of you two for working things out!

Erica’s Confessional: These girls are acting like Teairra and I were in the middle of the street, wigs off, bare footed throwing blows. Honey, it was wig tug. Get over it because we are.

Daphne: I think we’re making them, right?

Erica: Sisters fight, hun. We’re good.

Amal: Absolutely! To grown women who take accountability for their actions, apologize when they are wrong and make amends when necessary… Amal glances over at Billie ever so shadily.

Erica: We’re making these drinks girls, I’m putting your mixology skills to test.

Teairra: Teairra nods. I think if we can make up any of you ladies can, and that’s kinda shifting more so towards you two… Teairra points to Billie and Amal. But we’ll get into that shortly! It’s time to make some drinks!

Billie: I’m a natural mixologist! Let’s get this class going.

Amal’s Confessional: A natural mixologist? Amal takes a sip of my drink and makes an awkward face. You can certainly say that again.

Erica: So, get working, because the first drink we’re starting with is a nice old fashioned.

Daphne: Oh, I suck at bartending. I’m a good drinker though. Daphne laughs.

Polly: I spent most of my early twenties as a server I can shake ’em good for some tips girls. Polly shakes her drink in the canister.

Teairra: Even if you’re bad at it! It’s a bonding experience, I think it’ll be fun.

Erica: The ingredients to make the drink are at your stations, so let’s get to work girls!

Daphne: Daphne takes a sip of whiskey as she gets the ingredients. Woo, that’s strong.

Amal: Amal starts picking up all the individual ingredients and sniffing them. Ohhh, that’s an interesting one.

Polly: Polly adds ice and sips. Mmm! Do we have any fresh mint?

Amal: Erica, is this a shake cocktail or a stir cocktail?

Billie: Billie starts shaking the drinks. Daphne, don’t drink the whiskey straight. You’ve got to add the ingredients before you drink it!

Daphne: Daphne laughs. I was testing the quality of the ingredients honey! Daphne winks.

Erica: Stir hunny. Erica stirs her drink around and looks at Billie shaking it. Oh heavens.

Billie: Do we have an orange peel for this girls? Billie laughs and begins frantically looking around. Amal stole my damn orange peel!

Amal: I what?

Erica: Erica whispers to Billie after drinking her cocktail. Steal it back!

Billie: You stole my orange peel from my station Amal! Why would you do that? Who do YOU think you are? Give it BACK!

Teairra: Teairra looks over at Billie and then Amal and takes a sip of her drink again. Whew! I’m gonna need this, huh?

Amal: Amal looks around her station. Oh, you mean this orange peel? Amal throws an orange peel at Billie.

As we hear one of the Ladies gasp, the screen fades to black as the scene and episode come to an end.



Ladies of Twitter
Ladies of Twitter

Written by Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 16 seasons, and catch season 17 every Friday! #LoT🏙️

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