Season 17, Episode 5: “Frenemy Lines”

Ladies of Twitter
37 min readJan 18, 2025


As the episode begins and the main title cards fade from the screen, we hear dramatic music as we return to Erica and Teairra’s cocktail making class, where we see Amal looking sternly at Billie as we resume…

Billie: You stole my orange peel from my station Amal! Why would you do that?

Amal: Amal looks around her station. Oh, you mean this orange peel? Amal throws an orange peel at Billie.

Billie: Billie looks at the orange peel on the ground. Now the orange peel is dirty, Amal. I am going to need to take yours. Billie steals the orange peel off from Amal’s drink. That’s MINE!

Teairra: Why is an orange peel flying across the kitchen right now? Teairra looks around. What’s going on?

Amal: Billie spills Amal’s drink everywhere. BILLIE! GET YOUR FINGERS OUT OF MY DRINK!

As Amal attempts to snatch the drink away, Amal drops it and the glass shatters all over the floor…

Amal: Now, look at what you’ve done!

Polly: Polly looks. Are they twelve?

Billie: You should not have taken my damn orange peel!

Erica: Erica jumps back. MONYETTA! Please call the housing staff! I need a clean up… Erica walks over to Billie and Amal. You two! Erica points between Billie and Amal. Either have a conversation or drink your drinks, we’re not doing this all night.

Amal: I didn’t take your damn orange peel! Maybe they thought you weren’t participating in a cocktail making experience given your recent history and inadvertently gave me two orange peels.

Billie: Billie looks at Amal in shock. Are you fucking kidding me right now Amal?

Teairra: Oh???? Amal…now that was low.

Billie: And to think you actually were supporting me for the right reasons. You just wanted to use this against me the first chance you could. What a horrible friend you are!

Amal: Amal stutters. I-I-I didn’t mean that, Billie. I’m sorry.

Daphne: Daphne walks up behind Amal and whispers to her. Apologize, apologize!

Teairra’s Confessional: Did Amal just bring up Billie’s old alcoholic problems? Over an orange peel? maybe they were destined to fall out because as a “friend,” why would you say something like that? It’s like she was waiting to show her true colors, and honey, they’re definitely showing.

Amal: Amal walks over to Billie. I’m very sorry, Billie. That… Amal pauses. That was a low blow and I didn’t mean it. It just… Amal shakes her head. It just slipped out.

Billie: You did mean it Amal. What even is your deal with me lately? I tried to talk to you at your event after it escalated, and it’s been crickets since.

Daphne’s Confessional: Daphne sighs. Just as we were all getting along and having some harmless fun… here we go again. Back to yelling and arguing… Daphne shakes her head.

Amal: Billie, you embarrassed me at my event. You were screaming at me that I have no work ethic and I’m not a businesswoman. You really hurt me, Billie.

Billie: And you think hurling out my past is a way to move forward or is this a game of tit for tat?

The camera cuts to Daphne who’s nervously sipping on a glass of whiskey, as she watches the argument escalate…

Amal: Hurling out your past isn’t a way to move forward but neither is belittling someone’s future, Billie. You’ve had well over a week to apologize to me for what you said. I said something hurtful to you and within a matter of seconds, I’ve apologized. Hell, even Daphne thinks you needed to apologize to me.

Billlie: Amal, all I said was you’re a different kind of businesswoman than me. We are in two different industries. If me saying that hurt you than I apologize but if I can recall correctly I was the only one that said I would invest in your company if you need some stakeholders. Billie turns to Daphne. Is this true?

Amal: I don’t need stakeholders, Billie! I need friends who are willing to teach me as I venture out into this new world of entrepreneurship. I’ve never started a business before and I’m doing this to protect myself and my child. To build a future for us that doesn’t rely on a man or my family’s money.

Daphne: Daphne looks taken aback. I- I don’t recall talking about you specifically! All I said is when Amal made her announcement you girls weren’t extremely supportive. That’s it, honey.

Teairra: Oh, this is getting messy isn’t it.

Amal: Daph, you also said you thought she needed to apologize to me for the way she spoke to me at the announcement of my Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line pooch party.

Polly: We should all be supportive of each other.

Erica: Erica looks around. I’m sorry, who wasn’t supportive? I didn’t see you jumping up and down for Amal and her announcement.

Billie: Okay thank you Daph, that’s all I needed to hear from you. Billie looks back over to Amal. Amal, since we’ve gotten over our little bump after season 15 when have I not showed up for you? Hell, I even attended your kid’s birthday party and even spent Christmas with your family. So, when have I NOT been supportive of you? For crying out loud you were making fun of my outfit, I thought we had that relationship where we could playful banter back and forth.

Amal: Erica, Daph was the only one who rose a glass in my honor. She was the only one who had nice things to say to me. She was the only one to check in on me after the two of you… Amal points at Erica and Teairra. Started ripping at each other.

Teairra: Teairra looks around confused. Wow…the only one? I was actually happy for your dog paw line! I’m sorry it was too hot that I couldn’t show it.

Polly’s Confessional: This is just a game of who can prove I’m the better friend to you to be honest. Billie is saying don’t bring up the past to Amal but that’s all she did when talking to me, it doesn’t read true.

Amal: Billie, this is my life! My mani-pawdi line is my LIFE!

Polly: I was happy for you too honey I just didn’t understand it.

Erica: Oh, give me a break, I was supportive of your endeavor. Would I dabble in that sort of business? Absolutely not, but I rose a glass and was happy for you branching out on your own, hun. Let’s not do that.

Billie: AND I WANNA SUPPORT YOU BITCH! It was 109 degrees that day and I was miserably hot. I’m sure you and those big ass floaters on your chest needed some air too!

Daphne’s Confessional: This is turning into a hot MESS! It just keeps escalating I… I don’t even know what to say… Daphne throws her hands up.

Amal: Amal looks around then looks down at her chest. Do you mean these floaters? Amal pulls her top down.

Billie: Billie laughs. Yes girl, those floaters! Now put them away!

We then watch as Amal puts her breasts back into her top and walks over to Billie with open arms…

Erica: Erica rolls her eyes and steps away going to fix herself another drink. Honey, all I have to say is honey.

Billie: Look Amal I love you and adore you seriously. I don’t like fighting like this with you. Can we just end this here. I’m really sorry you didn’t feel supportive by me, but I really am excited for you and this venture! I promise I will show up for you more if that’s what you need from me.

Amal: Of course! I’m sorry as well! I never meant to make a jab about your situation. I’d never want to do that!

Daphne: Okay, okay. This is good, this is healing you guys, yes! Daphne claps.

Billie: Let’s just squash it here! Billie hugs Amal. I don’t want to fight with any of you girls! Seriously. We are supposed to be a sisterhood!

Teairra: So, do you want to squash it with Polly too??? Because I think you two just have a big misunderstanding with each other! Teairra looks at Billie then Polly. Right?

Billie: Oh, I forgot she was even here!

Polly: Polly sighs. Look, I’m crystal clear with where Billie and I are.

Erica: I don’t get the disconnect between you two… is there an issue that I missed?

Billie: I just can’t roll with a girl who sleeps with her best friend’s man and destroys a marriage.

Polly: I’m not going to pop a vein saying hello to someone, try to get to know them when they ignore me and turn their back to me every time I’m around.

Teairra: Billie, you did say some very nasty things to Polly at our last little meetup, I think you should take b- Wow! Well, nevermind. Teairra sips her drink.

Billie: Plus, I’m best friends with the mother of the daughter this happened to, so this cuts a little close to home for me.

Polly: Bullshit Billie, you do not know her!

Erica: Well…

Polly: Ladies I’m an open book; I’ve told you that. Ask me anything and I’ll tell you. But what I’m not going to do is be called names, made to feel less than because of my life choices. Nobody is perfect Billie, including you.

Erica: I mean, Polly you can’t fault her… I would be hesitant around a homewrecker as well. Oh shit. Sorry. I mean around you as well…

The camera pans back as we watch Polly glare at Erica and take a sip of her drink…

Billie: I know no one is perfect. But your flaws are a little different than my flaws are babe. It’s like apples to oranges.

Teairra: I don’t understand the issue, you guys welcome Amal with open arms! And she’s a very freaky, I don’t care type of girl… Teairra looks at Amal. No offense, so what’s the issue with Polly?

Erica’s Confessional: I mean if I still had a husband would Polly be around him? Absolutely not, however, that’s Polly’s life and I have no problem with it, but she wouldn’t step foot near any of my men.

Daphne: I just think when it comes to marriage, relationship and anything of the sort, each one of us has their own way of handling it. More power to you if you found love with someone’s husband honey…

Polly: You ladies realize I’ve been with my husband for over ten years, right?

Billie: Maybe I’m old school and like old school values. I don’t know these new generations values. It seems a little bit weird to me.

Daphne: Exactly Polly, it worked for you! That’s what I’m saying, to each their own. Amen!

Polly: So, what’s the big deal?

Erica: I don’t have an issue with Polly. That’s her story and that’s her business but I think Billie feeling hesitant about being friends with someone who snuck around with her best friend’s husband are valid.

Billie: Amal once again didn’t have to get freaky with someone’s else’s husband to find “love” Teairra.

Amal: You have to understand Polly, a lot of these girls have been cheated on. I was cheated on relentlessly in my first marriage. Granted, my ex-husband was a closeted homosexual so there’s that but hearing your story is probably triggering for a number of these girls.

Polly: That’s nothing to do with me Amal!

Billie: Thank you, Erica, for validating my feelings because that’s the disconnect she’s not realizing here.

Teairra: That’s judgmental though, everybody walks different paths of life …if she isn’t fucking your man, what’s the issue!

Polly: No Billie, the disconnect is you pigeonholing me as a cheater and mistress and slut when you do not know the story!

Billie: Well, you’re a slut pig! That’s the truth. Billie shrugs.


Erica: Erica jumps back and looks at Billie. No, no! No names ladies!

Billie: Sorry it just kinda slipped out! I blame the old fashion.

Polly: Have another drink then Billie, let’s see if you slip into a car again and get arrested again.

Erica: Erica gasps. Oh no, absolutely not!

Daphne: Oh, Polly come on, that’s low!

Polly: You come for me then I’ll come back to you, step up and step out.

Billie: I actually got an Uber! They’ve offered me a sponsorship. I should give you my code in case you want to use it to take it to break up another marriage. Billie smirks.

Amal: Amal walks away from the conversation. This is too much!

Teairra’s Confessional: Well, what do they say? You go low and I go lower, and Polly proved just that, I mean Billie has been poking at her so I can’t really be mad at Polly but did I expect that? Not at all.

Daphne: Isn’t that a little childish ladies? I mean we all have different values and ideas of relationships but why do we need to fight over it?

Erica: Ladies, c’mon. This is supposed to be a fun summer night! What happened to sisterhood??

Amal’s Confessional: I can’t believe Polly would make such a remark about Billie and her drinking. That’s just low! The camera quickly plays a flashback to 15 minutes earlier where Amal made a comment about Billie’s drinking.

Polly: Polly finishes her drink. You’re mad at me for having an affair years ago? I was in an abusive marriage. I had an affair with my boss. He happened to be my best friend’s husband.

Billie’s Confessional: Polly Pocket I can take it to the depths of hell with you if that’s what we are doing. I promise you I’ve been playing this game a lot better than a 32-year-old wannabe. I chew and spit out girls like her for fun.

Billie: I’m mad you broke up a happy home Penelope. Your best friend was happy and so was her now ex-husband. Just because you got abused doesn’t give you the right to break up a marriage.

Polly: Do I think that’s okay? No. Was I in a bad place and my life in shambles? Yes. People do crazy things when they’re in a dark place. But Andrew brought me out of it and we are still together.

Daphne’s Confessional: This night is really taking a turn, huh? Had I known I would’ve had more whiskey, way more!

Erica: This is too much right now!

Amal: I think we need to table this now. We aren’t getting anywhere with you guys throwing around these words at each other.

Billie: Billie shakes her head. Ladies, I’m really not buying what she’s selling. I’m about to order my UBER home. Do we have anything else happening?

Polly: I’m just telling you the truth! So shut the fuck up if you don’t want to hear the rest, Billie.

Erica: I don’t need to hear this, I’m sorry.

Erica’s Confessional: I’m literally going through a divorce about my husband cheating on me with his mistress that was a family friend. I don’t want to hear anything about this situation especially 4 old fashions in.

Billie: Billie laughs. We don’t care to hear your story. Do you not get, we are traumatized by our cheating ex-husbands and partners. What part of this do you not get is TRIGGERING for us? Teairra, please get your friend.

Daphne: Ladies, please! I need to say something, can I?

Polly’s Confessional: I don’t talk about my first marriage. I was not the same person I am today. It’s no excuse for what I did, but I did it. It’s my story and my mistake to bear. Nobody can tell me how to feel or what to do about that.

Teairra: Billie, you started with her, don’t involve me.

Polly: I’m sorry my life triggers so many of you

Billie: Can you at least muzzle her so my friend can speak!

Erica: Out of respect for me and my home, table it. I don’t wanna hear about it anymore. I don’t.

Teairra: Daphne wants to speak apparently… Teairra motions her hand to the floor. You have the floor.

Polly: Erica, you knew about it all before tonight anyway, so I don’t understand why you’re being like that.

Billie: Because it’s TRIGGERING to her my god Penelope. Do you not have a pause button?

Daphne: LADIES PLEASE!! Daphne claps to get the Ladies attention. Alright… Daphne sighs. This isn’t how I expected the night to go, I thought it was going to be a fun, light atmosphere… HOWEVER, Teairra was telling me how she doesn’t know much about me and she feels as if I don’t share with the group. So, I thought, what better way for you guys to get to know me than to see my family estate? That way we could go away for a couple days, and you’d get to see where I grew up with my parents and learn more about myself.

Erica: Oh a trip, how wonderful. Where is this family estate?

Billie: I would love a woman’s getaway with real friends! You know these girls are going to love your parents too!

Teairra: Well, I didn’t say that! But yes, that sounds amazing. Teairra nods.

The scene pans quickly as we see a snippet of never before seen footage from Daphne’s office…

Teairra: Teairra shrugs. I wouldn’t have known that, Billie! I’m not around you and Daphne when you two have chats I thought she just came around out of nowhere!

Daphne: Excuse me Teairra, out of nowhere? That’s not very nice… Daphne laughs. Come on!

Teairra: Not like that Daphne, you just don’t talk much around me so I don’t know when you’re here or not.

Daphne: I don’t talk much around you? I don’t mean to be rude but, when am I supposed to talk to you? When you’re engaging in a physical argument? Or instigating an argument in my workplace? Come on! Daphne rolls her eyes.

As Daphne rolls her eyes, the scene quickly returns to the cocktail making party as Daphne’s invitation continues…

Daphne: It’s in Nantucket, it’s where my mother comes from! It’s a lovely, lovely place. So what do you girls say? It will be fabulous, it’s over 10.000 square feet!

Amal’s Confessional: I genuinely thought Nantucket was a made up place, but fab, let’s do it!

Amal: Nantucket? Sounds glamorous!

Billie: As long as you keep me far away from sluts, whores and mistresses I’m there! I can’t wait to go back to Connecticut!

Daphne: It is, it’s kinda like the Hamptons I guess. It was where the rich would vacation in the 18th century! Full of history, I’m sure you girls will love it! Daphne claps. I’m so excited!

Amal: No, it’s not Connecticut Billie, it’s Nanny’s Tucket.

Teairra’s Confessional: What is Nantucket? You know what, I’m not even going to question it, anything positive being said after that nasty interaction between Billie and Polly .. I’ll take it! WOOOOO NANTUCKET!

Daphne: Daphne laughs. I’m so excited for this girls! It will be relaxing and all the way luxury! Let’s drink to that shall we?

Polly’s Confessional: I’ll give this a go and try to get the girls to see that I’m not this dirty person just because of my past. Let’s hope we can find some more common ground.

Daphne’s Confessional: Thank God this invitation calmed them down! I just hope they’ll behave at Beaumont Manor. It’s a very classy, discreet area!

As we see the Ladies all raise their glasses in unison, toasting to their impending trip, we watch as the scene shifts to several days later, as we see the Ladies going about their days. We see Amal walking into an office building, followed by a shot of Erica as she tapes her cooking show in studio. The scene then shifts as we see the downtown Twitter Animal Shelter is shown on screen. The camera then cuts to Daphne, who is being shown around by a volunteer and is followed by her assistant, Jacob, who is taking notes on an iPad…

Daphne’s Confessional: Today I am visiting the Hope Animal Shelter in downtown Twitter, which is the biggest animal shelter in the city. I still need to learn quite a few things in order to be able to run my own charity and I thought the best way to do so would be to go straight to the source.

Spencer (Hope Animal Shelter Volunteer): Every year we take in from 700 to 1000 animals between cats, dogs and other pets. Only about half of them get adopted, the rest spend the rest of their lives here.

Daphne: Daphne shakes her head and sighs. How could you abandon a pet, an animal you raised and loved for years, I could cry just thinking about losing my little girl! Daphne pets Louise’s head as she licks her hand…

Jacob (Daphne’s Personal Assistant): But this is a no-kill shelter, right? So, the animals that don’t get adopted just live here forever?

Spencer: Yes, it is. Which is why we need so much money, between the food, the vet bills and everything else, it’s a lot.

Daphne: Soon that won’t be a problem anymore, we will take care of that with Pets R Pals… Daphne smiles as she takes Spencer’s hand.

Spencer: You have a heart of gold Miss Beaumont!

Daphne: I just want to do the right thing and make it easier for you guys to help these sweet, lovely babies. Speaking of that, how much is the electricity and heating, in a year?

Spencer: All in all, I think it’s around 20, maybe 30 thousand. It’s a huge place…

Daphne: Okay, Jacob, write that down please. We need to get all these numbers to have an idea of what we will need to raise.

Jacob nods and starts typing on his iPad…

Spencer: Running and operating a non-profit organization is hell, and you have your own company too, may I ask, what makes you want to do this?

Daphne: Well, you know, I was born in a very privileged family, I was lucky. And I think it’s my duty to somehow share my luck with the rest of world, trying to make it a better place.

Spencer: And you will, with your organization you’re going to save so many animals. You should be proud!

Daphne smiles as she gets slightly teary eyed

Daphne’s Confessional: Some people when they meet me assume I am selfish based on my decision of not starting a family, which is bullshit. I love giving back to the community and to the less fortunate and in this case, I chose to help animals in need. They’re the purest beings on earth; they deserve a chance at a better life!

Jacob: Do you need me to send the numbers to the lawyers too? Do you want their opinion as well?

Daphne: Yes, of course. They need to go over everything. You know I’m bad with numbers. Daphne chuckles. That and paperwork I’m not good at!

Jacob: And do you already have any sponsors or donors in mind? What about that new friend of yours?

Daphne: Amal, yeah sure, she’s said she’d love to partner with us for a fundraiser. She’s coming out with an animal friendly nail polish line, isn’t that fun? Daphne and Jacob laugh together.

Spencer: Really? Your friend is doing a nail polish for animals?

Daphne: Yes, she’s a very… eccentric type. But she’s a lovely girl and she’s loaded, the perfect combination!

Spencer: As long as she’s raising money, she is good in my book! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go feed the dogs. I’ll leave you two here to discuss some details. Stay as long as you want.

Spencer walks away as Daphne and Jacob, her assistant, are seen looking at the iPad and going over the notes he took throughout the meeting. The scene is suddenly interrupted as we hear a door opening and the clicking sound of heels on the floor. The camera then cuts to a shot of Millicent, Daphne’s mother, as she walks into the room…

Millicent (Daphne’s Mother): Well, hello! Don’t you look thin and gorgeous, my love? Millicent hugs Daphne.

Daphne: Mom… I thought we were meeting for lunch. What’s going on?

Millicent: I just happened to be around here, and I thought I’d come by. Am I disturbing you guys?

Daphne: No, don’t worry mom. We had just finished actually.

Millicent: Oh, amazing. you guys were here for your charity right, honey?

Daphne: Yes, Pets R Pals, that’s why I was visiting here with Jacob.

Millicent: Oh, hi Jacob! I didn’t even see you there I thought you were one of the volunteers! Millicent giggles.

Daphne’s Confessional: My mom is just… one of a kind! She always says and does what she wants, when she wants, how she wants it. Daphne shakes her head as she smiles. How can you not love her?

Daphne: So, mom, anything in particular you wanted to tell me?

Millicent: I just wanted to chat with my daughter, you’re so busy with your work and now this charity, I barely get to see you!

Daphne: Daphne sighs and she nods, agreeing with her mother. You’re right mom, but what can I say? I’m passionate about my job and I’m passionate about animals!

Millicent: Millicent rolls her eyes. Anyway honey, your father told me you’re going to the Nantucket house with these new friends of yours, is that true?

Daphne: Yes, it is. I actually texted you about that, but you never read my messages!

Millicent: You know I don’t enjoy that damn iPhone! So, what’s the deal with these new friends of yours?

Daphne: One of them is Billie, who you know…

Millicent: Billie Reed? The iconic soap actress? Of course, she’s fabulous! We go to the same hair salon. Millicent smirks.

Daphne: Yes, her. And then there’s four other girls, they’re very… feisty but they’re nice! I thought bringing them over to Massachusetts would be a nice gesture, and an opportunity for them to get to know me better.

Millicent: Feisty? Daphne, if they break or scratch any of my furniture I’ll kick your ass, and then I’ll kick theirs and sue them!

Daphne: Relax, mom, it will be fine!

Daphne’s Confessional: In case you’re wondering, yes, my mom still treats me as if I was 19 years old. Daphne rolls her eyes. She just loves to have control over everything and everyone.

Millicent: These girls, you’ve been getting along with them?

Daphne: Yes, yes. It’s all been going pretty good. I’ve been told I don’t share much about my life though, which I think is absurd.

Millicent: Oh, sweetie, screw them! You know what? I’ve heard enough about these women, who cares! Let’s go have a drink and some lunch! Millicent starts walking out of the room. Come on, Daphne, I’m starving! My driver is outside!

Daphne: Daphne rolls her eyes and laughs a bit. I’m coming, mother!

As we watch Daphne and her mother walking out of the shelter, the scene shifts once more, and we find ourselves watching as each of the Ladies arrive to the airport, greeting one another as they prepare for their trip to Nantucket. We then quickly shift once again, as we see a plane taking off, before we arrive in Massachusetts where we see the Ladies getting into two separate SUVs to be taken to Daphne’s family estate as the scene begins…

Daphne: Come on, jump in girls!

Daphne’s Confessional: I am so excited we’re finally here, I can’t wait to show the girls where I spent every summer growing up. This place is like a second home to me, it’s really my safe place.

Erica’s Confessional: I’m not quite sure why Daphne would put me in this SUV with her and Polly especially since she decided to throw me under the bus about “not supporting” Amal with her endeavors and I’m that happy with her about it. Hopefully, I can tolerate this ride and Polly keeps it shut about this mistress situation of hers.

We then watch as Erica followed by Polly get into the SUV as the driver begins to depart the airport…

Polly: That landing was bumpy! I’m excited to see your home, Daphne!

Erica: Erica looks down at her phone, typing away. How long is the drive?

Daphne: I love this place, I hope you’ll enjoy it as well girls. This place is where I spent all my summers growing up! The home had to be completely rebuilt 4 years ago after a terrible flood, so it’s a new building. We’ve got a pool, a sauna, a cinema, and a gym. Whatever your heart desires!

Polly: Sounds awesome babe I’m excited. How are you feeling Erica?

Erica: I’m good boo, just ready to get out of this truck already and yourself? Erica looks out the window, looking around Nantucket.

Polly: I’m good. Kinda hoping this trip will be nice and peaceful, but what I’m learning is that isn’t likely.

Daphne: Erica, are you okay? You seem a little distant, everything good?

Polly’s Confessional: I’m kind of annoyed at Erica and Daphne, they both know I’m a good person and mean no harm. I’m a mother, a successful businesswoman and a friend. I thought they’d have had my back a bit more the other night.

Erica: Erica looks towards the girls. I’m just very taken back by the both of you. Daphne, you telling Amal nobody supported her and hyping that thought up in her head did not sit right with me. And Polly, I can sense you feel a way about what happened at my home but I kind of still stand on how I felt.

Daphne: Daphne looks taken aback. I never said such thing. Amal felt very upset about what ensued at her Pooch Party and I tried to comfort her. All I said to her was that I could see how so many questions about her business could make her feel like she was being doubted, that’s all.

Erica: Well, the way she put it, it seemed as if you were trying to kiss up a bit. I was very confused by that interaction honestly. I even asked you about it at my home and you faded into the background, not responding.

Erica’s Confessional: When I asked Daphne about what she said at my home, this girl tucked her tail between her legs and faded into the shadows. Sweetie, I can see right through you.

Daphne: I wasn’t trying to “kiss up” to her, I was simply telling her how I could see where she was coming from. Amal was already upset on her own and kept going on and on about how disappointed she was.

Polly: To be honest I feel a bit frustrated by you because you know me Erica, and you all of a sudden had this big problem with my past. It’s confusing. And Daphne, you didn’t really have my back either I thought you’d have at least tried to let me have my say when Billie was attacking me. I’m upset by it; it happened so long ago and yet now Billie clicks her fingers and it’s a problem.

Polly’s Confessional: Billie seems to lead the pack, and the claws come out. I won’t have it, I do not associate or respect a bully.

Erica: I never said I had a problem with you but yes hearing about your situation about 20 times that day is triggering to me. I’m going through a similar situation where my husband is now with a “family friend” who pranced around in my face. I’m allowed to feel a way about the situation. I’m not saying you’re a bad person, but Polly you have to understand it hits home for me.

Daphne: Uhm, what? I was trying my hardest to have you guys calm down and make up. But no one paid me any mind, what more was I supposed to do, Polly?

Polly: Yes, I understand that, but Erica, that’s a different story and different people. I have a lot of respect for you and what you’ve been through, I wouldn’t ever want you to hurt because I remind you of that. But also, I’m not the one bringing it up.

Erica: It is but you have to understand a lot of us have dealt with cheating exes and mistresses, so you being on the opposite end is something new for everyone. I’m not trying to silence your truth, but in the moment at my home, I asked both you and Billie to table it because it was affecting me.

Polly: Well, I apologize for that.

Erica: No, we’re good. There’s no issues here at all and I’m sorry if you felt ganged up on but it was just a lot you know…

Polly: I did feel like that to be honest…I’m not used to that.

Erica’s Confessional: I have no issues with Polly, and I like the girl but her situation is very abnormal and I’m not going to pretend like it’s not hitting home for me.

Erica: Well, it was really Billie coming for your neck. Hopefully, I can talk to her because I can’t keep seeing you two bicker. It got a bit out of hand last time…

As an awkward tension fills the car whilst they rapidly approach Daphne’s home, the scene shifts as we see Teairra, Billie, and Amal riding along in the other SUV…

Billie’s Confessional: It’s Nantucket time baby!! Daphne has always told me about her family’s estate so I’m glad we are getting to see it in its glory. Let’s hope this is a better girl’s trip than Poconos and more glamorous.

Billie: Billie adjusts her seat in the SUV. Shew, I’m glad the driver got our bags. My Xanax is wearing off!

Amal: Not your Xanax is wearing off. Babe, it was a 3-hour flight. Amal laughs with Billie.

Billie: Well, I slept like a baby! Should we pop a bottle to kick off the girl’s trip? Billlie pulls champagne out of her purse.

Amal: I know! I love Daphne and I just know she’s putting us up somewhere fabulous and chic. Amal covers her ears as Billie pops the bottle of champagne. Ma’am, you be careful with that cork. My new face is still healing.

Teairra: Oh, I’m so ready for a bottle! We need it!

Billie: Oh hush, I’m sure Chris took them stitches out already. Let’s have a good time. I think it’s about 45 minutes to the house. Ladies, how are we feeling being here, are you both on good terms with everyone?

Amal: Amal sips champagne and snorts a little bit. I’m actually in a pretty good place with everyone, right now. Even Polly. Well, not so much good place as I’m just refusing to acknowledge her when she says anything about my cosmetic surgeries.

Billie: Oh, has she been speaking about your plastic surgery? I just hear like she is background noise!

Teairra: I think I’m good with almost everyone, I just didn’t like the comment Daphne made about me saying that the only time she sees me is when I’m in an argument or instigating like I’m just an aggressive bitch likeee… Teairra rolls her eyes. Hopefully she can clear that up, other than that I’m good. How about you Billie? Because you and Polly was something honey.

Billie: I don’t have anything for Polly other than a bible and an exorcism.

Amal: She’s made a few comments about having me come in and see her cosmetic surgeon to look at what she believes to be a botch on my face.

Billie: Wait, the one who fucks her best friends husband is talking about you having botched work is quite comical to me. Billie laughs. I think her marriage is the definition of a botched job!

Teairra: Yes, I really like Polly she may have a little bit of flaws in her character but I honestly thinks she’s grown from that!

Billie: Teairra, have you ever heard the saying when you hang with dogs you get fleas?

Amal: I don’t really understand the whole situation with her and her ex-husband and I personally don’t judge her for that. I’m just taken aback by her abrasiveness. Like, she’s just met me, and she is talking about my physical appearance. I don’t speak on the fact that her voice reminds me of Alvin from that chipmunk film.

Teairra: Well, not until now! Teairra laughs. She’s not a flea Billie, I promise! She actually called me and was balling her eyes out about the things you said to her…

Amal: Wait, she called you crying?

Billie: Billie looks to Teairra. Did you tell her to dry her tears up and put on her big girl panties? She’s with grown women now, and she can’t say vile things to me and not expect me to retaliate. I told you girls I would chew her up and spit her out… Billie shrugs. And I did just that.

Amal’s Confessional: Listen, I’m no fan of Polly. She’s come into this group of power tops slinging around her big D, but I hate to hear that she’s been crying at the hands of Billie. Billie can be tough.

Teairra: She did call me crying and I felt so bad, you don’t think you’re bullying her Billie? I mean c’mon you can’t just keep throwing her old situations in her face you don’t know the trauma she’s been through that made her this way.

Amal: Amal makes a face. I don’t like that bully wo-

Billie: Oh my god someone save me the theatrics. How is this bullying? Is she a bully for throwing my past in my face? If she would just say I fucked up and I’m growing from it than maybe I would be more receptive to her, but she always has an excuse for everything, and I’m really not interested in that.

Teairra: She was reacting to what you said Billie…she was actually paying it no mind the first couple times you said it to her but everybody has a breaking point.

Billie: TEAIRRA, I AM NOT A FUCKING BULLY. Billie reaches over Amal. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? Stop making excuses for that little piece of trash!

Amal: Wow! Wow! B! What are you doing?!

Teairra: BILLIE GET OUT MY FACE! Teairra points at Billie over Amal. YOU’RE 40 YEARS HER SENIOR! Do you not understand that?



The camera pans to the driver who makes a nervous face and begins to speed up towards the estate…

Teairra: Oh, get me out this van! This is crazy I won’t be getting yelled at in a van because YOU decided to pick on the young girl! Teairra starts grabbing her stuff. It’s looking like jealousy Billie, I don’t care!

As we hear dramatic music, the camera quickly shifts as we see Daphne’s family estate and we watch as Polly, Daphne, and Erica arrive outside the Manor, shortly ahead of the other Ladies…

Daphne’s Nantucket Family Estate

Erica: Erica gets out of the SUV. Oh my god! This is so unexpected!

Erica’s Confessional: When I thought of an old vacation home, I’m thinking something you know… a little dated but this… this is an accommodation.

Polly: This is incredible Daphne!

Daphne: Daphne walks into the house first, leading the ladies. Welcome, welcome ladies! I know this is probably not what comes to mind when one says “manor.” Daphne laughs. But this was rebuilt just 5 years ago so it’s pretty much new! So, does anyone fancy a tour?

Erica: I would love a tour… Erica looks around. Did we beat the other ladies here?

Just then, the camera pans as we see the other SUV pulling up outside the home, as tense music plays and we see Amal jumping out of the SUV and running towards the front door…

Amal: Jesus, those bitches are going crazy, get me the hell out of there.

Erica: Erica looks over as Amal enters. It’s about time hoe, damn!

Billie: Billie pulls up to the Manor and storms out of the car, screaming. TEAIRRA, I’M DONE WITH YOU!

Amal: Amal sees Erica and runs over to her. Protect me!

Daphne: What the heck? Seems like they have arrived…

Teairra: Teairra walks up after Billie. NO, I’M DONE WITH YOU!

Erica: Hey! Hey! What is wrong with you two!

Amal: They’ve been arguing for the last 15 minutes.

Polly’s Confessional: I mean, what can we expect from Billie? Theatrics and drama. Polly rolls her eyes.

Polly: About what?

Teairra: She’s mad at me because I’m calling her out for her actions towards you Polly!

Daphne’s Confessional: I cannot believe it, they barely walked into my family home and they’re already threatening each other? Daphne sighs. Maybe my mother was right.

Erica: I need you two to get a grip and get one quick. We’re on vacation and you two are disrespecting Daphne’s home! Not a good look! Not a good look!

Billie: Erica, please stop with this! You were just hitting Teairra with your hands at Amal’s event. I don’t need a lesson of etiquette from you right now.

Erica: Erica jumps back. And you’re acting a complete ass right now out of state! Don’t do that Billie!

Teairra: See, see how disrespectful she is?

Billie: I don’t need you attacking me right now Erica. You don’t even know what she said to me in that car!

Erica: Attacking you? You just came at me Billie! Are you alright!?

Teairra: Teairra hands her purse over to Erica. What did I say that was wrong Billie? Let me know! Teairra crosses her arms.

Erica: Look at Daphne! She’s flushed and flustered! Erica looks at Daphne’s red face. She can’t even speak!

Daphne: Daphne begins to yell. Girls, GIRLS, GIRLS ENOUGH!! Please, keep the tone down. I don’t want any negativity in this home, this is my family home and my safe place… Daphne takes a deep breath.

Amal: No, No! There’s no need to hand her your handbag!

Billie: No, I’m not fucking alright. Clearly, I’m PISSED! And Teairra, grab your purse back. You are not going to hit me. I’m not Erica, I will press charges!

Polly: Just stop. Everyone. Enough, we have a tour to get through.

Teairra: Teairra takes her purse back. I’m done, let’s look at the house! I’m not doing this with Billie today, she can stay outside.

Amal: So, Nantucket huh? They’re big on horse racing here, right?

Daphne: So…If you girls are done arguing I would like to give you a tour of the house. So, you’ll be able to argue about the room situation as well, alright?

Amal: Amal looks at Daphne. The room situation being how we all have beautiful sleeping arrangements with gorgeous adjacent ensuites and walk in closets?

Erica’s Confessional: For Billie to downright attack me, is a complete low for her. I’ve done nothing but had her back even when’s in the wrong, but she got me fucked up! She’s talking about my altercation, but how many has been a part of? Exactly.

Billie: This trip is off to such a GREAT start… Billie rolls her eyes. Let’s see what we have to choose from Daph!

The girls then begin to silently follow Daphne as she leads them around the house…

Daphne: So, here’s the main living area, kitchen and bar, outside is the infinity pool overlooking the sea and a private beach with a lifeguard on duty 9–5. On the second floor are the rooms, follow me please.

Amal: Oh wow! A private lifeguard you say? Does he do after hour classes?

Daphne: Daphne walks up the stairs and points to the main suite. That’s my parents’ room, where I will be staying. On the other side are the other rooms…

The camera then pans to the other four bedrooms as we see shots of them…

Teairra’s Confessional: This trip is already off to a bad start, starting from the ride here…Billie has completely lost the plot! How are you mad at me and YOU’RE the problem? Let’s hope that Daphne can somehow steer us into a new direction and give me an AMAZING room, because right now I feel my blood boiling!

Daphne: They’re all absolutely gorgeous and have got incredible views. Now, two of you will have to share… Daphne looks at the women. And I have the perfect idea!

We then watch as Billie places her bags in one of the bedrooms…

Daphne: That’s perfect Billie, my love! That was the room I was going to give you… and Polly! Daphne looks back at Polly and smiles. What better way to get over your little tiff and get to know each other, right?

Polly: Absolutely not, I would rather sleep outside on the grass.

Billie: Oh hell no! Daphne, you know me way better than this!

Amal: Amal’s mouth drops. Oh for Billie and Polly? This room? This one room? For Billie and Polly? For both of them?

Billie: I can find me a room at the Four Seasons or get on a flight back home!

We then watch as Erica angrily storms off into a bedroom and shuts the door behind her…

Erica: Erica starts rambling with her microphone on. Fuck Billie! And fuck this trip! I’ve been nice to everyone in this fucking group and thats how this bitch treats me! We need to check her fucking cup! How many drinks did the bitch have?

The camera then pans back to the hallway where the other Ladies are still standing…

Daphne: Well, unless one of you guys wants to sleep in the movie theater…

Daphne’s Confessional: Look, someone has to share anyway, so I think these two should share, and if they don’t kill themselves, they might even grow to like or perhaps tolerate each other.

Polly: Can’t Teairra and I share?

Amal: Let’s be hospitable guests, ladies. This is what Daphne has organized.

Polly: Billie can have the room, it’s fine. I want to protect my peace, Daphne. Nice idea though.

Daphne: Honey, please, you guys might discover you have more in common than you think!

Billie: The girl was calling me a bully! I’m honestly good with getting me a room somewhere else. Clearly no one wants me here anyways! Billie grabs her bags and begins to head downstairs. The room is yours Polly! I’m out of HERE!

Amal: Billie! Stop it! We all want you here! Me, Daph, Erica, Polly and Teairra! Isn’t that right girls?

Teairra: Teairra watches Billie storm downstairs. Oh, now she’s the victim?

Daphne: I want you here, Billie! I’m trying to help you girls get over this, stop. Daphne grabs Billie’s bag, stopping Billie in her tracks. You two have GOT to learn how to coexist! We are all in the same friend group anyway.

Polly: I’m not the problem Daphne. I can coexist, but I’m not sharing a room.

Billie’s Confessional: Look, I’m too old to be sharing a room with someone in general much less someone I can’t stand. Daphne, nice idea, but you got the wrong bitch.

Polly: She can have it. I’ll sleep on the couch or whatever.

Billie: The room is yours Polly, lord knows I can’t take another reason for one of your minions to call me a bully. The room is yours and I’m heading out of here!

Daphne: Daphne sighs. You guys are incredible, you’re really not even gonna TRY?? Come on. You don’t have to be BFFs.

Amal’s Confessional: I don’t think I’ve ever encountered anything so rude and disrespectful in my life. Daphne has invited us to her family’s gorgeous estate and they’re arguing about having to share a room for 48 hours? Come on girls.

Erica: Thank you so much for your hospitality, Daphne. I got my room. Erica winks grabbing my purse and retreats to her room again.

Daphne: Billie, come on! A room, really? Daphne sighs. Alright then, you guys share with whoever you want, I was trying to help, silly me!

Daphne’s Confessional: Daphne sighs. It feels like I’m a teacher taking 1st graders on a school trip. Except these women are much more dangerous. Daphne laughs.

Amal: Amal turns around and looks at Billie. Now, look! Daphne is about to cry!

Erica’s Confessional: If Billie wants to leave, let her. She’s supposed to be the oldest one here acting like the youngest. She wants everyone to fix their issues with each other but when it pertains to her she can be as stubborn as she wants. It’s both hypocritical and just disgusting behavior. I mean, look at how she’s treating her friend Daphne in the moment.

Polly: I’m sorry Daphne I just don’t feel comfortable doing that, I’ll share with Teairra. Billie can have the room so she can calm herself down. Polly walks into Teairra’s room. Hey roomie!

Daphne: I’m fine Amal, I had just hoped this would be a peaceful trip, obviously I was wrong. Everyone can find their own accommodations, it’s fine. Daphne shrugs. Let’s all get settled in a freshen up!

As Daphne retreats into the master suite, we watch as each of the Ladies begin to make their way into their rooms, before the camera pans to Billie who we see walking into her room and slamming the door as her microphone can still be heard…

Billie: Billie looks at the producers. I’m sick of being the bad guy ALL THE DAMN TIME.I am FINISHED with it!

As we hear Billie screaming in her room, the camera pans out and we see a shot of the Nantucket home as the scene and episode come to an end.



Ladies of Twitter
Ladies of Twitter

Written by Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 16 seasons, and catch season 17 every Friday! #LoT🏙️

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