Season 17, Episode 8: “Uninvited”

Ladies of Twitter
36 min readFeb 13, 2025


As the episode begins and the title card fades from the screen, we see shots of the Twitter city skyline while upbeat music plays and we begin to see shots of the women going about their days. We see a clip of Polly as she kisses her husband goodbye and heads off to the office, before we see a clip of Teairra working with her producer in the studio. Then, the scene shifts as we see cameras descend down on an NBC Universal studio where we see Billie running around set as the scene begins…

Billie’s Confessional: Today is a big shooting day! I’m excited and nervous all in one for my vision to come to life. I’ve worked so hard on the cast and making sure every detail is perfect for this tv show. I’ve just got one last production meeting with the team and then it’s go time!

Billie: Oh god, I have all the butterflies. I can’t believe today is the day, Ashley.

Ashley (Billie’s Assistant): Oh Billie, you’re so dramatic. You act like you haven’t acted for many decades in this exact same studio.

Billie: Ashley, I don’t need your smartass attitude right now. Let’s just go into this meeting and get things rocking and rolling.

Ashley: Ashley mocks Billie. Whatever you say boss!

Billie and Ashley enter an NBC Studios table reading room…

Billie: Hello, hello ladies and gentlemen! I’m sorry I was running a bit behind. I had some traffic on the way.

Jessica (Executive Producer from NBC): Have a seat Billie and Ashley. We were just going over the final details of the first episode. Just so we are clear, we making these 45-minute episodes, right?

Billie: Yes, that’s correct. I believe we agreed on 10 episodes for the first season with the potential to do more for the next season?

Marc (NBC Executive): That’s right Billie. We think having 10 episodes for the first season is plenty. We are hoping that this is a huge success and next season we can look at adding more episodes to the season. 10 has always just been a safe bet when we are doing new series.

Ashley: I’m glad we are doing just 10 episodes. Billie has been struggling and stressing with coming back to the television industry and I think it’s just been a lot on her mentally.

Billie: Billie looks at Ashley. Geez, you took no time to throw me under the bus. Billie laughs. I won’t lie it has been stressful coming back to do this as a producer and not an actress. Trying to make sure we have the perfect cast and crew. It’s just been a lot.

Rhonda (Casting Director at NBC Universal): Rhonda looks annoyed. Billie, we have worked around the clock to find the perfect cast that fits your vision for this show, including letting some of your costars on Ladies of Twitter come make a cameo. I guarantee you we have curated the perfect cast for this show and it’s going to blow you out of the water.

Billie’s Confessional: I am trying to be grateful for the opportunity that I was given to produce this piloted series but I would be lying to you if their behavior towards me isn’t triggering. They are just being so dismissive and rude towards me for just being cautious. I mean I was sexually assaulted at the hands of my crew and I never would’ve thought they would be the ones to do it to me. So, my bad for wanting to make sure the cast I have on this show we don’t have any incidents like that occur.

Billie: Rhonda, I hear you and I get what you’re saying. Just with the lawsuits and my DUI incident I’ve just run into roadblock after roadblock. I started to feel defeated and then anxious that this show wasn’t going to ever happen.

Marc: Reed, we’ve got your back. I promise you. We understand that you have faced some unfortunate situations but we are all about making this a fun environment for everyone. I can guarantee you as long as I’m here, you have a job with NBC.

Jessica: Great point Marc. As a woman who has also faced some unfortunate situations, I sympathize with you Billie and when your situation happened, I reached out to you and offered you a role as a producer. We really do think you are a star and a valuable asset to NBC hence why you are here with us. It’s not every day we have actresses co-produce with us on a piloted series.

Ashley: See Billie all that worry was for nothing. You’ve got a team behind you that loves and supports you!

Billie: I really am so thankful for you guys. Billie looks at everyone in the room. It really is refreshing to be back here and not be under a microscope by some people.

Billie’s Confessional: Producer asks, “Who are these people you are referring to putting you under a microscope?” Billie looks on stoically as she responds. He who shall not be named. He’s dead to me.

Billie: It just been a hard past few months with everything being finalized with my lawsuits and then my DUI charges. I’ve just had the pressure of the world on me and I just want to make sure I don’t let anyone else down. When you guys approached me to do this. I felt myself getting excited again to be back at work in the television industry. Then as the roadblocks came up, I started to feel defeated but now with today being our first official day on set shooting. I’m excited again and ready to get back to my groove.

Jessica: Jessica grabs Billie’s hand. We’ve got you seriously. You don’t have to worry about anything when we are around. Right Rhonda and Marc?

Rhonda and Marc: Absolutely!

Ashley: Now as much as I love this beautiful moment with you guys. The call time is in 10 minutes for the first scene of this show to be taped. I think we should get to set and get ready.

Billie: See you are good for something Ashley. You help keep me on track! Thank you, guys, again for supporting and uplifting me today. I really just have been struggling with trying to get through the days lately. I’m grateful to have such an uplifting NBC family! Let’s go kick ass our first official day of filming!

Billie’s Confessional: When I first was told about this producing opportunity, I was skeptical about it because it was a foreign concept to me. However, the team here at NBC that I’ve been working with has been phenomenal to me. They make me feel like a natural producer and right at home. I think I might’ve found my new calling in life. Billie wipes tears of happiness.

As we watch the production team get up to head towards set, the scene shifts once more as we get close ups of Twitter Park and the beautiful greenery. The scene which shifts to the outside of a laboratory where a blacked out Bentley pulls out the front. The car parks and Amal exits from the driver’s seat with Sylvia and her assistant, Elise, exiting on the other side as the scene begins…

Sylvia: Oh honey, thank God you can afford a driver because you should never operate anything more than what’s between a man’s pants.

Amal: SYLVIA!! Amal busts out laughing.

Amal’s Confessional: So today is a really important day for me. I’m meeting up with my team to see the first formulation of Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line! My team and I have worked tirelessly to find the perfect chemist to work with us in developing this formulation. It’s so important to me that we design something that is aesthetically appealing, non-toxic, and supports the strengthening process of your pets’ nails. This truly is make or break for me and my business.

Amal and Sylvia walk in to the front desk and are greeted by a receptionist…

Molly (Receptionist): Hi there, welcome to Luco Laboratory. How can I help you?

Sylvia: Sylvia turns to Amal. Luco? Really, honey?

Amal: Shut it Syl! Amal turns to the receptionist. We’re here to meet up with the team. I’m Amal Hadid from Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line.

Sylvia: Sylvia sarcastically says. Big deal.

Molly: Oh yes Miss Hadid. The team are waiting for you just inside! Please follow after me.

A montage is shown of Amal, Sylvia and Elise being walked into the lab, putting on white aprons, hair nets, covering their heels with booties and putting on goggles…

Amal’s Confessional: So, I brought Sylvia with me today because she’s a real pro at this. Sylvia built one of the largest affordable fashion brands in the country. It’s branched off into so many different products including cosmetics, so this is her wheel house. Well… Amal pauses. Except for the fact that her customers are people.

Sylvia: So lovey, this is the first formulation, right?

Amal: Yes Syl. We’ve been working with Dr. Roger and Professor Russell for a couple of months now and this is the first sample!

Roger: Oh, just Roger Miss Hadid. I’m not a doctor.

Russell: And I’m not a professor. We’re both researchers, ma’am.

Sylvia: Researchers? Oh honey…

Amal: Don’t give me that, Syl. That’s what chemists are. They’re researchers and they’ve been researching the perfect formulation.

Roger: We actually have. Roger walks over to the fridge where he opens it and brings over the various test tubes.

Russell: So, what we’ve done here Miss Hadid is we’ve created formulations based on the criteria provided. A) It needs to be non-toxic. B) It needs to support and strengthen the nails of your pets and C) It needs to be aesthetically appealing. Well, we think we’ve done it.

Roger places the test tubes on the lab bench…

Russell: What we’ve done is we’ve created the polish in a white varnish and then we’ve also created a polish in each of the four signature colors of the range; Ice Gray, Rose Hork, Dondarf and the collection’s signature color… Russell pauses. Light blue.

Amal: Oh my god! Syl! Look at these! Amal picks up the test tubes and hands them to Sylvia. They’re all here. All five polishes!

Sylvia: Oh honey, I’m so proud of you! Look at you! You’re conquering the pet health world one pedicure at a time.

Amal: Oh, thanks Syl! Amal stops and looks at the light blue polish for a moment. Umm Roger?

Roger: Yes, Miss Hadid?

Amal: This light blue looks more like a baby blue to me.

Sylvia: Sylvia nodding. It’s definitely baby blue, honey.

Amal: It’s baby blue. It can’t be baby blue. It needs to be a light blue. That’s the whole marketing campaign, Roger. It’s all going to be based on the light blue.

Roger: But Miss Hadid, it took us two months to get that shade of blue. It’s not as easy as making it a lighter blue and you have a production deadline that you’re working towards.

Amal: What are you saying, Roger?

Roger: I’m saying, we may not make production Miss Hadid. It took us months to perfect this shade. We need to go through extensive retesting. It could push us out 6 weeks. At a minimum, Miss Hadid.

Amal: 6 weeks?! No. No. That’s not possible. I’m hosting my launch event in 6 weeks. I can’t host a launch event without a product. Amal begins to panic. Oh no. Oh Syl. Oh Syl. What do I do?

Sylvia: Honey… change the color from light blue to baby blue. No one will know the difference. Sylvia waves Amal off.

Amal: Change the color? No, I couldn’t do that. There’s a whole marketing campaign. A whole theme. A whole mot-

Sylvia: Sylvia interrupts Amal. Change it.

Amal: But Syl…

Sylvia: Honey, is this all you want? Do you want to be a little pet nail polish line with 5 colors? One of which being… light blue. Is that what you want? Or do you want to build an empire in the Pet Health and Wellbeing space?

Amal: I want to build an emp-

Sylvia: Exactly, honey. Here’s what you need to know about business, you’re going to be faced with much harder decisions than light blue versus baby blue. You have a production deadline honey. When there’s no product, there’s no business. Do you get that?

Amal: Well…there really isn’t that much of a difference between baby blue and light blue.

Sylvia: There you go. But do you know what there is a difference between? Having money and not having money. So, make the damn baby blue pet polish and make some money

Amal: Amal covers her mouth and laughs as she starts to get excited. No, you’re right Syl. We’re keeping the baby blue. It’s all going to be about the baby blue.

Sylvia: The baby blue, lovey. It was right there all along.

Amal: Amal playfully hits Sylvia and turns to Roger. Let’s go with the baby blue, Roger. We need this for the launch party.

Sylvia: Launch party? I sure as hell better be invited if I’m having to deal with this nonsense. Sylvia points at her hair net and apron.

Amal: Amal laughs. Of course, Syl. My new friend Daphne, had the perfect idea! She’s starting up a new foundation called, Pets R Pals.

Sylvia: Pets R Pals? How fabulous!

Amal: I know, right! So, we’re going to partner together for the launch party. I’m going to have her charity be the official sponsor for Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line.

Sylvia: Oh amazing, honey! I’m so excited for you! Sylvia gives Amal a hug. You’re doing it lovey. You’re making it big. One paw at a time. Sylvia laughs.

Amal: You’re such a bitch!

Sylvia: Hey! Respect your elders!

Amal: No, you’re right Syl. I’m sorry. Such an old bitch!

We watch as both Sylvia and Amal laugh as the scene quickly pans out, and we transition to several days later where we see the sun setting over the Twitter coastline, before we focus in on Billie’s home. We see a staff of chefs and waiters hustling around the house, as Billie finishing getting ready, and we see the Ladies beginning to arrive…

Billie’s Confessional: Listen everyone knows I dabble in the THC it’s honestly what keeps me calm! Billie pauses. Oh, well you know what I mean. It helps bring me down when I’m on a 10. I’m hoping with my chef preparing a THC infused meal that this will lighten the mood and allow for us all to actually have a good time together, hopefully laugh some too! Plus, I uninvited Polly from attending. She’s killed my high too many times already, so tonight she’s not going to! Billie laughs.

We watch as all the Ladies, except for Polly, make their way in as the scene begins…

Erica: Now WE can start the party!

Erica’s Confessional: After our tragic weekend in Nantucket, Billie has decided to invite everyone except Polly to her home for some much needed catching up. And not to mention this isn’t no regular dinner party, it’s a dinner made to get all of us girls HIGH. So, you know a bitch had to show face for that.

Amal: Where’s the blunt?

Erica: Erica looks over at Billie. Is that BLONDE?

Teairra: Okay Billie, the bang is banging! Teairra laughs. You’re giving me emo chic.

Billie: Yes, I decided to do switch it up from my little hairdo I always do! It’s giving Trixie!!

Amal’s Confessional: As I walk into Billie’s home, I’m accosted by who I believe to be a life-sized version of Tinkerbell from Peter Pan. Turns out, it’s my girl Billie.

Daphne: So, honey, I believe everyone is here, right? Daphne looks around. I know Polly wasn’t invited…

Billie: So, ladies, I’m sure by the text you know that this is a THC infused dinner. If that is not your thing just let my chef know when he comes to ask your dosage! I have one other friend joining us Daph! You remember Brian who you met the other day, she is going to be here just any minute!

Brian: Brian walks in. Anybody home?

Teairra: Teairra nods. Okay cause I was scared honey, didn’t know if I was going to walk out of here tore u- Teairra turns her neck seeing Brian.

Daphne: Oh, there she, is! Wow, what a look girl.

Billie: Is it a bird is it a plane, no it’s just BRIAN SOCIAL!! Get in here Brian. We are in the living room catching up!

Brian: Hi ladies!!!

Erica: Erica sips her drink looking over. Oh, another friend… how wonderful. Hi, hun.

Teairra: Teairra whispers to Erica. Who’s that? Have you met her?

Billie: Does everyone know Brian? She’s a longtime friend of mine, and serial entrepreneur!

Amal: Amal turns around to see Brian. Hi! Lovely to meet you. Amal extends her hand. Amal Hadid

Brian: Hi ladies! Hi Amal….! Miss Erica, I ran into you a few years ago…Good to see you again! You’re looking great!

Teairra: Oh! Teairra looks at Erica and back at Brian. I guess she knows you chile. Hi Brian, I’m Teairra. Miss Blanco to some!

Billie: Erica, do you not remember Brian from Legends?

Erica: Oh, you know me? Well, it’s good to see you… again?

Brian: What a gorgeous name, Teairra! Yes Erica…it was a fashion show. You were with your man…and then Legends as well.

Erica: She was on Legends with us? God, that was such a time ago. Did you get some work done?

Amal’s Confessional: I’m genuinely shocked to see Brian Social here. I’ve never met Brian but I know she knows Billie and I think she has a bit of a sorted past with Erica.

Brian: It’s been a while… Brian winks.

Amal: So Brian, tell us about yourself. You and Billie are dear friends?

Erica’s Confessional: Of Course, I remember Brian, how can I not remember the woman who maliciously decided to spread a rumor that I was a pornstar. This is me letting this girl get a fresh start before she tumbles back down the wrong road.

Brian: We’re great friends. We used to be in the same circle but mommy life really took me over! Whew! But I’m glad to be back in the ring with some of you ladies!

Daphne: So… Daphne looks at Billie. Shall we sit down for the food?

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m kinda good at reading the room, and I can tell Erica knows Brian and Brian knows Erica but I don’t know the history between the two, but I would LOVE to find out because it doesn’t seem too positive.

Amal: Oh, you’re a mother. How beautiful. We’re all mothers here. Well except for Daphne and Teairra

Erica: Yes Billie, the food!

Billie: Yes, let’s sit around the table and have some THC! Is everyone partaking?

The Ladies all nod along…

Amal: Amal raises her hand. So, is THC what the kids call the whacky tobaccky?

Billie: It’s not no tobacco Amal. I just will relax the body and mellow you out!

Brian: We gonna get high as fuck?

Billie: Well, YES!

Amal: Any more relaxed and my left boob will pop out. Amal adjusts her dress. But sure, you can sprinkle some on my pasta.

Brian’s Confessional: Can we make sure Erica has double? Sooner she goes to sleep the sooner we can enjoy the night.

Billie: Perfect, everyone is going to love it!!

We then watch as the whole group settles in and sits down at the table…

Teairra: Oh, I’m so ready to see what’s on the menu.

Billie: We are doing some steak, some pasta, some salad and for desert different flavored ice creams! It will all be infused!

Erica: Yes, for the different flavored ice creams, but you don’t think Polly would have liked some infused ice cream Billie?

Brian: Is Polly that girl? The one you all don’t like?

Billie: Really Erica?

Teairra: I like Polly.

Amal: Billie likes Polly. They’re just having a little hiccup in their new friendship.

Brian: So, it’s Billie vs Polly and everyone vs Daphne?

Daphne: Wait, what? I am good with everyone, well… mostly everyone.

Billie: Polly, probably could’ve used some THC to calm her and her vagina down.

Erica: I’m just asking, God, she’s the one missing from the room at the moment.

Amal: I will say, I did see Polly the other day and she had some things to say about you, Billie…

Billie: What did she have to say Amal. Do tell because these girls like to think I hate this woman for no reason.

Teairra’s Confessional: Billie talking about Polly’s vagina and Brian asking questions and knows everything going on in the group, I’m just so lost on what’s going on right now, where’s the weed?

Amal: Oh, she just said she doesn’t know how things got so bad between the of you. That she looks at you as an inspiration in the world of TV & Film and truly wants you to mentor her.

Teairra: Did she really say that? Teairra makes a face. She never mentioned that to me.

Amal: Amal nods. No, it’s true

Erica: See, no see! Amal is so right.

Billie: Amal you just made that UP!

Erica: No… no, I think she’s telling the truth.

Amal: I saw her the other day, Billie. Why would I make that up?!

A flashback plays of Amal and Polly’s meeting where Polly did not say she wanted Billie as a mentor before the scene resumes…

Erica’s Confessional: Amal has the right idea, if she has to boost Billie’s ego a bit so this tiresome feud can be put to rest, so be it.

Billie: Look if she really said that, then I can give the little girl a chance especially since I’m her inspiration, but I’m going into it with one eye open.

Teairra’s Confessional: Amal is so trying to feed Billie lies so she can become friends with Polly and I see her vision, but at the moment it seems like Billie clearly doesn’t give a fuck and that’s why there’s an empty seat with Polly’s name covered & replaced with Brian.

Amal: You should always go into every situation with two eyes open, Billie. It’s safer to have full 20–20 vision.

Billie: Well right now my eyes feel heavy Amal, so I’ve barely got my own two eyes open at this dinner and I trust you all. Billie laughs.

Amal: Oh, someone’s stoned!

Erica: Erica takes another bite. Teairra, it’s not gonna kill you I promise.

Teairra: Teairra takes a bite of her food and stares at it afterwards. Oh, it’s not that bad! I feel like it’s going to hit me soon though.

Billie: Teairra and Erica, my girls how are you both with my Daphne? You all seem so cordial today, I love to see it!

Erica: I’m always cordial Billie, always!

Billie: Well, I know you are when THC is involved… Billie laughs. Are you guys good? Daph, you good over there?

Teairra: I mean, if Daphne told me she has no issue with me then we’re good I guess… she said she has no issue so. Teairra shrugs.

Daphne: I am good, me and Teairra agreed our “issue” was silly, and not worth wasting our time. And we agreed to move past it, didn’t we?

Amal: Brian, to fill you in — the last time we were all together, the girls were fighting whilst Angelic Amal was trying to bring peace.

Erica: No, Daph is good! Are you good Daph? Erica looks over at Daphne and doesn’t let her finish. Daph is good!

Daphne: Thank you for repeating it three times Erica, really made it clear for everyone.

Amal: But are you guys really good?

Billie: I want you guys to be REALLY FUCKING GOOD!

Teairra: I guess so honey it was a in the moment type thing, I feel like you just wanted no more issues while we’re in Nantucket and that’s understandable. Because you and her… Teairra looks at Erica and then Daphne. Y’all had something a little more serious.

Daphne: Well, that’s part of the reason yes, Teairra. But I also genuinely feel like we didn’t have any big issue to begin with so… Daphne shrugs. We can easily forget it.

Erica: Oh my godddd… Erica rolls her eyes, sighing. I’m here to get high not discuss that like she’s over there. Keep her there.

Daphne: Well, Billie asked, Erica.

Erica: Well, I don’t care that much, Daphne. I gave you advice, you used it as a moment to attack me and that’s that. Now back to this food!

Brian: Oh my…

Daphne: Wrong, you were being rude and acted a fool and I pointed it out. But it’s no big deal honey, not everyone can behave appropriately… Daphne smiles.

Billie: Brian, welcome back to the group!

Erica: If you’re going to continue to insult me, I promise you we can take it there. So, is that what you want right now?

Billie: Ladies, can we not? Like I actually want to have fun for once!

Teairra: Erica, no, look at me! We’re here to get high right?

Daphne: Oh, please, not this act again. Stop, Erica, you’re only embarrassing yourself.

Erica: No, I’m asking the girl. No, you’re embarrassing yourself still going on with this whole thing. Get the fuck over it. You were a bad host. You are doing bad in life. And I don’t give a FUCK!

Billie: And you guys are starting to act like bad guests.

Daphne: Do you have selective memory? Like do you suffer from amnesia? Billie just asked me a question and I answered. Daphne looks around the table. Does she always do this?

Erica: Well, you should have checked your friend when she insulted me. I just said I didn’t wanna have this conversation.

Amal: Don’t say the word fuck, Erica. This is a classy dinner. We’re eating marijuana.

Brian: This is taking a turn! Do we need more weed? Why is everyone all tense!!

Daphne’s Confessional: What is wrong with Erica, genuinely? I answered Billie’s question in a nice, appropriate manner and this is the reaction? Daphne makes a face. Okay Miss Schizophrenia.

Amal: Amal claps. Hey ladies! Should we talk about something fun? Like my Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line!

Billie: Billie slams her hands on the table. ENOUGH! Look I love you both dearly, but you both are to blame here. You both hit below the belt numerous of times and you both like poking at each other. Can you both just squash this for the sake of my high? Billie pauses and turns to Amal. Amal, we will get to your animal cruelty free line in just a second. I want this ended right now. Right here.

Daphne: I’m to blame? I just answered what YOU asked! And she went mental Daphne shrugs. Sorry.

Erica: You see how disrespectful she is?

Billie: Daphne, you can’t take about someone’s mental health. Like this isn’t a tit for that kind of thing.

Daphne: Daphne bursts out laughing. SHE is talking about being respectful? I can’t. Daphne laughs. Oh goodness.

Erica: Erica giggles and looks at Daphne’s behavior. Hmm, who’s not having any decorum now?

Daphne: Anyway, enough about this foolishness. Please Amal, tell us about Mani-Pawdi.

Teairra: We’re talking about dogs now? I’m eating.

Billie: Yes, since these two are incapable of acting their ages. Let’s just move on to Amal’s new and exciting venture.

Amal: Would you prefer to talk about dogs or listen to these bitches?

Daphne: Billie, if Polly was here, you’d do way worse than this. But yes, let’s move on.

Billie’s Confessional: Look, I still really don’t know what exactly this Dog line is that Amal is doing but I want the subject changed and Amal loves to talk about herself so knock it out of the ball park Amal.

Billie: Billie looks at Daphne. Now hold on just a minute bitch. Didn’t I just say I was going to sit down with the little girl? Daphne, I think you’ve said enough for tonight. Why don’t you just sit over there and enjoy the meal I provided you with. It at least has flavor.

Amal: So, ladies, I’ve actually gone to the laboratory where they are finalizing the formulation later this week! It’s so exciting to see this dream of mine turning into a reality. And of course, Daphne has been so generous and offered to help me with the creative. She’s organizing a whole photoshoot to help me with the branding and the packaging

Brian: Will you have an event when the product launches?

Amal’s Confessional: Hello!!!! We’re talking about Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line. None of these bitches ever let me speak about the one thing I’m so passionate about. Like we never get to talk about Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi line.

Erica: I’m so excited for the launch! We’re gonna buy everything! Erica smiles and nods at Amal.

Billie: Yes, when is the launch date??

Daphne: Actually, we are going to- Daphne gets cut off by Amal.

Amal: I will, Brian! I’m hoping to put together a little launch party in the next couple of months but we’re still a little bit off! I’ve been waiting on my girl here… Amal nudges at Daphne. To set up the shoot for the creative.

Daphne’s Confessional: Now wait a minute… a little launch party? Does she mean the Pets R Pals inaugural charity dinner that she’s SPONSORING? Daphne looks confused.

Amal: I’ve partnered with this amazing charity for the launch, so it’ll be a night of pampering your pups and supporting a good cause.

Daphne: Yes, yes, WE have partnered and Mani-Pawdi will be an official sponsor for Pets R Pals, the charity that I’m launching. Daphne smiles as she side-eyes Amal.

Billie: Oh, this is so great, I’m excited to see your efforts to help the animals who face animal cruelty.

Amal: Yes. Yes. We. We have most definitely partnered together and Amal Hadid’s Mani-Pawdi launch party will also double up as a little charity event for Daph’s new philanthropic foundation.

Teairra’s Confessional: I’m listening to them speak with my eyes barely open and I’m trying to understand what they’re saying because they don’t seem to have a structured plan together, they both are making faces and looking confused on what the other is saying.

Daphne: Well, it’s not so little honey… Daphne awkwardly smiles. There will be approximately 300 people, of course you’ll all be invited.

Erica: Cheers to these girls and their animal cruelty!

Amal: Yes, of course, you will all be invited! I wouldn’t want any of you to miss my big day! Amal raises her eyebrow. Animal cruelty?

Teairra: Yes! Cheers to the animals and being saved with their nails painted!

Billie: That doesn’t have long term effects on animals if they are getting their paws done, right?

Teairra: It’s like another form of grooming, right?

Amal: Oh, absolutely not. I purposely worked on a formulation that would strengthen your pets’ paws. It’d something I’m so passionate about. The nail strength of our furry friends.

Teairra: And a few of the ladies have pets, I’m sure they’ll be happy to get some when they launch right girls?

Billie: Oh, this is so amazing!! I may need to get a dog just so I can buy some stuff from you! we are all so excited for you Amal and Daphne.

Daphne: Of course, you can bring your pets! Louise will be there obviously!

Billie’s Confessional: Look, my high ass just wants to dance on the dance floor I have set up out back. So, anything to get through this dinner. Sign me up.

Erica: Period. Is the ice cream coming out with a side of music? I can’t sit at this table any longer.

Billie: Yes, the ice cream is for the road, kind of like a goodie bag. Billie laughs. Right now, I have my speaker set up out back if any of you want to dance the night away! Music always seems to bring us together! Erica and Amal show these girls how to twerk.

The camera then pans out as we see the group walking out to Billie’s backyard as we see them beginning to dance and laugh as the scene quickly transitions as we see the sun rise the following day as the scene shifts and we focus in on a colorful and upbeat party in downtown Twitter, where the camera focuses in on Polly, who is hosting a party for Pride Month as the scene begins…

Polly’s Confessional: This weekend is pride! I host a fundraiser every year at a gorgeous rooftop in downtown twitter, so I’ve invited the girls… minus Billie for a day of fun, thrills and drag of course! Polly sips champagne. Cheers!

Teairra: Teairra struts into the party with her gay friends. C’mon y’all! Pride, Pride shot o’clock!

Polly: Baby!!! Get over here! Polly passes a shot to Teairra.

Daphne: Daphne walks in, holding a Dom Perignon rosè bottle. Hey, girls! Happy pride!! Daphne hands Polly the bottle. This is for you honey, a little gift!

Polly: Hi Daph, welcome girl here! Polly passes a shot to Daphne.

Daphne: Daphne downs the shot. Uhhhh, that’s strong!

Teairra: YESSS, you look amazing! Teairra throws the shot back. And this party is so cute!

Amal: Amal walks into Polly’s pride event with a gaggle of gays. This should be fun boys. We’ll stay for a few hours before we hit up Pink Street.

Polly: Polly motions the girls over a few feet to another party guest by the bar. C’mon girls, come meet Trixie!

Just then, the camera pans as we see Brian walk in and make her way towards the Ladies as she surveys the party…

Brian’s Confessional: I’m dreading going to this party. Everyone’s been complaining about Polly Pocket, but I’m going to find out who this bitch really is! Thanks for the invite, Daphne.

Daphne: Daphne turns to Brian. Girl, hi, you made it! Loving the skirt!

Amal: Amal saunters over to the ladies. Hello ladies…

Brian: Hi kitties!

Amal: Hi babe. Amal gives Brian a kiss of the cheek. Don’t you look… Amal pauses. Festive.

Brian: Is it not a pride party!?

Amal: No. No. It absolutely is. My version of pride is a little bit sluttier but each to their own.

Polly: Hey girls! Glad you could all come.

Teairra: Teairra looks at Brian’s outfit up and down and lets out a fake smile. Hey boo! Am I overdressed? Teairra laughs.

Polly: Polly looks to Brian. Welcome Brian! I’m Polly, nice to meet you officially!

Brian: Polly! The girl who I feel like I basically know because these bitches don’t shut up about you! How are you? You’re stunning!

Polly: I’m great thanks babe! Here, have a shot!

Brian: Oh yum! Thank you.

Polly: They don’t stop talking about me, huh? Polly looks at the girls. What a compliment ladies, what’s the story today?

Amal: So, this is cute, Polly! Do you do this every year?

Polly: I do this every year yes, this is our fifth one! We do a different location every year.

Amal’s Confessional: I’ve never been to a pride party hosted by a straight woman before but hey I’m all about supporting the LGBTQIA+ community and if Polly wants to be an ally, then pop off girl.

Polly: If anyone would like to donate, we’ve got Trixie at the fundraising table.

Daphne: Oh, of course! I don’t have my checkbook with me, so you guys take Apple Pay?

Polly: But as I said yes, every year for five years. My daughter is part of the community and so we’ve done this to open that door for her more and more each year as she gets older!

Amal: Oh, it’s a fundraiser? I’ll be sure to get my boys and I to donate.

Teairra: I brought my friends with me, I’ll definitely get them to donate as well, they look like they’re having fun!

Polly: She’s still so young but we wanted to make sure we show her that no matter who or what she is, that there is love and acceptance for all! Andrew is here too! You will all have to meet him when he’s free.

Teairra: Teairra looks over and sees Polly’s husband and looks back at Polly. Wait, your husband came? He’s another hot topic in this group honey, I’m glad we get to finally meet him!

Amal: Oh Andrew? As in your husband?

Daphne’s Confessional: Andrew is here? The man of the hour? Now I wish Billie was here so she could ask him anything and just get this over with. Daphne smirks.

Polly: He’s here ladies! So, I take it that is what everyone has been talking about Brian?

Amal: Well, bring him on over girl. I want to ask him all about the tawdry affair.

The camera pans around the silent group of Ladies…

Amal: Just kidding!

Polly: Polly rolls her eyes. Let me go get him then. Polly walks away, looking annoyed.

Amal: I’m kidding! Sorry! This wet pussy shot got to my head… Amal turns to Teairra. Do you think she’s mad at me?

Teairra: Oh, she didn’t look happy at all. Maybe no more shots for the time being!

Polly: Polly walks back with Andrew. Ladies, here he is, the man of the hour! Andrew this is Daphne, Amal, Brian and you know Teairra of course!

Andrew (Polly’s Husband): Hello gorgeous women! Welcome, it’s lovely to meet you! Andrew shakes everyone’s hand.

Amal: Amal extends her hand to greet Andrew. Lovely to meet you, distinguished sir.

Teairra: We’ve already met! But it’s nice to finally meet you again.

Andrew: I’m sorry I couldn’t come over earlier I’ve been with our daughter and Trixie, and Polly have me serving on the bar. Andrew laughs. You okay babe?

Polly: Yeah, all good, the ladies were just talking about you. They want to know all the sordid details like I was talking to you about, right Amal?

Daphne: Well, the girl who was really dying to meet you isn’t here unfortunately, Andrew…

Amal: Oh, absolutely not… Amal awkwardly laughs. I’m just glad to be here around you and your beautiful wife and DORTER, Andrew.

Polly’s Confessional: C’mon girls you’ve got questions, now’s the time!

Amal: Daph, I’m pretty sure Andrew knows who Billie is. You know Billie Reed, right Andrew? The acclaimed actress?

Andrew: Yes, I’ve heard of Billie yes, and she isn’t here? That’s a shame I’d have loved to have asked her how she knows my ex-wife and all that, she was telling me Billie has been messaging her asking her for details.

Amal: She wasn’t invited, Andrew.

Daphne: Yeah… she’s persona non grata right now.

Polly: Well, she isn’t invited today because of how much this means to me. And every time she’s around she is so disrespectful towards me, screams and shouts and wants the whole thing to be about her.

Teairra: Wow…Billie was begging her for details? That’s a little desperate…

Andrew: Oh right, okay, well, maybe some other time then I can have a chat with Billie. You know Polly has been quite upset over this situation.

The camera zooms in as Polly nudges Andrew in annoyance…

Daphne: Well, I don’t think anyone would be happy being called a whore. Daphne shrugs. It’s your party Polly!

Andrew: That’s right Daphne, and our family is here. Billie can surely respect that, if you’ll excuse me ladies! It’s been lovely to meet you. Andrew walks away from the group.

Polly: Polly sips her drink. So, what did I miss at Billie’s event girls? Brian, were you there too?

Teairra: It was actually kinda chill we just sat there and ate weed infused food and talked and whatnot, it was kinda weird that she didn’t invite you though. I can’t quite remember what you missed…I think I was too high. Teairra laughs. I’m trying to remember.

Amal: Amal walks back over to the ladies. Sorry girls! Mikey, was having a problem with his harness, so I needed to help him adjust it quickly.

Daphne: Well, Erica was ungracious as always. She started with me and it was just… silly.

Amal: What are we tal- oh, Billie’s dinner.

Polly: Okay… and that means?

Brian: Yes, Billie’s dinner was something else…we were all stoned!!

Daphne: She just started saying how I was a bad host, that she does not like me and how she thinks I downplayed her career. Daphne shrugs. Nonsense.

Brian: It was very awkward …

Amal: Brian, you’re friends with Billie. How do you think they can come together?

Brian: With Billie…she’s a hard bitch. Love her to death but… maybe a sit down? Just the two of you?

Teairra: Yeah because … the not inviting each other to one another’s events is kinda petty, I mean Billie would’ve probably ate with her big wig here today.

Brian: I love Billie, but Polly you have seemed to be very sweet and completely opposite of what I expected.

Amal: It’s actually fucking exhausting. It’s a bunch of petty nonsense amongst grown women who are meant to be pillars of our society.

Polly: Listen, I don’t need to explain myself as to why I didn’t invite her today. I told you all, this is not a place for her theatrics. Despite the cause.

Amal: Honey, the gays love the theatrics.

Polly: I agree it’s petty, I’m more than happy to text her right now and get a lunch date in to talk things through.

Daphne’s Confessional: I am staying out of it. Billie and Polly just will never get along in my opinion… And I have enough on my plate as it is.

Teairra: I completely understand why you didn’t invite her, because she did the same thing to you but I don’t feel like you two’s issue is big enough for all that you know.

Brian: If you guys make up, we need to do a trip to celebrate!

Polly: Someone give me their phone; I don’t have her number. Polly laughs.

Amal: A trip? Girl, I’m still recovering from Nanny Tucket.

Daphne: A trip? Well, I’m for sure NOT hosting. Daphne cackles.

Brian’s Confessional: I’m just looking to go on a vacation. Sorry girls!

Polly: Polly takes Daphne’s phone. I’ll do a voice note.

Teairra: Honey…coming from somebody who has been in Twitter for a little while now you have to always be open minded when it comes to other ladies, even if you don’t want to make up with them at least try to be cordial for the sake of the group. Teairra pauses. Daphne, hopefully you can do the same for Erica right?

Daphne: Can I? God, I don’t know. You have seen how she is with me.

Polly: Polly records voice note to Billie. Hey Billie, it’s Polly, not Penelope as you keep forgetting. Listen, the girls are telling me it’s time for us to sort this petty issue out. I’m open to meeting, maybe we can do lunch or something and talk things through. I’ll get your number from Daphne’s phone and text you an address, okay, bye! Polly ends the voice note. There we go girls.

Polly’s Confessional: Look, if it’s going to help me to continue to build relationships with these ladies and hopefully end this back-and-forth Billie has with me, then I’ll do it, I just want to have a good time!

Brian: Good job Polly!

Teairra: Growth! I have Erica’s number if you would like to do the same Daphne? I don’t know if she’ll respond positively but if its positive, I’ll let you know!

Daphne: You think I should text her right now? I don’t know about that. I can definitely text her to meet up and discuss this one on one. Like adults.

Polly: I’m just thinking we all should make the effort. If I gotta do it then you can too Daph.

Teairra: I just want us all to move forward as a group, maybe it’s the shots taking over but I’m feeling like Mother Teresa right now!

Daphne: I will, I definitely will. I just don’t think she’ll react positively to just a text? I will definitely text her saying if she wants to come over and discuss this one on one at my house? How’s that sound?

Amal: Send the damn text so we can dance.

Polly: Don’t be so wishy washy, just text her and see how you do.

Amal: Oh, I forgot about that! Daph, did you know Polly thinks you’re wishy washy and don’t have a backbone.

Teairra: Teairra jumps back. Oh! Where did that come from?

Polly: Really Amal? That’s so weird to say that, and like that.

Daphne: Wait, what? Seriously?

Amal: Amal finishes another shot and makes a face. Polly said something about it when I was her clinic the other day. Can I get another shot?!

Daphne: What’s that about, Polly?

Polly: Well, I already kind of told you how I was disappointed with how you seem to defend Billie. Blindly, at times I think.

Amal: She also said… Amal goes to say more, but Teairra covers her mouth.

Polly: You know, everyone’s going through it and everyone has their issues and their woes but you seem to always make excuses for her.

Daphne: Defend Billie? I have been trying to have you guys stop this nonsense for weeks now. I defend you too when I’m with her, wake up!

Polly: Okay well, I haven’t seen or heard that.

Daphne: I don’t make excuses for her, I just don’t fuel the fire when either one of you talks smack about the other. That’s all.

Polly: I also mentioned how I’ve been waiting to hear back from you about the work I’ve been commissioning from you and your team? I kinda need some priority, Daphne!

Amal: She said she’s paid your company hundreds of thousands of dollars and you don’t even bother to return her calls or emails.

Daphne: Yes, you still haven’t sent us any ideas or instructions on how you want your garden, honey. You only showed me a blurry picture at Swimsuit Week. We’ve emailed you a dozen times; I thought you were taking your time as you have before.

Polly: I did say that, because it’s true…but it wasn’t in that monotone, bitchy way Amal just reiterated it.

Teairra’s Confessional: Really Amal? we’re talking about growth and you come out here with this…here we go!

Polly: Polly grabs her phone and shows Daphne emails. Here hun, see? No response. I can get someone else to do it, I just need my deposit back then and stuff.

Daphne: Daphne takes Polly’s phone and goes to the “spam” section. See? They’re there. Maybe if you had saved our contacts they would be in the delivered section, honey.

Amal: Amal walks off with Teairra. I think I need to go home.

Brian’s Confessional: These girls have me going back and forth, back and forth. They all need a therapist because all this talk is craziness.

Teairra: You’re going home? You started that! Teairra looks over to Daphne and Polly bickering.

Amal: Amal shrugs. Blame it on the cheap liquor.

Polly: Okay well, I’ve called multiple times too hun. So, I don’t like you blaming it on me, but it’s fine we can put some time aside to go through it.

Daphne: I didn’t get your calls, and the office gets an incredible amount of calls every day. Maybe you should’ve tried again. But thank you for talking about my business negatively, I appreciate it.

Polly: Daphne, I’m a very high priority customer babe. If I wanted to be treated like I was at Target I’d have gone to Target, ya know?

Daphne: Well, very high priority costumers usually know how to check their emails but… alright. Daphne fakes a smile.

Amal: Girls, I’ve got to go but this was truly lovely Polly! Thank you! Amal blows the girls kisses as she walks out with her shoes in hand.

Polly’s Confessional: It’s not a big deal Daphne, just make some time for the people who want to work with you and get your work seen by the people of Twitter!

Daphne: Anyways, this… Daphne motions to the party. It was amazing, but I have a meeting early in the morning tomorrow so I have to go. Daphne walks out of the venue mumbling to herself. The audacity of this girl, she can’t even spell hexagon and wants to give me lessons on how to run my business? Girl bye.

As we watch as Amal then Daphne depart from the party, the camera pans back inside where we see Polly, Brian, and Teairra celebrating the nights end with the gays, as the camera pans out on a shot of the Twitter city skyline before fading to black as the scene and episode end.

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Ladies of Twitter
Ladies of Twitter

Written by Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 16 seasons, and catch season 17 every Friday! #LoT🏙️

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