Season 17, Episode 9: “Recipe for Disaster”

As the episode begins and the title cards fade from the screen, we see a shot of the Twitter city skyline, before focusing in on the Ladies who we see going about their days. We see a shot of Amal as she walks up to Jamie’s preschool, before seeing a shot of Teairra as she walks into the studio. Then, the scene shifts as we hear an ominous beat, before focusing in on café in uptown Twitter where we see Polly seated as the scene begins…

Polly’s Confessional: So, after I messaged Billie about meeting up and seeing if we can move forward, we’re meeting for some coffee to get things moving. Let’s see if we can do this… I’m just hoping she remembers my name! Polly laughs.
Polly: Polly looks at the waitress. Can I get a cappuccino? Great, thanks!
Just then, the camera pivots as we see Billie walking in and making her way towards Polly…

Billie’s Confessional: So, listen I’m not Polly’s favorite person and she’s not my favorite but we do have to learn to coexist in this group so I’m hoping a one on one conversation with her will help get the root of our issues. Plus, she’s the one that asked me to come today so maybe she is showing some signs of maturity! Billie laughs.
Billie: Oh, hey there Polly! Do we just order up there?
Polly: Hey hun, yep, up there!

Billie: I’ll do just a shot of espresso and an iced latte! I need something to wake me up! Billie grabs her order and sits back down. So sorry I was running behind. Thanks for offering to meet me.
Polly: All good babe, I see you called me by my name! Already moving in the right direction. Polly laughs. How are you?
Billie: Well, that’s right, I’ve been coached on how to properly pronounce your name. I’m good just been busy working on the final details and kinks of my pilot series. How are you?
Polly: Okay great! Thats what I like to hear, we love calling people by their correct names. Oh yes right, that’s so exciting. Are you in the show too?
Billie: No, I probably will not have a spot on the series. I just wanted to fully remove myself from acting just for the next year and see where my head is at after that. Then I might write me a role in the series later on. Billie blinks. So, you have a beauty lab that you do Botox at?
Polly: I’m doing great, life’s just going so fast. My kids are like sprouting out of nowhere. Works busy and my new products should be with us soon.
Billie: Oh, how exciting? What exactly are the products you’re working on
Polly: I see! Kinda expanding your showbiz hat, I like it okay! And yes, I’m an aesthetician. If you didn’t know, we’ve got labs all over the city. Soon to be the country hopefully! Oh Billie, we’ve got serums, face masks, vitamins, peels! It’s going to be fabulous.

Polly’s Confessional: Look at us, having a normal conversation?! Who’d have thought it…
Billie: Oh wow, that will be so exciting. I hope it all works out for you! Skincare is definitely a booming business. I might have to come by and get me a cask mask! I love to keep this face tight and rejuvenated!!

Billie’s Confessional: I’ve never heard of Polly’s beauty store here in Twitter until she got in this circle, but you know what in the spirit of trying to move on I’m going to act like I’ve heard of it before.
Polly: So, the group is kinda tired of us fighting, huh? I’m happy we’re here to talk and see what we can do about it. I’d like to just get to the root of it and see where we go from there.
Billie: Billie laughs. It’s honestly tiresome to keep fighting with you. I think I’ve explained the root of it for me Polly. I just simply didn’t like how you presented yourself to us ladies when I first met you. It was Hi I’m Polly and I fucked my best friend’s husband and we are now married that just didn’t set right with me.
The camera pans to Polly as she listens wide eyed…
Billie: However, I’m learning we are in different times and there’s some people who live different lives than I would choose for myself, and I have come to terms with that. What I haven’t liked is your constant rebuttals on situations you have no clue about. Like my drinking you just met me, how do you know I’ve been a drunk. Or that I’m a liar… you just met me I have barely spoken enough words to you for you to even think I was lying about anything. So, let’s start there.

Polly: Okay… Polly sips her drink. Well, I think what you said right there speaks volumes. You’re saying I shouldn’t speak on things I do not know the full story on? Okay, noted I won’t do that again with you. This rule should also apply to you Billie, because you do not know my story and you do not have the power or the authority to tell me or other people in our circle who or what I am. You may know my ex best friend, she says she doesn’t really speak to you that much, which is another story. But just because you have one side of a story, doesn’t mean you’re allowed to treat me like shit.
Billie: I said I knew your ex best friend’s mother. Which has told me her side of the story but you’re right I don’t know what led you to sleep with your best friend’s husband and destroy a marriage. Why don’t you enlighten me?
Polly: Why do I need to tell you? I’m sorry you’ve been cheated on Billie, believe me when I say I have to, but it doesn’t mean I owe you any sort of explanation. Your trauma, isn’t my trauma.

Polly’s Confessional: I think what I’m trying to make clear is that unless you ask, or unless you are trying to get to know me, then you’ll understand the whole situation so much more. Yes, I cheated, yes I broke people’s hearts, but there are reasons I did what I did and there are reasons why it’s lasted so long. Polly shrugs.
Billie: Are you not the one sitting here saying I don’t know your side of things… I’m confused. I’m trying to understand your side of what happened. Don’t you see me trying to make an attempt at understanding your situation. But if you’re going to act closed off then why are we sitting here?
Polly: I’m not being closed off hun. I’ll happily tell you seeing as you want to know. But I’m just saying, I do not owe you an explanation. Me meeting you girls and telling you my story, that’s my story, why does it bother you so much?

Billie’s Confessional: I don’t think it’s fair for Polly to throw in my face about my ex-husband cheating on me and trying to say I’m projecting my trauma onto her. How does she know about that? I don’t know. Must’ve been a fan of mine for some while now.
Billie: Well, I mean if you want us group of ladies to understand you and your twisted way of marriage then it kinda does warrant an explanation. I mean I don’t think any of the ladies are cool with hanging with you unless you provide some explanation as to why you broke up a happy home. It just doesn’t register to me, unless there’s some explanation —
Polly: Polly interrupts Billie. So, I worked for Andrew’s company, and so did his ex-wife and my ex best friend. We were a trio in the office, you could say, Andrew would help me out if I missed my rent he’d help me pay for my car, he’d make sure I was safe. I met my ex-husband and things changed. My ex was very abusive towards me Billie, I’ll say that.

Polly: From there it was a typical drunken night talking about our woes to each other, one fumble turned into a yearlong affair, I got pregnant and we called it off and on and then off and then we got caught out when my daughter was born. We accepted what we’d done and believe me, I paid the price. But I was so in love with him, I do not regret it now. I made peace with what I did that I know was wrong, I can’t live my life looking back. That’s the short version, okay? My marriage is not twisted. You’re the only one who has an issue with it.

Polly’s Confessional: Polly shows a scar on her arm. I got that when I was 9 months pregnant. My ex threw a pot of boiling water towards me, and it burnt my arm. My life was a twister, and once my daughter was born, I couldn’t live the lie anymore. I thank God we got caught.
Polly: It’s a shame you missed my pride event; Andrew was very interested to meet you.
Billie: I am really sorry to hear about your abusive ex. I know being in a dark place can lead to making dark decisions. I’ve been there and as someone who’s been there, I honestly think some therapy would do you some good!

Billie: Do I have some resentment that you messed up a happy marriage, absolutely because some woman did that to my previous marriage. Does it re-trigger my trauma? No, because I did the work to move past it. I just think we got off on the wrong foot and hearing your side today kinda opened my eyes a little bit to see there’s more to every story than we know.
Polly: Polly frowns. I’m in therapy babe and the marriage I broke wasn’t perfect either.

Polly’s Confessional: Billie doesn’t know anything about this situation, despite claiming to. This just proves to me that she’s all bark, and no bite. She wants to just be the person who puts you in your place.
Billie: Well, we don’t have to go there. But, I’m going to ask you… What do you need from me Polly to move past this in a way where we can be around each other?
Polly: I’m glad you can see now that you do not know the story, and you kind of jumped to a lot of conclusions about me.
Billie: Well, you jumped to plenty about me. So, I think it was a classic game of tit for tat.
Polly: Look I’m a cute lil’ bear, you poke me and I’ll bite ya. Now you’re clear on my situation, and we’re going to agree to move forward right? All I need from you is for you to just open up, and try to get to know me and not the version of me you’ve heard about.

Billie’s Confessional: This little girl is over here talking about she’s a cub and might bite me. Please she’s a chihuahua all bark and absolutely no bite.
Polly: Because I really am so tired of the back and forth. It gives me wrinkles, which I don’t have because I touched myself up last night.
Billie: Sounds good. I can try to be more mindful of this new generation and how things work with new marriages these days.
Polly: I’ve heard so much about fun Billie anyway, I’m yet to see her.
Billie: Well, if you don’t provoke Billie, you’ll get to see her. Billie winks. I always know how to let loose and have fun!

Polly’s Confessional: Billie and I are similar in a sense that we can try to make amends, but you’re gonna get a bit of sass still until you prove yourself to me. The good thing is that I’ve got some time to work on Billie!
Polly: Well, keep those juicy lips away from my marriage babe and we’re all good. Hey, what are you doing after this? Polly looks at her phone. Do you wanna come with me to this bar my friend just opened?
Billie: Oh, I don’t think you have to worry about ANY of that! And if I bring a man around, I’ll make sure to keep him 10 feet from that pretty face! And you know what, sure. As long as you don’t let me get too crazy.
Polly: Let’s get you some lemon drops or something so those old bones get moving and grooving!
Billie: Billie laughs. Let’s go! If I’m hungover tomorrow I’m blaming you.
As the scene pans out, we see iPhone video footage of Billie and Polly dancing at the bar an hour later, before the scene quickly transitions and we see multiple shots of Daphne’s offices, we see the conference rooms and the main office space where everyone is hard at work. Daphne then walks out of her office, into the conference room where a meeting is taking place, holding Louise, as the scene begins…

Daphne: Alright, guys, did we get that email from Polly Parker?
Jacob (Daphne’s Personal Assistant): Yes, she sent us a few sketches and ideas of what she wants to do with her backyard and her garden.
Daphne: Great, forward them to me and I’ll start working on them. Also get Lisa and Michael to work out the exact budget and everything, I wouldn’t want miss Parker to think we aren’t organized!

Daphne’s Confessional: After Polly’s silly little dig at me yesterday, I decided I would absolutely give her “high priority treatment.” Anything to make her shut up!
Daphne: I can’t wait to be done with this. Polly is very…
Jacob: Jacob interrupts Daphne. All over the place? Eccentric? Clueless?
Daphne: Daphne giggles. Oh, stop it. She’s just in her own world I guess… As long as she’s paying me and she stops spreading nonsense we’re good as far as I’m concerned.

Daphne’s Confessional: I am not mad at Polly; I am just seeing a cattier side to her. She always acts like she is defenseless against Billie, and she needs all this support, yet she can perfectly talk smack behind our backs? Okay, I see you Polly.
Daphne: Okay, is that all? I have another meeting in the next room.
Jacob: Yes, that should be all. We’re waiting for the deposit from the Jacksons in order to start working on their summer house.
Daphne: Alright, great. Keep me posted Jacob.
Daphne quickly rushes out of the conference room and into another one, right next door…

Daphne: Okay, I’m here! Sorry, today was crazy. Daphne sits down with her lawyer Katherine.

Daphne’s Confessional: Running my own firm and at the same time working on launching a non-profit organization is a lot. I’m always running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Daphne sighs. But I’m really passionate about this so I’m not backing down!
Katherine (Daphne’s Lawyer): Okay, so first of all I wanted to tell you that we’ve got all the permits and the papers for Pets R Pals signed and approved!

Daphne: Oh my god, that’s amazing, yes! So, we’re ready to go?
Katherine: Yes, legally we’re all set. We just need to send the documents over to the downtown Twitter Animal Shelter to have them signed, and with that all the legal stuff will be done.
Daphne: Daphne claps excitedly. That’s absolutely fantastic, Katherine! I am so thrilled, you really made my day.
Katherine: Well, we’re just missing one thing. Your partner, Amal Hadid, the documentation she sent us was… quite confusing.
Daphne: Confusing? What do you mean?
Katherine: Well, we just needed her to sign a few documents and give us a budget she was willing to put into our first gala, which she did, but she also gave us a list of requests and even sent ideas on dress code and decor…

Daphne’s Confessional: Daphne lets out a big sigh. Amal, Amal, Amal… I love her, I really do, however it’s clear as day that she’s never worked a day in her life…
Daphne: Requests? Dress code and decor? What does she think this is, her birthday?
Katherine: Well, we were appalled as well but I wanted to see if you knew anything about this.
Daphne: No, she hasn’t told me anything. She did make it seem like it was mostly about her and her Mani-Pawdi line but I assumed that was just her being… Amal.
Katherine: Okay, so what do you want us to say to her? She did make a generous donation, I mean not everyone is willing to donate one million dollars. Katherine makes a face.
Daphne: No, of course, I know Amal has been very generous. It’s just that… she’s making it seem like she is doing us a favor when we’re actually partners. I guess I’ve got to talk to her.

Daphne’s Confessional: Amal’s donation was incredibly generous, I mean one million dollars will allow us to host an incredible soirée and even put some money towards the fundraiser. However, I feel like we might need to set some boundaries here.
Katherine: Okay, you talk to her and then come back to me. Now, I’ve got one last little treat for you…are you ready?
Daphne: Yes, please. I could use a little treat! Daphne laughs a bit.
Katherine pulls out a carton board with the Pets R Pals logo on it…

Katherine: Ta-daaaaa! Your logo is ready!
Daphne: Daphne squeaks in excitement. Oh my god, I absolutely love it! It turned out so beautifully.
Katherine: Right? I love it too!
Daphne: Yes, exactly what I wanted. Wow, we’re really getting there, I’m shaking!

Daphne’s Confessional: I am doing my best to balance everything out between my firm, Pets R Pals, these new crazy friends of mine… it’s a lot. But moments like these really make it all worthwhile… Daphne smiles.
Daphne: This deserves a good glass of ice-cold champagne to celebrate, want to join me for lunch?
Katherine: Sure, let’s go!
As we see Daphne and her lawyer getting up from the conference table, we watch as the scene shifts to several days later, where we see Daphne walking with her dog Louise up to an outdoor restaurant table in crowded downtown Twitter as the scene continues…

Daphne’s Confessional: So, today I am meeting with Erica to hopefully put an end to this crazy pettiness between the two of us. I just hope all goes well… Daphne sighs.
Just then, Erica is shown walking inside of the restaurant looking around as tense music begins to play…

Erica’s Confessional: I was shocked that Daphne actually enough sense to try and have a conversation, like I said before I have no issues with Daphne, I don’t really care for her. So, let’s just hope she leaves the insults at home because I would hate to have to check a bitch.
Erica: Erica walks towards the table, looking down at the dog. Oh, hello. I see you brought some security Erica laughs. It’s okay, we’re being civilized today.

Daphne: Daphne laughs. Louise is a calm lady! Thank you for coming by the way.
Erica: No problem, thanks for reaching out. I was actually pretty shocked if I’m being honest.
Daphne: Shocked? Why? I just wanted to get together and talk, especially after Billie’s dinner…
Erica: Well, anytime we seem to have a conversation it never ends up, in lack of better terms, good. So, I think, before we even get that point, we should start from the beginning
Daphne: I agree. 100%. That’s why I wanted it to be just the two of us. So, there would be no third parties chiming in.
Erica: I’m glad we can agree on something. Erica laughs. So, what have I done specifically that has offended you?

Daphne: I honestly felt that you were going out of your way to be rude at the clam bake, and I was flabbergasted because we had never had any issues before that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s perfectly OK for you not to like the food. I just felt like you were trying to embarrass me.
Erica: After taking a few steps back, I could see that from your point of view and completely understand. I wasn’t trying to embarrass you; I think the way I came about it could have been better and I apologize for that. Listen, I’m a Baltimore girl through and through and we’re all about seafood so it just shocked me a bit.

Erica’s Confessional: I never called the food nasty to her face. Did I say some underlining remarks, absolutely but I never said the food was so bland that any concoction my toddler would make would have a better taste than it, I never said that.
Erica: I think on my behalf, I was just caught off guard how everything came about. To me, it felt like Billie asked a question about you and Polly and when I gave my advice or opinion you seemed to use that as a moment to come at me which is why I felt offended. If you had pulled me away anytime to discuss how you felt, I would have been okay with talking but it seemed like Billie asked a question, I answered then you came at me.
Daphne: Thank you, I really appreciate that. I want to apologize for belittling your new business, that’s not like me and very low. I also want to say that the whole trip was… a lot for me. Daphne sighs. I probably wasn’t in the right state of mind, and again I want to say I’m sorry.

Daphne’s Confessional: Listen the whole trip was a mess. I may have taken my frustration out on Erica a bit. So, it’s only right that I apologize.
Erica: Which I understand, especially hosting this group of ladies and my remarks about you being a bit timid was not to offend you, it was more so tell you being around these girls you have to speak up a little more than usual or these girls will run over you. Trust me, I’ve seen it.
The camera pans between the two as they sit silently for a moment…
Erica: I appreciate the apology and I don’t think our issues were ever that serious. I think since we don’t know each other that we just misinterpreted things. I’m glad we could have this conversation because whew, I thought we were gonna turn up on each other every time we were around.
Daphne: Yes, hosting all of you girls was a lot. Daphne laughs a bit. And I know I may not be the most explosive one, but trust me, if one wants to offend me I can use my voice. I just don’t love confrontation or big, theatrical arguments the way Polly and Billie do. And I agree, our issues were never that serious. It was just a combination of things that led to this escalation. I honestly have nothing against you and I actually loved you when we first got to know each other, girl.
Erica: I loved you too! That’s why I just so shocked! Like I told Billie, she’s known to bring around strays, I mean just look at that Brian girl. But I’ve never thought that of you. So, I’m willing to definitely start a new and just put that petty beef in the past.

Erica’s Confessional: Listen, although Daphne and I have gotten down and dirty with each other, I’ve never had any ill will towards the girl. I like her presence in this group and she kinda shocked me showing that other side of her. So yes, I’m willing to move on.
Daphne: Daphne laughs. Absolutely, let’s leave this in the past and get to really know each other. Let’s have some fun, this group desperately needs it!
Erica: Please, we desperately need it. If we’re good I’m just hoping Polly and Billie can do the same. How do you feel about Brian entering our little group?
Daphne: I hope so, honey, I am exhausted from their bickering. Brian? She seems like a straight up kinda girl, I was wondering, what happened between you two?

Erica: You & I both, it’s just draining when they’re around each other. As for Brian, I met her while traveling through Europe with Billie and a bunch of other former ladies, her and her blonde bestie decided to spread fake news about me being a “Pornstar” it left a bad taste in my mouth. In short, she was just mad I got a gig that she tried to seduce the photographer to get and still couldn’t get it.
Daphne: A pornstar? Seduce a photographer? Daphne looks taken aback. Well, that’s definitely more than a little pettiness…

Daphne’s Confessional: What the hell did these ladies do in Europe? Daphne looks shocked.

Erica’s Confessional: Listen, I have no issues with Brian but let it be clear when you try to slander my name by calling me a pornstar out of spite, there’s no hugs or kisses for you. I’m hoping she can thread lightly, and I can continue to act like I don’t know her.
Erica: Exactly. To say I was shocked was an understatement when she went around with that and even doubled down on it. She tried to seduce the photographer to get the gig, and he just wasn’t feeling it. I was a bit embarrassed for her.
Daphne: Wow, she definitely didn’t give me that impression when I met her. She looks very… put together? But I could definitely tell she enjoys some messiness.
Erica: Speaking of mess, how was the pride party? I’m hoping you ladies had fun! I wish I could’ve made it.
Daphne: It was… something. Andrew, Polly’s husband, was there. He was talking about how he wanted to meet Billie to clear things up…he’s almost as messy as his wife honey. Daphne giggles.
Erica: Geez… Erica lets out a laugh. Not as messy as the wife. I just don’t want him to address Billie because that’s a whole other situation when the men get involved.

Erica’s Confessional: Polly, Polly, Polly…you’re completely going down the wrong road, when the men get involved in our women business it never goes good. I’m just hoping messy Andrea will be on his best behavior.
Daphne: Look, I agree but I also see where he’s coming from. Billie had so many questions, maybe he can answer them and put an end to this madness. Daphne shrugs. I mean, it can’t get any worse than it is right now.
Erica: I hope so! God, but if he’s as theatrical as those two, we’re in for hell on earth. Quite literally. Erica’s phone rings and she looks down at it. Oh god, I lost track of time. I have to go pick Chance up from his nana. I’m glad we got to clear all of this up! Erica gets up from the table.
Daphne: Oh sure, honey. This was amazing, glad we finally moved on! See you soon!
As we watch Erica leave the restaurant, the camera quickly shifts once more, as we are transported to several hours later, where we see Amal walking into a nightclub as the scene continues…

Amal’s Confessional: The last few times we’ve been together, it’s been a little crazy, so I’ve invited Teairra and Brian out for a few drinks. Teairra and I have gotten so much closer these past few months and Brian is relatively new to this group; so I think this is the perfect opportunity for us to get together for a little girl talk. That and there are a few questions I want to ask Brian.
Teairra: Teairra starts walking in, waving. Hey, hey, hey!

Teairra’s Confessional: Amal invited me out for drinks and a fun little girls night and I immediately accepted the invite because we have to get into some things anyway! It’s been a while since me and Amal have been in a setting just getting tea out and discussing topics so I think this will be fun!
Amal: Amal swivels off bar chair. Hello beautiful girl!! Don’t you look so cute! Amal gives Teairra a kiss on the cheek.
Brian: Brian walks in and makes her way to the Ladies. Hi my loves!!!

Amal: Amal sees Brian approaching. Hey Brian!! Look at this boho chic look you’re giving us!
Teairra: Hey ladies! Y’all look bomb!
Brian: Brian blows kisses. You know me! Thank you Tea!! Anyone call you Tea?!
Amal: Oh, I like that! Tea! Maybe even Sweet Tea because you’re so sweet, Teairra.
Brian: My favorite kinda tea is sweet!
Amal: I’m more an English Breakfast or Rhubarb Lavender kind of girl.
Teairra: Oh, that is cute! they usually just call me T like the letter never thought of it as TEA the drink! Teairra snaps her fingers. You’re unique, I like that! Cause the body is tea too! Teairra twirls.
Amal: So, thank you girls for coming out for a little drinky! I feel like we’re pretty much the only ones with our hands clean at the moment. No one here is fighting with anyone. We’re the peaceful trio!
Brian: Thank god look at us! This group has been very dramatic.
Teairra: I think so too! This is the most peaceful I’ve been… it feels good to just relax!
Amal: Well, it’s been a bumpy few months for you, T… Amal rubs Teairra on the arm. The thing is we can all have fun together. We can all enjoy each other’s time. It’s just gone off the rails a little bit.
Brian: Who’s to blame?
Teairra: Well…a lot has happened so I don’t even know who to blame at this point. I’ve been in such a different space and focused on my music.

Amal: At this point…all of them. They’ve all done said something to someone that I wouldn’t have liked being said to moi. Amal gestures to herself. They all need to take some type of accountability. Amal turns to Teairra. Oh, how is that going?! The last we chatted you had run into… Amal makes a confused face. Your manager I want to say in Nantucket.
Teairra: Lorenzo, yes, he’s a BIG music executive in the industry its going actually really good, he’s actually really levitated me to a better space now that we’ve been around each other a lot. I’m a lot more confident.
Amal: Brian, Teairra’s voice is amazing! It’s like a mix of Beyoncé and Mary J Blige. That conglobulation.

Teairra’s Confessional: Lorenzo and I are like a dynamic duo when we’re in the studio together, I mean Kendrick, my producer, and I always work well because of course he’s like a brother, but Lorenzo knows so much that it actually fascinates me, and he knows the type of sound I go for so he gives me the GOOD tips, I’m blessed to have him around.
Amal: Oh wow, so Lorenzo is introducing you to new things, musically?
Teairra: Beyonce and Mary J? Now, I am a vocal queen, but I haven’t reached that high yet! Teairra laughs. Thank you though Amal! Yes! In my opinion, he knows what songs or beats I would fit more on if that makes sense, it’s like he knew me for a long time or something and I just met him like a month or two ago.

Amal’s Confessional: I’m a little taken a back right now. The way Teairra is speaking about her music manager… Listen, I’d be pissed if my husband was talking about another woman like that. That’s all I’ll say.
Amal: And the two of you have what? Some kind of connection? Amal pauses. Musically of course.
Teairra: Yeah… Teairra looks around nervously. Of course, musically! Always keep it professional. Teairra takes a sip of her drink and looks at it trying to change the topic. Oh, this is really good!
Brian: But on a scale of 1–10…how attractive we talking?
Teairra: I’m a married woman, I can’t answer that! But he’s a handsome man I can’t take that away from him.
Amal: Brian!! Oh, maybe he’s single. Brian, are you single? Are you trying to get yourself a date out of my friend Teairra?
Brian: I’m seeing someone, but you never know!
Teairra: Teairra laughs awkwardly. Oh! You’re seeing someone? So, everyone has at least somebody!
Amal: Well, you can send him my way. I’m the only single one in this little clique. Amal points around to the three of them.
Brian: How in the world are you single!
Teairra: Single?? Officially? I thought you had a new man. What?
Amal: Oh, it’s a long story Brian. My divorce from Tommy was recently finalized and Jordan and I haven’t been taking some time apart for a few months now. I’m loving it, if I’m honest. This is the first time in a while I’m focusing on myself. Myself and unfuckingbelievable sex! New man? Me? No ma’am.
Teairra: You should definitely just take this time to just be single and explore your options, aka your city girl era! I think it’ll be fun for you!
Amal: I’m certainly enjoying it ladies. Amal laughs. So tell us Brian, what about you? What are your thoughts on the girls so far? You’ve been a little on the quiet side the last 2 times we were around each other.

Brian: I’m someone who takes it all in! I’m a good reader, and y’all are nuts! I’m really focused on two people and that’s Billie and Polly. I’m trying to figure out why they are beefing so much. When Billie and I met him, that’s all he talked about. This little Polly girl. It’s almost like Billie is just trying to poke someone for no reason!
Teairra: Oh honey, if you were here from the start of it you can definitely see that Billie was poking her for no reason and I even told her that which resulted in me and her almost getting into an altercation, so I left it alone. She doesn’t see it that way for some reason.
Amal: Look, Billie has been a bit harsh on her. I do have to say that, and I love Billie but she’s no angel either. Polly does have a mouth on her though.
Brian: But maybe Polly is just defending herself?
Teairra: Polly does! But she was so sweet entering the group and now the beast in her is awoken…and who’s to blame for that?
Brian: Is Polly the one who slept with her best friend’s husband?
Amal: Amal laughs at Brian. Yes Brian.
Brian: Oh, that’s right. That’s why Billie doesn’t like her. Billie almost threw a glass at me when I asked what’s wrong with what she did! Brian laughs.

Brian’s Confessional: Billie has always had a temper! Anger management 101 please!
Teairra: But that doesn’t have anything to with Billie, that’s why I’m so confused but apparently she knew the best friend I don’t know, it’s just a mess.
Brian: That’s what she’s claiming these days?
Amal: And I told Polly that Billie has that resentment towards her. I also told Billie when we were all in Nantucket that the girl is here, and she has to move on with her. I said it in front of all the girls on that last night.
Brian: Girls…Billie can be a one trick pony if you know what I mean!
Amal: Wait, what do you mean Brian?
Brian: You know, like the girl only knows one trick! And that trick is to deflect from her own life and then point fingers to others. When I was younger, we would call these people… “Deflectors.”
Teairra: Teairra widens her eyes and makes a confused face. Wait, so you’re saying Billie has done something similar? Or she’s a liar?
Brian: Girls, I’m just saying what happens when you pet a pony on its nose…
The camera pans to Teairra and Amal as they make confused faces…
Brian: IT BITES!
Amal: Amal jumps back. Oh lord. Not the pony!

Teairra’s Confessional: Brian has known Billie far longer than any of us, so she definitely knows more than we do, who’s to say we do know the true Billie Reed, she already is a lot older than me so I don’t know half of her story.
Teairra: Oh honey…. I guess we’ll find out if she gets petted on her nose?
Amal: Wait Brian, I’m confused. Are you and Billie friends or not?
Brian: We’ve known each other for years, I just know how she operates. I do truly love her though.
Amal: Well fair enough, I guess. Anyway, they should be getting together soon if they haven’t already. Polly sent her that voice note at her pride party.
Brian: Thank God! Hopefully they can just move on already!
Teairra: I’m still trying to figure Billie out so that’s okay! but wait, wait, wait… Teairra looks over at Amal. Speaking of Polly, what was all that at the pride event? Like you caused chaos and ran out!
Amal: Amal laughs and covers her mouth. Wait, did I? I know I had a few too many of those wet pussy shots and was a bit mouthy but I don’t remember everything that happened.

Teairra: You basically spilled how Polly felt about Daphne, and they started going at it! Something about Daphne not paying Polly, something I didn’t even know they had an issue! I was shocked, I had to walk away my damn self.
Brian: I forgot about that!
Amal: Amal makes a face. Oh shit. That’s not good… Amal awkwardly laughs. Look, Polly did say some things about Daphne and how she can’t seem to get in contact with her and that she’s a bit wishy washy.

Amal’s Confessional: Polly did say what I repeated at the party but I probably shouldn’t have repeated it myself. I guess I done fucked up…
Amal: How bad did it get between them?
Teairra: Well, now they have unfinished business, I thought this group was making progress honey. Teairra laughs. I mean hands were moving and necks were rolling, and every time they thought it was over the other came back with a smart remark and it started up again.

Teairra’s Confessional: Honestly, I was actually entertained by Polly and Daphne arguing because it was unexpected! But I was so drunk I couldn’t even fully focus in all the way but still, a very entertaining duo.
Brian: This damn group…
Amal: Part of me is really mad at myself for starting that but part of me is also sad for missing it. Amal laughs.
Teairra: Hopefully we get a rematch when I’m sober! I’m sorry, we all need a little entertainment here and there.
Brian: I’ll look forward to that!! Ok girlies! Gotta pick up the daughter!
Amal: That’s just girls being girls. Amal laughs.
As Brian leaves the bar, the camera begins to pan as we see Teairra and Amal staying at the bar and ordering another drink as the two laugh, before the scene shifts to the following day at Erica’s home. There, we see cameras descend down on Erica’s house as several scenes are shown; we see Erica and her team in the pool as Deion is on the grill, we then see Erica’s team playing golf at her mini golf era and then it switches to Deion & Erica playing each other in pool as the scene begins…

Erica’s Confessional: Today, I’ve invited all of my team here for a sort of professional development day. My team is so close and that’s mainly because we’re close and we actually have fun together. I usually do these days to have some fun and then also, get shit done.
As the food is done, everyone sits down outside taking a seat at the table as Erica’s Producer, Matt, brings out a whiteboard…

Matt: Alright, now let’s get down to business.
Erica: First, let’s start with last week’s analysis. How did we do on our videos, the episodes and how receptive was everyone to our guest?
Leah (Erica’s Social Media Expert): Pride Week was such a success. I think having Honey Balenciaga talk about their struggles within the community and also how successful they are now, really resonated with a lot of people.
Justin: I loveeee me some Honey, hunny.
Erica: Oh, we know. Erica laughs.
Leah: I didn’t see that many negative comments, and I think we can all agree how amazing that is.
Deion: I think last week was amazing, I have friends in the community but being able to actually hear the struggles as a straight man was an eye opener. I loved it and I just hope everyone out there loved it too.
Erica: I’m glad you took away from that and that’s exactly what I wanted to do last week. To spread awareness but also captivate the stories of these brave successful individuals and I think we did that.
Justin: All while cooking, okay!
Leah: Leah snaps. Okay!

Erica’s Confessional: The world is full of hatred and it’s really sad. Being able to really spread awareness and celebrate individuals who have to fight every day to make it to where it is, is something I’m glad I’m able to do on my platform. People loved the recipes, and they loved the guest. And if you didn’t, you’re not the supporter, I don’t want you on my platform anyway.
Matt: Okay E, so we’ve been setting up everything for the special episode later this week featuring your cast-mates. We’re making it interactive, correct?
Erica: Yes, We’re having about 4–5 Fresh Lobsters coming. So, I hope these girls can kill what they eat.
Justin: Justin rolls his eyes. Is everyone coming? Like that one you were telling us about… the painter.
Erica: Erica laughs. You’re so Shady!
Leah: No seriously, is she coming? Because she had a lot to say about… Leah circles around the table with her arms. All this.
Erica: Well, Daphne and I have actually had a talk and we’re good. Our situation is petty, and that’s where I’ll leave it.
Justin: She said we filmed on an iPhone X! An iPhone X!
Leah: Well, it’s clear as day that she knows nothing about technology, how old is she?
Erica: Guys and I talked about her decaying vagina, it’s fine. We’re fine. We don’t need to keep going in circles.
Erica’s teams lets out snickers as the camera pans around the table…

Erica’s Confessional: Justin & Leah are troublemakers but they’re my troublemakers. They have the best interest for me at heart, but they run that mouth… as you can see Matt and Deion wants no part of the gossip.
Matt: Okay, if we can get back on track. Are there any of the ladies that we aren’t inviting?
Erica: I think the guest list that I sent out on the email was quite clear. Only 5 of the ladies shall be permitted in and have reserved seating. As for the other lady, well lady adjacent, unless she’s buying a ticket, she won’t be there with the rest.

Erica’s Confessional: At the moment, I have no place in my heart for Brian. I don’t understand her motives coming back into this group, it’s just been yapping of the mouth since she’s returned, and I don’t want that anywhere near my business.
Deion: Deion smirks and laughs. Is that the one who called you a pornstar?
Erica: Erica hits Deion playfully. Now you got jokes?
Justin: I can’t believe she said MY boss was swinging on poles.
Erica: Okay, now. I still write your checks.
Justin: Okay I take everything back. Don’t fire me!
Erica: It’s just unfortunate that this topic could be brought up again especially with what I’m facing.

Erica’s Confessional: Honestly, Divorce is pretty scary. Everything was all set in stone until Robert wanted to talk about the terms of custody. I haven’t seen this man face to face in over a year. So, I’m just hoping this “pornstar” scandal won’t be brought up and used against me for the custody of my child.
Erica: Erica looks away. I just want this all to be over with.
Deion: Hey, can y’all give us a minute?
Matt, Justin & Leah are shown walking away from the table and back down to the pool area…
Deion: Deion gets close to Erica. What’s wrong? I know you not letting that sorry ass loser get to you.
Erica: Deion, I just want this shit to be over with.
Deion: Deion rubs Erica back. I know you do, and I know what this douche has put you through, but you need to remember how strong you are. You’re a fighter Erica, I know it, everyone knows it and this time you’re fighting for your child. You could have taken the easy way and just agreed to Robert’s terms, but you didn’t. You’ll come out on top always.
Erica: Erica hugs Deion as she wipes her tears. Thank you, I’m glad I can have somebody to have my back the way you do.

Erica’s Confessional: Listen, I’m stressed! It’s been almost two years of dealing with this BS and I’m just ready to move on with my life. I’m thankful for my team, my friends and family for just being there for this journey of healing. I know this conversation with Robert is looming and I don’t know If I’m excited or just scared.
Erica: Okay, I’m good. I’m good, right?
Deion: You’re good! Deion smiles.
Erica: Alright TEAM, LET’S GO! We have some work to do, we’ve got a big show this week.
Justin: Justin sashays up the stairs. Finally! We brought shots just to brighten up the mood!
Erica: Erica laughs. Pour me up!
As Erica and her team take a shot the camera pans out as the scene ends. We then transition to several days later, where we see Erica at the studio in hair and makeup as the scene continues. Cameras show the live audience getting seated in their chairs, as production begins to get ready and cuts to Erica getting final touch ups as she and Deion get ready to walk on stage as we continue…

Erica’s Confessional: Today is a very special episode, Deion and I have invited all of the girls to be a part of our newest cooking episode. My passion for cooking has really become a highlight in my life and I share it with millions of people, and I wanted to do that with the girls. Some of them can’t cook, so hopefully they’ll leave out of this place at least knowing one recipe.
We then watch as we see the Ladies beginning to arrive one by one to the studio and make their ways inside…

Billie: Billie walks in. Ericaaaa!! This is fabulous!

Amal’s Confessional: I’m so excited for my girlie, Erica!! She’s been working tirelessly on this new cooking show of hers, so I’m beyond proud to be here and support her on this latest venture!
Daphne: Daphne walks in, looking around at the set. Wow, this is a quite major production!
Amal: Oh wow! I match the set! Amal looks down at her pants. Maybe this show should be called Amal’s Kitchen…

Erica’s production team is shown escorting the ladies to their seats in the front row…
Amal: Amal takes a seat in the front row with Billie and Daphne. Where are the other girls? This is about to start!
Daphne: You know they’re always late… Daphne shrugs.
Amal: So rude and disrespectful…

Teairra’s Confessional: Erica and I have been in communication heavy ever since we made up officially, so of course, I’m here for her cooking show, she’s been telling me all the deets about it and I’m so excited for her! Like yes, this is how you branch out to different endeavors!
Teairra: Teairra walks in, waving. Hey, heyyyy!

Billie: Teairra, hey girl. Have a seat! The show is about to start!!
Teairra: Teairra walks over quickly and takes a seat. I had to rush over here honey!
The light’s dim as music begins to play and the kitchen lights up as Erica and Deion walks on stage waving and smiling as the crowd cheers…

Erica: Hi Everybodyyy!! Erica blows kisses. If you didn’t know my name is Erica Kaoir
Deion: And I’m Deion Butler!
Erica: And welcome to another episode of “B*tch, She Can Cook!”
The crowd continues to cheer…
Erica: Today, we are making a nice summer dish, and nothing says summer like some baked mac and cheese. We’ll be making a nice sized pan of Lobster mac and cheese. Everyone loved my mac and cheese recipe and now we’re adding onto it.
Deion: Listen y’all, I don’t know if she can top that mac and cheese that she previously made but we never doubt Erica around here and you all know I trust her and her skills. Do we trust Erica’s skills?
The crowd continues applauding and yelling as Deion asks the question…
Erica: Now, this is very special episode because its full of exceptional ladies tonight. Joining you all in the crowd today give it up for my fellow cast members from our show, Ladies of Twitter!
FAB by Jojo begins to play as “Where were you when I needed you” starts and shows the light shining on the girls in the crowd…
Amal: Amal cheers. Erica ROCKS!!

Billie’s Confessional: Erica’s show is named “Bitch She Can Cook,” is that a dig at Daphne? Billie laughs. Erica is so shady.
Billie: Ladies, ladies this is a live show! Let’s not take away from Erica’s moment!!
Erica: Erica smiles at the ladies. Hi Girls!!! Thank you all for being here and I hope you’re all ready to get down in the kitchen because later you will be joining me on stage! And since this is such a special episode, we have to pair it with a special drink. This is a Strawberry Lemonade Vodka Slush! Made from AU Strawberry Vodka.
Erica’s staff are shown handing everyone on stage one and passing them out in the audience…
Erica: First and foremost, what do I always say? You grate your own cheese! Baby if we want a nice cheesy mac and cheese then we grate our own cheese, no store brought processed shredded cheese…
Erica continues to go on showing playful flirty banter with Deion and then brings out 4 large lobsters…
Erica: Now, can I get my ladies up on the stage!
Billie: Billie grabs Amal. Come on miss juicy booty! Let’s go down there and show these girls how to cook in the kitchen.

Daphne’s Confessional: God, I can’t cook to save my life. I hope she just called us on stage to give us a shoutout. Daphne laughs a bit.

Billie’s Confessional: The only thing Amal knows how to cook is a cup of noodles. Teairra looks like she eats take out a lot and Daphne has a chef on staff. Erica is asking the wrong girls to come to help her sous chefs.
Erica: Erica smiles at the ladies. My girls!!!! Before you we have 4 lobsters and it’s time to chop them thangs up for our mac and cheese! Follow me! Erica grabs the knife chopping the lobsters head off and quickly pulling the claws and tail off. We want all the meat!
Just then, we hear a tense beat as the camera pans and we see Brian waltzing into the studio, twenty minutes late, as she looks around for a seat…

Brian: Ugh, what in the world is this? Audience participation?

Brian’s Confessional: I know I’m late, but you think I want to see someone fake their way through a newfound talent?
We then watch as Erica’s staff quickly grab Brian and seat her at the back of the room, away from the other Ladies as we focus back in on the stage…
Billie: Oh? We are killing live lobsters everyone, look out!
Amal: Sorry, what are we doing? Stabbing live lobsters?
Erica: This is the most humane way! They’re frozen right now which means they’re sleeping. We don’t boil live lobsters anymore, uh uh.

Teairra’s Confessional: I support Erica, but I’m already scared of these type of creatures and now she wants me to chop its head off while its alive? Lord forgive me.
Teairra: Teairra grabs her knife and cuts into the lobster, screaming while taking its head off and looks at it. Oh my god, it’s moving!
Amal: Amal tries to cut the frozen lobster, but it slips from her bench and onto the floor. Oh shit! Amal covers her mouth. Oh my god! I’m so sorry! This is daytime tv, right? I’m sorry middle aged viewing audience.

Billie: Billie laughs at the ladies struggling to cook. Erica, this comes natural to me. It looks like our other sisters are clearly struggling over there!
Amal: Amal picks the lobster up from the floor. Billie, if you’re such an expert then HERE! Amal throws the lobster at Billie.
Deion: Aye aye aye! Deion throws a live lobster at Amal as Erica runs.
Billie: Ouch you bitch. Billie covers her mouth. Oh, I just cussed on live tv! That seriously hurt me, Amal!
Amal: Amal catches live lobster and starts to scream. AHHHHHHH ITS MOVING! IT’S ALIVE!
We watch as Daphne is seen with a mortified face as she watches the Ladies and shakily cuts her lobster’s head off…

Daphne’s Confessional: That was… not good. Never cooking again!
Erica: Erica is seen laughing as Deion holds her. Give it up for my Ladies of Twitter of everyone!

Erica’s Confessional: I should have known these ladies would make a mess in the kitchen but then again, it’ll be great for ratings…
We then watch as the Ladies make their way back to their seats, as the scene quickly shows Erica finalizing the dish and pulling it out of the oven as the audience watches in amazement…
Erica: I would just like to thank you all for coming out and I’m so thankful for my castmates coming out. Until next time, Erica out!
The audience cheers as the show ends and the staff is shown handing the plated food to the ladies…
Erica: Erica walks off the stage towards the other Ladies. You bitches are a mess…
Billie: Billie walks over with the other ladies to Brian, to bring the group together. Erica fabulous show! I’m so proud of you!
Erica: Erica hugs Billie. Thank you for coming! You ladies throwing lobster should be all over the social media!
Amal: Erica!! You are such a natural up there! I’m so proud of you!
Brian: It was hysterical!
Billie: I’m sure we will be the laugh stock on the internet before too long. Billie laughs.
Erica: I’m sorry you couldn’t be up there Brian; I only had enough room for the four invited guest. I know you’ll understand. Erica lets out a faint smile.
Brian: I would have preferred sitting in the parking lot! You are good
Billie: Now Brian that’s no way to act. I thought you were coming here with good vibes today…
Erica: Well, that could have been arranged seeing as though you weren’t formally invited.
Brian: I was until I was running late. Things happen — Brian looks at Billie. Oh? No invite?
Billie: Well, I invited you here today…

Brian’s Confessional: So, I wasn’t actually invited? But Billie sent me a fake invite text? See what I mean? One trick pony!

Erica’s Confessional: I don’t know why Brian is so shocked that I didn’t extend an invite? Why would I? Girl, get absolutely real.
Amal: Amal awkwardly changes the subject. So Billie, you saw Polly the other day, huh? How’d that go?
Teairra: Wait, you linked up with Polly? Okay! Hopefully it was a good time, right?
Billie: Oh, my sit down with Polly was fantastic. We really got to the root of our issues and decided to let bygones be bygones. She even took me to a fun club afterwards and we didn’t get home until almost two in the morning!
Daphne: Oh, that’s great! Finally!
Amal: Amal raises her eyebrows. Oh wow! Really? Amal starts to jump up and down. That makes me so happy, Billie-Lou!
Billie: We really are trying at a blossoming friendship. I just hope it sticks! Slow and steady win the race! What about you two? Billie points at Erica and Daphne. How are you two? I mean things seem to be rather pleasant between you two?

Daphne: We are good, yes, things are just fine. We just decided to leave our petty little argument behind and move forward. Daphne looks at Erica and smiles.
Teairra: Oh, the group is moving forward I see! That’s so cute I’m glad everybody is being grown about their situations with one another.
Erica: Well, Daphne actually extended an invite and we actually sat and heard each other out. We both agreed that it was petty and honestly that we actually liked each other! Erica laughs. So, we’re good. Billie, this is one friend that I would not call a stray! Erica looks over at Brian as she says stray.

Billie’s Confessional: HALLE- FREAKIN- LUJAH it was about time they made peace. I don’t like when my two friends are going back and forth!
Daphne: Daphne laughs along with Erica. Thank you for that!
Billie: Oh, this makes my heart so happy! I feel like for once we are building a true sisterhood in this group. It’s unfortunate though that Brian and Erica, you two can’t sort out your differences.
Amal: So, does this mean we’re all finally a group of bonded girlfriends with no issues?!

Erica: I don’t think Brian is really here for sisterhood though…she’s not even a sister to you Billie, so I don’t think you should really be sticking out your neck for her. Especially after the things Teairra told me she said about you…
Brian: Like?

Daphne’s Confessional: Daphne makes a face. Here we go again…
Billie: Billie looks around in shock. Wait just a damn minute. WHAT?
Erica: Erica looks over at Teairra. Well, I’ll give Teairra the floor since you said it in front of her.
Teairra: Brian, you called Billie a one trick pony so I’m really shocked that you two are arm and arm and she even invited you here, I didn’t know you two were friends the way you spoke about her.

Erica’s Confessional: Check & Mate bitch, Brian, you came around this group trying to be messy and look how that mess has bit you on the ass! Erica laughs. Go against Erica? It’s gonna cost yaaa!
Billie: SHE SAID WHAT ABOUT ME? A one trick pony? This is news to me ladies.
Brian: Oh my gosh!
Billie: Brian, did you say that?
Brian: The pony part?
Amal: Amal shakes her head no. No, what she was said was that Billie is a one trick pony THAT BITES.
Billie: Amal, I need you to shut up for one damn second.
Brian: Are you not??
Erica: What a friend!
Teairra: She said that Billie likes to deflect her own life and put her problems onto others! Teairra shrugs.
Amal: Amal whispers to Daphne, giggling. She asked, ‘are you not.’
Brian: I called her a DEFLECTOR!
Erica: Erica gasps. Oh my god? Are you for-real right now? Brian, that’s not okay! Not okay!

Billie: Brian, I thought me bringing you back in this group would be a good thing for our friendship but you just showed me your true colors. You are no one’s FRIEND. Billie steps in front of Brian. Say it to my face.
Brian: And I said… I love her dearly! And she is like my sister!
Erica: Wait a minute, Bill! Wait!
Brian: YOU BITE! You going to bite me?
Amal: Amal starts to clap and whistle. HEY, HEY, HEY! None of that, Billie!
Billie: If I’m a one trick pony I would slap the dog shit out of you like I should’ve done seasons ago!
Brian: Are you not?? You’re a one trick pony, who I ADORE!
Erica: Oh my god! Brian, she invited you here and this is how you treat her! Disgusting Bri! Disgusting!
Billie: Why would you call me a pony! YOU LOOK like a donkey.

Amal’s Confessional: The more this woman asks Billie, ‘Are you not?’ The more she is driving these bitches crazy. Amal laughs and slaps her knees. This is some funny shit.
Brian: Can you calm down? Someone get the girl a large carrot. I can EXPLAIN! Billie, I’ve known you for many, many years. I think you like to deflect things and focus on other people’s issues to keep you safe. True or not true? Billie keep in mind…we’ve had honest conversations about this.

Teairra’s Confessional: Was I the source telling Erica this information? Maybe! But I didn’t expect Billie to turn into Billie badass and be ready to choke Brian out! but I’m enjoying the show! I don’t give a damn.
Billie: This isn’t about what I do or don’t do Brian. We haven’t talked in a while prior to me reaching out asking for your advice on producing a tv show. Who cares what private and honest conversations we’ve had away from the group? Those were our conversations you were supposed to keep in confidence not exploit me the first chance you get.

Brian’s Confessional: If I wanted to take Billie down, I’d tell everyone what’s she has said about them…but that’s not what I am doing!
Brian: You act like I’m trying to ruin you. Do you realize in this convo I kept saying this is why I love you so much and consider you like a sister! I love you, Billie!
Billie: Sisters don’t go around bad-mouthing other sisters. I would never sit up with any of these ladies and trash talk you. Clearly our definition of sisterhood is very different. That’s probably why I’ve outlasted you in this kind of group.
Teairra: Brian…okay. Teairra sets her macaroni to the side. You’re about to piss me off! Because how is this your sister? You talked about her like a dog! And even said she was poking Polly for no reason and you don’t even know Polly….
Amal: Well to be fair Teairra, you also said that Billie was bullying Polly for no reason.

Brian: Oh jeez! Here we go. You are not getting it. Tea, I have met Polly and I talked about how Billie told me about the Polly situation and I told you how Billie almost threw a glass the first time we met to talk about this!
Billie: Well shit does anyone else have anything they’ve said behind my back that I need to know about?
Teairra: I told Billie that to her face! Amal wait, because you didn’t even tell Billie any of this information and Billie and you have been friends longer than Billie and I!
Billie: I did NOT almost throw a glass about the Polly situation. You’re such a liar Brian. No wonder your EPs on your daytime show pulled the plug after a season. They saw right though who you are. You’re dirty.
Brian: That’s a lie Billie!!! You even said it!! They will ALL SEE!
Billie: Billie looks to the cameras. This can’t be for real? Are any of these ladies my real friends? You know what this has been fun Erica, but I’m not going to sit here and keep being the punching bag. Clearly majority of you don’t have my best interest at heart, so keep gossiping about me. I’m out of here. Billie gets up and walks out of the building.

Billie’s Confessional: I am devastated by majority of the girls’ actions today. They like to poke and poke at me until I react and then when I do, I’m the bad guy. I’m over this group and all the phoniness that comes with it. Hell, where’s Polly? I’d rather be with her than most of these bitches at this point.
Teairra: You should’ve told Billie, Amal! You and her are still good sisters, right? I have a real heart as well it won’t be flipped on me!
Amal: No one is flipping anything on you, Teairra!
Brian: You were eating up everything I said! How dare you take all the info and try to turn it negative!
Amal: But to call me fake when I’ve only ever been a friend to you Teairra. You need to apologize to me.
Erica: REALLY LADIES? Why is Teairra getting so much backlash? Erica points at Brian. YOU SAID IT!
Brian: And I didn’t deny it!
Erica: So don’t try and come for her when you bad mouthed your friend! You know what, get out. Erica points to the door. You can go.

Teairra: Amal, you just tried to throw me under the bus. I don’t think you deserve an apology right now.
Brian: Well sweetie…no one else is here. It’s over. Of course, I will leave…congrats on your new cooking ventures! It’s better than your last! Brian bursts out laughing as she walks out of the studio.
Erica: I would say congratulations on your ventures but we don’t know what that is seeing as though you’ve once again returned here to get some notoriety. Erica waves at Brian. Bye hun!

Brian’s Confessional: I love how I got called out for being messy… OOOPS! God forbid I say something…then own up to it? What’s next? I’m happy Erica finally got a new job and she’s off the pole.
Daphne: So, now that you guys have dropped it, can we go have a drink? My head hurts from all the yelling.
Erica: Well…thanks for coming Ladies.

Erica’s Confessional: Today has been a complete shit show and I enjoyed every minute of it. Erica looks over at the sponsored vodka in her hand. What did they put in this vodka? These bitches were tripping!
As we see the remaining Ladies depart the studio, the camera pans out as the scene and episode come to an end.