Season 9, Episode 10: ‘Loans and Lies’

Ladies of Twitter
16 min readDec 12, 2019

Previously on Ladies of Twitter… a trip to Miami concluded with intense shouting between Tyler, Brian, Pat, and Devyn. Back in Twitter, Leah and Nina caught up about Leah’s brawl and Nina’s divorce. Tyler and Brian went to the Emmys as Nina got into it with Devyn and Pat over their behavior.

As the episode begins one week after Miami, we see the Ladies going about their days and getting ready. We see some of the Ladies working. Just then, the scene shifts and we see a rooftop patio where the Ladies are planning to have lunch. They then begin arriving one by one and greeting each other as they take their seats.

Leah Confessional: As much as I would love to be plucking each one of my toenails off I decided why not join the ladies for lunch. I haven’t seen them since Miami and I’m grateful for that. But I’ll give it another try…

Brian: Nina, my love, we missed you!

Nina: Oh Brian…how I woud have rather been in Miami than LA.

Brian: I’d have rather been in LA instead of that mess.

Nina: Mess and *points to Devyn* go hand in hand so it was bound to happen.

Leah: *walks up to the table where the Ladies are sitting* Well hello all…

Devyn Confessional: Being in this room is like the hunger games. Who is getting their heads chopped off first? Nina should volunteer as tribute. *laughs*

Nina: Hey Leah! Tequila shots to start this lunch off? *laughs*

Tyler: We may need something stronger doll

Leah: That sounds lovely

Pat: I would love a shot

Devyn: Patrick, hasn’t Nina stabbed you in the back enough? You are going to bleed out from all the wounds.

Nina: *orders shots for the table and then points toward Patrick and whispers to the server* Make hers a double…actually five, not one for the big mouth.

Pat: Dev, I just want peace today. Please. Brian, I saw you won an Emmy, congrats. You looked great on the Red Carpet

Devyn: Brian, can we chat?

Brian: Of course?

Devyn: Just wanted to tell you congrats and I love you. Even though I don’t see eye to eye with your family doesn’t mean you are any less my sister.

Tyler: *chuckles*

Brian: Thank you, hun, I appreciate that. But they way you are treating my cousin…it’s inexcusable.

Nina: Leah, I love your sweater babe. So cute!

Devyn: Why are you lying to her Nina?

Pat Confessional: I gag every time Nina compliments Leah. It’s insufferable.


Tyler: She better preach it

Pat: Woah Nina, calm down…

Devyn: No, I don’t but I see you’ve figured out how to talk again after being on your “NFL” knees the last 5 years.

Tyler: You should’ve seen them in Miami, Nina dear. It was like this on steroids

Nina: I believe it the classless duo over there being messy bitches. I’m over it

Pat: Stop. Can we have one meal together that doesn’t involve screaming? We aren’t going to get anything accomplished like this

Brian: Have you suddenly seen the light pat? Are you mother Teresa?

Devyn: Hold up, Patrick. I don’t sit at tables and break bread with people I’d rather cut than follow my oath.

Nina: Pat, then talk your hand out of your puppets ass so she can shut the fuck up. No one wants to hear her stupid little side comments every damn time.

Tyler: Oh Lord. Now she’s over here cutting people.

Devyn: I haven’t yet Tyler. But I know a trick or 2.

Tyler: Trust me, that’s the one thing we agree on

Nina: She talks too much…

Brian Confessional: I’m tired of pat playing Little Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf.

Pat: At least she’s here talking. Being real. Honest and Raw. Can’t say the same for others.

Devyn: Fake is a prescription they get filled every month Pat. They meaning Tyler, Nina, and Leah.

Tyler: Devyn, you don’t know me. I’m not sitting here talking about you. Just shut your mouth about me.

Leah: Okay can I have the floor for a second…

Brian: Sure Leah, go for it.

Leah: Clearly everybody knows I left Miami early because of what happened with Pat. So I’d like to apologize…. for everyone who had to bear witness to that. It’s totally out of my character. I was attacked and I reacted so I’m sorry you all had to see that

Pat: You were attacked? I don’t remember it happening like that but okay

Brian: *grabs fork and begins pointing it at the Ladies* Which one of you attacked me?

Leah: Brian, your bones are brittle so you mostly likely stood up and hurt yourself. Find a geriatric doctor. And yes Pat, I was attacked. Clearly I had to react in self-defense.

Brian: So it was you then Leah? Here I am trying to clear your name!


Leah: Brian hush, this doesn’t involve you. Go knit something

Pat: Honestly babe, why can’t you just be honest with these girls.

Leah: What would you like me to be honest about Patrick?

Pat: All this drama for what? The Money Leah.

Leah: I’m the liar? Have you been honest with everyone here?

Pat: I have been as honest as I could be with the circumstances that are going on

Tyler: As honest as I could be. *chuckles* My God.

Leah: Honest as you could? So like 65% honest? That’s cute

Devyn: So your saying Leah is as broke as Tyler. Birds of a feather.

Leah: I haven’t lied about anything. Have I chosen not to answer certain things out of respect for my husband? Yes

Pat: I’ll admit my part if you admit yours.

Leah: Devyn, isn’t there a vagina you should be pulling children out of or a husband you should be stealing? Someone should sew your lips shut

Pat: Leah, you have lied on my name from day one to these girls. You insulted me, my child, everything about my life.

Leah: Tell me the lies, please

Pat: You haven’t been honest. It has zero to do with Apollo and you know that

Leah: You came back to Twitter with an agenda to try and ruin my life. It’s not working. You came here saying my husband was your child’s father when we both know it’s a lie. Admit that

Pat: How are your finances so good?

Leah: My finances are fabulous doll face!

Pat: How did they get so fabulous, Doll Face?

Leah: Through hard work. Clearly. So you’re not admitting you lied on my husband?

Nina Confessional: Can Patrick just spit it out around instead of playing ring around the rosy?

Pat: I haven’t lied on anyone.

Leah: Well clearly this is going nowhere.

Pat: I’ll admit my faults in anything and everything when you are ready to be honest

Leah: Admit what? You loaned me money when we were in college? There it is! Happy? You want it back *pulls checkbook out* here honey.

Devyn: And the truth shall set you free Leah.

Leah: *starts writing check* How much was it? $500?

Pat: You know you don’t have the amount of money I’ve given you and apollo over these years

Brian: Why did it take this long for us all to have this on the table though?

Leah: Here take it *throws check across the table* I know you probably need it so badly Pat

Devyn: That check is gonna bounce.

Pat: If it wasn’t for me you would be nowhere.

Leah: Yeah. You’re so right Pat. You’re responsible for everything

Pat: We gonna tell the whole truth today Leah. You and Apollo owe me about $520,000.

Leah: $520,000? Girl you’re sick

Devyn: I hope Leah and Apollo are as well off as she says. Because that back pay on child support will hit hard otherwise.

Leah: You’ve never had $520. Let alone $520,000 *yells* DEVYN SHUT UP! Get your head out Pat’s twat and fuck off

Nina: I cant with her Tyler I can’t sit here and little to her voice anymore.

Devyn: You look like a deranged crazy person Leah. Yelling and screaming like you were raised in a barn. I can’t relate.

Pat: Ladies. I’m a lot of things. A Liar is not one of them. This girl has lied one me *points at Leah* since day one. I’ll admit it. I fucked up in Miami. I shouldn’t have done what I did. But when you have a child that needs college tuition and you aren’t getting the money that’s owed to you. You get angry

Leah: Pat, nobody owes you $520,000. Stop trying to get Apollo and I to pay your IRS debt. You lied about my husband saying he fathered that spawn of Satan you raised. Get a life

Nina: Devyn, you look like a barnyard animal so I don’t know how you can’t relate.

Leah Confessional: Pat is delusional. Pat came from nothing and to this day has nothing. $520,000? Bitch, please.


Tyler: Here she goes again.


Brian: Spawn of SATAN? Pat you don’t need to hear this…

Pat: Tyler, how would you react if someone was talking about your child?

Tyler: I’d probably scream. But I wouldn’t be up ready to fight them. It’s not my nature to throw hands.

Brian: Girls this is DISGUSTING!

Pat: I’ll kill for my child.

Tyler: Well…

Devyn: That’s something else we agree on Tyler. Throwing hands is so middle school.

Leah: The End. I’m happy to coexist but as far as ever speaking to you again Pat. That’s done.

Nina: Let’s not talk about the kids! Please!

Pat: I’ll keep speaking till you and Apollo write the check

Leah: She lies on my husband and my finances and all bets are off. Say whatever you want Pat. I don’t care. Scream it from the mountain

Pat: Why are you spinning this again girl? You keep going back and forth. Stick to the truth

Leah: But I’ll be good and god damned if you ever get a check from us

Pat: Cause your broke


Devyn: I’m getting off this crazy carousel. *stands up* Pat tell Leah about Apollo business tripping to your house. *laughs*

Leah: Go jump off the nearest bridge Devyn. Headfirst

Pat: She won’t admit it but she knows

Brian: We aren’t getting anywhere here.

Devyn: Leah, I’m only jumping if I can bring you with me.

Pat: Time for me to go. Ladies, it’s was great seeing you.

Devyn Confessional: This lunch was pointless. Nina, Leah, and Tyler are the DBC. Deranged Bitches Club. Membership requires way too much ignorance for me to qualify.

Leah Confessional: One thing Pat did right was birth Zero Fucks Leah. I don’t care what Plastic Devyn and No Forehead Pat have to say. They can argue until their cheek implants melt. I’m unbothered. Stay pressed bitches

As the Ladies begin to leave, the scene shifts to the following day where we see the Ladies going about their days. We then focus in on Tyler’s home, where we see him sitting with his husband at the kitchen counter.

Tyler: *walks in from work, disheveled*

Zack: Hi my love, how was work?

Tyler: Exhausting, some good business tho…and we need it.

Zack: I was thinking when all this is behind us that maybe we go on a trip to Europe or something, just us and the girls.

Tyler Confessional: Here I am hustling every day while he sits at home, and this is what he wants to discuss when I arrive?

Tyler: Zack, come on now, enough with that bullshit.

Zack: What? A family trip is bullshit now?

Tyler: Zack, you know that times are…tough. You can’t work. You can’t bring any income. It’s ALL on my shoulder.

Zack: Baby, that’s not fair. You know I’d work if I could.

Tyler: Honey, it IS fair. I’m working my ass off day in and day out to pay for sins that YOU are being accused of. And then you come to me talking about a trip? It’s ridiculous.

Zack: The money will come back Ty…it will.

Tyler: But it isn’t here! And I’m spending every damn dime I have in this town to run my business, pay half the girl’s private school tuition, for MY house.

Zack: Oh, so now it’s your house?

Tyler: Absolutely. You know it. And I’m running for broke every fucking day because you can’t work while on trial for your work.

Zack: Ty…I know times are tough. I know it’s all my fault. We’re going to be back to where we were one day.

Tyler: Whatever you say Zack.

Tyler Confessional: I love my husband, I do. But this is all too much…I’m spending every dime I have to keep living and the dimes sometimes run low…

As the scene shifts, we see shots of the women going about their days. We see Tanya cutting hair in her salon, we see Brian recording for his talk show, and we see Devyn at DEVine speaking with patients. The scene then shifts and we see Nina and Pat walking up to a bar and sitting down to order.

Pat Confessional: I invited Nina to get some drinks tonight to just reconnect. I love her and want us to get back on the right track

Pat: Thanks for meeting up with me hun.

Nina: Of course! We’re friends… I hope. *looks at menu*

Pat: Yes, we are. I mean that’s why I wanted to meet up with you cause it seems that we’ve drifted and I want to fix that

Nina: The problem between us is your newfound friendship with that loudmouth bitch Devyn.

Pat: I know. I know she can be my mouthpiece, but it’s been tough with all this Leah stuff. Things about my kid, finances, whatever... It was nice to have someone to go to bat for me

Pat Confessional: Of course I don’t agree with Devyn being a loudmouth bitch, she’s been there for me.

Nina: See the thing is I will not insert myself into your mess with Leah, unlike Devyn. She needs attention that she isn’t getting from home clearly. She’s using you Patrick it’s as clear as day but you see it otherwise.

Nina Confessional: Do I want to break up this friendship between those two skanks? Of course I do, so I’ll do whatever I can

Pat: I understand that and respect it but not for nothing Leah’s trashing my kid and it just seems like your letting it happen. Casey also said some things so I don’t know.

Nina: Well, tell me what that bitch said too… she knows not to mess with me

Pat: She said you weren’t a loyal friend. You flip flop and usually go against your real friends. Honestly, It looked that way. That’s why I wanted to fix it now before it got worse

Nina: *slams hand down* Casey can’t handle the truth let alone her own. She doesn’t know how to be a truthful real friend.

Pat: Okay. Let’s just stick with us. I have your back, you have mine.

Nina: Yes, that’s always how it’s been! You need to stop Devyn when she inserts herself and talks for you. She’s ruining your chances of friendships in this group pat.

Pat: To be honest, besides maybe Brian. I don’t need to be friends with the other ladies. I just want my friend back in you. *grabs Nina’s hand*

Nina: *holds hands* I miss you too! We are good! *orders shots* Let’s drink! So 520,000? Like bitch what were you doing in college to have that coin? *laughs*

Pat: Let’s do it! Can we have some fucking fun again! So much Drama with these bitches. It wasn’t just in college. It was long after. Here and There cause me and Apollo were really close. My dad had money and so did my ex *Laughs*

Nina: *laughs* So while you were all in Miami, Leah invited me over to have drinks. Her house is so beautiful… Did you help build it too? *laughs*

Pat: Paid the contractor! The issue is that, this girl knows the truth. Just be real. It’s okay. Just pay me back and we can move on. She just needs my money. That’s why she won’t say shit

Nina: Maybe she doesn’t have the money? I mean when I was at her home it was so cold and lonely. Like bitch where is your husband? Where are your kids? It was empty! I told her that Apollo is being surface with her and not sharing the dirty details.

Pat: Let’s not talk about her anymore. I truly wanna just have some fun. You wanna ditch this place and go dance?

Nina Confessional: I really like Leah she’s fun! But I do have loyalty to Patrick so it’s hard.

Nina: *squeals* Let's GO!

The scene then shifts and we see the Ladies going about their days. The cameras then shift and we see Pat’s house, where Leah is walking up the steps, as ominous music plays.

Leah Confessional: So after that debacle at dinner and the spectacle Pat is making on social media I want this to end. I met with Brian and Tanya and it really made me think what the hell are we even doing? *flashback to an unaired scene where Tanya and Brian tell Leah that it has gone too far* I’m gonna be the adult and call a truce.

Leah: *rings doorbell*

Pat: *opens Door* Hey. Welcome

Leah: Hi there. Thanks for welcoming me over. Shall we sit down and chat?

Pat: Of course. Can I get you something to drink? Tea?

Leah: Tea would be nice. *sits down* So I want to get right into it. Clearly we don’t see eye to eye on anything or the facts of this situation. I’ve said a lot of hurtful things to you and so have you but for what? Public embarrassment? Shame? Being angry all the time isn’t who I am. We had fun at one point in our friendship and now we’re trying to kill each other

Pat: I know. We’ve been acting a little ridiculous. We did have a lot of fun. This whole situation has just been a lot since the beginning and we’ve basically made this whole group split into teams

Pat Confessional: Everyone is piggybacking off of me and Leah's drama. It’s just becoming too much.

Leah: I agree. I want to put an end to it. *takes check out of purse* I want to give you this… a check for $100,000. Can we just…move past it?

Pat: Wow. Thank you. This is all I wanted. I think we can move past it.

Leah: *starts to tear up* That makes me happy

Pat: Me too. Can we hug?

Leah: I’m really sorry for saying what I said about you and your baby. *stands up to hug*

Pat: *hugs* I appreciate that so much. I’m sorry for everything. This was so stupid Leah *Laughs*

Leah: These bitches are going to think we’re psycho

Pat: We might be girl!

Leah: We should take things really slow and work our way back. We’re not going to be fake and act like besties but we can just start slow. I hope from now on we can talk things out

Pat: No! Then everyone will think we need to put away for a psych evaluation *laughs* Yes. Let’s just talk. It’s better to just let things out. The rest of the ladies bring their crap into it and then everything starts spiraling out of control

Leah: Now bitch, where’s the good liquor I need a real drink

Pat: Let’s do a shot for good luck!

Leah Confessional: It’s going to be a long road to mend this friendship, hell even to build trust, but this is step one.

Leah: To a new beginning *downs shot*

Pat: I think moving forward, we will just be cautious of each other. This was a great step but there’s a lot of hurt, obviously.

Leah: There is. I think we can just agree to be around each other and be civil. We don’t have to like each other but we can not want to kill each other all the time

Pat: Absolutely. Can’t have anyone physically fighting again *laughs*

Leah Confessional: Do I trust her? Hell no. But can I be cordial and civil? Absolutely. I hold a lot in about Pat but I’m glad I don’t have to get down and dirty about it. At least not now

As the women take a shot and begin to rebuild their friendship, the scene and episode end.

Next Time on Ladies of Twitter…the Ladies attend Sophie Starz’s event, Nina asks Tyler a question that sends him over the edge. Pat and Leah’s newfound friendship shocks some of the Ladies. Nina addresses what she has heard Casey saying about her.



Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 15 seasons, and catch season 16’s new episodes Sundays & Wednesdays HERE!