Season 9, Episode 2: ‘Rumors, Secrets, or Lies?’

Ladies of Twitter
17 min readNov 19, 2019

Previously on Ladies of Twitter… Leah and Brian attempted to find Tyler as they managed their hectic personal lives. Devyn returned to town with a new face and a new lease on life in Twitter as a successful businesswoman. Leah ran into Nina and Casey who brought along their old friend Pat and her secrets about Leah’s past…

As the episode begins, we see the Ladies going about their days. We see shots of Nina working out, Devyn working in her spa, and Pat driving her son to school. Just then, the cameras shift across town where we see Tyler enjoying lunch with his husband Zack. They are looking at the menu when Brian and Leah arrive together to meet with them.

Tyler Confessional: Zack And I were out to lunch and I’ve been missing Leah…and even Brian. *flips hair* So Zack said I could invite them. I know he isn’t keen on seeing people these days, but we’ve got to try and move forward.

Brian Confessional: I haven’t seen or heard from Tyler in MONTHS! We all haven’t. Hopefully, we will get some answers!


Tyler: *sitting at table inside* It’s nice to be out to lunch instead of eating at home baby *kisses Zack* Oh…hello Brian. How are my godchildren?

Zack: Brian.

Brian: It’s a disaster. Everything is a disaster. I’ve called you countless times. Are you guys ok?!

Zack: We’ve been busy.

Brian: Busy? Yes! I can tell!

Tyler: LEAH! *stands up* Leah! I’ve missed you

Leah: Oh thanks. Lovely to see you too

Zack: It’s good to see you, Leah. Hope that you and Apollo are well

Leah: We’re good. How are you two?

Brian: Alive apparently!

Tyler: I’m exhausted and stressed frankfully *sighs* I basically work, go home and cook & clean, and go to *looks to Zack* meetings…

Brian: So what the deal? We almost hopped the fence to your house last night.

Leah: We were going to file a missing person’s report!

Zack: I think you know the meetings she’s referring to

Tyler: Yeah, I’ve been avoiding attention lately. I’m mostly just at home

Brian: Will we find out things from you? Or Page Six?

Zack: No news is good news, don’t you know that best Brian?

Leah: Is what’s being said in the press…..true? We feel left in the dark

Brian Confessional: Is she doing this on purpose? Disappears, calls a meeting and then doesn’t talk about the truth?

Brian: *throws hands in the air* REALLY? You wanna go there?

Tyler: There are lots of proceedings left to go…we’re praying for the best *smiles to Zack*

Leah Confessional: This is really odd… Zack is controlling what Tyler is saying and it’s just so weird

Zack: Oh Brian, stop with your sixth-grade theatrics

Brian: Tyler…is everything ok?

Tyler: I’m doing well. I’m just managing the challenges of life.

Brian: Why can’t you lean on me and Leah? We are here for you…

Tyler: I don’t want to burden anyone else by weighing them down because my life is just one big stress these days

Brian: Same! Same for me! That’s why we have family!

Leah: And best friends! We want to help you guys however we can.

Tyler: I also work over twelve hours a day…I’m the only one that can work for now. Trust me, I’ve missed talking to you girls

Zack: We’re fine! The meetings will get settled soon, I’m sure

Brian: Here we go. Can you let Tyler talk!?!

Tyler: Brian, you know I’ve always loved you.

Zack: Isn’t She speaking?

Leah: Let’s calm it down. Zack….do you mind if we talk to Tyler alone? Please

Brian: Ty…what is going on!? You seem different. What the heck?

Leah Confessional: I just don’t know what’s happening. Whatever is really going on has Tyler in a comatose state and Zach on edge. I don’t like it at all

Tyler: It’s just stressful Brian. You should understand that. The meetings are tense and they’re almost EVERY DAY! And when there aren’t meetings, I’m working. And when I’m not working, I’m cooking dinner and doing the laundry and being a mom to my fucking kids

Brian: Remember when I was going through my stuff and I was wrong and didn’t tell you? I get it now. I’m being questioned by Devyn.

Brian: What do we say? What would you like us to say? Do you need money?

Zack: We’re fine

Tyler: Let me say this honey. We’re managing on the income I bring in from the store and the smaller perfume business

Leah: Do you all still live in your house? I drove by and it looks like a ghost town

Tyler: *looks confused* We’re living in the House for sure. We certainly couldn’t afford another one

Zack: *whispers to Tyler* This seems like a fucking setup attack.

Brian: Listen, Leah and I are here for you. You’re the talk of the group…

Tyler: I know, I appreciate that…I feel bad I haven’t been in touch. I’ve just been stretched on all sides. And the attorneys have suggested that I tread lightly in going out and doing things, even meals

Zack: See! And this is why! You’re being talked about! This is why the lawyers are saying that, Ty.

Tyler: You girls can help me by being my friends. That’s what I need right now.

Brian: We would love to. We’re all family here! *Looks at Leah and smiles*

Tyler: Leah’s the sister I’ve always wanted. I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you hun. And Brian, you’re my cousin and I care about you more than you understand

Leah: I just….*starts tearing up* hope you’re okay

Tyler: Leah, please don’t cry. You’re gonna make me cry. Listen I AM FINE

Brian: Will we see you again?

Tyler: That’s the plan… I don’t intend to go dark forever

Zack: I’m gonna go grab the car Ty if you want to say your goodbyes. Lovely to see you Ladies… *gets up and walks away*

Brian: *stares at Tyler* What the actual fuck Ty? Why is he treating you like this?

Leah: That’s clearly not the Zack we know

Tyler: Treating me like what? He’s just trying to shield me from the mistakes that he has made

Brian: THIS is not healthy…

Tyler: Bri, that’s my husband! He’s even more stressed than I am. Further, I’ve said a lot of fucked-up lies about him. He has a right to be cold towards YOU!

Brian: And all I’m saying is you have somewhere to go. The guest room can always be Tyler’s room. That’s all I will say. *pauses* Well fuck you too Tyler! Still, my door is open.

Leah: Stop it! Both of you

Tyler: Brian wants to act like my husband is a monster! All I’m trying to say is that Brian has done plenty to damage that relationship

Brian: I’m trying to be there for you! We don’t know what happens behind closed doors! I’m opening my house to you right now Tyler?! I’m trying to be there for you!

Tyler: Nothing! We’re just trying to deal with this as best we can. And I appreciate everything. I’m just saying that you can’t pretend nothing happened between yourself and Zack

Brian: Okay Tyler. I’m the only one who sees him acting weird.

Leah: He’s under pressure

Tyler: He’s just trying to protect me from the meetings as I said. We can’t even use the patio, there are always vultures outside. You don’t understand the stress I’m under

Leah: Well Tyler I hope you’ll stay in touch

Tyler: I better run, Zack is dropping me back off at the store, I have to make sure that we get those customers in.

Leah: well we love you

Tyler: Love you Leah and I’m glad we’re getting back to a good space Bri. I’ll see you both soon *walks out*

Brian: Love you too *rolls eyes and looks at Leah* Well…

Tyler Confessional: These ladies just don’t understand that when the weight of the world is on your shoulders, sometimes you can’t say everything

Leah: *turns to Brian* What the hell we gonna do now…

Brian: We did all we can…I guess? Something is very wrong…VERY. WRONG.

As Leah and Brian continue catching up, the cameras pan across town as upbeat music plays and we see Pat and Nina walking into a coffee shop and taking seats on the patio.

Nina: *waves hello* Hey Pat! How are you?

Pat: I’m so good hun. How are you?

Nina: I’m good! So have you seen the news about Ty?

Pat: Now, who exactly is Ty? Is that the one that’s always around Trasheah? I mean Leah…Sorry, the coffee is strong.

Nina: *sips coffee* Oh girl it’s too early for the shade! But yes Ty is the one that’s always with Leah *laughs* have you met her yet?

Pat: *Laughs* It’s never too early. I haven’t met Ty yet so spill.

Pat Confessional: Nina talks like she doesn’t throw shade when she’s the queen of the shade kingdom!

Nina: Well… Fresh off the press bitch her husband is being indicted!

Pat: NO! Stop! Here in twitter?!

Nina Confessional: Is this karma for what Ty did to Jac a few years back? *shrugs shoulders* Could be!

Nina: Yes girl! In Twitter! For shady business deals!

Pat: I’m not surprised, anyone that Leah hangs out with, something always goes wrong. I might be speaking out of turn here but WHO ratted the poor guy out?

Nina: I mean he’s probably made lots of enemies after not having the funds to back up all his big talk. They talk a big game but obviously it’s all a facade! *sips coffee*

Pat: Usually guys like that, who talk a BIG game, are compensating for something else *makes a tiny hand gesture and laughs*

Nina: Anyways tell me this backstory on Leah! What skeletons does she have laying around in her closet...

Pat: Whew girl. This girl and I were best friends in college. We did everything together. But after the first year, things started to go in a different direction

Pat Confessional: Surprisingly, talking about Leah and our past is difficult. I loved her and she did me so wrong

Pat: She stole my Boyfriend of 5 years! I dated this stud in high school and we went to the same college together to continue our relationship. But Leah stole him from me

Nina: PATRICK! No she didn’t! *eyes widen* WAIT!!! Is this her husband that’s been with?

Pat: Sad to say…YES! He was the love of my life, Nina!

Nina: GIRL! That is like girl code 101! What the fuck is wrong with this hoe

Pat: She’s trash and always been trash! Not to mention she spread all these rumors that I was pregnant by a professor! That’s why it wouldn’t surprise me if she leaked any of Ty’s family information to the media. She’s low down and DIRTY!

Nina: *finishes the coffee and leans in closer to Pat* So you’re telling me I should warn Ty about Leah’s ways and that she leaked this info to the press?

Pat: I would! Maybe I have to get in touch with this Ty myself! This era of Leah needs to END

Nina: *laughs and starts gathering my belongings* Well this was eventful! We need to set something up with Ty.

Pat: Yes girl! We need to get to Ty. I’m so glad to have a friend like you! *hugs Nina*

Nina: *hugs Pat* I’ll shoot Ty a text and I’ll let you know what she says! *says goodbye and walks to my car*

As the scene shifts, we see the Ladies continuing to go through their days. Tyler and Brian are seen in their offices working hard and Leah is seen preparing dinner for her family. The camera then shifts to DEVine Spa where we see Devyn busy at work. Just then Pat and Tanya walk-in separately and take seats in the waiting room.

Devyn: *walks to the lobby* Pat? *sees Tanya* Oh hey Tanya. Both of y’all come on back.

Tanya: *sees Pat* oh my gosh I LOVE your shoes!

Pat: Dr. Devyn! I’m thrilled to meet you!!

Tanya: *stands up* hi, Devyn! Nice to finally meet you in person. And hi Pat, I’m Tanya Yolt.

Devyn: *closes the door to my office* Grab a seat ladies. Let’s chat.

Pat: Thanks for having me, this office is Beautiful! Tanya is awesome to meet you!

Pat Confessional: Dr. Devyn’s office is GORGEOUS. I’m in need of much-needed botox!

Devyn: You can thank Designs by Jac Carter for all my fashion sense.

Pat: Since I’ve returned to Twitter, I feel so… Casual!

Tanya: Oh so you just moved back here? Where did you live before

Pat: I moved to New York for a bit after college. Raised my son and now I’m back! Grew up here in Twitter

Devyn: I have a card, Pat. Don’t let me forget.

Devyn Confessional: Pat seems sweet. For me, sweet goes best with some salty. I’ll be keeping my eyes on that one.

Devyn: I just moved back to Twitter from New York. It was a great chapter of my life. I loved it but nothing is like home with friends you miss and love. So it was nice to come home. Moved into Twitter Hills.

Pat: I’ve heard great things about you, Devyn.

Devyn: Pat, who’s been talking about me? I need to thank them for these compliments.

Pat: My girlfriend Nina! She referred me to you!

Devyn: Nina is in a league of her own. Very special indeed.

Tanya: And Brian & Leah referred me to you. They said you’re the best of the best

Devyn: I LOVE Bri and like Leah. That’s awesome. I’ll tell them thank you.

Pat: Wait…*snaps head to look at Tanya* You know Liah? I mean Leah...

Tanya: Yeah girl! She’s a good friend of mine actually. Why?

Devyn: *looks at my tablet* Liah! Spill!

Pat: *looks at Tanya* Beware of Leah. Be careful around her. She is a horrible human

Tanya: Really? That’s weird. I mean she’s always been great to me.

Devyn Confessional: Leah has never done me wrong but I love so good Earl Grey Tea.

Tanya: How do you know her? Spill the tea!

Tanya Confessional: Is Pat secretly Sophie in disguise?

Pat: We knew each other in college. We were the best of friends. I trusted her with everything

Devyn: Leah seems more like a fly than a wasp. She’s not someone I would avoid per se. The girl has legs for days though.

Pat: Legs full of cellulite. but nevertheless legs

Devyn: We talking about college? Girl, we’ve all done somethings in our younger years we regret. My first one night stand being one. Leah the woman ain’t Leah the co-ed.

Pat: Let me ask you girls something *bends closer to whisper* have you seen these tabloids of “Tyler’s husband’s issues” Who do you think leaked them?

Devyn: No telling Tyler has people from all angles trying to bring him down. So Pat, you’re back to even the score with Leah it what?

Pat: Leah leaked those stories!

Tanya: Girl, seriously?! How do you know?!

Pat: Leah leaked a story in college that I got pregnant by a professor.. He even got fired!

Devyn: LEAH DID WHAT? *drops tablet*

Tanya: I don’t believe that for a second! They’re BFF’s

Pat: Leah has always had a relationship with the press because of her family.

Devyn: I’m with Tanya. That would be my kinda shady but Leah doesn’t seem vindictive like that.

Pat Confessional: I can't believe the girls aren’t believing me. I guess I have to tell them something to trust me

Devyn: *sits in the chair for botox* Pat, now you’ve got my blood pressure up… I can barely relax with your sneaky hoe ass

Devyn: *starts working on Tanya* Relax Tanya. You’re going to have early wrinkles with that frown.

Pat: I get it you ladies being skeptical…but there’s something you should know…*takes a deep breath* My Son Joey’s Father is Leah’s husband.

Tanya: Say what now?! Is he the professor that fucked you so you could graduate college?! Girl, BYE! Take this shit to Maury with your bullshit. Show me a damn DNA TEST!

Pat: Me and Leah’s husband were high school sweethearts who decided to go to college together. After he got me pregnant sophomore year, Leah took him from me. I left school. I had to take care of a child

Devyn: It’s refreshing to see that Tyler and I aren’t the only Eskimo sisters around here. Okay Tanya I’m done. Swap seats with Pat.

Pat: Apollo was another student. The professor thing was made up by Leah. So my boyfriend, Leah's husband, broke up with me!

Tanya: Okay let me see a pic of your child. *Pat shows a photo* Oh damn… they do kind of look alike

Pat: Tanya I wouldn’t lie about this.

Devyn: Leah’s a stepmother. Who knew. *laughs*

Tanya: Well girl, you’re still gonna have to prove to me because I’m still not 100% buying it because Leah’s my girl

Devyn: *works on Pat’s injections* Look Pat I don’t know you to call you a liar. You seem like a nice girl with a few scores to settle. Can I give you some advice? It might be best for you to trust cautiously. You know word travels fast in Twitter. I’d get a lawyer on retainer before this goes from small-town gossip to breaking news.

Devyn Confessional: I don’t trust as easy as Pat seems too. I’ve heard Tanya can be loyal but Pat seems so naive. I’m kinda scared for the girl when Leah finds out what’s been shared today.

Pat: *looks at Devyn* Thank You. I will. I guess I felt comfortable with you girls. You seem really down to earth. I hope all of this stays here for now.

Devyn: *checks my planner* I’m very down to earth and fun until you cross me. Just a warning. I have a few more appointments. If y’all want to go for drinks in about an hour, I’m down.

Pat: Sure! Let’s go for drinks!

Tanya: I’m always down for a good cocktail! *laughs* I'm always down for some good cock too!

As day shifts to night in Twitter, we hear ominous music as Pat is seen sitting at a dinner table in a dimly lit room. Just then, Leah walks across the street and into the restaurant. She sees Pat and approaches to take a seat.

Leah Confessional: After running into Pat at the boutique he called and asked to meet for dinner. I’d rather pull out my toenails than meet with him but I can be a grown-up and just see what he has to say.

Pat Confessional: I called Leah because this talk is long overdue. After talking to Dr. Devyn and Tanya. I should talk to Leah before things…well…get “leaked”

Pat: Thanks for meeting me.

Leah: Sure thing… *orders wine* You look…lovely

Pat: Thank you. Appreciate that. It’s been.. a long time.

Leah: So what inspired this dinner? Surprised you’re in Twitter

Pat: Well after seeing you. It seemed we should catch up. You left pretty abruptly that day.

Leah: Yes because I was…well am in shock to see you

Pat: Well it was time to come home. My son is going to college here and I wanted to be closer to him. New York was too busy.

Leah: You have a son?! It’s been that long? Geez

Pat: Sweetie. You knew I had a son. Don’t act like you forgot.

Leah: *sips wine* I recall hearing something about it but you left town before it was born so…

Pat Confessional: This is the Leah I know. Acts so innocent. She knows exactly what happened

Pat: Leah, let’s not play stupid. You loved telling people that Professor Smith got me pregnant.

Leah: I never said anything like that. Other people were talking

Pat: Whatever. We were best friends. You should have stuck up for me!

Leah Confessional: There was a rumor on our college campus that Pat was sleeping with our English professor to get a higher grade. Instead of using her brain she decided to give brain….and allegedly other things too!

Leah: I did! But you ran away! I can’t chase you across the country. I had your back. Even though I heard you talking crap about me when I started dating Apollo

Pat: Bull shit! Professor Smith lost his job because of those rumors. Don’t think I don’t know that your family has a relationship with the press.

Leah: Oh stop it, you sound insane. Stop blaming your mistakes on me. That’s your issue that hasn’t changed. You can’t accept fault or deal with the consequences

Pat: So what your telling me is that you don’t have a relationship with the press?

Leah: No! Why would I?

Pat: You are a LIAR Leah. I accepted my mistakes and issues. I became a single Mother! YOU STOLE APOLLO from ME!

Leah: Girl…Apollo never wanted you! You were a stalker and he almost put a restraining order on you

Pat: We dated for YEARS Leah!

Leah: Pat, you are delusional.

Leah Confessional: Pat and Apollo?! I have to laugh. The idea alone is hilarious

Pat: I’m Delusional!?! *slams table* You are a Lying sack of shit and EVERYONE will soon know the truth about you.

Leah: Truth about what? How fucking insane you are? Why did you even come back here?! You ran away now you’re coming back and starting shit

Pat: You have no idea baby! I came back for people to know the truth about YOU. You did this to YOURSELF

Leah: You sound so bothered. You really need a hobby *grabs purse* You always needed an audience for your dramatics so here you go babydoll *turns to other guests* Patrick Fireson is back ladies and gentleman and just as coo-coo as ever!

Pat: *waves Bye* BYE LIAH! I’m Back and BETTER THAN EVER!

As Pat sits with a glass of wine laughing and Leah storms out of the restaurant, the scene and episode end…

Next time on Ladies of Twitter…Devyn and Tyler meet up to catch up on each other’s lives and what other’s have been saying about Tyler. Elsewhere, Brian struggles with his personal life amid divorce. Then, as Nina prepares for her fashion design debut, the Ladies are all together for the first time, leading to tears, screams, and disaster!



Ladies of Twitter

Ladies of Twitter is a fictional virtual reality series on Twitter. Catch up on all 15 seasons, and catch season 16’s new episodes Sundays & Wednesdays HERE!